Ray walked into the coffee shop his father had invited him over to chatter, the entire place had a coffee-filled redolence and baked pastries. He seemed to be staring around until he had finally caught a glimpse of his both parents.
“Good morning!” he greeted them nicely before sitting opposite them.
“Morning, you know what I was thinking? I felt like it was time for you to come back home and run the family business again,” his father said taking a sip from his tea.
“What for father? So that you can control and dictate my life again?” Ray pointed out with a chuckle but his father wiggled his head to indicate no.
“No, you should hear me out first. I just don't want you to waste your college degree, you would just work for another company, and what for? Because you are angry that we hurt your feeling. Common Ray, grow up!” his father said.
“Dad, we have gone over this before,” Ray uttered shaking his head.