78.07% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 178: CHAPTER {230-232}

章節 178: CHAPTER {230-232}


"Okay, this is all we know so far" Rachel stated as she placed a file on the table. Since Royal Mages were Wixen, it wasn't hard for them to visit Magical Communities and gather all the information they could.

"What, this is it?" Peggy asked in a bewildered tone as she picked up the file and took a peek inside.

"Yes, he is quite difficult to keep track of" Rachel admitted reluctantly. "He was born on July 31st, 1980, and a few months later, his parents went into hiding under the Fidelius Charm and later, on 31st October, Dark Lord Voldemort attacked them after learning the Secret from Peter Pettigrew, who was actually a Death Eater spy since the beginning" Rachel began to recite the story of Harry Potter.

"Peter Pettigrew, wasn't it Sirius Black?" Peggy asked, looking confused. She clearly remembered that it was Sirius Black who betrayed the Potters and Peter Pettigrew was killed by Sirius Black before he was arrested and later sent to Azkaban. The only reason she even remembered Pettigrew was because he was posthumously awarded with the Order of Merlin Third Class.

"No, a couple of years ago, it was discovered that Peter Pettigrew was still alive, and Sirius Black was never given a trial" Rachel revealed, only to receive incredulous looks from everyone except the Royal Mages. "I know. I know… There is a reason why even we don't mingle with the Wizarding Communities" Rachel quickly defended themselves.

"So, an innocent man was sent to prison for more than a decade and he wasn't even given a trial? That's what you are saying right?" Derrick asked, looking completely stumped.

"Yes" Rachel admitted before she rubbed her temples.

"I used to think that the Wizengamot gave too much importance to the Purebloods, but they threw a Pureblood Heir in Azkaban without a trial, color me surprised…" Peggy mused with a thoughtful look on her face.

"The Wizengamot didn't know about it. According to our information, only three people even knew that there was no trail, the rest of the Wizarding World was blissfully unaware… It was done so masterfully that even we didn't know about it until Albus Dumbledore came forward and revealed that he had captured Peter Pettigrew" Rachel explained and even though the SHIELD and MI6 Agents frowned at her explanation, they decided to drop the matter.

"Back to the topic at hand, Dark Lord Voldemort managed to kill James Potter and Lily Potter before finally pointing his Wand toward baby Harry Potter, but the one year old somehow managed to reflect the Killing Curse back at Voldemort, and the Dark Lord Voldemort was supposedly vanquished" Rachel paused when one of the MI6 Agents spoke up.

"I don't know much about Magic, but isn't the Killing Curse supposed to be unstoppable and unblockable?" The female Agent asked and everyone seemed to want to know the answer to that question.

"Yes, the Killing Curse is Magically unblockable, but it can be easily blocked by a physical barrier" Rachel nodded her head before she narrowed her eyes. "We have no idea how he did it, but we do have a couple of theories. Accidental Magic is unpredictable, so Harry Potter might have instinctively realized that he was in danger and his Magic lashed out on its own, or Lily Potter might have invoked some sort of Ancient Magic to protect her son" Rachel explained.

"Is that even possible?" Peggy asked, sounding somewhat skeptical. She could believe the first theory, but the second theory was kind of hard to believe…

"We are not sure…" Rachel admitted with a frown. "When it comes to Magic, there is so much we know nothing about" Rachel added passionately and Peggy decided to agree with her on that. After all, Voldemort should have been dead, but he was back from the dead. "After that, Harry Potter was whisked away by Albus Dumbledore to some secret location to keep him safe" Rachel emphasized the word 'safe' with her fingers with a mocking look on her face.

"Apparently, he was taken to his Aunt and Uncle, and they hated anything related to Magic. They tried to beat the Magic out of him, but they obviously failed. At the age of eight, he disappeared into thin air before he once again surfaced at the age of eleven and killed the Dursleys" Rachel explained before she opened the file to reveal the pictures of the Dursley family after they met their untimely demise.

"God, how did he even manage to do that?" Derrick asked, looking horrified at the mutilated bodies of Dudley and Petunia Dursley.

"He used Magic to bewitch Vernon Dursley and then ordered him to beat his son and wife to death. I believe Harry Potter felt it would be ironic since Vernon used to beat him" Rachel chuckled, only to receive a glare from Peggy and Derrick. "Don't look at me like that, he got exactly what he deserved… I strongly believed that the child should have been spared, but Harry Potter clearly believed otherwise" Rachel added cooly.

Rachel might work for the Queen, but she herself was abused by her own parents due to her unnaturalness. So, she knew how it felt to be abused… If it was up to her then she would have killed the Dursleys herself, but she only worked for the Queen and they were strictly forbidden from getting involved with the matters of Wizarding Britain. First of all, their existence was a secret and they wanted to keep it like that.

"If he was getting abused, then why didn't you save him?" Someone from SHIELD asked.

"Albus Dumbledore was keeping a close eye on him, and if he had saved him, he wouldn't have left any stone unturned until he found the boy. He came this close to discovering our existence after the boy ran away" Rachel explained with a shrug.

"Later Harry Potter somehow managed to get close to Jacklyn Harper and thanks to her help, he managed to get admitted to Ilvermorrny. Later, he became friends with Brittany Lawrance and maintained his friendship with Jacklyn Harper. A year later, he won the Under 13 Dueling Championship and made a name for himself before once again, he disappeared into obscurity" Rachel finished.

"Brittany Lawrance is still at school, right? Is there a chance we can talk with her?" Peggy asked after learning that Brittany was still at Ilvermorny from the file.

"We would have to kidnap her. The MACUSA would never allow us" Rachel immediately shot down the idea.

"Then what about this Harper girl? She was the one who attacked the Durmstrang ship and kidnapped Igor Karkaroff along with some of the students. She even killed one student. We can most definitely question her Family" Derrick stated, looking excited, but once again, Rachel shook her head.

"The Harpers are one of the pillars of MACUSA. The wounds of the Salem Witch hunts are still fresh in their minds, if you try to flaunt authority in front of them then they will kill you… No questions asked. The Harpers are extremely dangerous and they are known to produce extremely gifted Wizards and Witches each generation" Rachel explained unhappily.

"You can't be for real. The girl is clearly a criminal" Derrick pointed out with a scowl, but it was Peggy who spoke up before Rachel could.

"No, we can't reveal our hand. MACUSA is extremely strict when it comes to the Statute, so if they come to learn that we already know of their existence, they will be out for blood. They would inform the ICW and the ICW will get off their laurels and start acting. They are not as strong as they used to be during the Second World War, but they can still amass quite a commendable force when it comes to the Statute" Peggy explained grimly.

"Then, the Royal Mages don't even exist in the first place, so they can't question the Harpers" Peggy added after a small pause and Rachel gave her a look of gratitude. It was obvious that Derrick wasn't happy, but he decided to relent for the time being.

"Fine then, so what are we going to do? According to the file, he is hiding under the Fidelius Charm" Derrick asked, sounding really frustrated.

"I am glad you asked" Rachel grinned before she shuffled through the file. "This is Himera Kuznetsov, she was a part of the Mercenary Group that attacked Harry Potter during the Quidditch Cup finals. Everyone else was killed, but she was spared… Nowadays, she usually hangs out in the Tipsy Pixie most of the time" Rachel explained before she shuffled through the file to reveal the picture of Sirius Black.

"Since we can't get to him, we get to the ones close to him. We know where he lives and he shows up at his manor from time to time with different women… He is basically a manwhore. He doesn't care if it is a Witch or a Muggle as long as they are beautiful" Rachel explained with a feral grin.

"Good, we can use that to get to him" Peggy nodded her head in satisfaction. There were some female Agents who took honeypot missions within her team.

"Then this is the Tonks family. We do not know how close they are to Harry Potter, but they accompanied Harry Potter and Sirius Black to the Quidditch World Cup. We don't know where Andromeda Tonks is right now, but we do know where Theodore Tonks works. We have been keeping an eye on his office and the girl has her own apartment, but for the past couple of weeks, she hasn't shown up in her apartment" Rachel finished.

Peggy crossed her arms in front of her chest as she tapped her fingers on her arm while pondering her options. "Keep an eye on the apartment, but we go after Theodore Tonks and Sirius Black. The girl is too dangerous to approach… She might be a clutz, but she is also an Auror. I don't want to kidnap a Law Enforcement Officer" Peggy explained and everyone around her nodded in understanding.

"What about Himera?" Rachel asked.

"Hmm… She seems to enjoy the company of both men and women…" Peggy pondered. She could use that to grab the woman. "Okay, we grab her too" Peggy declared and with their next course of action decided, all of them started to look forward to their success…



~~Leaky Cauldron, Diagon Alley~~

"Remind me again why we are not fighting Voldemort and his sycophants?" Agatha groaned in frustration before slumping on the bed, looking somewhat tired and frustrated. "People are more afraid of the so-called Dark Lord than they are of Harry Potter; honestly, I can't blame them. He is nothing but a rabid animal who needs to be put down" Agatha added as she rolled over in the bed.

"An extremely dangerous rabid animal and his followers are also the same…" Alan stated while shaking his head in anger and frustration.

"I know you guys are angry and frustrated, but we have agreed not to interfere in the matters of Wizards. Did we not?" Merlin asked as he turned around along with his chair to stare at Agatha and Alan. He was compiling all the information they collected to get a better picture of their predicament. "Then do I need to remind you, guys, about the Prophecy?" Merlin asked in an exasperated tone.

"Okay, we can't kill the so-called Dark Lord, but what about his followers?" Alan asked in a hopeful tone. He simply wanted to do something to help these people, after all, he couldn't stand aside and watch all these people suffer when he could help them.

"Once again, we can't kill the Death Eaters or the so-called Dark Lord or Harry Potter might realize that something is afoot" Merlin pointed out in exasperation. He could understand why Agatha and Alan wanted to help these people. Camelot be damned, he himself wanted to help these people. After all, these were his people and he knew that most of the Wizards and Witches in Wizarding Britain were his own descendants.

"Fine! Then why are we even planning to deal with Harry Potter? His kill count isn't anywhere close to the Dark Lord or some of his followers" Agatha asked with a scowl. He killed about sixty people, big deal! She herself had killed more when she was disillusioned with her own ambitions. Only Alan didn't have so much blood on his hands, even Merlin's hands were drenched with blood.

Merlin stared at Agatha for a few seconds before he glanced at Alan… It was clear that neither of them were going to budge without a solid answer…

"It's because of what he represents" Merlin admitted after releasing a defeated sigh. "He is breaking the balance. The only reason Muggle World leaves the Wizarding Communities alone is because they are more trouble than they are truly worth… It is the same with the Dark Lord too. The reason why the Muggle Government didn't do anything during the last War was because the damage he and his followers were doing was not significant for them to get involved" Merlin explained.

"The Muggle Government does not have any authority when it comes to Wizarding Britain, but the Queen and the Royal Bloodline do. The Queen could have ordered the Minister of Magic to deal with the Dark and his followers in a permanent fashion, but that would have revealed the fact that the Queen, who is also a Muggle, reigns over them. A lot of people fighting against the Dark Lord and his followers would have joined him because he had been right all along."

"Then again, the so-called Dark Lord was busy waging his war inside Wizarding Britain. Yes, he and his followers killed a lot of Muggles, but their deaths didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things as most of his attention was on Wizarding Britain…" Merlin trailed off with a complicated look on his face. "Let's say, their deaths were ignored for the Greater Good. If the people of Wizarding Britain rebelled then there would have been a lot more deaths" Merlin added with a contemplative look on his face.

Even if the Muggles severely outnumbered the Wixen, such an incident would have been catastrophic for the Muggles… After all, their technology wasn't so advanced during the 1970s and the Wixen could have caused a lot of damage to the Muggle World by using guerrilla tactics. After all, even a teenage Wixen could easily kill hundreds of people with a flick of their Wands and carefully planned attacks would have simply multiplied the death toll.

"That isn't the case with Harry Potter… He doesn't care about the Wizarding World or the Muggle World, not really. The only reason he returned to Wizarding Britain is because he wants revenge, or he would have left this place alone… He lives by the principle of Might is Right and due to the sheer raw power he possesses, that is a very dangerous lifestyle to live by" Merlin explained coolly.

Alan and Agatha could see the problem… Harry Potter would never accept anyone's Authority. He will live by his own rules, but the problem will arise when someone will try to enforce their rules or authority on him… The problem with the people in authority is that they don't like their authority or power challenged, but Harry will just do that because he believes Might is Right and that would break the current balance in the world.

"Okay! Okay! We get it!" Alan agreed as he raised his hands in the air in exasperation. He couldn't believe that they were planning to kill a child, but it is what it is.

"Good" Merlin nodded his head in satisfaction. "And I never said we can't help the people. We should simply avoid killing any of the Death Eaters to avoid attention, but if it comes to that, then we can get rid of a few here and there, but once again, no high-profile Death Eaters though" Merlin added with a grin. He might be a hardened man, but he was not inhuman and this was his homeland even though it went by a different name now.

Just like Agatha and Alan, he also wanted to help the people, but unlike them, he knew what was more important and he knew how to keep the bigger picture in sight…

"Not wanting to be a downer, but how are we supposed to find him when he is hiding under Fidelius?" Agatha asked and both Merlin and Alan froze at her question. They stared at each other before all three of them groaned in frustration…



~~Bones Manor~~

"Is there a reason why you are in my manor, uninvited?" Amelia asked drily with a deadpan look on her face. Only a couple of minutes ago, she was informed by her house elf that Harry was in her house and honestly, she couldn't fathom why he was even here in the first place. "Since you have already made yourself comfortable, I am not going to bother offering you anything else" Amelia added when she noticed the milkshake in his hands.

"Well, when your house elf offered me a milkshake, I was intrigued. This is the first time a house elf offered me a milkshake, so I knew I had to try and I admit, this is really nice" Harry answered back with a beaming smile on his face. From the look on his face, he clearly wasn't bothered by the fact that he was intruding inside her house. After staring at him for the next couple of seconds, who was innocently sipping the milkshake, she sighed in defeat before she sat down.

"Susan loves having milkshakes" Amelia answered before she summoned her house elf and asked for some coffee. She just woke up from her afternoon nap, so she needed some coffee to get her cogs running.

"Looks like you are the most popular candidate" Harry said as he picked up the evening edition of the Daily Prophet from the center table. The pictures of the candidates running for the position of temporary Minister were published along with their popularity and from the informal survey done by the Daily Prophet, it seemed like Amelia was going to be the temporary Minister of Magic, just like he wanted.

"You must be really glad" Amelia snarked sarcastically and Harry adopted a mock hurt look on his face at his words, which made Amelia roll her eyes at him.

"You hurt me, Amelia…" Harry said with a hurt look on his face. "Rufus Scrimgeour is a good man, but he never got his chance to shine, being under your command for all this time and all that. He is a very ambitious man and that is another nail in the coffin… People are scared right now, and they have known you as a fair and righteous woman. People are not sure if Rufus would try to take advantage of the situation to further his own agenda" Harry explained with a shrug.

"Thankfully, there is nothing to be said about Pius Thicknesse. His closeness to the Dark Faction already makes him unpopular among the people as they know that there is a very good chance that he is a Death Eater or at least a Voldemort sympathizer. So, you are obviously the most popular candidate… You should be proud of that" Harry said with a deep nod of his head and Amelia was left speechless by his words.

"...That is exactly why I feel like I am betraying them" Amelia muttered under her breath and Harry softly smiled at that.

"That's stupid!" Harry exclaimed, surprising her. "I am not asking you to be corrupt or anything. Nor am I asking you to do anything illegal for me. I want you to be the Minister so that you can rebuild the country" Harry stated firmly. "And as for your revenge, you deserve it. You had tried to get justice for your brother and sister-in-law through lawful means, but you know that is not going to work. As long as the Dark Faction has any say in the Government, you will never get justice for them. Tell me I am wrong!" Harry challenged her.

Amelia simply lowered her head and remained silent at her words… She also knew he was right, but still, the truth was hard to swallow. For so many years, she had worked within the system, so it was hard for her to accept the deal she was getting… Though she had long decided to give into the temptation of revenge. She was simply lashing out from time to time for the sake of her pride.

"You also want me to become the Minister to stop anyone from going after you" Amelia stated with a smug look on her face, but this time, there was no heat in her voice. It was clear that she was joking.

"Correct, madam" Harry cheerfully clapped his hands. "After all, I want this country to flourish, but if I keep sending back people in body bags, then it would become counter-productive" Harry added with a grin and Amelia simply shook her head. Amelia had realized that she had stared long enough into the abyss and now that she had made a deal with the thing that stared back at her from the abyss, she would have to live with the choices she made for good or worse.

"So, why are you here? I don't believe you are here for just casual chat" Amelia repeated her original question.

"You are the most popular candidate, so why don't you connect the dots?" Harry asked in an amused tone, making Amelia frown at him.

"You are using me as bait to draw Voldemort out of his hidey hole" Amelia accused him. "It didn't take me long to realize that. That is why I sent Susan to stay with the Abbotts for the night" Amelia added, looking somewhat unhappy, but she couldn't blame him for using her as bait. Voldemort was keeping a low profile since he regained his body and this was a good chance to cull his numbers and knock him down a peg or two.

Though instead of trying to deny the accusation, Harry simply nodded his head in understanding. "I knew Voldemort would want to place one of his followers as the Minister of Magic after he killed the previous Minister. It would give him legitimate power and say within the Government, so I decided to urge someone more popular to become a hindrance in his plans… If it wasn't you, then it would have been Rufus, but with you, I get the ability to act more openly" Harry explained with a smile.

"Voldemort can't have someone like you becoming the Minister even if temporary" Harry decided to add a compliment at the end. "By the way, are you mad at me for using you?" Harry asked as he didn't want to leave too much dissatisfaction when it could lead to problems at a later date. He wasn't worried, but it would be annoying as hell and then he would have to return and deal with her in a permanent fashion.

"I am a bit mad, I am not going to lie, but I would have probably done the same if I was in your shoes" Amelia admitted, somewhat reluctantly. "By the way, are you planning to face him and his men on your own?" Amelia asked curiously.

"Why? Are you worried for my sake?" Harry asked with a teasing grin on his face.

"No, if it is just you then I will be able to able to say that you showed up all of a sudden and started to help me and since I was outnumbered, I decided to fight alongside you, but I won't be able to say that if you decided to show up with full force… That would look like you and Lost Garden are supporting me" Amelia explained and Harry's smile widened at her.

"Already thinking like a politician" Harry stated with a smirk. "And as for your question, yes, it is going to be just me and you. Though I will reveal myself when the situation starts looking dire for you" Harry answered softly.

"Why, looking forward to saving a damsel in distress?" Amelia asked with a smirk tagging on her lips and Harry simply scoffed at her.

"You are no damsel, woman and you are not going to be in any distress since I will be here" Harry stated with a confident look on his face.

"Arrogant much" Amelia huffed before she stood up. "Well, anyway, make yourself comfortable. They won't attack before midnight" Amelia said before she turned around and started to leave. She had other things to do than humoring Harry. Though she stopped at the doorstep and turned to look at Harry with a grave look on her face. "If I die tonight then just give Susan a good life" Amelia practically begged.

"I promise, I will take care of her" Harry vowed with a serious look on his face and he was being completely genuine with his promise. Amelia gave him a grateful nod before she left the room…

~~Timeskip~~ (A few hours later)

Amelia and Harry were silently sitting at the dining table, waiting for the impending attack. The whole house was completely dark as they wanted the attackers to think everyone was fast asleep. "You need to relax with that or you will be drunk by the time they arrive" Harry warned Amelia while staring at the firewhiskey bottle in her hand. Unlike Harry, she was quite restless and nervous as might die tonight, so she was trying to calm her nerves with Firewhiskey.

"Don't worry, I don't get drunk easily and I have this" She jabbed her chin toward the Sobering Potion vial on the table "In case I get drunk" Amelia finished before she burped. Her cheeks flared up in embarrassment. "...I think I should have gotten something to eat" Amelia added after a few moments of silence. She wasn't that hungry due to all the tension, so she decided to skip dinner unlike Harry, who was completely calm and relaxed.

Harry didn't bother to answer her and decided to lean back in his chair and close his eyes… After nearly half an hour, Harry's eyes snapped open. "They are here" Harry muttered as a smile bloomed on his face.

"Really?" Amelia asked, looking unsure as the Alarm Wards were not triggered, but Harry was saved from answering when moments later, the alarms started to blare loudly. Amelia immediately grabbed the Sobering Potion and gulped it down in one go before a loud crash was heard outside the house. She closed her eyes before taking a deep breath and when she finally opened her eyes after a couple of seconds, her eyes were burning with determination.

"You won't need it, but good luck" Harry offered before Amelia could finally make her way to a vantage point…


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