75.16% Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series / Chapter 115: 111th Adversary: Irregularity

章節 115: 111th Adversary: Irregularity

Dragna City, the Royal Palace.

"You did what?"

Miko was standing in front of his cousin Aeon.

"Like I said, I put the three of them into my miniature world so that I can train them."

Aeon replied with a smile. Miko held his head and sighed.

"Do you realize how important those three are to Renacido?.... Well, whatever. I'll just have someone take over their duties."

"I'm surprised. I thought that you would be angry."

"Why? You're training them, right? It's beneficial to all of us if they get stronger. I'm sure they'll be upset with how you did it, but they'll come around eventually."

"…..I'm always amazed at how much faith you have in me. I might screw you over one day you know?"

"I doubt that. I can tell, Aeon. You really like me. Maybe it's because of our similar experiences or mindsets but I trust you just as much I trust Momo."


Aeon burst out laughing and wrapped his arms around Miko's shoulders.

"You're probably among the few who see me that way you know. You remind me of Vanz in that regard."

"Vanz? Ah, Momo's younger twin. People don't really talk about him, do they? What happened to him?"

"Nothing much. He was just another victim of human greed and high expectations. Those two things led to his death and Momo's breakdown."

Aeon spoke so casually but his voice had traces of pain in them.

"Let's change the topic."

Miko said after noticing this.

"I came here looking for help with something."

"Which is?"

"My Irregularity. I was able to unlock one of its powers because of circumstances and even ended up mastering this form, but I can't unlock the other powers no matter how much I try."

"Hm….This seems like something outside of my expertise. Did you ask gramps?"

"Can't find the old pervert. Nor the other branch leaders and my granny."

"Then all that's left is that genius pervert."

Tertitus Dominion.

"While I admit that I'm a pervert as well as a genius, it sounds offensive if you put the two words together."

Alec spoke with a dissatisfied tone. He, Miko, and Aeon we're currently in his lab.

"I already completed and distributed your drugs, yet I'm being shamed. The nerve."

"Stop throwing a fit and answer my question. Can you do anything about my Irregularity?"

"To start, I'm not that knowledgeable about your kind because of how rare you are. Especially you, who from what you described is an irregular among Irregulars….But I can help you boost your abilities."


Alec turned around, operated his computer, and showed something on it. It was a detailed image of Miko's anatomy.

"Like I've told you already, you're experiencing a form of mutation I've never seen before. After studying your data some more, I believe it's linked to your Irregularity. Thanks to some blood and flesh samples I obtained through methods that will remain a secret…."


"I've figured out how to suppress the mutation in case a situation arises that you've lost control of yourself. If I can do this, I'm sure I can do the opposite."

"You mean boost the rate of the mutation?"

Alec nodded.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

Aeon asked.

"It is, but it depends on Miko's wishes. If he wants to take his chances, then I'll create another drug right away."

"No, there are too many risks. What if I lose control and harm someone I care for? There'll be no return for me after that."

"Then, what will you do?"

Miko thought about it and frowned.

"Guess I have no choice but to rely on that dinosaur."


"You know that I can hear you from anywhere in the world right? Who are you calling a dinosaur?!"

Tiamat glared at Miko with her hands on her waist.

"Dragon, dinosaur. What's the difference really?"

Miko said with a shrug.

"Hmph. You barely pay attention to me and yet you're asking me for help. Am I some convenient woman who you come to when you want something? I'll have you know, that I'm a proud woman."

"Which character you're imitating now?"

Tia pulled a poster from who knows where and showed Miko with a face full of smiles.

"It's the heroine from this drama. It's really good, you know? Wanna watch it together?"

"Another one? Didn't we just finish one last night?"

"Yeah, but this one is a reverse harem with a likable cast and good comedy. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Tia started forcing the poster in Miko's face as she tried to convince him.

"Is this how these two spend their time together?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Aeon asked Momo, who answered with a straight face. They were at the secret base hidden in Nami. Momo, Tia, the Twins, and Miko and his parents lived here together. Jason lived with the other Parasite Demons while Layla lived by herself with the former guardians of Jara as her guards, despite Miko's displeasure.

"They seem more like best friends rather than a proxy and his God."

"Well, I can't say you're wrong. After all, they sleep, eat, and bathe together on a regular basis along with Ishma and Regis."

Momo smiled.

"They're like a little family, I guess."

"Is that so?"

"Alright, alright! I'll watch it with you when I'm free. Happy?"

"Of course."

Tia replied.

"So you wanna know more about Irregulars?"

Miko nodded.

"I'm having problems with my own ability, so I thought that it would help if I learned more about them."

"Hmm….Well, that is a good idea. But considering the nature of your ability, Joey would be more of a help than me….Isn't that right, Joey?"

Miko turned his head and saw Joesph looking at the poster Tia was holding earlier.

"When did you get here?"

"I was always here, it's just that you didn't notice because of the difference in our strengths….Oh, this drama is pretty good you know?"

Joesph's answer caused Miko's eyes to twitch with anger. Joesph ignored him and stood up and approached Aeon.

"Yo, you're the one who forced me out of hiding?"

"I didn't force you, you came out of your own will."

Aeon replied with a smile.

"Hey, can you help me or not?"

Miko came between them and asked.

"I can, but you should've already known that."

Miko recalled the first time he met Joesph. He said something right before leaving with an injured Luka.

"Don't trust that snake too much. He won't lie but he won't tell you the entire truth either."

"What's the connection between you and Samael?"

"I'm not the one who has a connection with him. Although, I did meet him a few times."

Joesph smiled.

"The one who had a connection to him is someone far greater than myself, but someone you're quite familiar with."


Joesph nodded. This information caused the trio of Aeon, Momo, and Alec to be shocked.

"I guess that snake already told you, but he's the world's first Irregular."

"Yeah. He also said that while the Supreme Being has the same origin as an Irregular he can't be considered one."

Joesph nodded.

"Irregulars are closely related to the original Trinity, Life ( The Supreme Being), Death (Samael), and Destruction (Devoro). Every Irregular is bound to be connected to one of them."

Joesph pointed at Miko.

"As an Irregular, you're connected to both Samael and Devoro, who is one, even more so than others. Augustus was the opposite. He was closely connected to the Supreme Being to the point you could even say that he could've passed for his kin."

This time even Miko was surprised. He had heard Tia mention that Augustus was an Irregular but he never thought Augustus was closely linked to the supreme being.

(Maybe that's why he was so powerful?)

He thought.

"What was his Irregularity Title and power?"

Joesph smiled.

"His title was True Conqueror and his power was Conquest, the ability to conquer anything under the heavens."

Everyone was once again shocked. That power sounded like a power that was beyond broken.

"What about above the heavens? What he did do with those above the heavens?"

Miko asked. There was a hidden meaning in the way Joesph described Augustus' power. He could conquer everything under the heavens, which meant anything outside of god-level beings. What about those he couldn't conquer with his power?

"He conquered them all the same, but this time with his fist."

Joesph said proudly.

"If what you said is true, then how are Augustus and Satan connected when they belonged to two different realms of irregularity?"

Alec asked.

"You have a theory, don't you?"

Alec nodded to Joesph's question.

"I believe that Samael tried to bring Augustus to his side. He might even go as far to train him."

What Alec said was a shocker, which was to be expected. Samael was the literal personification of evil, if Augustus had him as a master then….

"It made sense actually."

Miko mumbled.

"Augustus was considered a being who was the epitome of someone who rebelled against the world's natural order. Every record of him spoke of how he went against the wills of the heavens with his every action. It would make sense if he was directed to be that way by someone who wanted to destroy the natural balance. In other words, Samael."

"Well, you're on the right track. While Samael wasn't Augustus' official master, he did give him some advice and helped him out every now and again."

Joesph replied.

"Isn't he constantly giving you advice and such?"

"Nope. I've only met him twice. I tried to call him when I was suffering side effects from own ability but he completely ignored me."


This time Joesph was confused.

"He's ignoring you, not trying to make you like him?"


Joesph started to think.

"You said you wanted to unlock another part of your power right?"

Miko's nodded.


Joesph stretched his hand out and a light hit Miko in the center of his head. When that happened Miko's eyes became dull.

"Joey, what did you do?"

Tia asked.

"I've placed him in a trance where he'll be tormented by his worst fears."

"You did what?!"

"Calm down. I'm doing this to help Miko out. Miko's Irregularity is connected to his emotional state. For it to be fully unleashed, he needs to experience an emotional shock strong enough to make him lose control. The moment before that happens his mind will become vulnerable. This should give me the chance to connect to his soul. Don't worry, I'm going to take him out of the trance the moment it looks bad."

He quickly explained. Tia glared at him and then looked at Miko. His body was trembling visibly, and a murky aura was coming from his body.

"Here it comes."


A powerful wave spread out and hit Joesph, who blocked it with his hands.


He snapped his fingers and Miko's body fell to the ground like a puppet that lost its string.


Joesph looked at his hand and groaned. It was burnt beyond recognition and barely had any skin on it.

(That was just the force from his power being awakened, yet it was that powerful. Just imagine if he had unleashed all of his power?)

He put away his hand and approached Miko.

"I'm going to meet with Samael for a bit. Take care of my body."

Tia nodded. Suddenly a milky light was released from Joesph's body and rushed into Miko.


Joesph collapsed to the floor immediately after.

"What was that just now?"

"Transmigration. It's a skill that allows your soul to travel without your body and even enter another's. Augustus and his party learned it from an ancient ghost they found in a Primal Realm."


The others were confused but Tia didn't explain it and looked at Miko.

Meanwhile inside Miko's soul. Joesph arrived at a dark world with nothing but a large fruit tree that was being illuminated by a beam of light of unknown origin.

"Oh? What's this?"

At that moment, he saw a black serpent with red dots slither down the tree.

"I have a visitor? This is quite unexpected."

"Yo, you damn snake. It's been 10, 000 years."

The snake stopped and looked at Joesph with a confused look in his eyes. After a while, he smiled.

"Well, isn't it the brat who used to follow that ungrateful Augustus? What brings you here?"

"How was Augustus ungrateful?"

"Of course, he was. I tried my best to groom him into becoming my best ally, but what did he do? He sided with that damn Phoenix and turned on me. Isn't that being ungrateful?"

"You were planning on having him free you and then kill him afterward. It's common sense he would turn on you."

"You act like I wasn't going to fight him fair and square?"

"Fair and square? You're death itself! If you wanted to kill him Augustus couldn't resist!"


Samael burst out laughing.

"That's what I hate with you mortals."

He had a mocking smile on his face.

"My power of death wouldn't be that effective on Augustus and he knew this. In the end, he got greedy. He wanted to conquer everything and he knew that I would eventually stand in his way, so he abandoned me when he felt that he got everything he needed….I raised him well."

Samael started laughing again.

"What do you mean your powers wouldn't work on him?"

"Like I'll tell you that, Moron!"

Samael started mocking Joesph while dancing with his serpentine body.

"You're annoying as always."

Joesph clicked his tongue.

"What's your deal with Miko?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean aren't you going to try and groom him as well? You know, like bestow priceless knowledge on him, tell him where to obtain invincible weapons, and how to gain invincible abilities. You know, like you did with Augustus?"

"So that you would make him cut off all ties with me after I gave him everything he needed? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Joesph remained silent. Samael laughed again.

"I see. You thought that I wasn't able to observe the world if I wasn't connected to a host. Too bad for you, I can stay from where I'm sealed and watch everything in the world unfold. For example, I know that you've learned a soul-severing technique that can remove foreign spiritual entities from a person. But too bad, you can't sever me from Miko. Well, that's unless you want to die then go ahead."

He smiled.

"You got a taste of it, didn't you? Miko's hidden power. Do you have the confidence that you can stop it if it's all released at once?"


"I'll take that as a no."

Samael laughed again.

"The world still exists because I'm here. But it will also be destroyed because of me. Isn't that funny?"

Joesph suddenly smiled.

"What's funny is your miserable state."


"Mr. Death himself is placing all of his hopes on a 17-year-old child. Oh, have you fallen."


"But I'm curious though, Satan. How are you going to convince Miko to trust you enough to unseal you? His ambitions, while not exactly the same, are quite similar to Augustus's. Meaning that in the long run, he'll realize you're one of his greatest obstacles. That's if he hasn't already figured it out. So there's no way he'll free you."

"Who said that I wanted him to free me?"

Samael replied.

"It's been 10,000 years since Augustus betrayed me. Do you really think I haven't done anything to free myself? In fact, I don't need anyone's help to free myself. If I wanted out I would've done so already. Although the seal is far sturdier than before because of that damn Phoenix."

"Then why did you need Augustus and Miko?"

"Why else? To start the biggest war the world has ever seen. A war so devastating that my brother would be forced to come out of hiding and face me again. I needed those two for that."

"Then you groomed Augustus for such a reason? If so why didn't you free yourself back then when the coalition army attacked us?"

"Because the supreme being didn't show himself. If he had, I would've joined the fight."

Joesph shook his head.

"No, if you really wanted the Supreme Being to show himself you would break out of your seal and wreck havoc yourself. He can't ignore someone like you after all."

Joesph pointed at him.

"You're afraid that you'll lose again. That's why you wanted an ally in Augustus. You wanted assurance that you'll win."

"Tsk. Smartass."

Samael clicked his tongue.

"You really don't lie, do you?"

Joesph laughed victoriously. It was at that moment that he remembered something.

"Why are you ignoring Miko?"

"Because I'm doing the opposite of what I did with Augustus. I'm letting him figure everything out on his own. I'll only step in when I know he's really hit a wall."

"Then you're not the reason why he can't unleash more of his power?"

"No. That's all him. Tell him to figure it out himself and stop being impatient."

Samael then turned around and started to slither back to the tree.

"You should've already concluded all of your business, so leave."

"One more question. What happened to Ruler's Contract?"

Samael stopped.

"Ruler's Contract was the power you helped Augustus to obtain. It allows him to use the powers of whoever he made an agreement with. You said that it was heritable, yet none of his descendants showed any signs of being able to use it. So where did it go?"

Samael turned around silently and smiled.

"Who said that no one inherited?"

"What? Who?"

"I can't lie so I'll simply dodge your question."

He turned around and slithered away.

"But I'll say at least this. It's not Miko."

That was the last thing Joesph heard before he found himself being forced out of Miko's soul.


He woke up and silently sat up.

"How did it go?"

Tia asked.

"He said Miko had to figure it out on his own."

Joesph stood up and looked down on Miko who was still out.

(Depending on who got Ruler's Contract we might all be in grave danger. I just hope that your Irregularity can do something about it.)

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