32.5% Ridire Corcairdhearg: The Shard of War and Blood / Chapter 13: 01.08 : The Light Begins to Dim

章節 13: 01.08 : The Light Begins to Dim

[22 BBY]

[Villa of Sheev Palpatine, Grounds of the Senate Building, Coruscant]

Events had gone better than he had expected Darth Sidious found, sitting in a rare moment of privacy from the life of the mask with his most trusted advisors. Or at least most layers of the mask, for none but he could be trusted to know the full extent of his plans, or the details of contingencies, but it was enough to gain a moment away from the veneer as several of those plans came to fruition. Oh he must still plot and plan even here, but that was a joy when compared to the dull drudgery and suffering that was the Office of Chancellor of the decrepit Republic.

One might even believe it had been purposely designed as a torture having to deal with these greedy vermin with no vision and who would merrily tear the galaxy he was destined to rule apart for their home planet's pathetic and narrow-minded interests. It had been a dreary thing for his own Master, and his Master before him, to have been forced to hold this dreadful thing together; an unhappy task he would soon be able to dispense with in a few years thankfully. Then his Empire would rise in its place, one He would rule for all eternity and have true power, not just political nonsense, within his grasp.

Events on Kamino and Geonosis had been sprung several months prior to when he would have preferred it of course; but the aftermath was well within his expected outcomes. Oh, his Apprentice and his minions had performed poorly during the fight, but a decisive Republic victory had been a potential outcome in his schemes, and it would make passage of several of his initiatives in the next few weeks all the easier to push through the fools in the Senate. All while helpfully fueling clashes between the pacifists and more militant members over the so-called 'atrocities' the Separatist factions were screaming on the HoloNet about.

"Make a note to have the Grand Army seize HNN tomorrow Kinman; I do believe their usefulness on the matter at hand has come to an end. We shall need more pro-Republic viewpoints for the next few weeks" he instructed Doriana taking a brief sip of his wine, but not too much; unlike his foolish Master he would never show such weakness. Ars Dangor sitting beside Doriana nodded faintly in agreement, stroking his chin speculatively as thought on the matter in that way of his.

"Yes, there is very little more to be gained out of HoloNet News as you say, and there is always a risk of their investigative division, they are surprising skilled, could inconvenience our effort. Though I think we should forestall any immediate efforts to establish alternate sources so to speak by funding our own, or more tractable, sources of information outside official sources"

"Hmm, hmmm....yes, that would be useful. Draw a list of name Ars, and we discuss how to avoid discovery of our funding such initiatives directly. Perhaps even ensure some more morally suspect opposition members champion these causes, once their predilections are known it will prove damaging to the cause as a whole" Sidious instructed after considering it a moment, he could think of at least six individuals who could serve effectively in that role without much consideration after all "...but to return to the matter at hand. Geonosis was painful for the Jedi Order, and the victory despite their failures should prove very beneficial with good public relations"

"Indeed, though the loss of the Trade Federation leaders is a blow"

Sidious nodded faintly "A minor one Ars, a very minor one, Nute's greed was easy to manage, but also made him something of a weak link. Wat Tambor's injuries will heal, and Poggle has gone to ground and I do not know the extent of injuries. It will also delay the true outbreak of fighting till it occurs on our desired timeline rather than that of the more aggressive militants within the Separatist movement. I am somewhat curious on the attempt to assassinate the Separatist leadership?"

Kinman shook his head "I'm afraid that could be a result of our efforts of causing the friction in the Mid and Outer Rim being perhaps too successful. My research indicates the attempt was very firmly aimed at the Trade Federation members present rather than Count Dooku and the other leaders; something of an ongoing feud between the Trade Federation's Outer Rim Security Division and a new Republic-leaning, though Eriadu and Tarkin family leaning is more correct, mercenary forces. Only recently there was an attempt at overthrowing this Executive Security Solutions primary training planet in the far reaches by the Trade Federation, and this opportunity to get even was too great an opportunity not to take"

"Hmm, yes that would explain some matters" he mused back to his advisor "...and the situation on one of its leaders being a former Jedi padawan?"

A rare thing that was too see, and young Anakin had been a font of information on his 'friend' who had left the Jedi Order and decided to 'join' a mercenary outfit. Though 'join' was more along the lines of 'create' as best his own investigations had revealed, and indications of a potential pawn, or at least a source of eroding young Skywalker's links with the Jedi. Amidala, to his surprise, could prove a useful catalyst for that matter give time, and an outsider with conflicting ties to the Temple, and potential dark-side inclinations he suspected, could lead to a superior Apprentice than Dooku was.

Kinman handed over a data-pad and Sidious skimmed through it as his advisor spoke "Acquiring accurate information is difficult I'm afraid; in part because there are clearly negative interactions between the Jedi High Council and this Captain-General Daron of ESS around the time of his departure from the Temple. Following on from this is the nature of the mercenary's trade, and their affiliations"

Sidious sipped his wine again, then hummed in thought studying information on a minor player that offered a different slant than Anakin's brief opinions. He really needed to clarify some of that in the future, especially after events on Geonosis "The Tarkins"

"In part, they are a number of unusual, and publically hidden, actions that correspond with payments at those times from known ORSF front-organisations for instance..." Kinman replied "...pirate hunting, general bounty work initial, but there is targeting of Trade Federation front organisations or allied groups starting about a year to two years after the first appearance of the organisation. But there are some not-so clear links to more aggressive elements of Republic Intelligence, and more militant pro-Republic groups. Though I suspect that loyalty is more to elements within the Republic than the Republic as whole...political efforts are fairly minimal, beyond donations to more hawkish Rim politicians, a few action groups supporting military expansion, much..."

"Yes, yes, much as you'd expect for a mercenary group, even to my own campaign it seems since just before the introduction of the Military Creation Act...first transmissions after Geonosis to their Legal Firm?" he chuckled softly as he noted the transaction logs. Heavily Encrypted and unable to be accessed, but who the transmission was received by on Coruscant were too were all logged with Republic Judicial Services.

Ars shrugged "There is talk within the Senate over bringing them before a Committee over the orbital bombardment so near to civilian populations after all. Not an unsurprising turn of events, and they have lodged contract requests, with conditions, alongside the Ailon Nova Guard, Sword of Ziost, and Marigald's Rifles"

'Hmm, interesting, and something worth supporting and using against the *good* Jedi' he mused reading as he spoke "No Jedi in command over them? Not surprising from soldiers, and potentially useful. Attempts at organising a meeting between so-called pro-Republic groups"

Kinman nodded "Yes, sponsored by the Tarkins, and probably elements within the Republic Navy or Intelligence services. As expected there is a great deal of unhappiness at the revelation of the Clone Army within the existing command structures, and even more at the Jedi being interjected at the rank of General or similar when many other officers are available"

"Yes, we expected as much, and Jedi criticism of the mercenaries methods is widening the gap I imagine..." which was useful for driving a further wedge between this mercenary and his former affiliations, and perhaps fraying Skywalker's confidence in the Order "...so I do believe we'll grant such a request. Though ensure more reliable elements receive the funding, with whatever discretion feasible, I am aware Republic Strategic Command is not truly a tame beast as yet"

It was far better to the Jedi surrounded by Clones when the time came, best not to take chances with such an important matter. Mercenary groups though would be much preferred than being forced in the scenario of the military expanded based on so-called patriots filling the ranks instead. He needed troops who'd follow orders, and like over Geonosis be willing to do whatever was necessary to ensure His Empire would crush any potential enemies when it arose. Battles would also be a useful means of witling out the disloyal and unnecessary from within the ranks of his future Imperial Army...


[22 BBY]

[Executive Security Solutions Carrier-Freighter Mercy's Lament, Orbit Geonosis, Arkanis Sector]

"Only focus upon the ones we can either get the sub-lights running or even better the hyperdrive..." Navid, Captain of the Mercy's Lament listened to the still rather unhappy senior officer from the Board overseeing the salvage operation as she spoke to the Salvage Guild vessels they'd hired to tow away their prizes "...we might not have forever to do this, so up and running and back to a shipyard"

Shesagora, formerly of the Wicked Witch of Endor, growled slightly as she turned from the communications station towards him "Nerve of some aliens"

He nodded consolingly "Unfortunately I understand Captain, hard to deal with, and just to grab whatever is out there as if we have unlimited time"

The senior Captain grunted "Hmph, blame the Jedi and Republic Navy for telling them they'll hold this system without any trouble"

"Be great if they did, but not if the Feddies and the Techno Union commit their forces they won't Captain Shesagora"

"Exactly, it's why I've set scuttling charges on the wreck of my Witch" the older female growled staring at the tactical display. He could understand, her ship, the Gozanti-cruiser heavy combat freighter The Wicked Witch of Endor was a write off thanks to the battle and that would be either rage inducing or depressing, and the member of the Board of Executive Security Solutions seemed on the angry side despite the healing broken arm. The female was likely picking out her next ship from amongst the more intact enemy wrecks in-system...at least they got them back to a shipyard to be repaired and modified.

"One can only hope there will be time to restore her and get her to Chistophsis Captain" he murmured deciding to change the subject "...and is there word from Coruscant"

Captain Shesagora snorted "Just ungrateful sleemos and Senators with rocks for brains best I can tell, but the lawyers say everything's fine on our side, and all the contracts paid out. You'll probably be getting a heavier ship than the Mercy in time Navid, war's coming, and that's big business whiny kriffing sleemo idiots in the Core aside..." the female nodded at the planet where fighting still continued as this....Clone Army the Jedi had created fought its way into the underground catacombs "...and it's started here. We should know, it's going to be in all our recruitment holo-vids"

"Ugh, are we now, really?" he muttered and the other captain gave a bark of laughter.

"Oh, yes, big flashy ones with patriotism and nonsense to the Republic, Force, we're talking of setting up a new subsidiary....Republican Star Guard, or Republic Stellar Guard....or something like that. Don't like any the names on the table at the moment myself, but the others think we need something all fancy so the cowards in the Core will give us more credits because...patriots rah-rah, but let us spill our blood instead of theirs"

"It's the Core, what can you expect Captain"

She nodded "I know....well, least they can build and fix ships good, assuming we can get them there. Moving those two Munificents over there isn't a problem, but if we could just get one of those Luchrehulks moving we'd be absolutely golden"

"Problem is we blew up the Core ships, no Cores, controls....hopefully they'll be able to jury rig a command network with the salvage ship. Then how to crew them comes up"

Captain Shesagora shook her head "Nah, we'd sell them if we could, get one of the newer Republic capitals if we can get approval through....and I admit same problem, but as mentioned; we're recruiting, mostly from the home colonies, but from the Core too for technicians and the like..."

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