Aaron showed Husky how to cook basic food like eggs, meat, and some vegetables.
- You will use fire to unfreeze the food and cook it.
- This is amazing! I didn't know such a thing existed!
- Yeah, even powerless creatures can use it for their benefit.
- Really? But how can we get this powerful element?
- You only need to learn how to set it up. I will teach you that later, but for now I will cook some soup, watch me carefully, it is not that hard.
Aaron put some meat and vegetables into boiling water. After some time, The soup was finally ready:
- Try it.
Husky ate a whole bowl of soup and asked for more.
- Wow, Very delicious! There are a lot of flavors. Give me more.
- Take it easy, buddy, we will need this for later.
Aaron cooked other dishes such as grilled meat and roasted chicken to prepare a big feast for everyone and impress them.
The leader and a lot of townspeople gathered around him while drooling over the smell:
- What is this?