60% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 9: Finals and Neji's Revelation

章節 9: Finals and Neji's Revelation

Today was a big day for Konoha. The Chunin Exam Finals were being held in their very stadium. Rumors abounded but one thing was sure. Everyone wanted to see the 'Last Uchiha' and Gaara duke it out in the finals. However, a few people had bet almost everything they had on one Naruto Uzumaki. Tsunade, Sarutobi, Tsume and Shibi had all placed rather large bets on Naruto not only winning, but getting a chunin promotion as well. Shibi and Shino had been filled in on everything by Tsume who had overheard the conversation between Shino and Naruto.

Even thought the civilians were excited, the shinobis were anxious. Anyone of Chunin rank and above had been notified of plans for the invasion and the defense of the village. Tsunade would be at the Hospital along with Shizune. Jiraiya was going to be taking care of the summons supposedly assaulting the city. Sarutobi, along with a platoon of ANBU, would be facing Orochimaru. The only wild card they couldn't account for was Gaara and Naruto's group. As promised Naruto, Sora and Anko hadn't been seen in the village since they left. This had actually left Hana in a bit of a funk. She had enjoyed spending lunch with Naruto everyday.

People were making their way to the arena. The exams were set to start in approximatly one hour. However, something was off in the arena, the Hokage box, which should have only two chairs, had three. Sarutobi didn't know why they added the third, simply that it was a request from the Daimyos themselves. Apparently there was an important person, who had the support of all the daimyos, coming to attend today. They had also set up small screens in the stands with feeds from the Kage Box and a feed going two ways from the box to the daimyos seats as well. (basically the stands can hear the Kages and Daimyos talking, while the two previously mentioned can talk to each other)

East gate: 35 minutes later

A bright light appeared and three figures stepped through. "Ahhhhh its good to be home!" The golden haired one said.

A smack was heard through the small road, "Baka! We need to get ready for the exams. I'm sure Orochi-pedo is here too and we need to kill him for our promise." The silver haired one replied.

The golden haired one smiled sheepishly, "Jeese Aniki. I'm ready let's just get going already. I wana see Tenshi-chan!"

A purple haired woman rolled her eyes, "O really gaki? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanna pop the question!" she said.

Suddenly the gold haired man started to sweat, "No idea what your talking about Onee-chan. Anyways I'mouttaherecyabye!" He said suddenly disappearing in a golden flash.

Two chuckles were heard as the man pulled the woman closer, "Quit teasing him and he might actually propose." He said.

The woman just grinned, "He'll do it anyway. You heard his mom. She refused to let him leave until he promised her." The man simply shook his head and they both took off down the street. After all, you couldn't be late when you were an important part of the exams.

Stadium: 5 minutes prior to start.

Almost everyone had arrived. The Kazekage had just sat down in his chair when a man walked up the stairs. He was dressed in a breastplate which had an oriental silver dragon coiling around with the jaws right over the left side of his chest. His leggings were some chainmail that went very loose around his lower legs, and his arms were simply open for some reason. He wore a silver cloak and had an ornamental helmet. (the helmet is seriously only there for show so just imagine something dragon based and go with it) All in all this man looked ready for war. The Kazekage narrowed his eyes thinking maybe his plans were ruined. Sarutobi, on the other hand was surprised at who was wearing that getup. "Sora-kun is that you!"

Sora simply smiled under his helmet. "Yo Wyrm! Good to see you again. Ah yes before I forget." He reached into his armor and pulled out a Talisman with the symbols for Lightning, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. That talismen signified that he had the support of all 5 MAJOR COUNTRIES! Less than four people in the history of the worls had gained that talisman. This man had to be some great warrior or politician for all the diamyos to back him. Although only Sarutobi knew which it was.

"So you are the one they asked the extra seat for." Sarutobi said surprised.

Sora chuckled, "Quite right. I can't wait to see the matches."

The 'Kazekage' chimed in, "Yes the Uchiha and Gaara will make for quite the matchup." 'Not to mention I will start my plan during their match. kukukkuukku!'

Sora shook his head as he took his seat to the right of Sarutobi, while the Kazekage was on the left. "Your son, Gaara, is indeed strong but why do you focous only on those two?"

The Kazekage seemed to frown behind his cowl (you know that little piece of cloth over his mouth?). "My son is strong and the Uchiha's have always been powerful with their Dojutsu. The other shinobi here are nothing special." He said.

Sora nearly grinned, 'gotcha you bastard! The Kazekage has NEVER called Gaara his son. Good thing I had my informants ask around Suna.' "Hmmmmm Temari seems skilled, as does Shino and that Naruto kid seems to have progressed quite well recently."

Inwardly Sarutobi was laughing. He had caught on to Orochimaru the second he stepped into the box. Still, Orochimaru never could see 'hidden' potential, only the ones who shined upfront could get his attention. "Indeed. I am anxious to see Naruto-kun fight. However, we must get ready the fights will begin soon."

Stands: Same time

Anko had arrived and started looking for her friends. She spotted all the rookies sitting together along with their senseis and Hana. Anko could tell Naruto hadn't been able to see Hana yet because she looked nervous and downtrodden. 'O well! I'll just have to show off my new gear!' she thought giggling to herself. "OI! Nai-chan!" Anko yelled as she bee-lined for the group.

The rookies and senseis all turned to Anko only for the men's jaws to drop and the women's to widen in shock. Gone was the mesh shirt and trench coat. Gone was the miniskirt and shin gaurds. Instead she appeared to be wearing a skintight chain armor. Her entire body was covered but there were a few spots that had extra amounts of the armor. A piece extended past her elbows and fell to a tip although it just hung there. On her left and right hips down her thighs was a plated skirt that extended down to her mid calf and meshed into a small chainmail skirt to cover her ass and front. She had a Wakizashi strapped to her left hip. She pulled off the look rather well, not to mention that she looked downright scary to anyone who wasn't going to war. After all this chainmail had the same Dragon motif as Sora's.

Kurenai was happy though and smiled, "Ko-chan! How are you? I haven't seen you in a month."

Anko simply smirked back, "Well, If you must know..." Everyone seemed to lean in, "I was with my Husband." She said grinning happily.

The Jounin's all seemed a bit shocked that she was married. Kurenai felt sad because she wasn't invited to a wedding but Hana picked up on that and opened her mouth, "So when was the wedding?"

Anko shook her head, "We didn't go through all that. Too much hassle. We love each other and that's enough." They didn't have to know she was married by some mark.

Kurenai seemed to brighten at that, "So whose the lucky guy?" The gennin by now were scared that anyone could love this crazy lady, however the male Jounin's were wondering how someone could get close enough without getting killed by either Kurenai or Anko herself. It was a well known fact that civilians only called her the 'snake bitch or whore' because they COULDN'T get into her pants.

Anko leaned in and whispered just loud enough for everyone to hear, "THAT! is a secret." She said giggling and taking a seat next to Kurenai. "besides you'll all know soon enough." She leaned back and watched as the contestants, including Sasuke seeing as Sarutobi had threatened to burn all of Kakashi's Icha Icha if he was late, stood in a line.

Hana looked at Anko and said, "You wouldn't happen to know where Naruto-kun is would you?" Hana was a little scared that the four years had changed Naruto too much and maybe he wouldn't like her anymore.

Shiroi perked her head up as she heard about her comrade and partner. She had been taken care of by Hana but she missed Naruto almost as much as Hana had.

Anko chuckled, "If I know that dope, He'll make some scene to come in and impress you. I swear, he wouldn't shut up about you the whole time!" Hana blushed at that but was happy he was so dedicated. Hinata looked a bit down but a nudge from Akamaru seemed to brighten her up. "Look its starting!" She said as clouds started to gather in the sky.

Stadium: Kage Box

The day had started with some cloudy skies but as the Hokage started his speech the clouds seemed to move closer together.

"Today we are here to watch these young shinobi battle for their right to be promoted to the rank of Chunnin!" He started. Once the cheering had died down, "Now, Chunnin's are expected to lead their compatriots into battle. They must be strong of both mind and body. I urge all of you to watch and cheer for those who put their all on the line and wish to show you a good match. Now let us BEGIN!"

Sarutobi sat down, "An inspiring speech, Wyrm, however, You know they will not cheer for one." Sora said. Sarutobi could only look down at that.

"Speaking of one, where is young Uzumaki? Don't tell me he's chickening out." The 'Kazekage' stated.

Sora simply smirked and looked at he clouds, "Word of advice Kazekage-sama. NEVER count Naruto Uzumaki out. It just might be your downfall." Orochimaru scowled under his cowl, 'The dead last hurt me? How absurd.'

Stadium: Ground Floor

Genma told the applicants to stand straight and look presentable, then he held out a list with the matchups, "Take a look at this. Dosu has dropped out so the extra round has been cancelled. The rest of the matches stay the same. Now would Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyuuga please remain here, and the rest of you take your places in the competitors box." Everyone complied with him and soon only Neji and Genma stood on the battlefield.

"Hmph. I see Uzumaki has decided to accept fate and surrender the match to me." Neji said haughtily. Little did he know how wrong he was. The clouds gathered and people heard lightning cracking above. The stands started to buzz with activity as they looked up.

Valhalla: Same Time

"OI! Everyone shut your giant pieholes my son is fighting down there!" Kushina yelled. Suddenly the whole hall went quiet. You see, after training and fighting with the various warriors for two years, Naruto was respected, and feared, throughout the warrior plane. The gods themselves had given them the day off and joined them to watch one of their favorite warriors showcase his abilities.(all gods are female unless otherwise stated... after all how else can you explain the divine wrath perverts get hit with?)

As Neji made his comment about fate. Said god groaned, "Kami can't you put some sense into that boy? I swear he's worse than rabid fangirls!"

Kami chuckled, "You know thats not how it works." Fate just groaned again and hoped that Naruto could beat some sense into him.

Raijin chuckled, "Fate hush! Naruto is about to enter the field. You can change Neji's complex later." 'Now let's see what you can do boy! You better put my gift to good use!' he thought.

Stadium floor

The lightning in the cloud strangely stopped crackling. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the ground. What most people see when they see lightning is a flash of blue-ish white. However this lightning bolt was pure GOLD. Lightning crackled where it struck the ground as a figure appeared. He had golden hair and electric blue eyes. Two bangs framed his face and he had it tied in a ponytail at the base of his neck. He had on an ANBU type armor that was a dark blue and had no shoulder gaurds. His pants were ANBU style black with dark blue lightning bolts dancing across the bottom. His shirt was a plain black shirt with no sleeves. He had a kunai holster on his right thigh. He was about 5' 11" and seemed to be about 16 or 17 years old.


One look at him and half the girls in the girls in the stands were drooling. Well, until a blast of KI, rivaling a Sannin, hit them. Hana was happily drooling and daydreaming about the New Naruto when she noticed the looks he was getting. That prompted the KI and the glare she gave just about every woman eyeing HER Naruto.

Anko chuckled, "Now Now, Hana. You can't kill them for eyeing your boyfriend like a piece of meat."

Hana scoffed and started therapeutically stroking Shiroi who purred in pleasure. "Maybe I can't kill them. That doesn't mean I can't scare them away from MY Naruto!" 'That's right he's MINE suckers and all of you missed out! Now I can't wait to see just how much he has "grown" lately.' Hana suddenly blushed at the insinuation her feral side gave her.

Anko was laughing by now, "Maybe so but I have a feeling that your mom is gonna be happy when all this is over." Hana's blush seemed to increase as a few chuckles rang through the crowd.

Kage Box

Sora chuckled at his brother's flashy entrance while Sarutobi and Orochimaru seemed a little surprised at the display of power. NO ONE had that much control over lightning. Well, unless you were blessed by Raijin. "You haven't seen anything yet my lords and ladies." Sora said. "By the end of this exam, I guarantee Naruto will have earned his spot as a Chunin."

Orochimaru still seemed slightly sceptical, "He was the Dead Last of the academy. How could he have changed that much in only seven months?"

Sora looked at him and replied, "Watch the fight Kazekage-sama. I will answer you later."

Orochimaru seethed slightly but kept silent and resolved to wait for the answer. After all, the best things in life are worth waiting for no?


Naruto smirked as he looked at the stunned audience. Many shinobi recognized his hair style and paled when they realized exactly WHO he looked like. 'Good seems some will back my claim' He thought. He waved fondly at the senseis and air kissed Hana who smiled broadly back. He turned his gaze to Neji. He knew all about the branch family and especially Neji's story with Kumo. He had met Hizashi in Valhalla. One of the best men he had ever had the pleasure of knowing and befriending. He was glad he had met him too, he had helped Naruto with a little side project of his that should be of great help.

The proctor stepped forward to start the match when Neji looked at him. Genma quietly waited to see what he would do. Neji turned to Naruto and said, "The skills you shown in the exams were impressive, but it is my fate to win this match. Save yourself the pain and forfeit now." He activated his byakugan to try to intimidate Naruto.

Naruto looked... unimpressed. "You expect that to scare me Neji? I am not one of those fanboys you have chasing you around."

Neji looked absolutly livid. "I am a BOY! Proctor begin the match."

Genma nodded and said, "First Match: Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuuga. HAJIME!"

Neji simply took his Gentle Fist stance and waited. Naruto was a hothead and the dead last. He would make the first move according to Neji. Naruto sighed and looked at the Hyuuga section. He noticed how the majority of the main members had sneers on their faces at this fight. 'Perhaps I should give them a REASON to sneer. After all they all believe their taijutsu is SO ultimate. Bunch of morons. I'll show them that they need to change.' he thought. So he put his plan into action.

"I hope your not going to rely on your gentle fist style Neji. That won't work againest me." Naruto said loudly making sure the Hyuuga heard.

Neji bristled, "The Gentle Fist is the best taijutsu there is. I don't need anything else!"

Naruto dropped into his Kitsune stance and stared at him. "In taijutsu, you may be right." Naruto shot forward at Jounin level speeds. Even Neji was surprised at that. He quickly shot a punch with his right that was diverted by Neji, albeit barely, and started an insanely fast barrage of punchs to keep Neji from striking back. After a full minute Naruto jumped back barely winded while Neji was actually breathing hard. "Your taijutsu is indeed formidable. However, your Ninjutsu skills flat out suck thanks to the shortsightedness of your clan."

In the stands, the Hyuuga's were pissed. Well aside from most of the branch family who were never taught the stronger moves of the Gentle Fist, and Hiashi, and Hanabi. Hiashi was actually smirking, 'I have long acknowledged our weakness in using nothing but Jyuuken. After all, I myself was beaten many times by stronger opponents BECAUSE I used only taijutsu. Perhaps Naruto can bring this to light.'

Neji glared, but Naruto continued, "What happens when you meet someone who can blast you from long ranges until your out of chakra? What if someone can get past the legendary Kaiten your family is so proud of? Allow me to demonstrate."

Naruto flew through handseals and then thrust his hands forward directing the attack, "Raikyū!" (Lightning Ball) He shot a large ball of electricty at Neji.

Neji quickly began to turn, shocking and angering many of the main branch members, "Kaiten!" (Heavenly Rotation) The lightning quickly dispersed and Neji stopped his spinning.

As Neji stopped however, many were stunned. Behind him, with a Kunai to his throat, was Naruto. "Your Kaiten has a serious flaw. When you slow down, you become vulnerable to attacks." The Hyuuga's were NOT happy with this. How had that boy gotten his hands on a description of the Kaiten? How could he counter it so flawlessly?

Neji turned his head slightly and glared. Just as the Proctor stepped forward however, Naruto jumped back as Neji attempted to Juuken him in the stomach. Naruto sighed, "I do not wish to fight you Neji. I know about the seal on your forehead and I want to help you get rid of it."

Neji froze for a minute, then he smirked, "Your within the field of my Divination." Naruto mentally cursed but copied the stance that Neji got into, shocking the Hyuuga's once again. "Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!" (Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms) He yelled dashing forward to strike Naruto.

"Tenohira ni hansuru!" (Counter to Palms) Naruto yelled meeting every attack with the same attack of his own and adding chakra to overpower Neji's.

When the attacks stopped, many were shocked once again by Naruto. He stood with his palm extended to Neji's pointed fingers obviously blocking his strikes. The Main Branch Hyuuga were furious. First the Kaiten, now one of the best attacks ever invented and it was blocked by a MERE GENNIN! This was absurd. The clan elders were already plotting to get Naruto arrested for stealing clan secrets.


Kakashi smiled and thought, 'I may not have been much of a sensei to you, Naruto. However, I am proud to see you standing strong. I have to remember to thank you for my wakeup call and Sora for training you so well.'

Anko whistled obviously impressed. She hadn't known he had developed a technique like that. Asuma and Kurenai were equally impressed as were the Gennins, especially Tenten and Lee.


"INDEED, MY YOUTHFUL COMPANION, WE MUST APPLAUD HIS YOUTHFULLNESS!" Gai said. They were ready to hug but one glare from Naruto stopped that in its tracks.

Hana on the other hand... "GO NARUTO! KICK THAT HYUUGA'S ASS! SHOW'EM WHO'S BOSS!" Well her feral side was loving the power he was showing and, with severe Naruto withdrawal, had come out. Shiroi was yipping alongside Hana, cheering her master in her own way.

Kage Box

Orochimaru and Sarutobi were stunned. Naruto had just stopped both the Kaiten and the Hakke Rokujūyon Shō in one match! Sarutobi knew that the Hyuuga's would be pissed about it and Orochimaru was livid that he had missed such a potiential body.

Sarutobi turned to a grinning Sora, "How did he develop that technique?"

Sora smiled, "When we went out of town, we met some Hyuuga who offered to help Naruto learn how to fight againest a Juuken user. He developed the technique so he could fight againest Neji. So if the clan wants to complain about clan secrets, we did not steal them!" He said glaring at Sarutobi making sure he understood. Once he got a nod, "Kazekage-sama, you asked what could change him? I counter that with this question: What could you do with four years of training under the best warriors to have ever walked this or any land?" He said.

Orochimaru, and most of the stands, were curious what that meant. Naruto was only 13 right?


Naruto stared at Neji as they stood across from one another. "You know nothing of this seal Uzumaki." Neji said. "It is the dirty little secret of th Hyuuga clan and the bane of the Branch house." (Insert sob story with Neji's father here) "So you see Uzumaki. Fate determines everything and Fate has determined that I will win this battle." Neji said confidently.

The stadium was quiet. That was a hard story to take in. "Are you done crying and hiding now Neji?" Naruto asked, his eyes cold and uncaring. "Because your not the only one with a seal placed on him at birth." Up in the Kage box, Sarutobi grimaced and knew the fallout of this would be hard. "Let me tell you a story. The Yondaime Hokage was the greatest Hokage to ever live in Konoha. He defeated the Demon Fox, Kyuubi, on October 10. The same day I was born."

Neji scoffed, "Everyone knows..."

"I'M NOT FINISHED HYUUGA SO SHUT YOUR TRAP AND LET ME FINISH MY STORY!" Naruto roared, "I listened to you. Now you listen to me. The Yondaime could not KILL the Kyuubi. It is a high level demon, no mere mortal could kill it. Instead he had to seal it. But, a human's coils cannot take a demon's chakra. However, a baby, who is under a day old, could take it in because the chakra coils were not yet fully formed. So the Yondaime decided to seal the beats into a baby born that day. Normally this is an S ranked secret."

Neji looked a little pale, "So you mean to tell me..."

"That's right Neji. I am known as a Jinchuuriki. However, The Yondaime couldn't ask just anyone to use their child, o no. He sealed it into his own son. My true name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, Son of Kushina Uzumaki, and Minato Namikaze. I have been beaten and abused since the day I could walk. My own teachers strived to make me learn the wrong things. I get charged triple price for outdated goods and thats IF I'm allowed in the store." Naruto said. "However, I no longer carry the Kyuubi no Kitsune." That sent many people for a loop especially the council members.

"Then where is it?" Neji asked only slightly afraid.

"O Kyuubi is gone. He can never return to this plane of existance so long as I am here." 'Not entirely true but it'll give me some protection.' Naruto thought. "Long story short Neji? You aren't the only one to suffer."

Neji scowled, "Perhaps you are right Uzumaki. However, I am still fated to win this fight!" He said his Byakugan blazing.

Valhalla: same time

Most of the warriors were sad at Naruto's life. However that all ended with Neji's proclomation.

"ALRIGHT THATS IT!" Fate said. She raised her finger and brought it down. Lightning came down and struck to the right of Neji and Naruto.

Everyone sweatdropped at the note.

Arena Floor

The people in the stadium looked confused until Naruto read the note out loud. "Dear Neji Hyuuga, I am Fate. Please take note that I do NOT support you in being my bitch. Kindly stop your horrible acting and get on with your life. Sincerely, Fate." Everyone sweatdropped. "O wait there's more, P.S. Naruto, please knock some sense into him. He could use it! O and Yami and Luck say they want 'payment' for their luck, whatever that means." If it was possible, the sweatdrops got bigger. Naruto, on the other hand, was sweating bullets. 'Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it means!'

Hana was a little surprised but suddenly stood up and yelled to the sky, "Hell No! He's Mine first!" A crack of lightning hit near her and she sat down blushing.


Kushina looked at Yami and Luck, "You know what I made him promise yes?" They nodded and laughed.

Luck spoke up, "We just wanted to see what Hana would do."

Yami chuckled, "Ya, unless she wants to share, then he's free game!" Everyone sweatdropped (that seems to happen alot huh?)

Yami pouted at their faces, "What? I can't help it! Those whiskers make me hot!" Kami simply shook her head.


Naruto sighed and wanted to get this farce of a fight over with. "Sorry Neji, but I'm done with this fight. Prepare to lose."

Neji was prepared but all he heard was, "Fuin level 4 KAI!" before he blacked out. Naruto had a resistance seal on him currently at level 8. It was basically like walking through water constantly. By releasing four levels, he had become fast enough to move like Gai when he had the first two gates open. He had simply knocked Neji out after he disappeared from veiw.

"Shousa, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze!" Genma said.

The crowd was silent for the longest time until, Kakashi stood and clapped. Hana would have but she had already embarresed herself enough. Like a wave the applause crescendo'ed, It was defeaning. Naruto smiled and waved happily. He spotted Hana and waved even more happily when she blew him a kiss.

Sora and Sarutobi were smiling brightly seeing Naruto get so much recognition. As Naruto made his way up, Gaara and Shino were called to the fights. Shino, however, knew he could not win and instantly forfieted. His reasoning was, "My companions shall not fight him, therefore I shall not fight him." He just might have earned a Chunin jacket for that.

Kankuro and Sasuke were called and Kankuro promptly forfeited because he didn't want to show his abilties before the invasion.

By now, the crowd was unruly. The first fight had been exciting. These were boring beyond all belief. When Temari and Shikamaru were called Shikamaru was ready to quit but Naruto "accidently" knocked him over the edge and into the arena. The fight, however, was interesting on an intellectual level. While, in the end, Shikamaru had won. He quit because he could no longer hold his Jutsu long enough to win. While he certainly had the mind to be Chunin, he didn't have the body to do it.

Kage Box

The council had gathered and quickly went to the Kage box. While most of the lower members stood on the stairs, the clan heads stood by Sora while the advisors and Danzo stood in front of the Kage. The video feeds had been cut to the stands although the Daimyos were still listening.

"Sarutobi! Why did you not tell us of Namikaze-san's heritage?" Homura asked.

"Simple, You blabbed about Naruto having the Kyuubi in him. Why would you not blab about him being the son of Minato and bringing all of his enemies on us?" Sarutobi replied cooly.

"There's no way that demon brat is the fourth's son!" One Satsumi Haruno screeched.

Sora scowled, "Why are the civilians here anyways Wyrm? This is a shinobi matter. According to the laws of your own village they have no say in such things."

Sastsumi was about to retort when the Fire Daimyo came over the video, "Indeed. In addition, Why is the council bothering us when we SHOULD be watching two aspiring Chunins? Save it for afterwards. And Sarutobi?" The aged Hokage looked at him. "I want a full account before we are in front of the council along with a meeting with Naruto and any protectors he wishes to bring." Sarutobi nodded while the Fire Daimyo smirked as he saw the smile Sora was sporting.

"Toshiro. I'll be happy to accompany the Hatchling when he attends if that pleases you?" Sora said.

"Indeed Ryuujin. It will be good to see you again. I am glad you accepted the special seat." Toshiro replied (fire daimyo).Sora nodded his head and returned to the now ended fight as the council filed out.


Luckily the fight between Shikamaru and Temari had taken about half an hour, so Naruto was charged and ready to go after Gaara. Naruto knew all about Shukkaku, having been briefed on Demons of all types. He had seen the fight between Lee and Gaara and knew about Gaara's armor so all he had to do was either scare Shukkaku, like Sora, or defeat him by blasting through his sand.

He would see what Gaara wanted to do. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too damaging.

Gaara grinned manically, "Mother says you are strong. Not as strong as Big One, but you will spill much delicious blood for Mother."

Naruto scowled, "Tell Mother, that she knows whats going on here and I doubt she can beat me."

Gaara scowled and replied, "We shall see Namikaze!"

Genma quickly shouted, "First semi-final Match! Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze Vs. Sabaku no Gaara. Hajime!" (I know I said Gaara no Suna earlier sry bout this.)

Gaara started out by sending wave after wave of sand to chase Naruto all around the arena. Now Naruto had decreased his seal to stage 5. He could outrun Lee right now so he easily kept ahead of the sand. Although it did not allow him time to use any of his techniques. Gaara knew that Naruto could hurt him with that Byakurai technique of his and he was not going to give Naruto that chance. Too bad for Gaara.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" (do I really need to?) Suddenly there were 20 Narutos and they each sped off in a different direction. Only three got away but that was enough. Three shouts rang throughout the stadium in a triangle formation. "Rairyuudan no Jutsu!" (Lightning Dragon Technique) Three dragon's of lightning charged the Jinchuuriki turning his sand into glass. At the last possible second the sand formed a dome and protected Gaara.

For a moment, all was silent as the Jutsu's disappated. Then, the Glass came crumbling down and was quickly ground back into sand. The two Kage bunshins were captured and destroyed while the real Naruto was on the run once again. 'Dammit! He can just break the glass down. Guess I have no choice but to use what dad taught me.' Naruto thought. 'Now I just gotta find his seal.'

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" He created another twenty but they immediatly went through handsigns and yelled, "Raikyū" (Lightning Ball) The twenty clones quickly charge forward behind the balls and headed for Gaara. Three balls made it to Gaara while the others were intercepted. They quickly turned the sand armor her wore into glass. However it started to break and thats when the clones started pounding him. The sand quickly sprang back to life and destroyed eight clones before the others jumped back. However, they had done their job. The seal was visible on Gaara's chest.

Naruto smirked and ordered his clones into action. He held his hand out and the Kanji's for the elements appeared in purple flame on his right hand. Ten of his clones quickly blew out another set of Raikyū (Lightning Ball) towards Gaara and promptly disappeared, their chakra spent. However, the last two clones quickly charged taking up the remaining sand while Naruto rushed past and slammed his hand into Gaara's chest, yelling, "Gogyo Fuin!" (5 elements seal) Gaara promptly passed out and the sand stopped moving.

Genma stepped forward and checked Gaara, "Shousa! Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze!"

The cheering from Leaf was astronomical. However, one man was pissed. 'I needed him to distract the Leaf! No matter I still have that Demon's promise of help in return for fighting the Dragon person who is supposedly around here. Maybe its that new guy, meh, I don't care as long as I get to kill Sarutobi-sensei!' Orochimaru thought.

The rookies were stunned at this turn of events. While beating Neji was one thing, beating this pyscopath killer was another. Sasuke wanted to fight Naruto to see how far he had come. Sakura and Ino were both happy to cheer on Sasuke, although they did cheer for Naruto during his fights. Lee wanted to test himself as well. Tenten was a little wary to fight him. Chouji, Shikamaru, and Shino didn't want to fight him if they could help it, Kiba was smiling knowing he lost to the strongest guy here, and Hinata was happy that her crush was so strong.

The senseis however were mostly in shock, except for Gai who was screaming about YOUTHFULLNESS or some crap like that. Kurenai and Asuma had always assumed that Naruto really didn't have much talent. Well you know what they say right? Assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME. Kakashi was simply happy, although a bit stunned at the increase in strength, while Anko was sporting a grin the size of Russia.

Up in the daimyo box, Toshiro was sporting a grin similar to that of Anko's, 'Damn am I glad Sora told me to bet on the Yondaime's gaki! I'm making a fortune!' Similar thoughts were being made by the daimyo of Wave and Tsunade, Sarutobi, Kakashi and anyone else who bet on him, not to mention himself. After all why not rake in the dough under a fake name? All it took was a shadow clone and a henge into his sexy form.

The next match was called forward and it was Temari vs. Sasuke. When the battle started, Temari seemed to be winning. She planned ahead more but she didn't quite take into account for Sasuke's fire Jutsu's. After trying to get near Temari for the better half of 10 minutes Sasuke gave that up and proceeded to fire Great Fireball at her, since she had been using gusts of chakra infused wind to keep him away, he had higher reserves. After a few minutes, she simply gave up rather than get burned to a crisp.

Genma stepped forward, "We will give everyone a short ten minute break to grab refreshments and go to the latrine. This is for the fighters as well as the spectators. Please enjoy."

Kage Box

"If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have some quick business to attend to." Sora said as he bowed out and vanished in a flash of silver lightning.

Orochimaru was surprised but asked, "Does he do that often?"

Sarutobi simply laughed, "All the time. You get used to it."


Naruto appeared next to Hana with a golden lightning Shunshin. He grabbed her, and Shiroi and finger waved to everyone before they both disappeared once again. Anko slipped away as well.

Naruto's apartment

When they appeared in Naruto's apartment, Hana quickly forced him againest the wall and started to french kiss him. When they finally broke for air, Naruto shook his head and said, "WOW! What was that for?"

Hana chuckled, "THAT was for coming back and owning all your competition." She replied.

"HMMMM I gotta do that more often then." Naruto said chuckling. He stepped back and Hana got a close up look at him. Long story short, he was masculine, he was slightly more feral, he was her age, and he was HOT!

Naruto turned serious, "Hana you know about the invasion right?"

Hana nodded and patted a scroll. "I've got the boys right here."

Naruto smiled, "Good because I've got a present for them." He pulled out a scroll and unpacked what seemed to be larger versions of Shiroi's armor but with wings that could extend and retract.

Hana's eyes lit up like a chirstmas tree. "Are those...?"

Naruto nodded, "These are for them. I know you couldn't stand to see them hurt so I had them made."

She smiled and kissed him gently, "Thank you very much Naruto. You have no idea how much that means to me."

Naruto smiled brightly at her and pulled out an Anbu breastplate like his except this one was a deep brown that matched Hana's eyes. "This is for you Tenshi-chan. Its blessed by Dragons to withstand high temperatures and protect you from them. It also gives you a slight protection from the other elements. If you channel chakra into it... well you'll get a chainmail like Onee-chan's. However, yours will be the same color as the armor with green leaves embroided into it. It won't stop a direct strike but anything glancing will bounce right off."

"Na-Naruto! Thats amazing. Are you sure you can give it to me though?" Hana asked.

Naruto sighed, "Yes Tenshi-chan. This was made by a special friend of my dad's and the dragons wanted me to give it to you." 'Not to mention the Hiraishin Seal put into the armor so I can teleport to you in an instant if anything of Retriever status or higher shows up' Naruto thought.

Hana smiled gently and took it before taking off her Chunin vest, underneath she wore a plain dark green shirt. She donned the armor and was surprised at how light and supple it seemed. "Thank you again Naruto." Hana said smiling.

Naruto shook his head, "It's no problem. Now let's head back I have a fight to get to!"

Hana chuckled at her boyfriend who seemed to gain a fire in his eyes at the idea of a fight. "Right!."

With Anko and Sora: Anko's apartment

Anko arrived and looked at Sora, "So is he here?"

Sora sighed and nodded, "You want him hun?"

Anko seemed a bit surprised and asked, "I thought you didn't want me to fight him?"

Sora shook his head, "I don't, however, You ARE strong enough to take him. Just don't get cocky, and let me help you ok?" He said more quietly at the end.

Anko quickly wrapped her arms around her husband and smiled, "Alright Ryu-kun."

Sora smiled and kissed her, "You know those two are probably making out right now huh?"

Anko chuckled, "Hell ya they are!" The couple's laughter could be heard down the street.

Stadium: Final Round

The spectators and special guests had returned to their seats. The 'Last Uchiha' and the newly proclaimed 'Namikaze' were facing off down in the arena. Sora had taken his place at the Sandaime's side, however Anko had joined him. Naruto had told Hana he would fight beside her in the Invasion. The ANBU and Jounin were all tense ready for the signal to start.

Genma stepped onto the field and looked at the two opponents, "Final Match: Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze! Hajime!"

Sasuke slid into his Interceptor stance and activated his Sharingan. Naruto dropped into his own stance and smirked at Sasuke. "Well you wanna get this started or shall I?"

Sasuke smirked right back, "I don't need the advantage to fight you. Bring it!" (He is not cocky. Kakashi has beat him down over the training period HOWEVER, he still has issues that will be hammered out)

Naruto chuckled and replied, "Fine YOU ASKED FOR IT!" he charged forward and the two settled into a deadly taijutsu dance. After five minutes, feathers started to fall and the people began to feel sleepy. An explosion in the Kage box brought most people out of it. The Invasion of Sand and Sound had come to Konoha!


(Author Kami style: Konan summoning no justu!) Konan appears half naked. "WTF!" she says staring at the author, "What am I doing here?" 'Uhhhhh I wanted to see you?' "I don't care send me back!" 'Hey I'm the author! I used the kami style to bring you here!' "Bullshit Pein..." Pein appears Rinnegan Blazing "Dammit author I told you to stop using that Jutsu! I am God! Plus Konan was about to do something really good!" (Author Demon style: Pein distruction Jutsu) 'Freaking God my ass. Konan get outta here He'll be back at the base.'Konan poofs away. 'Why does Pein always ruin my fun?' (Chibi perverted Author Pouts)

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