87.9% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 318: Time Passes Part 1: Time Skips Across the Warp & Beyond

章節 318: Time Passes Part 1: Time Skips Across the Warp & Beyond

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Neutral Zone of Chaos, the Mount Olympus-Palace of the Chaos Gods, The Grand Banquet Hall of Olympus

We were still celebrating, enjoying the victory over Tzeentch, as we really destroyed him and his army, it will take years if not centuries for him to heal, while replenishing his lost numbers...with the Warp, being how it is, it'll take what humans considered in extended amount of time, while for us it is a breeze.

As we eat and enjoy, ourselves me, Nurgle, and Khorne, decided to have a moment together while the girls spend their time together, we leave to the Balcony.

Location the Council Chamber of Calamities; Balcony Area

We three stepped out to the balcony area, Nurgle was jolly and happy, especially of the thrashing against Tzeentch, Khorne was excitedly talking about the bloodshed and great battles we done on the battle.

I shake my head, and smiled as I took a drink of my Ambrossia, as I patted my brother, Khorne, shoulder and offered Nurgle another cup of Ambrossia which he happily accepted, we walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked at the area below.

It was still flooded, covered in bodies of daemons, and the destruction from the previous battle being quite clear.

The three of us, were talking and cracking jokes, as if we were real brothers...and not daemonic, God from alternate dimension derived of the collected human psyche...that's when, I said, "I think we need a break brothers." as they look at me with a curious expression, I continue to talk, "We've been, nothing but busy. It has been one hassle, after a another don't you guys agree?" after saying that, I could see that their faces showed, a bit of agreement.

I then spoke to them, telling them that I wanted to focus on my realm, creating and readjusting it, as I wanted, Khorne and Nurgle both agreed with me, Nurgle still had to customize and add his new Underworld fully into the Plague Garden.

While Khorne wanted to expand his arsenal, army, and reinforce his realm, seems that we'll wanted the same thing in our own ways.

So we've decided at the end that we all needed some time, a break from all the personally leading battles.

With that we, shared another drink, returning back to the Banquet Hall, and we enjoyed the rest of our party...

Sometime later, specifically 5-years...

Location the Nethervoid, Castle Neo Oblivion-Rooftop Garden

I was in the rooftop, within the Statue Garden of my lovely Chi, upon spending some time with my wives, all together or one on one it was quite romantic or pure thralls of lust.

I tired my wives, and during those...five years...I really need, to make a clock for my use in this damn Warp...at least for me, my daemons have been invading Eldar and Ork worlds under the leadership of one or two of my Elder Daemons.

Also Nyx, she helped organizing their work and tasks on the Nethervoid, Cassandra, Kiira, and Camilla have taken quite a liking to the Primordial Greek Goddess, turned loyal advisor of the Daemon Queens, cause of this I added a special grand tower to the west side of my castle.

Looking to my right, I saw a grandiose tower with violet, bluish black, grey color pattern with actual stars circling the side of the medieval tower, it call the Moonlite Stigma, it became Nyx and Oizys have been given to them, as a reward.

But that the only new addition to my home, in the jungle of dear first wife, a giant daemonic, withered tree that has surpass all other dark florrah under Chi's domain.

That tree became what can considered the Moros Salvae, the resting and watch tower of Moros who has made all my first wife's, daemonic plants more flourished and deadlier, my dear Chi told me that her ents have mutated and transformed empower by Moros' divine powers.

I'll start making some more creating in my Nethervoid, after longer break with my beloved wives, Kiira in particular has been really lustful, but in all honesty I think she has big case of baby fever, and wants a baby...whatever, will make my lovely Succubus Queen happy, as shrugg my shoulders.

Soo after stretching my body, and sprouting my six wings to stretch them, as well I look at another huge addition to the Nethervoid, that I've yet to truly work on it, but the absorption of the Greek Realm into the Realms of Chaos, apart from my nightmarish realm doubling if not tripling in size...the northwest of the Nethervoid, became a Ocean...yes, I've gained a Ocean, to be specific the Greek Ocean of the GOW-World.

A giant black and violet colored Ocean, and Atlantis well it still suffered it unescapable fate, as it is under the dark wave, in turn meaning that my beloved, Sea Queen, Scylla's domain, it's kinda ironic in the GOW games Kratos was the destroyer and reason that, that city sunk...I attack it, and keep it from sinking only for when it becomes under my domain...it still sunk underwater.

I've still haven't officially named my new Ocean, but Scylla was very happy to have her own domain within the Nethervoid, and she showed that gratitude by not letting me leave the bed for almost an entire year.

Regardless I retracted my wings, and started headed back inside, yawning a bit...now that I think about it I haven't really taken a nap in...centuries, since my reincarnation as a Chaos God, well no better time to fix that then the present.

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the Blood Lands-The Brass Citadel/The Gore Fortress, the Skull Thrones of Khorne

I was resting on my throne, as the chamber was overflowing with new skulls from all the battles and wars, my daemons have done in my name.

Wrath, Skarbrand, and Kratos have certainly have brought me countless skull, also the new herald, a bloodletter named U'zuhl, or as many Eldar and other daemons have called him Skulltaker, who has claimed 888 skulls of his fellow kin and more, I was soo impressed with him I bestowed him with the Slayer Sword, which was crafted by my Gore Butchers from a single shard of my boundless wrath, this blade blazes with the unholy energy and I've granted it with uncanny ability to find the foe's weak spot.

Skulltaker, has refused ascension to Greater Daemonhood, preferring his bloodletter form and to chase after mighty warriors to face and slay, I've also forgiven Skulltaker's unique personality trait of collecting the skulls of his best opponents, for his own and adding them to his cloak, simply called the Cloak of Skulls.

Since he embodies my hunger for battle, martial prowess, and desire for bloody combat, I've allowed him to do as he pleases, with even my dear, Valkia, bauching for Skulltaker and his prowess.

Speaking of my dear, wife she has taken Invidia and Ioke, under her command and granting the two new Blood Goddesses, a stronghold for their own Ioke was given a special temple near the Gore Fortress, called the "Ava Eterna Victoria" were her Spartan cultists, and some she-daemons from Valkia daughters, worship and tend to her temple at the north.

While Invidia, she was given a special stronghold on the area down south, a small facility with brass metal edge to a small Greek structure, this the Chamber of Sacred Lady Executioner, only Invidia is there waiting to be call by either me or Valkia...and surprisely, Bellona as well...to hunt down any that have insult or broken an oath to me, while my brother is the keeper and God of Oaths, with Invidia I'll have my own way of punishment.

Either I unleash her or my trusted hound, and Elder Daemon, Karanak to deliver my wrathful judgment and punishment!!!

Returning to Bellona...our "relationship" has changed a bit...one thing, being that Valkia made me, erect a skull throne for her own my left side.

Glancing to my left, I watched Bellona sitting cross leg with clear happiness and pride on her face, as she sat on a black metallic throne with red rags all over the throne, and burning skulls as armrests and head rest...I'm still, confused as in why, Bellona has become soo close to Valkia...and me during this period of time...

She's has even showed some affection, towards under the presence of Valkia and all was fine, I'll...I'll admit, I liked it...

But regardless, other things that happened all the mass from the Greek Realm, has greatly expanded my domain, with conquered Greek cities and villages becoming apart of Sparta under my explicit desire, and also the number of mortal warriors that have offered themselve to unending war, and eternal bloodshed, as my coliseums were non-ending matches between my worshippers and daemons, I've even attended some of those matches with Valkia and Bellona, enjoying the brutality all in order to earn our favor.

The greatest amongst these colosseums was massive nearly rivaling my own domain, of the Gore Fortress, called the Eternal Conflict (actually it's just called the Khornate Coliseum, but I thought it was lame, so I'd renamed it to my liking, hope you'll like the name) located at the exact center, were my greatest warrior mortal or daemonic, wage epic duels in order to gain my favor, Kabanda has taken special interest in participating in these duels in order to earn my and Valkia, forgiveness for nearly damning us in the war against that Eldar Prince, many years ago.

That's when I felt both women try to gain my attention, grunting I answered them, "Yes, wife...Bellona." Valkia spoke first, "Are you fine, my Lord?" then Bellona continued with, "Yes, my Lord. Are you alright?"

Still confusing to me with Bellona's affection to me, but still I ease their worries as I called fort a bloodletter, to bring us some blood, and wine mixed Ambrossia...which was created in the Roman campaign in the Greek Realm, by Bellona herself mixing some liquor in a Ambrossia barrel already containing blood and we've drank it that day, since then this Redrum-Ambrossia has been a staple for us, and even my daemons can't get enough of it.

All the store barrels of Ambrossia, from Laharl have been mixed and held into aging as Redrum.

Regardless, we were now about to have a cup, which made both Valkia and Bellona happy as they manifested their own brass, and Iron cups, while I manifested my which always bring a smile underneath my helmet, as the black skull of Ares was turned into my own personal chalice.

I start laughing, I lowered my chalice along with both ladies doing the same as the lesser daemon, served us Redrum-Ambrossia, I'm glad I'd agreed with the Dark One, about taking some time with my wife in our Blood Lands.

As I've have yet to fully reinforced my domain, especially the borderline between my and Tzeentch realm, but even since we destroyed him they've been keeping to their side, while also attacking several worlds that none of my or my brothers' daemons, in order to hasten Tzeentch's healing by harvesting souls for the Sorceror God.

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

Location the Plague Garden-The Blighted Mansion/The Withered Throne-Apothecary Chambers

I'm soo happy, and overjoy to be back on my lovely Garden, along with my daughter and darling wife...that's right in the course of time, we've been back in the Garden, we all my no our children held a glorious wedding for me and Aiikila, with our lovely Limos as a flower girl...soo beautiful were my girls in mud-stained, and moldy dresses, while Limos carried a bouquet of mutated Corpse Flowers!!!

We held that wedding in the most foul, and disgusting part of our Garden, at the moment we've exchanged vows and officially kissed, all my daemons cheered and celebrated our holy union.

Now, we are together in my remolded Withered Throne Room, with my throne drastically widen and grown in size to fit my wife, Aiikila that was resting on my right side.

While little Limos, has her own personal, small throne of nurglish wood and covered in corpse flowers which have become our daughter's favorites, as nurglings and bilepipers were skittering and playing around our home.

Limos was laughing, and clapping along the bilepipers music, while eating some Surströmming, that my brother's Lilims have given us the delicious recipes that we've enjoyed at the celebration.

As I smile, and was very happy that my daughter, and my sleeping wife on chest were happy and enjoying their home with me.

During this time our Garden, has expanded to lengths that I'd couldn't imagine, Tabes my advisor and trusted left hand, while Charon was waiting in the still merging Underworld that I have some finishing touches to make before it partially becomes apart of the Garden, Tabes was given his own personal domain at the limits of this area, a grand palace of waste and rot, for him called the Withering Castle of Everwaste.

While Tabes owns his own little castle, tended by nurglings, and mukwalkers he prefer to be in the Manor, as I looked to the edge of the chamber, the old, fungus covered Wasting God was resting and enjoying the merriment.

Smilling at Tabes' loyalty and devotion, I think of my promise, that despite the Underworld being mine, I'd make the entrance of it neutral, so I and my daemons will judge souls to send them across the Warp for their final "damnation" of sort, hehehe.

Charon the Ferryman, swore loyalty to me alone as the new King of the Dead & the Underworld, as the swore to me he'll caretake not only the Underworld, but take all wandering soul straight to me.

Looking to my side as my daughter, was offering some fermented fish, I smile as I petted her head and took the Surströmming and slurped the delicacy with joy, making my daughter, chuckled happily.

That's not all that has happened to us and the carrion legion, the Glottkin, Tsathogga, and Ku'gath have been attacking and infecting, worlds in my name with Epidemius joining on the attacks across the Materium.

The Glottkin have brought much rot and fungal decay onto these worlds, Tsathogga created swamp-worlds which breeds countless plague toads which was so delightful to me, and Ku'gath ever the ambitious son, he along with Festus have been ravishing worlds for ingredients, carrion, and poxes to brew deadly plagues for me, I'm blessed with hard working and dedicated children, spreading my gifts across the Materium.

Several worlds, have become apart of the Garden, with countless souls of the Eldars joining my family.

Apart from my work on the Underworld, I need a Reaper to work like Phobos does to my older brother, which is a harvester of lost soul both living or dead on battlefields, I need one that not only harvest from other places aside the battlefield or died from sickness before they could pray to me.

That's shall be my for of mercy, for those poor souls that couldn't embrace me before they could feel my loving care.

So I need my own reaper...I'll call, Laharl for any suggestions on worthy reapers for my service and to join the ranks of my Elder Daemons.

For now, I'll enjoy myself with my family before I actually start to work on my beautiful Garden, sighing contemply as I wrap my arm around Aiikila who's pincers skitter, happily as she got more comfy on my chest, then I felt Limos climb up my left leg, and rest on my lap, as we enjoy ourselves.

(Anathema POV)

Location the Realspace, the Feudalworld Earth-19 April 1775, the American Revolution

The Renaissance was over, and the Age of Reason was close to starting...but now, it was the start of another major war, as the New World cried for the independence from the British Crown.

I am in the New World, watching as this new age of humanity is about to commence and over the years, I have exterminating every trace of foul Chaos, traveling the world and regretfully ending entire cultures to protect mankind...

And during that culling, I found some daemons of Khorne, being worship in blood-drinking and heart eating rituals.

I killed and destroyed those traitors, and blood daemons that corrupted and slaughter, unknown amount of poor souls that have fallen to those Warp-taints blades, and this brought me curiosity, as during that time the daemons of Khorne, Nurgle, Laharl, and even Tzeentch have more active in my world.

So I consumed and purified one of those bloodletters, and learned the awful truth...the Chaos Gods, were expanding numbers.

It was almost unbelievable to me, how can they aside from the eldritch Changer and that lustful, damnation of a Carnage God, share power and form their own patheons?

Those so called Gods, should be loners in a eternal inner struggle of power, which should keep some of their attention away from my world.

But instead, they're minions are ravaging this...the cradle of mankind, with their vile taint into the souls of the lost and innocent.

Now I am, here in the soon to be land of the free, my enhanced and trained scrying power, to see the result of this War of Independence.

I saw a possible age of unity, with the American winning the upcoming war, and George Washington, becoming the first or many great men that led America, the first President instead of a King, with that new power structure than mankind can finally be one, united race.

I hope that this will be the age that humanity, breaks it's shackles of dependence to religion, and false Gods.

I've become stronger, and wiser now I'm sure that these vile tumors won't dare challenge me, for soon I'll shall have the power to end, them once this age is at it's apex, I'll start to form my own special counter metures against the Chaos Gods, and soon I'll shall go, to the offensive against them!!!!

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