"Leave this child, Psychopomp!" Echoed the voice in the black fog.
It really did sound like an echo. A loud echo of numerous voices trying to forcibly connect as one, which made it sound like a grating echo of numerous voices.
The fog surrounded me at such a rapid speed that it lifted me up from the ground. I could see nothing aside from the hurricane of blackness that sheltered me. My teeth mashed together when my skin began to pull, it began pulling from my body forcibly by the intense hurricane that showed no sign of stopping.
"The stray does not belong to this place, she must be eaten to appease Lord Deuteronomy." Even through the turbulent noises and chaotic whirl of the hurricane I could still hear the childish voice of a boy.
"Huah," The violent sound of the wind resounded everywhere. "Then you must be devoured, Psychopomp!" The grating multitude of voices thundered.
Finally a proper introduction for our crow friend!