A few minutes earlier.
"Poison is only an illusion. A true swordsman can only live and die by the blade." Zoro said mysteriously.
"You're just delirious from the poison running rampant through your body, idiot!" Chopper admonished him as he plugged a syringe into Zoro's arm with a broad spectrum antidote he had developed during the last two years.
"I don't need it!" Zoro shouted and attempted to cut off the arm Chopper just injected the antidote into.
Robin held him down in time with many of her bloomed arms. Thankfully Zoro wasn't wholly aware so he didn't really fight back, though Robin did wonder whether she could beat the swordsman as she was now. She shook those thoughts out of her head, she didn't want to become like Cherry with her battle hungriness.
Once he calmed down, Robin gave him a bit of refined vital energy to help him recover from his poison-addled state. She didn't have the skill to do this for weaker individuals, but Zoro was tough enough to handle the strain.
"Cherry sent the coordinates! Get ready for a Coup De Burst!" Franky called out.
"I can't wait to show off my new moves!" Usopp said with some excitement.
"Baaah!" Merry bleated in concurrence.
"I've got some new moves to show off too!" Chopper exclaimed proudly.
"Wait until you see my SUPER mech!" Franky said.
They turned to look at Robin in expectation.
She only gave them a smile.
"Alright, then. Keep your secrets." Usopp chuckled. "Do you think Zoro is going to miss the action, Chopper?"
"He might be able to fight some towards the end depending on how long it takes." Chopper sighed.
Zoro immediately shot up to his feet and looked around in confusion before seeming to get his bearings. He looked down at Chopper who had squealed a little in his surprise.
"Sorry, Chopper. Did you fix me up?" Zoro worked his arms and legs to check his condition.
"Yes, but you should really take it easy for now, Zoro. That poison did a number on you, so maybe sit this one out?" Chopper suggested.
"I feel fine, I'm not dropping out of a fight. That moronis chef will never let me live it down if I do." Zoro said, leaving no room for argument.
Franky was finished with his preparations and brought the den den mushi to Robin.
"Hey babe!" The snail mimicking Cherry's appearance winked at her. "You look like you're in a good mood, did you find a poneglyph?"
"I did, actually. It was very interesting, but as always I have more questions than I started with." Robin explained.
"Wait, what do you mean 'look'? Are you watching us right now?" Usopp asked, looking around in suspicion.
"I'm looking through the den den mushi's eyes of course." Cherry said as the eyes of the snail turned towards him.
"You're just messing with me, right? No way you can actually do that?" Usopp said, making a funny face at the den den mushi trying to prove his point.
"I'll make that stupid expression permanent if you don't want to believe me." Cherry said.
Usopp stiffened and the others chuckled at him.
"Anyways, the New Fishman Pirates are about a hundred thousand strong I'd estimate. No big deal. More importantly, I met this smoking hot mermaid. She is a fortune teller or something, so that's a downside, but otherwise she's a solid 9 out of 10." Cherry chatted away.
Usopp felt an old sickness bubbling up in his guts, the I'll-Die-If-I-Don't-Run-Away disease. He swiftly pushed down that cowardly feeling though and mentally prepared himself for the "disadvantageous" battle ahead of him.
Robin contrarily focused on the latter half of what Cherry said. She raised an eyebrow at the snail with a frown in false displeasure.
"My little birdy is the only 10 out of 10 in my heart, of course~" Cherry said playfully.
It was a strange experience seeing the den den mushi mimic Cherry's trademark flirtatious smirk. Robin couldn't help but laugh at the odd sight.
Suddenly the Thousand Sunny lurched forward and shot through the water towards Fishman Island. Franky hadn't bothered to warn them so they were caught a bit off guard and had to steady their stance.
They breached through the first layer and the coating that Den had painstakingly put on the ship was stripped away in an instant. They breached the second soon after and the ship landed in the water of the main inner sea of Fishman Island.
The first thing they saw was Luffy launching himself from a rooftop over towards a floating platform on which the royal family was chained up. His haki coated rifle punch slammed into Hody's face and sent him skipping across the water several times before slowing down enough to sink.
The nearby crowd of civilians cheered for the seemingly easy defeat of Hody, whilst his army of fishmen had their morale take a massive blow.
Luffy turned to Jinbe first and tried to break his restraints, but didn't have much success. These were made of a high quality metal alloy and were quite thick to boot. Luffy's brute strength alone wouldn't be enough.
"Luffy! We'll need the keys to release the restraints, and you also shouldn't be out here on the water!" Jinbe warned.
Hody's officers were surprised, but undeterred by the attack on Hody. They approached the platform swiftly in the water intending on drowning the foolish human pirate captain.
Some keys oddly dropped right in front of them. Luffy didn't question it as he quickly opened the cuffs, but Jinbe looked up and saw Nami riding on Cabernet's back, appearing from a mirage that hid them from sight.
"Princess Shirahoshi, my love!" A creepy voice came from amongst the mooks on the shore. "Marry me!"
Exclaims of the man's name, Vander Decken, revealed the voice's identity.
"You're not my type!" Shirahoshi brutally rejected his obviously 'pure-hearted love confession'.
Vander Decken looked utterly shocked, as if it was unthinkable that he'd be rejected. He recovered quickly though "Then die for me!"
Vander Decken threw a large axe in Shirahoshi's direction, but he was confused why it changed directions to fly straight back at him. He scrambled aside causing the axe to barely miss him. 'Is this Shirahoshi a fake?' he thought.
"Oh my goodness! Vander Decken, you shouldn't have! An axe is exactly what I wanted~" Cherry cooed from behind like a maiden in love.
Vander Decken didn't understand. The axe flew at this strange woman instead of Shirahoshi? How was that possible? Did he accidentally touch her with his right hand, or maybe she stealthily touched the hand herself?
At that conclusion he was enraged. How long had he had that target on Shirahoshi? Ten years! All down the drain!
He didn't think much further than that as a flaming kick caved in his skull. Cherry was a tad surprised that Sanji had taken the initiative like that to kill a guy, but she supposed that he had threatened to kill other men who hurt women before. She had just thought it was all talk and he wouldn't actually follow through.
Well, it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like Luffy's distaste for killing was a moral choice. He just didn't like the finality of it. Heck, he never had a problem being friendly with people who've killed before, some of whom he had even invited to join his crew like Zoro, Robin, and Cherry herself of course.
"Good riddance, trash." Sanji took a puff on his cigarette, looking pretty cool if he said so himself.
The giant tiger blowfish-man, Wadatsumi didn't take his captain's death very well though. "Captain Decken?!"
He turned red with rage and went on a rampage. Of course, Cherry and Sanji simply hopped through the air out of his reach whilst he tore through the New Fishman Pirates' ranks.
Dosun, the hammerhead shark fishman, shot himself into the air from the water, intending to use his downward momentum to add force to his mighty overhead hammer strike.
An arm of massive proportions swung through the air in that same moment and swatted Dosun far into the distance. He struck a mountain that almost collapsed on impact.
Robin wore a casual smile as she dismissed the enormous arm. Usopp and Chopper were gawking at her with amazement and stars in their eyes.
Not to be outdone, Usopp started to rapidly fire his pop greens into the water. As the tiny, green spheres struck the water, they expanded to great width in mere moments in the form of giant lily pads. This allowed some solid ground for their devil fruit users to stand on and fight without falling into the water and being helpless to face the fishmen in their natural terrain.
"These lily pads are extremely buoyant, guys! Don't worry about how much weight they can hold, they'll be fine!" Usopp spoke proudly.
Chopper and Zoro took his word for it and made their way into the battlefield. Franky brought out two of his new vehicles, a motorcycle and a tank. Usopp hopped into the tank to make use of its cannon. Then both rolled out onto the lily pads and started attacking the New Fishman Pirate goons who were clambering up onto the lily pads.
Zoro mostly ignored the goons and went straight for the officers targeting Luffy. He was feeling a bit annoyed that he didn't get a decent fight earlier and now that he had all this open space, he wasn't going to waste the opportunity.
Luffy and Jinbe managed to get the chains off of the royal family before the platform beneath them suddenly broke apart and threatened to drop Luffy into the water. Fortunately Jinbe caught him in time and tossed him over to the lily pads.
"RAAAH!" The little cookie cutter shark gremlin bit into Jinbe's leg as he was distracted whilst saving Luffy.
If that wasn't bad enough, Luffy didn't get a chance to land as Hody came bursting out of the water to intercept him. His eyes' sclera had become deep red in color and his hair turned stark white, even his face had become somewhat monstrous.
Luffy stretched his arm to grab something and pull himself away, but he was going to be too late to dodge the shark fishman's deadly jaws.
Fortunately, a cyclone of flying sword slashes carried Hody off his mark as well as cutting him up real good. An unimpressed Zoro said "Keep your guard up, Luffy!"
"Thanks, Zoro!" Luffy said sincerely, getting his feet on solid ground.
The battle raged onwards, few against a hundred thousand strong. Strangely the few were largely unharmed whilst the hundred thousand were being quickly whittled away by them.
"Check this out! Docking initiated! Combining commencing! Behold! General Franky!!!" Franky said from the cockpit of his combination robot suit.
"""So cool~!""" Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy exclaimed in delight.
""..."" Nami and Robin deadpanned in silent judgment.
"Hmph! Consider me unimpressed, Franky!" Cherry called out as she throttled a fishman goon to unconsciousness.
"Oh no…" Robin muttered only loud enough for Nami to hear.
"What did you say?! You just can't appreciate a man's dream! Every mans' dream of a SUPER combination move!" Franky growled with a pointed finger.
"Kukukuku! You call that a combination?! Cabernet, take your position!" Cherry said with a dramatic pose.
"She isn't going to… please tell me she won't… Robin…?" Nami said with clear desperation in his pleading tone.
"I'm afraid so, Miss Navigator…" Robin turned away, unable to watch.
Cabernet landed a few feet to Cherry's left with a huge smile of anticipation on her face.
""FUSION- HAAAA!!!"" Cherry and Cabernet shouted in harmony. They did what looked like a strange dance that ended with them pointing with both hands at the other so that their fingertips met.
A bright flash of light briefly blocked the view. When it faded there was only one woman standing in their place. Strangely she looked like both and neither of the original two at the same time.
Usopp, Chopper, Luffy, and even Franky looked like they were about to faint from their excitement. The ladies of the crew, not so much.
"Haaah…" Cherry/Cabernet let out a flaming sigh.
"What's your name?! Is it Chaberry?!" Chopper excitedly asked.
"I am Kijafa!" She said valiantly. "Now to take care of these evildoers!"
The flames on Kijafa's shoulders went out and she vanished from her place. Thousands of fishman goons received a blow just for them in only a handful of seconds, each of them being rendered unconscious by the sudden attack they had no hope to defend against.
"Go to sleep, you misguided youths! This is not the place for you! You ought to get an honest job instead of galavanting around like criminals!" Kijafa lectured.
It was at this moment that Luffy felt that something was off. "Wait a minute…"
"I am certain that his majesty will reward us greatly with both treasure and food! I will insist he gives both to the poor and downtrodden in the hope that these misdeeds are not repeated!" Kijafa said.
""NO! You can give away the-"" "Food!" "Treasure!" Luffy and Nami exclaimed in simultaneous horror.
"HAHAHA! Your jests are very funny, friends! It would not be very heroic of us to accept a reward that could help others, no?" Kijafa said with all seriousness.
""We're not heroes! We're pirates!"" Luffy and Nami shouted in unison.
Kijafa seemed to have an epiphany. "My goodness! You're right!"
Luffy and Nami heaved a sigh of relief.
"We should turn ourselves into the proper authorities as soon as possible! I cannot believe my two halves have made such an unlawful career choice!" Kijafa spoke with disappointment in herself.
"Just ignore her. She can only maintain that form for about 15 minutes." Robin said, looking very tired.
The battle swiftly came to a conclusion after that. Even with the leaders of the New Fishman Pirates doping with energy steroids as they called them, they didn't stand a chance against the combined might of the Straw Hats, Jinbe, and the royal family, not even in the water.
"I am glad that this all ended without too many deaths." King Neptune said, noting that even with the brutality of the battle, hardly anyone had actually died. "But what to do with all of you?"
As King Neptune's gaze swept over the defeated New Fishman Pirates they trembled in fear. They fully anticipated that they'd be put to death for their act of sedition.
"Please don't behead us! Hody forced us into it!" Was the common sentiment among them.
King Neptune thought for a moment, then began to speak. "You shall-"
The screens that normally broadcast news from the palace came on and showed an electric eel fishman clad in a black uniform.
"Attention, residents of Fishman Island. We, the Neo Marines, have taken control of the palace." Garcelo announced with calm discipline.
"What is this?" Princess Shirahoshi asked under her breath.
"I thought we were done already…" Usopp complained.
"This isn't good…" King Neptune furrowed his brows. The three Princes echoed his expression.
"What's going on, do you know them?" Nami asked.
"That man… Gelato, I think his name was? He's with that new faction in the New World, the Neo Marines. He came to me some time ago and asked me to close off the island from all pirates, and to disavow Whitebeard as well. I refused of course. Pirates are one of Fishman Island's largest sources of business, and Whitebeard is our benefactor." King Neptune explained.
"I have no desire to conquer your kingdom." Garcelo continued. "I came only for one purpose. To eradicate pirates and prevent them from entering the New World. Your King refused to see reason, so now you must suffer for his mistakes. In ten minutes, our super weapon will destroy the bubble surrounding Fishman Island. I suggest you make your escape, or if not, make your peace with death."
The screen cut off. Then the island's residents exploded into chaos.