76.19% Naruto: Back in Ancient Times / Chapter 397: Chapter 172

章節 397: Chapter 172

Title: Aftermath 2


In a quiet corner of the leaf village, Shun sat down with both Naruto and Sasuke under the shade of a large tree. The day was drenched in sorrow, the weight of their losses pressing heavily on their shoulders.

Sasuke's eyes were red from tears, and his fists clenched in frustration. Naruto, usually full of energy, was now subdued, his eyes downcast.

Itachi's betrayal and the loss of Sasuke's parents had cast a shadow over them all.

Shun, with a calm demeanor and deep understanding, reached out to them. "Sasuke, Naruto," he began gently, "I know these times are tough. The pain you're feeling is unimaginable, and it's okay to grieve."

Sasuke's voice trembled as he spoke, "Itachi, Nii-san... He took everything from me."

Naruto nodded, his voice choked with emotion, "And Mikoto-kaa-san... she was the only one who ever treated me like I mattered."

Shun placed a reassuring hand on each of their shoulders. "I understand your pain," he said, his voice steady. "But listen, everything is not as it seems. Itachi had his reasons, reasons I'll explain when you're both strong enough to understand."

Sasuke looked up, his eyes searching for answers. "Explain? Why did he do this?"

Shun sighed, choosing his words carefully. "Itachi made a sacrifice, a painful one, to protect this village. He did it out of love for all of us, including you, Sasuke. And Naruto, Mikoto's kindness will always be a part of you, a reminder of the goodness in this world."

Naruto wiped away a tear and nodded, his spirit somewhat uplifted. "I'll get stronger, Shun. For Mikoto."

"I know, you already promised me that didn't you? You'll become the Hokage right?"

"That's right! Believe it!"

"I do." Shun said ruffling his golden blond hair.

Sasuke's anger also began to ebb, replaced by a sense of determination. "And I'll find the truth about Itachi, no matter what it takes."

Shun smiled, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "That's the spirit. Lean on each other, and one day, you'll understand the reasons behind these painful events. Until then, we'll walk this path together."

"How much stronger do I need to become?" Sasuke asked looking into Shun's red eyes.

"You must fully awaken your Sharingan." Shun said with a small smile.

Sasuke nodded as his determination burned brighter that ever.

Under the watchful branches of the tree, Shun, Sasuke, and Naruto found solace in their shared resolve to face the mysteries of their pasts and emerge stronger from the shadows that had engulfed them.

"Hey, Naruto, what did you mean it was only Mikoto that ever treated you well? What about me?" Shun asked

"Ah? Shun-Nii you don't count. You're my family, that's different." Naruto said with a sunny smile that suddenly made the atmosphere shift.

"Hahaha, as expected of you. You have to make sure to keep Sasuke in check when I'm not around alright?"

"You're leaving?" Naruto's excitement died down and even Sasuke looked downer too

"Of course, but not now, I still have some matters to take care of." Shun said as he ruffled their heads.

"Who's hungry!?"


After dropping off Naruto and Sasuke at Izumi's place, Shun walked the streets of Konoha with a sombre expression as the depression that enveloped the village was kind of infectious.

He had legally entered the village a day ago as the Tengoku Clan representative to Konoha to oversee the matter of the Uchiha clan.

Of course Keshiro and Kurotsume had likely foreseen something of this nature happening and had provided him with the necessary documents for that.

As he walked, he couldn't help but muse at how messed up the timeline had become. It was manageable at first, afterall, by focusing the Main canon events around the Main Characters, you'd still get the original.

But with the survival of 40 percent of the Uchiha clan, that future has already been destroyed... Totally at that. There was no way the resolve the situation any longer.

The only upside to all this right now is that the Uchiha clan survived and bears no grudge whatsoever to the village. Even if any extremist survived, they'd focus all their anger on Itachi and the masked man.

"Excuse me sir, how may I help you?"

"Hmm?" Shun was brought out of his thoughts as he looked at the blushing receptionist in front of him. With a smile he said. "I'd like to meet the Hokage, tell him Shun is here."

"C-certainly." She stuttered and went to relay the message. Not long after, she came and brought him to see man.


"Shun-kun." The Hokage greeted.

"Hokage-dono." Shun returned the greeting. "What brings you here?" The Hokage asked. "I hope it's nothing serious."

"Everything about this period is serious, and that's is why I am here." Shun replied calmly.

"That's right, I'm deeply saddened by the circumstances surrounding the Uchiha clan-"

"Spare me the bullshit old man. I know full well what transpired and I'm not here for that. The fact that we watched it happen means we also knew the consequences of a coup being put into action."

"I see, then what brings you here? I'm aware that the clan has the right to decide to leave the village-"

"That's not why I'm here. The Uchiha clan belongs to Konoha. In here on a more private... setting." Shun said and helped himself to a chair. "Sasuke and Naruto."

"What about them?" Hiruzen asked as he sat up straight.

"I don't want them separated."

"Of course. They're both grieving, I wouldn't do that to the both of them."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Shun said and Hiruzen looked at him in confusion. "I'm talking about their team placement when they're done with the academy."

"Oh... That might be a problem." Hiruzen said as he stroked his beard.

"Don't play politics with me Hiruzen, Sasuke is a genius, Naruto even more so. The problem is that he'd bloom later in life. He's Minato's kid afterall."

"Then isn't placing two genius in one team a little..."

"That's why I said he'd bloom later in life. His enormous chakra would prevent him from having the control Sasuke would have in their younger days." Shun said impatiently.

"Just make it happen. Then place the top ranking girl with them, I don't care who, clan kid or not. Just don't separate the two."

"I see. May I know why?" Hiruzen asked. "And don't tell me it's as simple as not separating two brothers."

"Of course not. I'm doing this so they'd both sharpen eachother. They're the perfect team. If you pay attention, you'd see that. Where one is good, the othe his bad and vice versa."

"I see. I'll see to it."

Nodding his head, Shun slipped into his shadow and disappeared.

"This kid... How does he do that?"


"Yo." Shun said as he appeared behind a brooding mess of a Human being with white hair.

"Ah. Shun, I heard you were in the village." Kakashi merely tilted his head.

"Yup, this incident in the village alerted the clan." Shun said as he sat across the Hatake on the tree branch. "But why are you brooding over here?"

"It's nothing..." Kakashi said as he kept looking down. "...Wait. it's not nothing. Why aren't you even bothered by it?"

"By what?"

"By Itachi? He was your best friend wasn't he? He just killed off his clansmen. His mother and father. His parents!" Kakashi raised his voice towards the ending part.

"Ah." Shun said, not knowing how to react to Kakashi's intensity, then remembering his centuries of acting, he put on a solemn face and said. "I'm truly saddened by that Kakashi. Truly, I am. To imagine that the person I practically grew up with was so... scummy."

"To even go so far as to kill ones own parents. How low could he fall!" Shun also raised his voice towards the end causing Kakashi to nod.

"Just kidding. Is that what you wanted me to say?" Shun rolled his eyes at the other white haired boy.


"Don't be a kid Kakashi. I once told Itachi this...'Each and every one of us is bound by our own perception of reality. Both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another's illusion.'"

"What are you trying to say?" Kakashi asked. He was a former Anbu agent, a genius in every aspect one could ask of in the things of the Shinobi career.

"You're a smart man Kakashi. I thought by now you'd have learnt not to judge based on appearance. He's good, he's bad. That's what they say. What do you say?" Shun asked the man as he peered into his one eye.

As they locked with eachother, Kakashi was the first to break eye contact as he sigher deeply. "I don't know Shun... I don't know."

"It's alright. Pour it all out." Shun said as he stroked the man's back.

"I taught the kid. He was my protégé. I saw myself in him you know. I even have him some pointers on how to better make use of the Sharingan, but you know, he's an Uchiha, so he left me in the dust in no time. Yet, I continued teaching him, I taught everything I knew about life. I thought I knew him. I thought...he could be a better version of me."

At the end of his speech, Kakashi was already close to tears. "But he turned out to be exactly like me." He said and raised his right hand. "He used the very things that was supposed to protect others to kill them... Just like me."

"Why? I did everything..." Reaching this point, Kakashi began freely crying.

'Damn, Itachi, look what you did!" Shun thought as he sighed at the grown man crying.

"Let it all out, it helps heal the soul." Shun said as he continued rubbing his back.


"How about you? What do you truly feel?" Kakashi asked after he had calmed down.

"What I truly feel?" Shun asked as he looked up at the clouds. "I feel like the Village is going through this period of peace due to his sacrifice."


"Don't mind it. You know Anbu protocol. You shouldn't ask what you shouldn't know. When you're ready to know, you'll know." Shun said and stood up. "if you really wish to know, ask you trust Hokage. I doubt something of this nature could actually escape his eyes."

Saying that, Shun slipped into his shadow once more and disappeared.


In a cozy yakiniku restaurant nestled within the hidden leaf village, the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clan heads had gathered for a rare outing.

Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji, the children of these clan heads, sat together at one end of the long, grill-covered table. The scent of sizzling meat filled the air as they chatted and enjoyed their meal.

Ino, with her flowing blonde hair and confident demeanor, leaned over the grill to expertly flip a slice of marbled beef. Shikamaru reclined in his chair, looking utterly relaxed, while Choji, always appreciative of good food, was already on his third plate of meat.

As they enjoyed their meal, a familiar figure entered the restaurant. It was Shun. He was just thirteen years old, but his reputation as a genius had already spread far and wide.

Spotting the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi clans, Shun approached their table with a friendly smile. "Hey there, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji," he greeted them, his presence commanding attention.

Ino looked up from the grill, her blue eyes widening in surprise before nervousness "Shun! What are you doing here?"

Shikamaru, roused from his laid-back state, raised an eyebrow. "Shun, you're in Konoha? Troublesome."

Choji, though busy munching on a particularly delicious piece of meat, managed to mumble a greeting, "Hey, Shun."

Shun took a seat at the empty spot next to Choji, looking entirely at ease. "I was just passing by when I saw my favourite trio, so I thought I'd drop by. Besides, I've been wanting to taste the BBQ in Konoha."

Choji chuckled, his competitive spirit kicking in. "Well, since you're here, you better be ready for a meat-eating competition!"

Shikamaru sighed. "Troublesome... Let's eat, then."


As I observed the young Ino and Shikamaru, he couldn't help but be appreciate by their pure yin energy.

Ino's grace and compassion radiated like a gentle breeze, almost rivaling Hinata's, while Shikamaru's intellect and strategic mind were a testament to his serene nature.

Their yin energy, so beautifully balanced, was a rare in their present clan. Probably only the ones I trained decades ago could relate with them.

And then there was Choji, whose vibrant Yang energy was so wonderfully made. He could really rival a full body Susanno if he really masters their clan technique to the level I initially created it to reach.

After all I did use it to fight against Ashura and Indra once. I mean, the Akimichi clan were a bunch of walking Titans. If only they could use their bloodline well.

Yet, despite their incredible potential, I couldn't help but lament the peace that currently enveloped them. In this tranquil period, their talents were somewhat stifled, like a river held back by a dam.

I truly yearn for the day when these young shinobi would be able to fully harness their remarkable energies and reach their true potential, knowing that they could become forces to be reckoned with in the shinobi world.

No... I just need to bring about suitable challenges that will force their potentials out.


The meal ended in a happy note and they all went their separate ways. Shun spent a good full month with both Naruto and Sasuke, making sure they didn't lack anything with the help of Izumi and Hana.

Naruto kept Sasuke from brooding too much at school while Sasuke didn't dare brood at home.

I got to learn that contrary to the original. Hinata wasn't shy around Naruto. She even formed a three man group with him and Sasuke in school, much to the jealousy of all the girls.

Another thing was... She was scary. Other than Ino, no one dared even confront her.

She probably didn't like anyone getting too close to her Naruto-kun. Stupid Naruto though, he was oblivious to all these which didn't surprise me much.

However, similar to his behaviour towards Sakura in the original timeline, he only had eyes for her, though not in that manner yet.

He was still dead last in class though. Other than physical exercise, Naruto literally sucked in everything else. Which made me and probably Kushina wonder.

I mean, Minato was so skilled with the Shruiken that with the Multiple Clone Shruiken Technique, Minato could throw Shruikens at speeds close to the speed of sound.

This irritated him but he always covered it up with us goofy smile and poured whenever Sasuke got full marks.

I always comforted him though. Afterall, physical strength was his forte right now, so he should focus on that.

Them both had the same system daily mission. In the beginning, they both thought they were copying eachother which led to their usual squabble, but then I turned it into a competition of who would finish first.

This sparked their rivalry to a point that Hinata also began doing the same. They didn't this school so it was convenient for her. The other students would just cheer for Sasuke or sneer at them.

Naruto would always pout at his lack of cheer and then beat Sasuke who'd then pout only for the girls to glare at Naruto. Unfortunately for them, Hinata's glare from behind Naruto was so intense that the girls gradually limited their glares to only a few seconds.

As for Sakura, she was still Ino's best friend for some reason. Probably because they don't both like the same boy... Hmmm, maybe Ino likes Naruto?

Pity. With Hinata around him, I can't help but pity any girl who'd think of coming close to him.


"You're leaving, Nii-san?" Naruto asked in a sad tone as he and Sasuke stood in front of the Village gate to see me off.

"Yup, but don't be sad. What did I tell you to always say when someone you care about is leaving for a period of time?" Shun squatted in front of the two and asked.

"Take care of yourself." They both said.

"That's good. Now you two take care of yourselves too alright? I don't want nothing bad happening my two favourite little brothers okay?"

"Hn." They both nodded.

"Also take care of Izumi-chan. She can be a handful sometimes but you got it. And you Naruto. Don't make Hinata cry."

"Hn." They both nodded.

Shun smiled and stood up. Nodding at the others here to see him off, he flashed and disappeared again.

"Wow. Nii-san is so fast." Naruto said in awe. "Hm. It's decided. Sasuke, I'm going to be faster than Nii-san when he comes back. Believe it!"

"Humph. I'll be the one who'll be faster."

"Huh? Did you say something stupid."

"You heard me right you idiot."



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