20.89% Star Trek: Voyager and the Descendants of Q / Chapter 27: Council of Chaos

章節 27: Council of Chaos

Similar to how Raven had become obsessed with the improved holo-deck, I had given into the dark side. Every moment that I could spend inside, I was there, sparring against whatever madness that I thought of that day. Some I kept around, either for love of the character or because I could see myself truly learning something from them, and the group had slowly evolved into what I called the Council of Chaos.

The first to join were Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, looking like my favorite actress version of them, Uma Thurman and Margot Robbie. I had always been a DC fan, so since this lesbian couple came out, I could not help but recreate them on the holo-deck. Thanks to an empowerment setting, they could be elevated to somewhere near my level while still being restricted to whatever fit their character. It could be as simple as boosting speed, strength, and vitality to giving them an unlimited goodies bag of items which Harley Quinn enjoyed greatly.

Fred and George Weasley were fun to have around, but unfortunately, the wizards were too squishy for me, losing almost instantly once I closed the distance. My next thought was to partner them with Wolverine and Deadpool since their main power was being unkillable. Those four, along with Harley and Ivy, would switch up who they teamed up with for fights with three to five people when I wanted a group fight.

As for those who were on my Council, yet forbidden to team up with anyone, the first person I wanted was Tsunade from Naruto, while it was for her healing ability initially, I had greatly underestimated her strength and the overpowered nature of ninjutsu and taijutsu. I had also thought of Eris, Greek Goddess of Discord, and, while the Olympian was not too difficult to fight when she was alone, the moment another person joined the fight, it became impossible to win against her due to the crazy changes that she could cast on her partner. From there, I jumped to 'Hunter X Hunter' to fight against Hisoka and lost miserably, but I had sparked the insane magician's interest, so he was happy to give me pointers to see how strong I could become. I also decided to spar against Loki and Sun Wukong, separately of course, and got my ass handed to me by both of them.

Any fight that I had, individual or group, those that were not participating were still present, so that they could watch or comment. Despite their character flaws, they were still holographic characters which could be programmed to help teach me, whether it was in their personality or not. That did not mean that I would just force them to sit around and watch me fight; I created a platform ship that looked like it was straight out of Star Wars, complete with a fully stocked bar and other things that they could enjoy. Most of the group had some fondness for alcohol, and since it was all holographic anyways, I had all of their favorites on the shelves, though I did make it so that no matter how much they drank, they could only get so drunk. There was also a large tree and some other plants for Ivy, a pool table where Deadpool, Wolverine, and Harley would often play a few rounds, and a wizard's chessboard, Shogi and Go boards that were often used by the Weasley twins, Loki, Sun Wukong, and even Tsunade. Hisoka and Eris rarely interacted with the others and would either read in the library area or drink at the bar.

After two weeks of fighting these characters for five to ten hours a day, with Tsunade healing me between fights, we had agreed on a roulette system of sorts to pick what would be my next fight. There were two wheels that I would spin, one to pick whether it was an individual fight or a group fight with three, four, or five people, and then a second wheel to pick who was the opponent. In the case of a group fight, the second wheel would pick the 'captain' of the group, so they could pick their partners and whatever would be our field of battle.

Somehow, I had been lucky and had not had Deadpool land as a captain for several days after coming up with this system, but when it finally happened, he had five people. There were a couple of groans from the group while there were just as many laughs since his antics were well known by everyone now. I could only sigh and pour myself a large shot of real Spirit Wine that I had brought, while he interacted with the console to make whatever diabolical plan he came up with.

"Opening bets!" Fred called out.

"Deadpool, seven to one, Becca, two to thirteen!" George announced.

The currency that they used was unique to the group, and hard to explain, but they used gold coins identical to the one that Sancu gave me. How they would use the coins were like dares, jinxes, or favors between the characters that would further impact my fights and make things even crazier. Sometimes it could help me, other times it could hurt me, but no one would know what tricks were being pulled until the fight was announced. I had to admit that it was fun, and I was developing my own unique fighting style by having to adjust to such random fights.

"That doesn't even make sense!" Logan complained.

"Our game, our rules," the twins said in unison.

"Thirty on Deadpool," Hisoka said.

"Ha! Fifty on Rebecca!" Tsunade yelled.

"God damnit!" I complained since she still held the title of Legendary Loser.

"He, he, I also bet twenty on Becca," the Monkey King chuckled.

"Twenty-five on Rebecca," Loki added, sounding uninterested.

"Planning something without me? Naughty boys, a hundred on Deadpool," Eris said with a smirk that made me sigh since I knew she would make this fight a lot more annoying.

"What about you two?" Fred asked, looking at Harley and Ivy.

The couple were currently snuggled together on a branch of the tree that was slowly rocking back and forth. I may or may not have tweaked their personalities to make them a little more lovey-dovey, but oh well, this was my simulation and reward, after all. It was a little bittersweet, since I did not get to spend time with Raven and Katye like we did back in Eden, though the relationship between Echo and me had not really changed too much. With this looming pressure on all of us thanks to the blue seal on half of my body and the pendant tucked away in our ship, I really could not complain; I simply missed when things were simpler.

"Ten on Deadpool," Harley replied.

Ivy shrugged, "I'll pass on this one. With those three meddling, anything is possible."

"Done!" Deadpool called out happily.

Before anyone could say or do anything else, the world around me changed, but this was not the first time that it had happened. My bottle was still on the counter of the bar, but I was now in a plane with only my cup in my hand. I downed the rest of the contents while shaking my head because of 'where' I found myself. I was on an empty commercial airplane with Deadpool in front of me and Wolverine and Harley Quinn behind me and, while I could not know for sure, I had a feeling that there were two brothers hiding somewhere nearby.

"What the hell you idiot?!? The bitch can fly and controls the weather! WHY THE FUCK ARE WE ON A PLANE?!?" Harley yelled.

"The monkey guy ordered a place in the sky and the green one wanted the weather to play an advantage, but we do have one advantage," Deadpool said.

"Do I even want to know?" I asked with a sigh.

Before he could reply, a person suddenly dropped from the ceiling and, instinctually, I caught the person. Unfortunately, it was Eris who slid her arms around my neck with a coy smile on her face. Like most Olympian Goddesses, she was absolutely beautiful with long sandy blonde hair, a large chest, wide hips, and wearing a Greek toga that left little to the imagination. In the first fight that I used my Dusa form, she had discovered that my Dragon side could be tempted out of directly fighting to put it mildly. With her here, I would barely be able to control myself if I transformed, which made things a lot harder.

"You have to protect Eris and can't put her down," Deadpool replied.

"My herooooo," Eris cooed as she traced a finger down my chest.

"God damnit," I complained, "I have a shift on the Bridge after this."

"You could always postpone the fight with the chumps and show me the stamina of a Dragon," she whispered in my ear.

She sent chills down my spine, and I gritted my teeth with annoyance. Of all of my weaknesses, this little minx had to pick this one to mess with me. This was the danger of using the 'interaction and reaction' command with their programming, which I had been warned about with the guidebook that Sancu had left me, but it promised much better results by using it for long-term characters.

A-ha's 'Take On Me' started playing which signaled the start of the fight. I always played music when I would spar against Indra and Anya to keep myself relaxed and it had continued on into this program. Most people would just use my playlist, but Deadpool and Harley had taken the time to make their own, so I took no ownership of the song pick, even if it was a good one.

Wolverine was the first to rush at me, extending his claws, but it was awkward to move around with all of the chairs around us. He had to slice through a couple of chairs so that he could throw a right hook at my side. I shuffled forward, ready to shift my body again since Deadpool was in front of me as he stood in the open doorway to the cockpit. He pulled off something from his belt and tossed it behind him then shut the cockpit door.

"Fuck," I cursed right before the grenade exploded.

"He never said that we had to stay in the air," Deadpool said happily.

As the plane took a sudden nosedive, everything not bolted down and anyone not braced started to tumble towards the front of the plane. With a thought, my exo-suit boots appeared on my feet and magnetized to the ground. Wolverine managed to grab a chair and wedge himself in a row, but Harley was not so lucky. She tumbled across the tops of the other row, but Deadpool caught her.

"How sweet," Harley said as she pulled out her pistol then shot him in the head and screamed, "NOT ALL OF US CAN SURVIVE A PLANE CRASH, YOU MORON!!!"

She pointed her gun at me next, but I enhanced my speed with Lightning mana since I could not teleport with Eris in my arms. I dodged the bullet, but Wolverine kicked me in the side of my head with my attention drawn away from him. I slammed into a couple of the chairs, but I twisted my body to make sure Eris was not hurt; the whole reason why this was an option was because there could be times when I had to fight and carry someone, but Eris was using it to mess with me.

Harley aimed her gun at me again while Deadpool also drew his two. There was just not enough room to keep dodging all of the bullets with Wolverine able to get in close. Without any better options, I shifted into my Dusa form and ripped a hole to the side of the plane because I was simply too large while transformed. I leapt out and thought I had a moment to breathe when my wings caught the air, but then two Stunner spells hit my back, causing me to roar in pain.

"So beastly, so powerful... you should hurry up with the small fries and then we can have our own battle," Eris said, tracing the edge of my silk top.

"Shut it, temptress. I've got enough women in my life," I growled as I tilted my wings so that I could turn around and see the falling plane.

The sky responded to my roar of pain as the clouds grew darker, but it was not fast enough for me, so I added more mana into the air as I casted my Thunderstorm spell. Fred and George were riding on brooms and had Wolverine and Harley behind them respectively. Deadpool had been left behind and was standing on the top of the plane, shouting at the others, though it was doubtful that anyone could hear him. The plane was getting closer to the ground, but it would not hit land, rather water, since it seemed like we were over the ocean. Flying not too far away from the action was the ship with the rest of my council, completely immune to the weather and anything else that might come their way.

Lightning cracked overhead as I aimed myself at the group. Instead of fighting me in the air, the twins shot down on their brooms and raced towards the water. They had a full set of spells that could rival Dumbledore as their boost, so despite the lack of land, they would be able to make some kind of platform for the others to fight on.

Seeing me approach, Deadpool tossed his pistols into the air and pulled out a pair of submachine guns from behind his body. I conjured a wall of ice that was growing with the rain, but bullets ripped through it quickly. The wall was only a distraction and a means to hide myself, while I twisted in the air to dodge. Normally, I would teleport myself in a situation like this, so he was ready for my move and chased me. I dove under the body of the plane while what ice was left in chunks shot at him with high speed. He was knocked off the plane as I hoped, but when I circled towards him, he threw a spread of grenades, so I could only back off to avoid the explosions.

The plane hit the water and made a giant splash. Deadpool hit the water a moment later and I lost sight of him which I knew would bite me in the butt later. I landed on the body of the plane and channeled my mana into the metal. While it would not be as strong as mage-steel, I had a lot of practice manipulating metal because of my artificial fingers. I did not create anything too complicated, just two small discs, which would act as my shields while my hands were full.

Harley and Wolverine were standing on a large platform made of ice with the twins hovering on either side of it. As soon as I leapt off the plane, the twins fired another Stunner spell at me, but I intercepted both of them with my metal shields. Unfortunately, that left me nothing to block the bullet that Harley fired, but I could tank high-caliber rifle bullets while I was transformed, so this just stung.

I manipulated the shields to come together to make a large ball and then shot it ahead of me. Wolverine had started to run towards my approach when I leapt off the plane, but he skidded to a halt and braced himself, seeing the cannonball coming at him. While I may not be as strong as Magneto, only Loki, Sun Wukong, and Eris could break my connection to a piece of metal that I was actively controlling, so he knew there was little point in dodging the blow. He was sent flying off the ice platform, and I was able to land safely. Before the Weasleys could throw another spell at me, I reached out to the thunderstorm above us and called down a few bolts of lightning.

"God damnit," Harley complained as she tossed her gun aside and pulled out her baseball bat then tossed her bag to the ground. "Why do you always pick on me first?"

"Honestly, grade school crush, and sorry to say, I can kill you quickly," I replied.

While I was not saying it directly, she was the weakest of the five since she was a normal human at the end of the day. Even with her boosted strength and speed, it only brought her to the peak of human capabilities. My Dragon form was just too tough for her to be able to do any serious damage to me, with her guns or her bat. I manipulated the cannonball to create a spear and aimed it at her heart, behind her back.

"Watch behind you," Eris warned with a smirk.

"Hey, no cheating. Anyone I would be carrying would be silent or helping me," I complained then I heard it. I turned my head and saw an RPG flying straight at me. I jumped into the air as I shouted, "A rocket launcher?!? Fuck you, Wade!"

I dodged the small missile, but Harley was not so lucky as it hit the ice and exploded. There was a flash of white light which meant that she had been killed. Before I could relax a little, I sensed the tingle of wizard magic below me, and a giant dragon head, made out of water, rose out of the ocean. I gathered up my Wind mana to launch myself out of the dragon's mouth, but right before I could cast it, Eris's hand 'accidentally' cupped my breast with the perfect timing that only a God could achieve. My spell collapsed and the dragon's mouth closed around me.

"Oops," Eris giggled innocently.

Instead of yelling at her, I just gritted my teeth and channeled that Wind mana into a different spell to 'solidify' my Wind Domain to prevent any water from coming inside. While one of the twins kept the spell in place, the other dove into the water, still on his broom. A moment later, he shot out with a very damp Wolverine behind him. George kept the water pressing against the sphere of Ice and Wind that I had created, and I was forced to stand on the bottom of it since I could not hover in the air like Katye could. My control over the elements was much stronger than the wizard's, but where he could grab a large chunk at once, I had to wrestle against his mana to take control of the water around me.

"I can't hold her much longer," George shouted when I had taken over nearly half of the orb of water that he had restricted me in.

I could barely hear George, so I certainly could not hear the reply, but it did not matter. My mana had reached the majority, and in one fell swoop, I broke the spell holding me. The ice sphere dropped, but I shattered it with my mana then conjured a gust of Wind to catch my wings. I was covered in a layer of snow, but I was able to get back in the air and flying without hitting the water.

Fred had been busy after he saved Wolverine from drowning. The remains of the plane crash had been transfigured to a metal Spanish galleon, similar to the Durmstrang ship without the sails. Instead of flying towards the ship, I climbed high into the air and fully connected to the brewing storm. While the Weasley twins could deal with a few stray bolts of lightning, neither could handle a concentrated attack if I picked one over the other. By the time that I had removed both twins, a good portion of my mana had been spent, but I was still confident as I landed on the metal ship since it was only Deadpool and Wolverine left.

"You pull out a single grenade or any type of explosive device, and I'll save you for last and burn you over and over before sealing you in ice to get the win," I growled at Deadpool.

"Scary," he mocked, coiling back for dramatic effect.

I rolled my eyes and threw Eris over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes, so that I could have a hand free.

"Rude," Eris complained then smacked my ass which made my whole body tingle with excitement.

Both Wolverine and Deadpool chuckled, while I had to rein myself in from doing something stupid, right then and there, but they also understood that this was their best chance to attack me directly. Wolverine rushed forward with his claws fully extended and threw a flurry of punches that I only managed to dodge by enhancing my speed with mana. Deadpool pulled out a shotgun that was loaded with solid steel slugs which could leave heavy bruises despite not penetrating my scales, pretty much the only thing that he could use to cause me some damage in this form.

While Wolverine was intentionally targeting me and avoiding Eris, Deadpool was aiming solely for the Goddess of Discord. I had to constantly block bullets with my empty hand while dodging Wolverine's claws. There was an intentional reason why I always left these two for last in a group fight, aside from their unkillable natures. The two had a certain synergy against me that almost put me into a trance-like state while fending off their attacks as I read the flow of battle. Unfortunately, that trance-like state was the only way I could fully handle them without abusing my powers, so with Eris back in my arms, she interrupted it with another 'accidental' touch and was rewarded with a bullet to the head.

The world flashed with white and I found myself back on the platform ship with everyone else. Eris was no longer in my arms, but back at the library, though she was giving me a coy smile while I released my Dusa form and returned to my normal appearance. Normally, Tsunade would already be walking towards me to heal whatever damage that I had taken, but instead, she was at the end of the bar talking to someone with Loki, Sun Wukong, Hisoka, and Ivy; basically, everyone who had not been in the fight.

"Interesting characters that you've assembled," a familiar voice said.

The group at the opposite end of the bar opened up and revealed Katye at the center. She had a teasing smirk on her face and my bottle of Spirit Wine in front of her. I sighed but smiled happily and walked over to her and Tsunade.

"Would you mind?" I asked, holding out my black and blue left arm to Tsunade.

She downed her cup then made a few hand signs before she started healing my arm.

"Do I need to tell Raven about this?" Katye asked.

"Be my guest. I'll give up the holo-deck when she does," I retorted and poured myself a small cup of wine.

"True," she said, clinking her cup with mine. "So, care to explain?"

I swallowed my drink in one gulp, but I did not get to enjoy the aftereffects since Tsunade's chakra was purging my body of all toxins while also healing the tissue damage. I shrugged and replied, "A couple of people aside, these were the most chaotic people that I could think of, so who better to learn from and understand my own chaotic nature?"

"Then you should add the Scarlet Witch; she literally uses Chaos Magic as her 'mutant' power," she suggested.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of her. Good idea," I replied.

"You know that she's insane?" Wolverine said.

"Anymore than Wade or Eris?" I retorted.

He poured himself a glass of Fireball and agreed with a shrug, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"So, not that I mind, but what brings you to my program?" I asked.

"I've been curious what you have been up to the past few weeks, and I needed a break from learning Tamarian; the whole damn language is based off of metaphors," Katye replied then refilled her glass.

"Then why bother with it?"

"It's worth the equivalent of five languages towards Sancu's punishment."

"Ah. Thanks, Tsunade," I said when my arm was fully healed.

"Now that you're better, you wanna help me pry Raven out of her workshop to enjoy our free hour before our duty shifts start?" Katye asked with a teasing smile.

"Only an hour? I guess we can make things quick," I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'll see the rest of you guys tomorrow. Computer, end program and transfer us to Raven's."

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