2.5% Classroom of The Elite: Revenge / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: First Day [Rewritten]

章節 1: Chapter 1: First Day [Rewritten]

A/N: I've rewritten Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, so it's different than it was previously. Kurushima is far more manipulative, and he's showing more things of what he does, directly, not indirectly, anymore. 

Anyway, he's certainly different now. I might as well write a couple of other Chapters anew, but these were the essential ones, I wanted to rewrite.

This chapter doesn't really show what he's capable of, since it's Chapter 1, so you'd have to continue reading it. 

Anyway, that's all. 


[1st, April]

[Kurushima Pov]

Today would be the day, huh? I will be from today onwards gone for the next three years. Finally, the time has come.... 

My Revenge, can finally begin....

Unbeknown to me however, I was watched by a person whom I didn't know. The moment I turned around, and I saw a brown-haired boy with unusual golden eyes looking at me.

Did I do anything in particular for him to be looking at me? 

Nope, I don't think that's the case. So? Should I perhaps question him? Hm? No, it's most likely a coincidence. Also, the bus is coming. Two and a half minutes sooner than expected.

Upon entering the bus, I could see a few seats available. I made my way to one of the available seats on the bus and sat beside a girl who was supposedly also going to the same school. However, that should be already evident, based on her uniform, though. 

While the bus was driving, I could see the person next to me looking at me. And once I slightly looked to the side, I could see her blushing, turning her face around. I sighed and began to look out of curiosity in the bus around, suddenly seeing a black-haired girl there, who was, in fact, quite different than most of the girls here present.

She had noticed my gaze and, in return, gave me a cold-hearted gaze back, reading her book further, that gave me for a small moment a headache.

The bus continued to drive, and after a few more stops, the bus picked an older lady up. 

It appears like there are no more seats available for the old lady. 

In any case, the distance between her and me is too large and I really don't want to stand more than twenty minutes until we arrive at the school. Quite a stupid reason of mine, but then again, I didn't need to justify to anyone my reason of choosing to sit in my seat. 

I simply looked at the city scenery out of the window but could feel how something seemed to be arousing in the bus.

I heard a rather young voice speaking, "Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?"

Who is she talking to? To me? No, I don't think so. 

Upon looking back at the scene, I could see a short blond-haired girl talking to the person in front of her, presumably. 

The person who she spoke to was a young, well-built blond-haired boy sitting in one of the priority seats. 




It's certainly him. 

Koenji Rokusuke. An old acquaintance of mine. How surprising. I didn't expect him to enroll at this school. Regardless, whether he enrolled at this school or not is irrelevant to me. 

I'm only here for a singular purpose, that's all. Inasmuch Koenji doesn't interfere with the accomplishment of my objective. His enrollment couldn't bother me less.

"Hey, you there. Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble?" the office lady next to the young girl said.

"That's a really crazy question, lady," that confirms it that it's Koenji. "Why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so." he continued. 

"You're sitting in a priority seat. It's natural to offer up those seats to the elderly." The office lady replied.

I saw Koenji replying to her, but by now, I completely ignored the conversation occurring in the bus between him, the office lady, and the elderly lady. 

I continued to daze off, until I heard another voice.

"Um... I think that the lady is right." A short blonde-haired girl said, from the side. 

Someone else joined in the conversation, huh? But out of the same reason, I completely ignored their conversation. I just focused myself on the city scenery, since I rarely visited Tokyo.

As I thought everything was by now over, I saw the blonde-haired girl not giving up. How bothersome. I guess, I'll offer my seat, then.

"Everyone, please listen to me for just a moment. Won't someone give up their seat for this woman? It doesn't matter who. Please." the blond-haired girl exclaimed. 

I did a small internal sigh before standing up, raising my hand. "Oba-san, you can have my seat," I exclaimed in a kind mannerism, smiling at her. 

I wasn't particularly fond of offering the old lady my seat, but if there is even one possibility that my reputation and popularity that I plan to build up in the school could be decreased, I can't allow such a mistake to happen.

My laziness of seeing the city scenery of Tokyo shouldn't prevent me of doing so. But I admit, I'd have loved to observe Tokyo more from the window.

I arrived yesterday evening here from Kyoto, so I was curious how Tokyo looked like, in general. 

But well, whatever, 20 minutes of standing is nothing, in fact. Might as well take the noise factor out so I can daydream a bit of my revenge.

The question is, why didn't I do it previously? 

Perhaps I tried to make some students here feel intuitively guilt about the fact that they were not offering her the seat, and once the blond haired girl decided to take the matters into her own hand, I presume I saw the perfect opportunity on even increasing here my reputation further, if I had offered my seat in the beginning, where no one was particularly paying close attention. 

No, that's really not it. I was curious about Tokyo, but also excited, right now. 

About my revenge, more precisely. 

I can spout as much as I want, about guilting other's, but my hands—they were trembling because of excitement.

Because after seven and a half years, finally, I'll have the chance of confronting him, Chairman Sakayanagi. 

"Thank you," the blond girl said, smiling at me in a thankful mannerism, doing a slight bow.

While I did not blush, I could see quite a huge percentage of boys inside the bus blushing.

You could even say aside from me and Koenji, everyone was blush—

No...that one guy sitting over there isn't. 

It's the same guy that was staring at me at the bus station ten prior minutes ago. Though, I still couldn't find the reason why he did that. That being said, perhaps he was in actuality in search of a friend?

It should be something normal high schoolers should act like, right? 

Perhaps...but who knows?

I rarely attended middle school—and I never had a person whom I could call my friend. Plenty people have offered themselves, but out of other reasons. 

In normal cases, I wouldn't pay attention to him, but there is something unique about him. A mysterious aura, one that I have never witnessed before. 

And to top that, he was different than anyone else here. Not because of his looks, but because of his eyes that seem to be completely empty, devoid of any emotions present. 

Honestly, I think I have never seen someone with such eyes. Hah, who am I even kidding? They are unusual, but that's all.

I'm really putting too much thought into this because of his eyes, huh? 

I'm really strange today... It must be because of the excitement. I waited so long for an opportunity, and now... it's here.

How could I not be excited?

Ah... I forgot that the girl in front of me is still bowing. I should pay attention to her instead for now. I can daydream later, when I'm in the dorms. 

"Ah, that wasn't that great of a deal, so please raise your head." I bluntly answered with a smile. 

I assumed our conversation was over, but her lips began to move again. 

"Excuse me, but if it doesn't bother you, could you tell me your name? And also your class?" The girl in front of me asked. 

"By the way, I'm Kushida Kiky—" The girl was about to tell me her name, but suddenly broke off. 

For a split second, I saw that her facial expression was irritated, angered, and annoyed, something I didn't expect from her. 

So she hides real self, too, huh? I had thought about that already, but it's not like I'm the one to speak. She's no threat to my goal, so there's no reason to pay attention to her.

Although... if I utilize her well... she might become someone I could use perchance. If all that is a facade, then it could become helpful.

Well, I'll keep that in mind, Kushida.

Right now however... even through that slight observation of mine, I shouldn't conclude immediately that she wears a facade in front of the public. I might as well be wrong with my assumption, but well whatever.

I'll try to confirm it as soon as possible. 

While I was at it, I might figure out why she did show in that small moment that kind of reaction. To avoid suspicion from her, I quickly recollected inside my mind the seat plate of every single person here. 

Based on the direction she was looking at—there's only one person who could shock her, the black-haired girl with gradient red eyes.

Next to her sat an adult, but by no means do I think she has a reason to have hostility against the adult. It doesn't seem like she knows her. Also, if I remember correctly, the black-haired girl was reading the book "Crimes and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, wasn't she? A very interesting choice. 

The book itself explores the darkest recesses of the human mind and questions the very nature of morality and justice. The novel delves into the mind of Raskolnikov, a young man who commits a heinous crime and must come to terms with the guilt and consequences of his actions.

It was like that, wasn't it? 

But then again, I read it a long time ago, so my memory might not be entirely correct at all. By now—it should be 8 years at least. 

It was quite the interesting read for my seven year old self. Instead of learning, I always read books or did tasks beyond my age. Or I spent time with them...

If only...that didn't happen soon afterward, I might have developed into a cheerful, kind, and good person, something they could be proud of. 

But instead I am now the complete opposite.

I am fairly becoming less and less of what I used to be once... Never-mind, I don't plan on having an internal monologue right now about that time... 

Suddenly, the girl in front of me, who had a prior moment ago, not told me her full name completely, coughed suddenly a few times. 

"Ah, I am sorry, I had something in my throat. My name is Kushida Kikyo, and if it doesn't bother you, could we become friends?" the blond haired girl asked.

I'm still fairly convinced that she disguised herself. But well, whatever, I don't see the use of analyzing her currently. 

When I see that she might become useful, I might analyze her. As the things now are, I would rather not. 

"I am Kurushima Kaoru, a student of Class D. What about you, Kushida-san?" 

"I am also in Class D, Kurushima-kun. I am so glad, seeing someone who goes to the same class as I." she responded in a cheerful manner. 

"Agreed! I can't wait to meet our other classmates," I replied, and we began to have a small talk until the bus arrived at our destination, the Advanced Nurturing High School. 

Though I was planning on going with Kushida, I had seen how some of the girls in the bus asked if they could go together with her and before they could ask me too, I left the scene. I should head fast towards my class. 

Accordingly, I made my way to the gate. But before I could walk further, I heard a girl shouting. "Wait! You two!" she spoke to me and the brown-haired boy. 

"What appears to be the problem?" I asked. 

"You two were looking at me. Why?" she expressed. 

"Sorry. I guess I was just interested, is all. I mean, you didn't think about giving up your seat to the old woman, did you?" the brown-haired boy asked. 

"That's right. I didn't consider giving it up. Is there something wrong with that?" 

"Oh, no, not at all. I didn't intend to give up my seat, either. In fact, I firmly abide by the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. I dislike trouble." The boy next to me answered. 

"You dislike trouble? Then I don't think you and I are anything alike. I didn't give up my seat because I thought it would be pointless. That's all." she replied. 

"But doesn't that seem worse than just not liking trouble?" he asked. 

"Perhaps. I'm simply acting according to my own beliefs. That's different from someone who just dislikes trouble, like you. I don't want to spend any time around people like you." 

"I feel the same way," he muttered. 

"And what about you?" she began to question me. 

"You could say it's the same reason as him." I answered, fully aware of lying.

"I see," the girl responded and walked away. 

It kind of makes me wonder if every high school girl is supposed to be like that. I don't know, but then again, I do not care. 

"We have met before, haven't we?" I asked the brown-haired boy. 

"Yes, we have. Half an hour ago, at the bus station." the boy replied. 

"I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, by the way. I'm in Class D." the brown haired boy introduced himself to me. 

"I'm Kurushima Kaoru, and I'm also in Class D." I introduced myself. 

"Nice to meet you, Kurushima." 

"Nice to meet you too, Ayanokoji. Since we are in the same class, do you mind walking together to the classroom?" I asked him. 

"Yes, that sounds good, I guess." 

In the meantime, we had some small talk while being on our way.

No, it's more appropriate to say that I asked him a few questions, and he answered in most cases with only yes or no. Sometimes, he also elaborated his answers further, but they were limited to one or two sentences at most. 

At the moment we arrived in front of Class D, Ayanokoji decided to speak up, "We're here." 

Honestly, I expected him more to say. But I guess that's also acceptable. In the moment we both walked in, we gained quite a handful of attention, both boys and girls wise. 

Suddenly, I heard several voices shouting from both girls and boys. 

"Damn Ikemen's," I heard some of the boys saying. 

The girls however seemed to be the rather opposite. "They're hot. Totally my types." 

I ignored the conversation between the girls, having heard that countless of times already, but Ayanokoji looked surprised at what they said. I expected him to have more experience in that area since his appearance should be more than sufficient enough for any girl, I suppose. 

Seems like I was wrong. Or conceivably not? I can always ask him later. For now, I should search my seat. But as I searched for it, I found it next to the last row, in front of Ayanokoji's seat. 

"Ayanokoji, it seems like you sit behind me." I said. 

"Seems so," he replied. 

I walked to my assigned seat. However, once again, I could see the black-haired girl from the bus in front of me. Poor Ayanokoji, sitting next to her. Hopefully, he gets through that. 

Ayanokoji walked past me, but I simply showed him a concerned and empathic look. He raised an eyebrow in surprise until he saw what I implied, sitting next to the black-haired girl, that is.

Immediately, I began to daydream again.

While I, however, was still absent in my daydream, I could hear the door opening. I looked at the person who opened the door to see our supposedly homeroom teacher.

"Ahem. Good morning to you, students. I'm the instructor for Class D. My name is Chabashira Sae. I usually teach History. However, at this school, we do not change classrooms for each grade. For the next three years, I will be acting as your homeroom teacher, so I hope to get to know all of you. It's a pleasure to meet you. The entrance ceremony will be in the gymnasium one hour from now, but first, I will distribute written materials with information about this school's special rules. I will also hand out the admissions guide to the students in the front seats. Please pass the documents to the back." 

"I will now hand out your student ID cards. By using your card, you can access any of the facilities on campus, purchase goods from the store, and so on. It acts like a credit card. However, it is imperative that you pay attention to the points that you spend. At this school, you can use your points to buy anything. Anything located on the school premises is available for purchase." 

Quite the interest choice of words, Sensei. I recite, 'Anything can be bought with Points'. How intriguing. 

"Your student cards can be used simply by swiping them through the machine scanner. The method is simple, so you shouldn't get confused. Points are automatically deposited into your account on the first of every month. You should all have received 100,000 points already. Keep in mind that one point is worth one yen. No further explanation should be necessary." 

Though, there is something strange with the allowance of such a high amount of Points. Firstly, each class has 40 students, i.e. 160 students in our year. Multiplying that by 3 results in 480 students. Assuming that what she said is the truth, 48 Million Points would be spent in one month. If you do further calculations, you'll get to 576 Million Points in one year, which in return is equivalent to 576 Million Yen. 

Even if this is an elite school managed by the government, spending 576 Million Yen per year on children is abundantly said too much, even for the government. In any case, the explanation isn't finished yet. I should listen further. 

"Shocked by the amount of points you've been given? This school evaluates its students' talents. Everyone here has passed the entrance examination, which itself speaks to your value and potential. The amount you've received reflects the evaluation of your worth. You can use your points without restraint. After graduation, however, all of your points return to the school. Because it's impossible to exchange your points for cash, there's no advantage to saving them. Once points have been deposited into your account, it's up to you how to spend them. Do as you like. If you don't want to spend your points, you may transfer them to someone else. However, extorting money from your peers is not allowed. This school monitors bullying very carefully." 

"It appears like no one has any questions anymore." 

But before she could finish her question, I raised my hand. 

"Yes, Kurushima," Chabashira-sensei said and looked at me with expectancy. 

"Chabashira-sensei, two things are troubling me. So I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind." I said. 

"Go ahead," she replied in an anticipated tone. 

"In the case, I'd like to negotiate with a person from another class or in this class, what safety measures does the school offer, so that one of the parties isn't hoaxed of their points? I'm sure that a verbal agreement between two parties isn't evidentiary enough, is it? In that case, does the school offer a memorandum vice-verse both parties coming to record their conditions? If it's not that, could you please elaborate on what other forms of negotiation measure the school might offer?" I asked. 

Perhaps I might buy Points off, then? I'm wealthy, and this currency should give you plenty of advantages. If it's even slightly right, could I buy myself something like a—Poison? No, what am I even talking about, hahaha. 

It's not that easy, remember? I'll have to scout everything firstly here, to see how I can use the current things of my advantage. Questioning him, it won't be that easy...

I'll stay low for a while. I'll see whether there are components with which I can create one. If not, I'll have to rely on Plan B, of getting the information out of him.

Plan B is rather—a Morally wrong Plan, but I do not care about that. It's a means to the end. If it helps me, I'll gladly choose it. But I have more than enough time. I waited so long, so being in this school for even just a year, should be slightly okay. 

"Great question, Kurushima. Regarding your question, it's certainly true that the school offers for negotiations a contractual system, whereupon a memorandum is also included." Chabashira-sensei answered. 

"Thank you, sensei," I replied. 

"Any questions remaining, Kurushima?" she asked me. 

"I suppose, I've another one," I replied. 

"Could you specify, the proper amount of Points, we get for the next coming month?" I asked. 

I have a couple of suspicions already, but without conclusive evidence. But the school structure might be entirely different than it seems. 48 Million Yen in one month, who believes that?

If they truly do that, I'd as a future 'Taxpayer' like to get my money back from the Government, if they're investing so much in this school. 

"Huh? It's 100.000 Points. Didn't you listen?" The black-haired guy called Yamauchi exclaimed. 

I don't like him at all... Not sure, why, but I don't think we'll understand each other greatly. Perhaps, I should take soon control of the class? I'll let my charm play. Until now, it never really failed me. 

Essentially, my good looks should help me in that regard. 

"Yeah, didn't you listen?" Ike expressed. 

"Oy, so what if he didn't listen? He's still allowed to ask if he didn't listen." A girl voiced out. 

"Yeah, don't listen to those idiots, Kurushima-kun." Another girl replied. 

Well, that's the advantage of being good-looking. They're protecting me, without the fact that I'm doing anything at all. It's far easier than I thought. 

The girls continued their attack on Ike and Yamauchi, for over a whole minute, until Chabashira-sensei started talking. I observed a couple of girls, not out of sexual attraction, but to see who might become popular and who wouldn't, among them. 

The introductions will play a huge role of one's Status in the class, so I should befriend those with that Status. They might aid me, in my future plans. I'd rather choose Plan A, since it's fairly less troublesome, but if that doesn't work, I'll have to choose Plan B. 

And for that, I have to gain enormous influence, so I can make it happening. It'll be by far more troublesome, more time consuming, but in the end, it's the second best option. I doubt he would tell it to me if I knocked at his office, 'Please Tell me about...' and he'll do so. 

Besides—I hate him so much already, seeing him in person will make it far worse.

"Don't worry, the Points for the next month will be allocated," Chabashira-sensei responded with a small grin. 

"Is that all, Kurushima?" she asked. 

"Yes, that would be all, Sensei," I answered. 

Of course, there were still a couple of questions I had remaining. But I didn't quite care that much about this school. 

I could ask her regarding a proper explanation of the S-System, or the purpose of the school to have four cameras attached in each corner of the classroom, but well, until I have conclusive evidence, I'd rather not be in the spot light. 

I didn't mind being later in the spot light, though. If it aids me somehow, I'll make sure to use it to my advantage. 

Nevertheless, I've asked the question, that was lingering in my mind the most. Contracts do exist here, after all, huh?

I'll buy myself these Points, then, I guess, from some people. But having access to the entire Points of the Class sounds great too, doesn't it? Yeah— it depends. 

"Since no one else has any further questions, I'll meet you at the gymnasium in one hour. I hope that you enjoy your time as students here, from now on." Chabashira-sensei exclaimed as she left the classroom. 

Suddenly, a blond-haired boy stood up. "Everyone, can you please listen to me for a moment?"

"Starting today, we're all going to be classmates. Therefore, I think it'd be good for us to introduce ourselves and become friends as soon as possible. We still have some time until the entrance ceremony. What do you say?" 

He seems to become one of the leaders in the class, won't he? I should tag along, and become one myself, too. The problem is—I never introduced myself before, actually. 

I rarely attended middle school, which is the reason why. Besides, people always knew about me in advance—so a introduction was never necessarily...

Kaoru, remember, no one likes arrogant people. Try on showing yourself on the humble side, don't mention anything regarding your family, nor your wealth. If you do that, you're fine. 

I can't believe I might fail at such an simple task... Unbelievable...

"Agreed! After all, we still don't know a thing about each other, not even our names," someone shouted. 

"My name's Hirata Yosuke. Back in junior high, lots of people called me Yosuke. Feel free to use my first name! I guess my hobby is sports in general, but I especially like soccer. I'm planning on playing soccer here, too. Nice to meet you!" Hirata said. 

"Well then, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves, starting from the front. Is that okay?" Hirata asked. 

"M-my name is...Inogashira Ko-Ko..." 

"Do your best!" 

"Don't panic! It's okay!" 

"It's okay to go slowly. Don't rush." 

"My name is Inogashira...Kokoro. Um, my hobby is sewing. I'm pretty good at knitting. I-It's nice to meet you all." 

"I'm Yamauchi Haruki. I competed in table tennis during elementary school, and in junior high, I was the ace player on our baseball team. I was number four. I got hurt during the inter-high school championships, though, and I'm undergoing rehab now. Nice to meet you." 

Ah, really? And who does he expect to believe such a lie? I might not have known of baseball until now, but he does know... that this is a really—weak lie, right? 

"Well then, I'm next, aren't I?" the short blond-haired from the bus said. 

"My name is Kushida Kikyo. None of my friends from the junior high made it to this school, so I'm alone here. I'd like to get to know all of your names and faces right away and become friends as soon as possible!" 

"My first goal is to become friends with everyone. So, after we're finished with introductions, I'd love for you to share your contact information with me!" 

"So, after school or during vacations, I want to make all sorts of memories with lots of people. Please feel free to invite me to lots and lots of events! Anyway, I've talked for a long time, so I'll end my introduction here." 

Well, she should become pretty popular in class. Perhaps, I might befriend her, since she could offer certain advantages. 

"Well then, next up is..." 

"What, are we a bunch of little kids or something? I don't need to introduce myself. People who want to do that can go ahead. Just leave me out of it." 

"I can't force you to introduce yourself, of course. However, I don't think that getting along with your classmates is a bad thing. If I've made you uncomfortable, I apologize." 

"Isn't it fine to introduce yourself?" one of them snapped. 

"Yeah, yeah!" 

"Shut it. I don't care. I didn't come here to make friends." The red-haired boy said. 

My class is more troublesome than I thought, isn't it? Couldn't I have just been in a more peaceful and quiet class? 

"They're not a bad bunch. It's my fault. I was being selfish and made people do this." 

Why is he apologizing though? It's not his fault, obviously. How strange.

"No way. You didn't do anything wrong, Hirata-kun. Let's just leave those guys be, okay?" 

"The next would be you." 

"I'm Ike Kanji. I love girls, and I hate pretty boys. I'm currently in the market for a new girlfriend. It's nice to meet you! All the better if you're a cutie or a beauty!" 

I could see him essentially glancing at me, when he said, 'I hate pretty boys', but well, I can't deny the fact that I'm quite attractive. I mean, it's mostly genetics, and taking care of my body, and that's it, basically. 

"Wow. You are so cool, Ike-kun," one girl said, in a completely emotionless voice. Of course, her statement was 1000 percent false. 

"Seriously? Seriously? Oh, man. I mean, I thought that I wasn't bad or anything, but...heh." 

He doesn't seem to understand sarcasm...

"Excuse me, can you introduce yourself?" Hirata asked the blond-haired boy, from the bus earlier. 

"Humph. Fine." He said 

"My name is Koenji Rokusuke. As the sole male heir to the Koenji conglomerate group, I will soon be tasked with carrying Japan into the future. I sincerely look forward to making your acquaintance, ladies." 

"Starting today, I will mercilessly punish anyone who makes me uncomfortable. Please exercise proper precaution so that you may avoid that." 

"Um, Koenji-kun. What exactly do you mean when you say, 'anyone who makes me uncomfortable'?" asked Hirata, who looked uneasy at the word "punish." 

"I meant exactly what I said. If asked to give an example, well... I would say I hate ugly things, for instance. So, if I saw something ugly, I would do just as I said." Koenji said.

"Ah, thank you. I will be careful then." 

"Well then, time for the next person. Can you please introduce yourself?" Hirata asked me. 

Okay, spotlight on.

"My name is Kurushima Kaoru. I'm pretty good at academics, and sports. However, I wouldn't call them my hobbies. Since I neither like to study diligently nor expend more energy than necessary, actually. If I were to say what my hobbies are, they would be essentially reading and perhaps also playing chess. I sincerely look forward to meeting your acquaintances, everyone."

With a bright smile, I introduced myself in a confident tone. 

This is fine, isn't it? Yes, that was a rather good introduction. I'm far better than expected. For someone who never really socialized with anyone, I must admit, I had slight troubles on what the appropriate thing to say was. 

As Hirata was going to answer—I could see him... talking. 

No, no, no, no, Koenji I'm begging you, don't do this. Don't reveal that I'm wealthy, or make any hindsights to it. I want to keep that information quiet. If you answer, it becomes evident, that I'm at least slightly wealthy. 

I looked towards him in hope of him not saying anything, but he refused my request. Narcissistic as always...

"Ah, it's you, Kurushima-boy. I didn't recognize you at first," Koenji said as he put his pocket mirror on his table. "It seems like you've changed quite a bit since that day," he added with a self-satisfied grin. 

Koenji... No, wait, that's also a good opportunity, isn't it? If I really go along with Plan B, this information should also come quite handy. When you expel someone—do they not try on saving their future, by going to someone who could offer them great advantages? Like me? An heir to a conglomerate?

Yes, that's right. Although, I had decided for personal reasons to not use my past, nor out myself as a wealthy individual. I did it, because I thought people wouldn't judge me based on my Status alone, anymore. 

In the end, the precise information of what I asked the school to hide it, alongside my past, might be revealed. No, my past is something I don't intend to reveal, my background of being wealthy, and being an heir to an anonymous conglomerate should be fine, though. 

Well, nothing I could do either, anyway. Someone will sooner or later deduce this in the class. It might be Hirata, or someone entirely else. Fact is, it's fine.

I never believed in forming friendships either... I did it because my guardian wanted me to try it, at the very least. Well, I failed, already. Sorry, Aoki.

With a forced smile, I replied, "Yes, well, people change, don't they? It's been a while, Koenji." 

Hirata cleared his throat, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness. "Thank you, Kurushima-kun. Are you and Koenji perhaps acquaintances?" he asked.

"Yes, we're. We had the pleasant surprise of meeting each other, once. But anyway, let's move on to the next person, Hirata. Ayanokoji-kun, you'd be the next."

I'm sorry, Ayanokoji. 

"Uhm. Well, my name is Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. And, uh, I don't have any special skills or anything. I'll do my best to get along with all of you. It's, uh, nice to meet you." 

Oh... now I feel really bad. Sorry, Ayanokoji.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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