26.66% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 4: Training and Rightful Recompense

章節 4: Training and Rightful Recompense

Naruto was awoken at 5 AM by a bucket of cold water and his matress being flipped. He gurgled and spit the water out then shot up staring at his assaulter venomously.


"Its time for training hatchling and you are late!" Sora replied.

Naruto grumbled something about sadistic brothers when he smelled eggs and bacon in the kitchen. He looked at Sora who nodded to the bathroom before returning to the kitchen. Naruto performed the morning rituals and, after getting dressed in his new attire, he made his 30 clones and sent them to the 24 hour library. He sat at the table and looked hungrily at the breakfast that was almost ready. Now Sora was no world class cook but when all you eat is ramen, well lets just say Naruto devoured the breakfast at a pace that made Hiraishin look slow.

Sora chuckled and said, "Alright follow me we are going to Training Ground 8. I scoped it out yesterday and found no one uses it. Plus its near your team's training ground so less time moving from one to the other." Naruto nodded and after Shiroi jumped into Naruto's Haori and snuggled herself into a rather large pocket on the side of his leg. Luckily it was early morning so no one saw the two jumping across rooftops to get there.

Sora turned and said, "Ok Naruto. Here's how this will work. We will start with some stretchs to get the muscles warmed up. Following that you will run around Konoha's outter wall for 5 laps. Then 50 pushups, situps, pull-ups, and squats. Then 20 minutes of meditation this will let you relax and increase your chakra control. You should be done by 7. At this time, I will decide if you join your team or if you send a Reinforced Kage Bunshin in your place while I train you personally. Luckily, Since I am a Demon Hunter by nature I know all about the Kitsune-ken style and i can correct your flaws."

Naruto looked shocked at this news."But Sensei, You didn't tell me you hunt demons!"

Sora was a little taken aback. 'O man, I really need to explain everything! Stupid procrastination.' He sighed, "Right. Well you see, Dragon's are the natural guardians of Heaven contrary to popular belief there are no battle angels. They are all messengers for the gods. Dragon's are the fighters for Heaven and the Gaurdians of Balance. We do not allow the scale to tip too far to the evil nor the good side. In reality, My title Ryuujin means the dragon's chose me as their commander and, as such, I have a say in Kami's Council. Though I rarely use it, as a default Dragons side with Kami unless there is a major struggle in which case I intervene."

Naruto nodded, "Makes sense. Without light, there is no shadow. Without shadows, you cannot see the light. Not to mention you being on the Council is kinda a no brainer."

Sora smiled, "Very good Naruto! And the position is more for show but I still have weight when I need it. Now, as I was saying, if you don't go to your meetings, then we will train in your style till lunch with 10 minute breaks now and again. After lunch, You make about 300 clones and we will work on Chakra Control. At the end of the day, I will determine if you learn a new Jutsu or not. If you go with your team, when you return we will train your taijutsu WHILE your clones do chakra control. Is this understood?"

Naruto readily agreed with a loud, "HAI SENSEI!" Sora chuckled as Naruto attached his weights and, after reading the instructions, added enough weight to make them about 20 pounts on his feet and 15 for each his hands. Sora shook his head as Naruto got to work. He suddenly remembered he had an errand he wanted to run but had one last thing to tell Naruto.

Sora walked over and said, "Listen Naruto, Today I want you to join your team. If you don't get training, practice walking on water OUT OF VEIW of your teammates with kage bunshin and meditate. After all I know you can hide from Kakkashi. You have a reputation for hiding from even ANBU."

Naruto beamed and said, "Hai sensei. What will you be doing?"

Sora smiled and replied, "Seeing someone who needs to be taught a lesson."

Naruto was worried for a moment and said, "You aren't going to hurt anyone are you?"

Sora shook his head and replied, "No maybe just scare him a little."

Naruto chuckled and said, "Okay then, HAVE FUN!" and took off for his laps.

"Now its time to see an old man about what is rightfully Naruto's" Sora said as he headed to the Inuzuka compound. He would need some help to convince the old kage he was real.

Hokage Office. 7 AM

Sarutobi Hiruzen was many things. Sandaime Hokage of Konoha, Sensei to the Sannin, student to the Sho and Nidaime Hokages, and Kami no Shinobi among many others. But even he being all that he is has never defeated the greatest enemy of the kages... PAPERWORK! Even though he had arrived not but 10 minutes ago, his desk seemed to be full of the damn forms and files he needed to fill out! Right now he was cursing the Nidaime Hokage for giving him this job. Little did he know his greatest trial was approaching fast, and he could only hope that the man became his ally... and not his worst nightmare.

Sora had already fetched both Kuromaru and Tsume to back his story and claims. He was constantly holding back his Killer Intent (KI from now on) when he thought about all the Sandaime SHOULD have done for Naruto and yet never did. Naruto should never have been denied his Heritage! The legacy he carries is large and Sora dearly hoped the old Kage had very good reasons for his actions. If not... then may Kami have mercy on his soul, for Ryuujin takes no prisoners.

Kuro and Tsume were following Sora and both were inwardly praying that the old Kage could withstand Sora's wrath. Tsume was hoping that this silver haired titan could finally reignite the fabled 'Will of Fire' in the Sandaime. She had watched as he sat back and gave in to old age and was far too tired to run this village with the grip necessary to make the politics disappear. Maybe, just maybe, Sora could make the Kage see just what he had allowed to happen.

Sora walked into the Hokage tower and right upto the secretary. "I need to speak with your Hokage please." He said

The secretary looked up and said,"I'm sorry but no one is allowed to see the Hokage without an appointment. If you need one we have an opening in 2 months."

Sora scowled and said, "Ok then I guess I'll just... do this!" He held his hand out to the right and stuck his forefinger and middle finger out, "BYAKURAI!" An arc of silver lightning burned a hole in the wall and the secretary looked shocked. He leaned onto the desk, "Now miss that was only at 10% of my power, may I have that appointment now?" The secretary nodded dumbly and paged the Hokage. Tsume was slightly turned on thinking, 'DAMN! if that was 10% I wonder what else he can do!'

As they walked up the stairs, Tsume was curious why no ANBU came to the sight. Sora noticed her perplexed state and said, "If your worrying about ANBU, don't. I cast a simple silencing Jutsu right before Byakurai." Tsume simply nodded and they walked into the office.

When the Sandaime heard he had visitors, he was hoping they would distract him from this dreaded paperwork. Imagine his surprise when one of his visitors is none other than the Inuzuka clan head, Tsume herself! He wondered who the silver haired man was idly but mostly brushed him off, anything to get out of paperwork for a few minutes. "Ahhhhhhhh Tsume-san, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He asked.

Sora stepped forward, "I am the reason for her visit, Wyrm. Please dismiss your two ANBU, I have sensitive information I know you don't want to be heard by fools."

One of the ANBU stepped forward, "Who are you? And what gives you the right to call our Hokage a Worm?"

Kuromaru growled, "You misunderstand. He called Hokage-sama a WYRM as in a Dragon elder, not worm as in the dirt eater."

Saurtobi waved off the ANBU and, while disgruntled, they left with a quiet Shunshin. Sora ran through some handseals and the room glowed blue then silver and settled back into a bright room. Sarutobi recognized the silencing seal but what was that silver light?

Sora sat in a chair in front of the Hokage and Tsume silently took the one next to him. "Well that takes care of the fool's now Sarutobi, I respect you for your duty to this village THAT is why i called you Wyrm. But You and I have a LOT to discuss and it all concerns one NAMIKAZE Naruto, son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze."

The Sandaime was sweating bullets and looked pale as a ghost. Tsume stared gobsmacked that she hadn't figured out the pup's sire when it practically stared her in the face. Sarutobi was mentally freaking, 'HOW THE HELL DOES HE KNOW THAT! only myself and Jiraiya know of his heritage! Did someone connect the dots? Did Iwa find out? O god what if he told Naruto!'

"Before you have a heart attack, I haven't told anybody," The Sandaime breathed a sigh of relief, "Yet."

Sarutobi eyed the man before him and finally spoke, "How did you come by this information. Only two people in this world know that secret."

Sora sighed, " True only two people in THIS world know it. But whoever said I am from this world?" Sora really did not feel like being interupted so he quickly explained his history and his status. He left out Naruto's involvment for now. Sarutobi looked like a fish out of water when he was done. Luckily, Tsume had run interference and confirmed everything.

Sarutobi sat silent for a few minutes before looking at Sora and replying,"That is quite a story. However, you still haven't told me why your here, or for that matter how you digured out Naruto's heritage."

Sora sighed, "I left out Naruto because I wanted to speak with you about your actions, ermmm rather your INaction, concerning Naruto."

Sarutobi was not happy to say the least, "Now see here, Naruto has grown up to be a fine young man! What are you implying?"

Sora growled out, "How about the fact Naruto was beaten at least bi-weekly every year since he was seven? How about, instead of a birthday with presents and cake, he gets stones and broken limbs? How about the fact that Naruto has the maturity of a seven year old, yet NOTHING SEEMS WRONG TO YOU?" Tsume hand inched a hand slowly over to Sora and looked at him to calm down. After all the Sandaime was white at the KI Sora was putting off.

When he finally regained his composure Sora looked at the still recovering Sandaime and said, "How many seals should there be on Naruto?"

Sarutobi was surprised at this question and replied, "Only one. The Shiki Fuiin that holds the Kyuubi at bay."

Sora wanted to grown and growl again, "Wrong there were three seals on Naruto. A Protege seal and an additional supression seal for his mind incorperated into it. Of course the Shiki Fuiin is still there."

Sarutobi was shocked. 'PROTEGE SEAL! Is what this man saying true? Have I trully ignored Naruto this much?' "Sora... I have a request to make." The Sandaime said softly.

Sora looked intrigued, "Yes?"

The Sandaime put his hands together under his chin and replied, "Tell me everything you know about Naruto. In return, I will do whatever you ask so long as it does not hurt Konoha."

Sora looked pleased, "In that case, the favor I want is to have Naruto's Heritage announced at the Chunin Exam finals after their fights. In addition, any scrolls or money he has, I want them... NOW."

Sarutobi looked surprised but said, "I can't just give that to anyway but the first part shall be done IF Naruto is strong enough."

Sora nodded and said, "After my tale, You will see, I can be trusted with Naruto's heritage. In addition I plan on telling Naruto his parentage during the break."

Sarutobi nodded. 'If this man broke the protege seal then Naruto should be far smarter and more mature. Hopefully he won't hate me for keeping it from him.'

Sora proceeded to tell Sarutobi about Naruto's seal, what it did, how the Kyuubi was gone, and Naruto's Dragon Soul status along with his acceptance of Sora's brotherhood.

Throughout it all Sarutobi remaied calm and was honestly surprised many times. He always knew the boy was destined for greatness. Tsume was thinking about Naruto himself and hoping her daughter didn't screw up her chance with him. Then she got a devilish smirk. 'HEHE Finally I can let Hana have what she wants! Not to mention i can help the pup as I should have all this time. All I have to do is ask Sora to take care of it!'

The Sandaimed sighed, "I see. First of all, Thank you Sora-san. You have done more for the boy in two days than I have all his life."

Sora shook his head, "While I may have been able to help, He wouldn't be so receptive if you had not payed attention to him like you have."

Tsume cleared her throat, "Sora may I ask for a favor as well?"

Sora looked confused but nodded and replied, "Sure you have done me a service so it is only right I do the same. What is it you need?"

Tsume looked at him and said, "Protect Hana."

Sora was a little surprised but replied, "Hmmmmmmm, You gave her permission to seek Naruto didn't you?"

Tsume nodded and smiled, "If she lets him go, I may just have to snatch him up!"

While the Sandaime looked a little revolted, Sora just chuckled, "Very well. But that reminds me, Wyrm, did you know the civilian council and Danzo have been trying to keep the clans from being near Naruto?"

The Sandaime was surprised, although he didn't show it, "No. I always assumed they stayed away as a precation to what the civilians would say. What does Danzo have to do with this?" 'Heh! Hook, Line, and Sinker Hokage-sama' thought one feral lady.

Tsume replied, "He backed the council with not only economic bans but also threatened any female near Naruto having their reproductive organs removed."

Sarutobi was astonshied, "THEY WHAT!" He roared and suddenly Tsume could barely breathe with the KI coming from the old man. Yet, she took barely any notice of that. All she saw, was the Fire burning in Sarutobi's eyes. 'Heh! The Kami no Shinobi is back! Run in fear you little cowards!'

Suddenly, the desk buzzed and the secretary said, "Excuse me Hokage-sama. But it seems there is a council meeting being called into attendance."

Sarutobi stared at the buzzer for a moment then hit the button and said, "Very well tell them I will be there shortly and with Tsume-san and a guest."

He looked up at them and said, "Now is the time to fix these mistakes. I am tired of this position. Once more, I will stand for Naruto,but soon I will choose a succesor. Thank you, Both of you. I promise I will make it up to you,and to Naruto." He walked over to the Fourth's picture and put a combination in to open the safe behind it. Taking the scrolls he handed them to Sora, "Please take care of him. I... I hope he can forgive me."

Sora smiled and took the scrolls, "He never blamed you. Personally, I don't think he ever will."

Sarutobi smiled, 'Thank you' and motioned for them to follow as the seals dropped down.

Training Ground 7: 10 AM

Naruto had been waiting for his sensei with his team. He had already created hi clones who were in another clearing working on the tree climbing with leaf balancing and the water walking (basic). When he had arrived, He had greeted Sakura and Sasuke in his usual fashion, of course he didn't ask Sakura on a date. That didn't stop her from attempting to hit him for being a minute late. He was begining to wonder if he had head trauma to have even considered liking this girl. Of course his crush died when he met Hana-chan.

Naruto was meditating when Kakkashi showed up. He got up from his position under a tree and walked to join his 'teammates'. When he got there Kakkashi eye smiled, and said, "alright team we won't be going on a mission today instead we will be training. Sakura, do tree walking until your tired, Naruto same thing but add leaves, it increases difficulty, Saskue, your with me for some more Jutsu's."

Naruto spoke up, "Ne, Kakkashi-sensei, why can't I learn a new Jutsu?"


After the three males had recovered from their hearing lose, Kakkashi said, "Naruto, Your chakra control isn't good enough. Improve on that and maybe I'll teach you the next step for control."

Naruto looked downcast, but not for the reason they all thought, "Hai sensei, may I go somewhere else to train? I don't wanna bother Sakura."

Kakkashi was a little surprised but nodded and Naruto walked off. Sakura was a little impressed but just dismissed it as an attempt to get on her good side. Sasuke just Hn'd

With Naruto: 10:10 AM

Naruto was mercilessly punching a tree, 'Stupid Kakkashi-sensei, He doesn't even watch me train and yet he claims my chakra control isn't good enough!'His hands were starting to bleed but he didn't care. He was pissed and he needed to get it out of his system. Half an hour later he had stopped. His hands were still healing fast, seems Kyuubi left that little ability too. Shiroi Jumped out of her pocket and mewled at Naruto who looked down and then smiled softly. He laid down on the ground and Shiroi gently licked the wounds before snuggling up to him.

Naruto let his hands heal before standing up and starting to go through the beginning katas for Kitsune-ken. Shiroi just snuggled into the warm spot he left behind under the tree. Right now he was thinking over his training schedule when one of his clones dispelled from the Library. 'Hmmmmm Seals seem interesting.' He made 5 more clones and intructed four of them to go read up on seals and one to go get some basic sealing supplies from Wolf's Claw.

Coundil Chamber: Same Time

Sarutobi, Tsume, Kuromaru and Sora walked in. Everyone was there from the elders and Danzo to the clan heads, Inoichi Yamanaka, Choza Akimichi, Shikaku Nara, Shibi Aburame, and Hiashi Hyuuga, to the civilian council members among which were Satsumi Haruno, mother to Sakura and 'Demon Hater', and Jirou Ayasegawa along with his son Shinsui. Surprisingly, not not if you were Tsume and Sora, Hana was there as well. Already Tsume knew what the meeting was for. It was a good thing she had taken the Recorder from her house when she left.

Homura stood up, "Hokage-sama, who is that and why is he in this council meeting?"

Tsume simply looked at her and replied, "He is here as a witness to the reason this council was convened and His name is Sora Ryu."

Sora bowed out of respect to the Ninja council but completly ignored the civilians. The elders noticed this while Danzo thought, 'Hmmm I haven't met this man before. What could he be doing here?' Tsume and Sarutobi took their seats while Sora simply stood underneath Tsume's seat. The civilians were a little nervous because the Hokage was here and they couldn't outright punish Hana and the Inuzukas.

Jirou stood and said, "We are convened today to bring forth Charges on the Chunnin Hana Inuzuka for physically assaulting Shinsui Ayasegawa."

Sarutobi looked surprised. He knew Hana and her reputation for being a calm and caring person, despite her Inuzuka blood, was almost legendary amongst the Medic Nin. She was specifically a veterinarian but she knew enough to heal most basic wounds for humans as well. So just assaulting someone out of the blue was highly unlikely. Shinsui was smiling like a madman, 'Now you bitch, I'll get my revenge and I'll even make sure your little demon boy is punished as well.'

Sarutobi sighed and said, "Very well would Shinsui please give his version of the story?"

Shinsui nodded and stood up, "Well Hokage-sama, Every week I take my dear little Shunshin to the Inuzuka compound to have Hana-san check him for any problems. I often noticed one Uzumaki Naruto present in the clinic, but always dismissed it." Obviously this did not sit well with the civilians and the ninja's were annoyed at the obvious tactic. Tsume replied, "It is well known young Uzumaki-san brings wounded animals for treatment. We Inuzuka are happy to help any wounded animal no matter WHO brings it in."

Shinsui inwardly scowled but continued, "Gomen Gomen. In any case, I brought in Shunshin for his regular checkup. During this checkup, I noticed Hana-san seemed to stay closer than normal to me and was checking me out. I assumed she would be pleased if I asked her on a date. When I did so, She blatently told me she did not like me and proceeded to beat me up and throw me out. I wish to press charges of assault because of the injury I recieved and compensation for my overcharge I believe have been paid for her personal grudge towards me." 'Heh! that outta show you! Its just your word againest mine and I know I will win. Once I do I'll drop the charges in return for a night with you!'

The civilians seemed to believe his story while the ninjas, trained in reading a persons body language, were rather wary of how he gaurded himself. Sarutobi nodded and said, "Thank You. Now would Hana-san please give her version of the story?" Hana nodded and stepped up. She proceeded to tell the TRUE story and how he had leered at her for the last couple of months but has always ignored it as to be professional. The ninja's were pleasently surprised to see such control and silently applauded her self control. This didn't change the minds of the Civilians and the Elders were not happy that Naruto was close to anyone ESPECIALLY this woman. Danzo was thinking, 'I need to eliminate this girl. When the demon grows up, I can just capture him and have some of my female ROOT rape him to give me some demonic offspring.'

Sarutobi simply looked impassively. There was not yet enough evidence in the claims. Sora cleared his throat and said, "Hokage-sama? If I may?" Sarutobi nodded and remembered Tsume's earlier words, 'I wonder what she meant by that. Neither of them had mentioned Sora in the room with them.'

Sora stood and said, "Well to put it bluntly... Shinsui lied through his teeth and everything Hana said was true. I myself arrived just after he did. Now one little fact about me, I DESPISE rapists above any and all beings besides child molesters which is currently tied at the top of my shit list." He proceeded to explain everything he saw under the Genjutsu and even asked Tsume to play the recording so as to back his story, although he conveniently left out Naruto. Needless to say the ninja believed him, some of the more logical civilians did (although it helped that Ayasegawa was an economic oponent of theirs),as did Sarutobi. After all, why would a three thousand year old being lie about something as trivial as this?

Sarutobi sighed and said, "The charge are dismissed and I find in favor of Hana Inuzuka in the amount for $2000 in reparations for this farce of a trial."

Most people nodded, although a few seemed a bit miffed. Shinsui was about to open his mouth when he was promptly silenced by his father lest he bring more reparations in the way of their family. Sarutobi looked at Tsume and nodded then looked over the members of the council. Everyone was wondering why he didn't dismiss the council and call it a day. It was well known he hated council meetings. However seeing as they were still in session Haruno decided to 'take care' of the demon's whore. (wow shes deluded neh?)

"Hana-san?" Hana looked at the speaker, one Satsumi Haruno, "Uzumaki Naruto is well known to prank anyplace he comes across. Why would you allow him to enter your establishment?" Sora scowled at this though no one payed attention to him. All eyes were on Hana as what she said could very well ignite a civil unrest close to war.

Inwardly Hana was seething. She didn't need a reason to let Naruto-kun into the clinic when he had an injured animal! She clamly replied, "Every time he arrived at the clinic, he had an injured animal. They ranged from birds to anything as large as small dogs and cats." She knew better than to mention the fox kits he picked up.

Satsumi looked at her and replied, "Did it ever occur to you that he may be the one harming the animals?" Once again Hana and Sora were scowling along with the Sandaime. Hana thought, 'THAT SLUT! She knows nothing of Naruto yet accuses him of harming innocent animals?'

Hana barely held her anger at that and replied heatedly, "No it didn't. The injuries were consistent with ninja tools and he has been bringing them in since before was old enough to attend the academy. In addition, Naruto-kun never had any injuries himself that would signify a struggle with animals." Sora silently signaled the Hokage to wait before interupting. Sarutobi inwardly smirked, 'Maybe I can get this to my advantage.'

Satsumi smirked and Hana knew she'd made a mistake, "So Naruto-KUN, never had animal related injuries? Why is it you refer to The dem- I mean Uzumaki-san in such an informal manner." Hana and Tsume were silently praying for help and apparently Kami heard it.

Sarutobi spoke up, "Hmmmm is there a problem if she wishes to adress Naruto-kun in an informal manner Haruno-san?"

Satsumi's smile vanished and she replied, "Of course not Hokage-sama."

Sarutobi wasn't going to let her get away with that. "Trully? It does not have anything to do with this law I have in my hand? Law 3179 of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, 'If any Woman is to become romantically invovled with one Uzumaki Naruto, they are to report to the council to 1) have their ovaries removed or 2) any and all children born to these couples must turn over the child to the state to ensure that it is a stable human child, if it is not the state has every right to confiscate and hold the child until such time as it is not deemed a threat.' See, The strange thing is... I did not sign this law and as such it has no place in this country. Perhaps you can tell me where it came from Haruno-san?" By now the council was sweating bullets.

"ANBU!" Sarutobi said as two showed beside him, "Take Haruno-san to Ibiki and find out who else was in on this." They nodded and grabbed the now screeching Haruno and dragged her off. The Clan heads were visibly pleased. He lit the law on fire. "Now any and ALL attempts to hinder Uzumaki Naruto will stop and if I find even a glimpse that you are doing so... I will remove your position from this council and you WILL serve jailtime." Sarutobi said blasting his KI.

"Meeting ajourned, I hope you have learned your lesson." Sarutobi quickly made his way back to the office and sat down only to look up and see Hana, Tsume, Kuromaru, and Sora staring at him.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for your help back there." Hana said bowing.

Sarutobi simply smiled, "No problem Hana-san just make sure Naruto gets enough attention from now on neh?" The blush and sudden "EEP!" not unlike a certain Hyuuga caused a smile to grace his face.

Sora smiled and said, "Now that thats taken care of, I will be taking my leave. Wyrm, Please note that I will give Naruto only the Rasengan at the moment. However he will be learning elemental manipulation and summoning before the exam."

Sarutobi looked a little worried, "Are you sure? Summoning is a difficult..."

Sora shook his head, "With his current chakra, he could summon me twice over." They looked puzzled at this and Sora chuckled, "Technically I am the boss summon for the Dragons, however unless He pushes almost double the amount for Gamabunta, he will get the original Boss summon." They looked gobsmacked. Naruto had enough chakra to summon Gamabunta 4 times! "Of course he can't fully access it yet. He's at about half but over the next year he will get the rest." They relaxed slightly. "In any case I'll be going, Ja Ne!" and he disappeared in a silver lightning bolt. They shook their heads and The Inuzukas took their leave letting the Sandaime to deal with his dreaded paperwork.

Ichiraku's : 1 PM

Naruto was sitting quietly enjoying his ramen when a silver flash appeared next to him. "Oi, Ji-chan, 3 bowls of Chicken Ramen!" Sora shouted. He looked at Naruto and say his slightly downcast look. "Why so glum Naruto?" He asked

Naruto looked at his brother and sighed then began to explain his day while feeding some crackers to Shiroi. Sora was not pleased with Kakkashi. He knew that Naruto had abnormally high Chakra pools, how else could he make thousands of Shadow clones? Sora sighed and said, "Listen Naruto, I have three Jutsu I want to teach you today."

Naruto instantly perked up, "3 New Jutsu?"

Sora nodded his head and said, "Naruto Finish your ramen then we will go and train. I will teach you Shunshin, Summoning and the last one will be a surprise."

"YATA!" Naruto said and wolfed down his ramen before Shiroi jumped in his pocket and he grabbed his brother before dashing down the street at top speeds.

Training Ground 8: 1:30 pm

"Alright Naruto heres the Handsigns for Shunshin." Sora said as he slowly did the 3 needed seals. "Now you need to properly visualize the space you are going to before activting the Jutsu." Naruto nodded and closed his eyes before imagining the place about 10 meters from where he was. Surprisingly he did very well and got halfway there. "Alright Naruto keep at Jutsu is more about practice and memorization than anything else."

By 5 PM, Naruto could do the Shunshin. All he needed to do now was perfect it. Sora pulled out a large OLD scroll."Ok Naruto this is the summoning contract for the Dragons. Now be warned, The boss Dragon is going to test you, if you pass you can summon them but if you summon them for anything other than training or fighting then most will be displeased. The just hatched hatchlings are good for messages though and it does help them to learn to fly." Naruto nodded and knew he had to be respectful. He signed it and looked at Sora expectingly.

Sora nodded walked upto Naruto and grabbed his should before they were teleported almost 30 miles from Konoha. "Alright Naruto the signs for this jutsu are as follows. Now put about 3/4 of your chakra into it and you should get the boss summon." Naruto nodded and with a yell of "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!"(Summoning Technique) There was a HUGE cloud of smoke about twice the size of Gamabunta before it cleared.

Before Sora stood Ryuuken, The ancient Black Dragon of the West*. Naruto was on his nose and the giant reptile narrowed his eyes at Naruto before lowering his head and tipping it to the side making Naruto fall off. "Ryuujin, surely this hatchling is not the bearer of the Dragon Soul you spoke of! He is puny. You said yourself that he was a greater man than any thought possible." Sora was inwardly a little pissed at Ryuuken but Naruto stared in wonder.

"Nii-san, did... did you really say that?" Naruto asked

Sora smiled, "Of Course I did Naruto! Ryuuken, I did not summon you. Naruto here did."

Ryuuken was a little doubtful but decided to simply believe him. After all this WAS Ryuujin, one of the few beings in existance that could beat the snot out of him. "Very well then I will test the boys spirit." Ryuuken bent down and gently touched the tip fo his nose to Naruto's head before Ryuuken's eyes glazed over as he stared into Naruto's soul. Suddenly he recoiled and roared loudly. "Senko!"(Flash)** He said as he blinked trying to rid his eyes of the spots.

"My boy, You have proven yourself beyond worthy! I cannot even look at your soul directly lest I risk blindness. Sora has said you had a dark childhood with no one to call your family. Know this," Ryuuken said bringing his head to ground level and staring directly into Naruto's eyes (a sign of submission I might add), "Dragons are now your family and should you ever need us. Call us at your will! We will fight, live, and die alongside you form this day forth." Naruto smiled brightly and it seemed to be infectious as it spread to the other members and soon all three Dragon Brothers, (in Soul anyways) were laughing heartily. "I must go Naruto but when you seek training for your sage mode seek me out. I will be happy to train you."

Sora smiled and said, "Well thats over, now lets get onto that last Jutsu shall we?" Naruto nodded his smile never leaving his face. "This jutsu is called Rasengan now the first step..."

*Black Dragon of the West: Sun rises in the west so his flames are black much like amaterasu's but his are stronger than Itachi's although not the god's herself

**Flash: Ryuuken was blinded by Naruto's pure soul he called him flash because thats all he saw. Yes this will tie into the story. NO it isn't the main cause for the title!

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