84.84% Skyrim: The Snow Prince (an Elder Scrolls Fanfic) / Chapter 55: Chapter 45: Ahbiilok's Horde

章節 55: Chapter 45: Ahbiilok's Horde

(A/n when making the Ahbiilok vs Sivreth chapters it was originally meant to be a 20,000 word fight but in my notice Chapter I mention that all my progress writing it had been deleted few months ago so all I could do was this 6,000 word Chapter. It was meant to be far longer and more epic in some ways with more tension and difficulty but I wasn't too happy how it ended up but meh, it is what it is. Also in the fight Sivreth was actually meant to open a portal to his future adult self in the Forgotten Vale which completely freezes Ahbiilok in ice with a single wVe of his hand. While also warning the younger and current Sivreth not to recklessly Time Travel again since Nocturnal primarily and the other God's will know. But in the current flow of the story this hasn't happened and Sivreth still cab use the Skeleton Key before Nocturnal grows irritated and wants the Skeleton Key back.)

Submit....or die Ahbiilok..." my voice was emotionless and hollow.

I held my spear directly to the part of Ahbiilok's forehead where I could easily take his life if he tried anything and Ahbiilok knew this as he warily stared at me with his one remaining eye.

I was slightly standing on Ahbiilok's blind spot to make it harder for him to see me should he try to attack me at any moment.

"Impressive Joor, Mortal. You are impressive, for one of your age to best a Dov, you have done what no one else has done..."

"Submit, or die..."

"While others would be playing and running around the fields and towns of their homes, while they are taught the knowledge of the world beyond their meager walls of stone and wood, you sought only power...I can see it in you...you crave it with every fibre of your being..."

"Enough of your prattling, answer me Ahbiilok! Will you submit and vow to serve me! Or do you choose death!"

"You held back in your battle...I know you can use the Thu'um but you didn't use it. You knew your body wouldn't be able to handle the strain it would cause you since you needed your body in the best condition possible to defeat me with your tricks-" Ahbiilok's words were cut off as I had used my mechanical left arm to deliver a punch to his snout.

Ahbiilok growled in pain but didn't retaliate as he could sense his imminent demise should he attempt anything so daring as to attack me.

"Why would you want me to serve you Joor...young Elf."

"I need you in my upcoming plans for the future. Either submit to me and edge your servitude to me, become my Familiar just as one of your brothers, Nahfahlaar, had done. Nahfahlaar pledged his service and bound himself to serve Tiber Septim as his Familiar. I know that a pact was formed between the two, but after Iber Septim's ascension into becoming the God Talos, the pact was broken but he still reminded loyal. I want you to make that pact with me...or I will...killl...you."

I threatened Ahbiilok as the tip of my spear pressed harder against his exposed forehead. But the dragon laughed in response.

"Joor, you really are a fool. You may have the blood of our father Akatosh, as Auri-El, flowing within you but you are NOT a Dovahkiin. My soul is Immortal, even if you slay my flesh you are too weak to contain my soul, even if you have means to contain my spirit it will fail in your current condition."

I tightened the grip on my spear so much that blood began to drip from my right hand on its shafted handle.

Ahbiilok's words had struck deep. I known since years ago that I wasn't the Last Dragonborn as I clearly found out when I read the Grimoire my distant Future Sivreth had given me. The diary entry of my alternative timeline versions of myself all said the same thing that we weren't the Last Dragonborn but I had a faint trace of hope that I could be, that maybe since I was the Prime Timeline Sivreth that I might actually be the Last Dragonborn...but I wasn't...

I gritted my teeth as they grinned against each other.



Ahbiilok slowly and slightly turned his head to face me so he could stare me in the eye.

"You win...Grohiik (Wolf). Upon the name of mighty Akatosh the Bormahu (Our Father), I pledge my servitude to this warrior that had bested me. Speak you name and we are bound, for my name is Ahbiilok."

"Sivreth Aival Erydys Lyr Es Aur-I-El." I spoke my name aloud.

I could feel a pulse of some kind of energy deep within me, and can only assume it was the same for Ahbiilok.

"I am now yours to serve Grohiik. You may rest now, your body has reached its limit as a Mortal." Ahbiilok said and I knew I couldn't hold on any longer. The battle and potions I had taken to beat Ahbiilok left me on the verge of passing out.

I can only hope that everything had succeeded because if it didn't...I would not wake up next time.

And with that...I fell to the floor as I fell unconscious.


My eyes opened slowly but suddenly I remembered what had happened and I frantically awoke.

"You should rest Grohiik. I've healed your wounds but the strain you exerted on yourself with your magic has harmed your soul.. Ahbiilok's voice sounded out behind me as I turned around and saw the brown Elder Dragon in a sitting position while resting its head on the ground. All of his wounds were completely healed, he must have used the Thu'um to do so as even his left eye had fully healed.

I looked around and saw that I had been brought to Ahbiilok's dragon lair. Looking around some more and I saw Rael curcled up beside me, how the heck didn't I notice me near me?

Many bones, piles and chest of gold, various rare gems, Scrolls, weapons and armours littered the room around me. Even a number of paintings and artistic works.

"You have quite the horde with you." I said as I groaned standing up.

" I did have more than 4,000 years to amass it. Naturally it would be to this amount."

"You don't behave like those of your kind Ahbiilok. You speak more fluently like the Mortal races of Nirn." I questioned as he did speak more of the common tongue than in Dovahzul.

"Thousands of years meeting and conducting transactions with Mortals. I needed to adapt and learn to survive while I amassed my own power. Unlike my fellow Dovah that had been eradicated, I amongst others had survived because we knew this."

"And what are your views on Paarthurnaax and Odahviing."

"I'm impressed you know of Odahviing. Paarthurnaax is more well known amongst you mortals even if many have forgotten him. I did not have any hostility towards the both of them. Paarthurnaax was once an ambitious Dov, slaughtering and massacring towns and villages of all those that rebelled against the rule of Alduin. But over time he changed and betrayed Alduin. Paarthurnaax was...very unpredictable. He saw things differently which is why he was Alduin's second-in-command and the closest brother to him amongst our kind. But that made the betrayal all the more deep for Alduin. As for Odahviing, he had a great relationship with all the Dov. Odahviing was not particularly strong but wasn't weak either, despite Odahviing being rather passive at times, he was still strong enough to become one of Alduin's 21 lieutenants. Odahviing is one I respect greatly. Why do you ask me this?" Ahbiilok answered my question with his honest thoughts and opinions.

"Our paths will eventually cross with them and I needed to know your stance with them to avoid unnecessary conflict. But if I were to ask, are you stronger than Odahviing, and how powerful are Alduin's lieutenants based on rank placements. You can tell me their name and rank later, I'll need ro write them down."

"Feom 1st to 3rd, they are near equal in power. Paarthurnaax would be above all of them as he doesn't have a rank placement as a lieutenant amongst the 21, if he did then it would be 22 lieutenants and he would naturally be 1st. From 4th to 9th there is a noticeable divide, only Alduin's own Dragon Priest Nahkriin can fight against 7th rank and win albeit with great effort. 9th to 17th rank would be akin to commanders in a army of you Mortals. Those above the 9th rank are personally commanded by Alduin or Paarthurnaax in the past and sent on special tasks where they ruled an entire region by themselves. It is also why the 9 Holds of Skyrim was so easily managed by us Dragons when we conqoured the land, because those 9 could easily rule each Hold by themselves while Paarthurnaax and Alduin oversaw everything else. 18th to 21st rank were just powerful Dragons that were recognised enough ro take on responsibilities and duties, or were trusted enough to serve Alduin. Odahviing is rank 19th. Even though he is at this low rank, he could easily defeat several Dov by himself. In the past I wasn't strong enough to be one of the 21 lieutenants, but with the strength I amassed now, I can only say I would be around rank 40th amongst my kind, whereas before during the rule of the Dovah, I would be rank 90th."

"I didn't think you would blatantly lower your own pride to reveal such things about yourself and your strength and weakness."

"I am no fool, the reason you asked all this is because you intend to use my strength for your own ends. I survived this long because I know when to know when I'm beaten, just like that cursed Joor Mage."

"Joor mage? You mean Brarilu Theran."

"Yes, that Mortal was arrogant, though I admit I had also been prideful which led to my defeat. He was far stronger than you, but he used far less tricks than you did to defeat me as he fought me directly. Though if you fought him as you did me, I would say you are capable of defeating both him and any Dov that is below Rank 37. That is how strong you are with your preperations."

I wandered over to a nearby chest and opened it, examining it's contents as we had the conversation.

"And without preperations?"

"Below 118th."

"That is a large divide isn't it?" I asked as I turned to look at Ahbiilok as he merely rested his head on the ground.

"That is if you fought head on, you still don't realise how potent your magic can be, I am an Elder Dragon from how the Mortals classify the different types of Dovah amongst our race. Revered Dragons are Div that have ascended and chose to forsake a sense of identity and instead choosing to hone their power more directly into the power of the elements. But Elder Dragons can instead chose to become what you Joor call a Legendary Dragon. A type of Dov that has reached the pinnacle of their potential and power. Alduin and Paarthurnaax has no need to change their form into this type of Div since they are the first two created by Akatosh. Alduin was the firstborn that predates all Dovah, while Paarthurnaax merely is a lesser reflection of Alduin and used as the basis to create all other Dov. If there is a type of Dov that is in between a Legendary Dragon and a Divine being such as Alduin and Akatosh. Then Paarthurnaax would be placed there. The fact you are able to beat any Dov that is 118th and lower out of the thousands of our race is already an impressive feat. If your strength continues to grow feom your 14 year old body now, then you will surely be the equal of Paarthurnaax one day."

I shook my head. "No, being equal is not enough, there is a threat far more powerful than Paarthurnaax and is on par with Alduin and even Akatosh...I must be their equal in less than a decade."

"Setting a goal on the impossible is a foolish choice that has ruined many Mer and Men. You are no different."

"I am, and will be. In less than a 1 year, I'll have raised an army and begin rebuilding a defeated empire. And I'll have drained the power of a Nigh-Omnipotent being to do so."

At this Ahbiilok opened his eye to gaze at me. "And what is this empire of yours that you will raise?"

"I will resurrect the entirety of the Falmer Race, I am the Snow Prince and I will conqour Skyrim and eliminate the Thalmor from the face of Nirn."

"You're have the delusions of a madman."

"Perhaps, but when I have the backing of a Mad God, one has to take risks to gain rewards."

Ahbiilok's eyes widened slightly, trying to determine if I was telling the truth, ultimately he must have chosen against doubting my words.

I looked around and there was still so much to examine here.

"Ahbiilok. What is the current wealth you have here. Do you actually have a count of everything here or do you just throw anything you get inside the cave."

"I am not a savage beast. I ruled over men and mer during the time of the Dov's rule of you Mortals...Within my den, there is 80 Million Septims, over 8,400 Gold Ingots and materials, over 16,000 Ores of various types, 453 Enchanted Items I have personally created, 4,880 Enchanted Rings and Talismans, over 280,000 weapons and armour of various types of those I killed, 38,222 potions and ingredients of various types and usages, 2,258 Spell Books and Tomes, 78,977 Soul Gems of various grades and souls inside them, 23,661 Magic Scrolls, almost 600,000 other miscellaneous items that are not categorised specifically but does have many applications or are decorative and useless."





"There's no need to lie Ahbiilok, I know there isn't that many as you sai-"

"Fus Ro Dah!" Ahbiilok spoke and the power of the Thu'um echoed throughout the lair, the ground beneath me broke apart as I plummeted downwards into the abyss.

But I came to a halt in the air as Ahbiilok took flight and grabbed both myself and the now awakened Rael before we fell to our deaths.

As Ahbiilok carried us in the air my eyes went wide in disbelief!

I looked down and all around me into the wide expanse if a gigantic hidden cavernous area. It was massive but all of Ahbiilok's Dragon treasures and horde he had collected over 4000 years was gathered here.

To be honest, it didn't look as impressive from up above, but when we landed I looked all around me and was so shocked my mouth hung upon the entire time.

If everything here was gathered into one place, Sivreth estimates that it would be about nearly 40,000 Cubic Meter³, but if he wanted something that was of optimal space to move around in and store all these times and treasures as well as all the gold and septims, then he would need 1 Hectometer³ worth of space. In other words, a small museum or 2 Cargo Ships side by side would be an example of the size comparison of what 1 Hectometer³ is.

I need 1 Hectometer³ worth of space, and not only that but I needed a structure of sorts to contain all of this as I can't just keep coming back here to take all the items.

But that is when genius struck me and I grinned madly.

"Ahbiilok, i need your help with some Enchanting..."


I am a genius!

I said to myself as I gazed at the ring on my hand as Ahbiilok carried me on his back as we flew from Morrowind towards Skyrim from the East Mountains.

The ring on my hand was something I made with Ahbiilok's help, and my crown jewl so far.

This was my new Storage Space Ring. My old Storage Ring was only able to contain 13 Cubic Meters³ of space.

But my new Storage Space Ring now had 1 Hectometer³ worth of space, and not only that, but it had its own personal structure inside like a portable player home from one of those Skyrim Mods.

How did I make this?

Ahbiilok's mastery of Enchanting was the main thing, but after that I had used the Skeleton Key to unlock the full potential of the Enchantment on the Ring, this way I can maximise the Enchantment to whatever limit I want. So far I kept it to 1 Hectometer³ as I didn't need to search endlessly in a 1 Kilometre³ dimensional space for the items I need to take out.

Not only that but I can simply envision what item I want to take out of the ring and it will do so, this is the benefit of having a Master Enchanter such as Ahbiilok himself, a literal Dragon with billions of years and Kalpas worth of experience in this school of Magic. Hence he can create these two unique Enchantments for me, bit there is a 3rd Enchantment on the ring. It will only obey and activate for me alone, kind of like a DNA lock or password of a phone.

With that done I had placed all of Ahbiilok's accumulated treasures inside my Storage Ring, and now they are my treasures 🤑, I'm filthy rich now!

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