"that is what I keep fucking telling you damn it, the whole damned city is covered in bloodied sky, what part of that don't you understand".
<Master Ricus, we all know that is not something that can be made possible, not by monsters or by humans>
"well I am telling you that it has not only being made possible, it is happening right now, I will show you".
He picked up the bright orb he was talking into and walked over to the window side. Shifting aside his curtain to see the outside view.
"see?...., do you believe me now or not".
The orb remained silent for a little while, unable to give a proper response to Ricus.
<Master Ricus, can you tell us exactly what time this happened>
"it was around noon, the sky was sunny but not too sunny, and the weather condition was at a stable pace until suddenly, the air turned blistering, it was to the point where my body started sweating unconditionally".