55.55% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

章節 14: Chapter 13

"How bloody long does this stupid jungle go on for?!" Jinx groans out.

"We're only another days journey before reaching Kalduga. Then the jungles end." Haiker replies to her.

Through mud, dirt and bugs we've pushed pushed through the jungles of Kumungu. The entire place has been in disarray since the pack of Vinebeasts had been killed. The sudden emptiness in territory has caused fights between packs of beasts from wolves to basilisks to even Hyakki. Luckily this meant we were roughly left alone. But recently there has been a group of Hyakki following us. And although they haven't made a move towards us their presence is not welcome.

Some travelers in the caravans had cut up pieces of some of the Vinebeasts of which we had all been using as food for the last few days. And after I had some Shadow Bears clear an area of forest we were all resting around various fires. Everyone since the fight of the Vinebeasts had learnt to trust in my abilities and no one questioned my decisions.

Overtime I had gotten to know all the people here, who were all thankful for both me and Jinx's help. My incredible power had almost calmed their nerves and although they know they are still in a dangerous place, they are far more calm about it. Jinx had enjoyed herself a lot, being the life of the party for everyone due to her cheerful attitude.

I watched Jinx complain about the length of this jungle as everyone agreed and laughed with her. It was nice seeing her smile more. But still, I stood a little away, leaning against a tree looking into the darkness. Even with some Shadows constantly keeping watch I was still nervous about something.

"Are you not going to join us?" Haiker makes me look away from the shadows as he approached me.

I shrug "It's strange. We haven't been attacked in two days by anything."

"Yes, I suppose the beasts here are fighting amongst each other for the new territory." He adds but stops when he sees me shake my head.

"It's not that. The jungle is too quiet. None of my Shadows had seen a single living thing besides us and plants."

"Do you think it's the Hyakki again? I thought they were watching us again?"

"They are. But I've never heard of them simply observing. They are staying away from my Shadows and haven't given me a single clue on what they're planning."

"You're right that is strange. Do you have any ideas?" He asks me.

I sigh "They no doubt know we're the ones who killed the pack of Vinebeasts."

"So what, are they being cautious to us?"

I nod "Most likely. Honestly what I think is that they're gathering their own forces, hoping to decimate us with their numbers."

"Well, they've never seen the amount of Shadows you have. Nor would they expect us to be far more prepared for them ever since their first ambush. I've set my men through training exercises against them whenever we can."

"Just have your men work in groups. Hyakki like to work together when shooting enemies. While one fires at an obvious spot like the head or chest another would fire somewhere less predictable at the same time."

He nodded at me before leaving me to myself. A Shadow Wolf walked out of the jungle and came to me as it gave me a report of anything. But of course their was nothing, though it caught a scent of multiple Hyakki. I gave it a light pat on it's head before it ran back into the jungle.

"Still... what is this presence I feel? It's a Hyakki but unlike any of the other ones... It could only be their alpha." I say to no one.


"Look! I can see the end of the jungles!" Jinx yells out excitedly. Others cheered knowing they'll be out of the jungle and I couldn't also be excited by being out of this annoying place.

Jinx was about to rush forward when I raised my hand and stopped her. She looked at me confused as I called out to seemingly nothing "There's no point hiding. Your powerful aura makes your ability useless."

Everyone stared at me like I was crazy when a green light shined between us and the exit of the jungle. At least over a hundred Hyakki stood in front of us all with sadistic smirks except one. One rode a horse and was clearly their leader judging by the chilling feeling I got from him.

"Hyakki! And with so many numbers?!" Haiker gasped. Everyone readied themselves by either seeking protection or lining up behind us.

The leader of the Hyakki stared directly at me "So there was one, a strong among the trash."

"Yo! I didn't know these guys could talk?!" Jinx said.

"They usually can't..." I reply to her.

He snorted as if proud "Don't compare me to the others. But anyway, I have someone to introduce you to." He glares before gesturing to his right as a Hyakki walks besides him. "He's the one that told us about you."

He was the one that I first saw, the one that promised to kill me. "He wants to take you down himself so--" He continued but I already had enough of them. Using Hemomancy I picked up the Hyakki and dragged him towards me. When he was close I pulled out my blade and cut it's head clean off.

"Anything else to say?" I ask.

The leader looks at me before smirking widely "You're an amusing guy!" He dismounted his horse and sent it away as he pulled out a dagger that he spun in his hands "Before we fight I must ask. Despite not being human why do you hang out with them?"

"What are you talking about?" I say confused.

"I can tell the difference between beasts and humans. Yet you're neither, or both it's difficult to tell. So how about this. Hand over those humans, and I'll spare your life. How about it?"

I point my sword at him "Go fuck yourself."

He laughs "How do you expect to defeat me and my soldiers? Even you can't withstand this many Hyakki."

This time it was my turn to smirk "What do you mean? We're superior in numbers." I say as Shadows start to emerge around me.

"What a cheap trick."

"Is it a cheap trick?" I taunted as my Sharpshooter Shadows started the fight with a volley. The Hyakki in front were blasted to bits as Shadows and Hyakki engaged in combat. Unlike against the Vinebeasts the Hyakki could stand strong against my Shadows except for the new additional Shadow Bears, who smashed through their lines.

"We'll protect the caravans Dire! Go kill that pointy eared loser!" Jinx called out.

"Right, I'll leave this to you then." I say as I dash towards the leader of the Hyakki. He was cutting down my fodder Shadows with nearly no effort.

He cut down two Shadows as we walked towards each other "My name is Baruka. What is yours?"

"Dire." I answer as I ready myself.

"Well Dire. Your Shadows are quite impressive, while those human friends of yours are no where near as dangerous." He says confusing me a little.

"Dire!" I hear someone call out. I turn my head to look behind me to see a group of Hyakki had been hiding in the jungle and was going straight after the caravans.

"Shit!" I grit out as I try to rush towards them. But I stop to raise my sword when I feel Baruka try to stab my back. I block it before swiping across but he jumps back.

"Like I'll let you leave. I'm your opponent." He declares.

We start to fight each other letting me witness just how powerful he is compared to his Hyakki brethren. His skill is on par with Igris with slashes of his dagger nearly faster than I could track. No, he might be stronger than him. I'd need Igris to help me if I wanted to kill this guy but Igris is making sure no Hyakki help out Baruka in our duel.

I slashed downwards as Baruka calmly steps out of the way. He steps on the top of my sword but he underestimated my strength as I pulled his foot off and tried to slash his face but he blocked it with his dagger. We push our blades against each other before Baruka tries to knee me but I jump backwards.

"It's been a while since I've had such fun." He taunts before looking up to see a fireball falling onto him.

It lands on him as he is engulfed by flame. Listening to the screams and fighting of Haiker's men I quickly use the time I have to rush over to the caravans away from Baruka. "Where do you think you're going?!" He yells out. He was about to attack me but Igris got in his way. "You think this thing can stop me?!" He says as he and Igris start to fight.

I go over to the caravans and help Haiker's men kill off some Hyakki. I then notice Jinx who is making quick work of the Hyakki. When one tried to stab her she jump on it before twisting herself making it fall to the ground with her on top of it. She then wiped out Zapper and pointed it at the creature's head before it exploded as she pulled Zapper's trigger. She jumped up as she switched back to Pow-Pow as she gunned down more Hyakki.

"Jinx! Where's Haiker!?" I yell out to her pulling my blade out of a dead Hyakki.

"He went over to protect the civilian dudes!" She yells back as I rush off.

More guards were fighting as I assisted them before seeing a sad sight. Haiker on the ground bleeding hard. I went to his side as I grabbed his hand "Hold on Haiker. Let's get you somewhere safe." A Hyakki tries to stab me in the back but I punch it's face with all my might. That along with my armored hand was more than enough to crush it's head as it was launched away dead. "Anyone!? We need assistance here!"

"Leave it Dire..." Haiker coughs out. "This is it for me..."

"Silence. I'll carry you into--"

He interrupts me "You need to get back into the fight Dire. Or all of us are going to die. Besides I've been poisoned. Even if they bandaged me up I'll just die from the poison."

I look at him saying nothing till I sigh heavily. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be... I died protecting those people and have no regrets. So go... you need to kill their leader... before more people die..."

"He's too strong. More people would've died before Igris and I work together to take him down." I say with a grim but sad look on my face.

He was quiet before saying "So use me..."

"..... Understood." I look at him sadly.

"You want to be the strongest right? So... let me help you..." He finishes as his eyes close forever.

I didn't move, quietly holding him as I could feel tears start to fall from my eyes. A yell drags me out from my sorrow as I look over to the main battle "COME ON DIRE! YOU THINK THIS SHADOW COULD STOP ME!!!" Baruka yells as Igris is cut into pieces.

I wipe the sadness from my face as I stand "I promise you Haiker, your sacrifice won't be vain." I then hold out my hand with a determined look "So arise, Immoveable Shadow Iron." (Pic in p/c)

Jinx pointed Pow-Pow at Baruka and started firing rapidly at him. Baruka dodged her gunfire as he dashed his way over to her. "You pathetic human!" He cries as he was about to slash at her. Luckily he was forced back by Igris who had regenerated himself. "You again? Why won't you just die?!" He glared as Igris and Jinx started working together to stall Baruka.

Just as Baruka was about to cut Igris apart again a massive shield blocks his attack. He is forced back as I stand beside Igris along with my newest addition to my army.

(Example in p/c)

"You're dead." I say as I point my blade at him.

"Wowzers! He's massive now!" I hear Jinx awe.

My new Shadow, Iron roared into the air. Magically drawing the attention of Baruka who's eyes went red by the spell affecting him "Another amusing guy has shown up! I'll cut you down first!" He laughed as he rushed forward.

He attacked Iron but Iron used his massive shield to protect himself before slamming his massive hammer down at Baruka, who jumped over him. "This slow monster could never hit me!" Baruka smiled.

"He's not supposed to!" I reply as Igris and I appear on both sides of Iron. Igris thrusts his sword forward which Baruka narrowly dodges. But he was unable to defend himself when I slashed his shoulder.

He jumps away and glares at me "You trash, sure are persistent."

I smirk "You're one to talk. Look around." His eyes widen when he notices what I meant. "Your forces are dead." The Hyakki laid on the floor either dead or dying.

"You bastard!" He yells charging straight for me "Your soldiers will all disappear when I kill you!" I throw my sword at him making him laugh "Throwing away your weapon? Are you stupi--" He stops when I start to use my magic to push the sword even further. It's speed surprised Baruka and when he raises his dagger to block it his dagger is shattered in the process.

With a roar Iron grabs Baruka from behind him as the Shadow mages all launch a fireball at the the held Baruka. He survives but he had clearly taken a lot of damage. He breaks out of Iron's grip, tearing Iron apart in the process as he screeches in pure rage "You bastards. I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

His blind rage made it easy for me to dash and stab my sword into his chest. "You talk too much." I say to him.

Baruka grabs my arm and yells "Y-you-?!" Not noticing that Iron had regenerated as he slams his hammer on top of Baruka. He lifted his hammer to reveal Baruka dead and crushed.

"So that's it..." I sigh out as people start to cheer at the victory. Suddenly Iron lifted his hammer again and with a roar started repeatedly slamming it into Baruka's body. "Hey! Stop you dunce!" He stops and looks at me confused as I walk away worrying for the future. Iron looks at Igris who stares at him for a bit before sighing and leaving him alone. Iron then turns to the Shadow Soldiers and cheers as they too start to cheer with him.

"Oof! Now that was a fight! I must've killed over twenty of these dudes myself." Jinx says stretching as she walked over to me.

"You fought well Jinx."

"It's sad about Haiker. He was a good guy." She muttered looking at Haiker's dead body which was placed by all the other dead bodies where everyone was morning over. "We're going to finish this right?" She asked.

"Of course we are. I made a promise to him to finish it." I then look towards my main point of interest, Baruka's corpse. I kneel down to him and all the Hyakki corpses surrounding him "Arise."

Similar to Igris, Shadows ingulf Baruka's body before being displaced. I grit my teeth and try again "You're pack is dead Hyakki. You may have been the alpha of your species but you follow a master now. So stand and slaughter my enemies, Silent Death Blade." (Pic in p/c)

A Shadow form of Baruka and hundreds nearby Hyakki drag themselves out of their bodies to stand. They knelt before me before they stood with Baruka towering over the others.

"It looks weird seeing you bring back things you just killed moments ago." Jinx giggled.

"I know. They become so loyal to me despite me killing them." But with these I now had an elite legion of silent assassins as well as another higher up Shadow which now consisted of Igris, Tank, Iron and Blade.

The dead were mourned for and buried. But we needed to keep moving till we reached somewhere safer to rest. Jinx and I said our final goodbyes to Haiker's grave before leading the way out of the jungles. Crossing a river, we made it Kalduga, where we rested for the rest of the day.

When everyone was rested we continued, travelling up along some hills till we reached the top and got a view on the Great Sai. "So this is the biggest desert in the world..." I say to no one in particular.

Across beyond the horizon there was nothing but sand. But strangely I felt something as I gazed on the desert. Some part of me wanting nothing more than to climb down and stand upon the sands of Shurima. I silenced that weird feeling as the caravans kept moving.

I followed some advice from one of Haiker's men till we reached a tall gate. "What is that?" Jinx asked.

"A Noxtoraa." I answer her. "Noxians set them up in all their occupied territory as warnings and gates."

"Is it cool for us to go through Noxian lands? Aren't we going to fight them in a couple months?"

I nod at her "It should be. Noxians constantly patrol the lands so we don't have to worry about bandits and beasts anymore till we reach Nashramae."

As we travelled we eventually had to set up camp again, but the next day we were able to reach civilization again. We all rested in the Noxian occupied town of Bel'Zhun. Some merchants who took some body parts of Vinebeasts and Hyakki sold them and told stories of our adventures in the jungles.

It seemed the Hyakki and Vinebeasts were disrupting trades between Shurima and Piltover for a while now, so we were able to get a hefty bounty prize for clearing both packs out. Though before we entered the town I told everyone in the caravan party to not speak of my name or my ability to raise the dead. This was so I could not reveal my identity to Noxus since as far as I knew Swain still thought I was in Piltover.

After that and many more days of travel we finally reached the town of Nashramae. It was larger than Bel'Zhun and as well as the village of Tereshni which is in between the two. Nashramae had many homes clearly ancient made from old sandstone. Though a lot of them had wooden homes built into them.

"HAHAHA! Look at them!" Jinx laughed loudly as we all watched a rather peculiar thing happen. People were curling into balls as they rolled down the streets

I chuckled before tapping on the shoulder of a nearby person watching with glee "Excuse me. Could you explain what these people are doing."

"You a foreigner?" They asked. When I nodded they giggled "I imagine it looks rather weird. They are preforming the Festival of the Armadillo."

"That's the creature Rammus is it not?" I question. (ok)

"Who?" Jinx asked me.

"It's a creature symbolizing change. He comes and goes from the desert mystifying all that see him." They say before walking off..

Seemingly thousands of people were rolling around on the floor as I said "No one knows what Rammus is exactly. Some people think he's a god and do this festival in his name."

"What weirdos." Jinx giggles as we explore the place. The caravan people were already unloading their stock as they all thanked us immensely before we left them. "Is that that Sun Disk thing you talked about? I thought it was buried?" Jinx says pointing at the prize of the city.

Overlooking the city was a massive golden disk that reflected the sun. "No, it's only a replica. Nashramae tried to preserve the old ways of the Shuriman Empire, so they made that to honor the ancient Ascended."

Even if it wasn't the real thing, something was pulling me towards it. Some buried urge inside me I couldn't shake off. I unknowingly started walking off as Jinx kept watching the people rolling around. "Huh? Dire?! Where are you going!?" I hear her yell out but I don't answer her.

I just kept staring at the fake Sun Disk. Eventually I start to climb up the temple it sat on, not caring about the people telling me to get down. I reach the top of it and look onto the desert. I don't know why but some part of me is unbelievably happy to be here. And I don't know why.

I decide to touch the Sun Disk when I suddenly gain a rush of pain and power as soon as I touch it. I felt like the sun was focusing all of it's heat and burning me to ashes. Jinx who had climbed up was forced back by the red power that radiated from me.

"Dire! Dire, stop this!" I hear her cry out making me seemingly wake up. I remove my hand and the pain disappears from me instantly. "Dire?! Are you alright?" Jinx asks coming close to me.

I was quiet before finally answering her "Yeah, yeah I'm alright."

"What was that?" She says touching the Sun Disk cautiously. Nothing happens as she looks at it confused.

"I... I don't know. Come on. Let's get out of this town. It's bout time we get back to Piltover."

I help her down as we sneak away from the guards that were trying to find us due to climbing up their temple. Unseen we sneak out of Nashramae as I stare back at the Sun Disk. That feeling may have been short but it awoke something. Something angry and dark. I don't know what it is... but I hope I'm able to control it.

Unknown to me, it called someone. Someone who instantly recognized what this power surge meant. A hand covered in dark brown fur dragged a body out as they looked to the sun.

"A Darkin?"

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