9.39% Murim: Struggle of the Weak / Chapter 14: Chapter no.14 The Jade Amulet

章節 14: Chapter no.14 The Jade Amulet

<p>The morning sun filtered through the narrow slits in the window blinds, casting strips of light across the wooden floor of my room. I was doing pushups on the rug, my bare skin glistening with sweat. The only sound was the rhythmic thud of my palms against the soft surface as I pushed myself up from the ground.<br/>Xu Wen'an sat on the edge of my back, her  hair cascading down her shoulders. She wore a simple, brown tunic that was frayed at the edges, and her hands were rough and calloused from years of hard labor. "Come on," she said, her voice dripping with false enthusiasm. "You can do it. Just a few more, and then you can take a break."<br/>I ignored her words, knowing that her encouragement was nothing more than a mask to hide her true feelings. I was used to her fake smiles and feigned enthusiasm, but it didn't make it any less irritating.<br/>As I continued my exercise, my mind drifted to the men and women who were trapped inside this prison for God knows how long. It had only been a week since we were brought to this mysterious place, but already everyone was smiling and cheering with each other. I couldn't understand it. How could they forget so quickly the horrors of their imprisonment? I tried to rationalize their behavior, but it didn't make sense to me.<br/>Suddenly, Xu Wen'an suggested that I go outside and play with the others. I groaned inwardly. I wasn't in the mood for socializing, but I knew better than to argue. As I stood up, I could feel my muscles burning, and my body trembled with exhaustion. I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and turned to face Xu Wen'an. "I'm not really good with people," I said, trying to put on a facade of social awkwardness.<br/>Xu Wen'an nodded understandingly. Her eyes, which were usually bright and cheerful, were now tinged with sadness. "It's okay," she said. "You don't have to force yourself to do anything you don't want to do."<br/>As she got up to leave, I hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you know someone named Alexander?" <br/>Xu Wen'an froze in place, her back turned to me. After a long pause, she turned to face me, her expression suddenly cold and guarded. "Why do you ask?" she said, her voice low and cautious.<br/>I felt a twinge of suspicion at her reaction, but I tried to act nonchalant. "I overheard some of the other servants talking about him," I said. "They were saying that someone named Alexander used to work here."<br/>Xu Wen'an hesitated for a moment before saying, "I don't know anything about that." She then quickly turned and left, closing the door behind her.<br/>I lay back on the rug, panting heavily. I closed my eyes, trying to catch my breath, but my mind was racing as I smiled.<br/>Looks like Alexander stayed in this same place.<br/>Maybe he might have left something for anyone coming into this world from his world. <br/>If I was Alexander, where would I hide a clue for someone from his own world ?<br/>.....<br/>A month had passed since I had been brought to the Twilight Dragon Estate, and my search for any clues about Alexander's presence here had yielded no results. I had combed through every room, searched every nook and cranny, and even followed the servants around to see if they knew anything. <br/>One afternoon, while everyone else was outside enjoying themselves, I decided to take the opportunity to search one of the rooms that I hadn't been able to get into before. As I approached the door, I noticed that it was adorned with intricate carvings, depicting flowers in a beautiful garden. I pushed the door open, and a faint smell of incense filled my nostrils.<br/>The room was dimly lit, and I could see wisps of smoke curling up from a bowl of incense in the corner. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of nature and wildlife. The bed was large and ornate, with silk sheets and a plush, velvety comforter. A small table sat by the bed, with a lit candle and a few books scattered haphazardly across its surface.<br/>I began to search the room, moving slowly and carefully so as not to make any noise. As I rummaged through drawers and cabinets, I heard the sound of the door opening. My heart skipped a beat, and I immediately rushed to hide under the bed, hoping that whoever was entering wouldn't see me.<br/>To my dismay, it was Lee Min, one of the other children who had caught my eye. She was stunningly beautiful, with long, white hair and soft curves that made my heart race. She hummed a tune as she walked towards the bed and started to undress.<br/>My heart pounded in my chest as she locked the door with a bolt, indicating that she wanted privacy. I tried to remain as silent as possible as she pranced around the room, enjoying her own exhibitionist tendencies.<br/>As I quickly pushed myself back so I couldn't be seen I felt my back hit the hall as even though the sound was silent, I heard the hollow sound in the wall.<br/>Wait, why would a wall be hollow ? Was it designed that way?<br/>I turned towards it to get a better look and I saw it. <br/>Alexander's writing alongside a strange marking on the wall. It was an X, crudely etched into the plaster alongside some words as it said, "X marks the spot."<br/>Finally, Lee Min climbed into bed and fell asleep. I waited for a few moments, making sure that she was sound asleep before I crept out from under the bed before silently leaving, making sure that no one saw me.<br/>...<br/>The next morning, I returned to Lee Min's room, my heart racing with anticipation. I lifted the bed away from the wall, revealing the X that was etched into the plaster. I examined it closely.<br/>I paused for a moment, wondering what this could mean. <br/>Could it be that Alexander had hidden something valuable in this room? <br/>I quickly poked my finger into the hole in the X, just as I had done the night before. I felt something hard, and I pulled my finger back, revealing the hidden compartment once again.<br/>As I carefully removed the wooden box from the compartment and opened it up. Inside, there was nothing but a jade amulet.<br/>••••••••••<br/>A few months had passed since we were brought to this mysterious place, a luxurious estate where there were absolutely no rules. <br/>We could eat whenever we wanted, sleep wherever we pleased, and play whenever we desired. <br/>Each of us had our own servant to attend to our every whim. <br/>As I bit into a crisp, green apple, savoring the sweet and tangy flavor, I listened to the conversations around me.<br/>"Hey, when is the training going to start?" asked a grey-haired boy named Wang Fu.<br/>"Oh, who cares? As long as we get to live like nobles," replied a girl in the group, causing me to roll my eyes. Even now, after all this time of being treated like royalty, I didn't trust these people. They had some kind of agenda. <br/>No one in the world gives out the kindness of their heart without some ulterior motive. If we were being given such lavish lifestyles, then there must be a price we would eventually have to pay.<br/>"Hey, do you miss your family?" a meek, older girl asked me.<br/>Many of the people at the table replied, "No, why would I go back to my hard life of farming?"<br/>"Hmph, looks like you don't know how hard it is to live when your mother works in the red light district."<br/>"I don't want to talk about it."<br/>"Yeah right, I finally escaped from that bastard of a father. Now he can't hit me anymore."<br/>I tuned out the sound of their conversations, which had become a normal occurrence within this place. Some of the victims told tales of their horrible lives on multiple occasions, seeking validation and pity from others. I found their behavior pathetic. <br/>Maybe it was their way of coping with the horrors they had experienced in prison, but it still seemed insignificant compared to the rewards we had been promised.<br/>"What about you?" Lee Min asked, breaking my thoughts.<br/>"I never had a family," I replied before standing up. "I am going to sleep."<br/>"This early?"<br/>"Yes," I answered before leaving with a cup of swiss lemonade in my hands. While sipping on the bitter drink, I gazed up at the jade amulet hanging around my neck. It was the only clue I had found linking back to Alexander, and it had become an obsession of mine to uncover the truth behind it.<br/>The jade amulet that hung around my neck was a curious artifact, its surface marked with intricate holes that added to its mystery. But what truly intrigued me were the words engraved upon it: "Don't forget, 3, Oct. 10." These words were the only connection I had to Alexander and his time in this place. I couldn't fathom why he had inscribed them upon the amulet, but they remained the only tangible link to his existence within these walls.<br/>Despite the lavish lifestyle that had been bestowed upon us, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The people here were too kind, too accommodating. It was almost as if they were trying to cover something up, a fact that only served to reinforce my distrust of their motives. Perhaps Alexander's warning was meant to be taken metaphorically, a message to stay vigilant and not be deceived by appearances.<br/>As I contemplated the enigmatic words on the amulet, I couldn't help but wonder if Alexander had been right about this place all along. The opulence and luxury that surrounded us felt like a facade, a deceptive illusion that hid something darker beneath the surface. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were all being used for some purpose, that there was a price to be paid for this supposed generosity.<br/>Despite my misgivings, I remained determined to uncover the truth behind Alexander's stay in this place. The amulet was my only tangible lead, and I was determined to follow it wherever it might lead me and I knew that I have to turn to the only person, that could give me answers about Alexander.<br/>.....<br/>I sat on a plush sofa, my gaze fixed on the dimly lit room, with candles casting flickering shadows on the walls. <br/>Xu Wen'an sat beside me, her movements slow and unsteady as she poured drinks into crystal glasses. Her eyes were glazed and her words were slurred, a sign that she had consumed more than her fair share of the alcohol. She was wearing a stunning red silk dress that hugged her curves, her hair styled into loose waves that cascaded down her back. Despite her inebriation, she was still breathtakingly beautiful.<br/>As I sipped on my drink, I could hear the sound of the rain tapping against the windowpane, a calming background to the warm glow of the candles that illuminated the room. I savored the taste of the drink, the smoothness of the liquid sliding down my throat, and the warmth that spread through my chest.<br/>Xu Wen'an let out a giggle, her hand covering her mouth as she swayed slightly on the sofa. "You know, I'm feeling a bit dizzy," she slurred, her words slightly garbled. "Maybe I've had too much to drink."<br/>I smiled, my amusement at her condition tempered with concern. "Perhaps it's best if you stop drinking for now," I suggested, gently taking the glass from her hand and placing it on the table.<br/>Xu Wen'an pouted, her bottom lip jutting out slightly. "But I want to have fun!" she whined. <br/>"Don't be such a spoil-sport, I promise I won't get too drunk to not give you a good night. You know, I never imagined someone like you would fall for someone like me, but I know you don't want love, you just want a good night," Xu Wen'an shouted, her voice laced with the intoxicating effects of alcohol. She took a bold swig from the bottle, emptying its contents with confidence, while I just stood there and smiled.<br/>"You know, if you wanted to have sex with me, you could have just said so. Or maybe this is your fetish or something." <br/>Xu Wen'an slurred as I rolled my eyes.<br/>If I had wanted to take advantage of her, to blow her back out, I could have just commanded her to do so. But that wasn't why I had gotten her intoxicated tonight.<br/>No, I had a different motive in mind. I needed information about Alexander, and I had a feeling that Xu Wen'an was the key to unlocking his secrets. The mere mention of his name had elicited a cold, guarded reaction from her, which only served to confirm my suspicions. She wasn't going to give up the information easily, not while she was sober and in control of her faculties.<br/>So, I had devised a plan to get her intoxicated, to lower her inhibitions and pry the truth from her alcohol-laced words. I knew it was a gamble, but I was willing to take the risk if it meant getting closer to the truth about Alexander. As she laughed and drank, I watched her carefully, waiting for the right moment to ask my questions and gather the information I so desperately sought.<br/>Seeing the perfect opportunity, I took out Alexander's jade amulet and asked, "Xu, can you tell me about this?"<br/>Xu Wen'an's eyes went wide as she saw Alexander's amulet. She slurred, "Where did ya find this?"<br/>Noting Xu Wen'an's shift in tone and attitude even when she was drunk, I answered back, "Oh, I just found it while I was playing with my friends."<br/>Xu Wen'an nodded unsteadily, causing me to ask, "Do you know who this belongs to?"<br/>Xu Wen'an answered back with a hiccup, "This belonged to someone who I used to, uh, previously serve while in this place. I think that was about... 500 years ago?"<br/>Xu Wen'an's answer left me in shock. <br/>500 years ago?! <br/>The shock of her words caused me to blurt out, "How old are you?"<br/>"Now, now, that isn't very nice. You shouldn't ask a lady her age," Xu Wen'an replied while sloppily pinching my cheek. <br/>"Don't you want this back?" I said while dangling the amulet.<br/>Xu Wen'an's indifferent face greeted me as she replied, "No."<br/>"Why? Didn't this belong to someone you know?"<br/>"..."<br/>"Come on, who was it? Was it your friend or maybe a lover?" I asked, coming towards her a little too close to her face.<br/>Hearing my questions and seeing me entering her personal space, Xu Wen'an blurted out in a moment of drunken annoyance, "No! I don't want anything that has to do with that bastard."<br/>Xu Wen'an stumbled back with an annoyed look on her face, mumbling to herself, "Didn't think I would see that bastard's key here."<br/>Hearing Xu Wen'an's words, I looked at Alexander's amulet and asked, "A key, huh? A key for what exactly?"<br/>Xu Wen'an, still under the influence of alcohol, wobbled a bit as she looked at the amulet in my hand. "It's... It's a key to Alexander's lab. That's where he kept all his... his experiments and stuff," she slurred, her eyes struggling to focus.<br/>Realizing this was a crucial opportunity, I decided to press further. "Xu, could you draw me a map to this lab?"<br/>Xu Wen'an hesitated, her drunkenness making her malleable but still somewhat resistant. "I dunno... I shouldn't... It's already bur," she muttered.<br/>"Please, Xu, it's important. I promise I'll be careful. I just need to know what Alexander was working on," I pleaded, trying to appeal to her sense of trust and camaraderie in her drunken state.<br/>She wavered, her eyes glazing over as she struggled to maintain consciousness. Finally, with a sigh, she agreed, "Fine, fine. Just... just let me draw it for you."<br/>She stumbled towards a nearby table, grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill. With great effort, she began to draw a crude map, her hand shaking from both the alcohol and her exhaustion. The map was barely legible, but it was better than nothing.<br/>As she finished the last lines of the map, Xu Wen'an's energy finally gave out. She collapsed onto the table, her head resting on her arms, fast asleep. I gently took the map from under her hand and carefully examined it, trying to make sense of the drunken scribbles.<br/>Despite its imperfections, the map provided me with a starting point to locate Alexander's secret lab.</p>

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