37.5% Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja / Chapter 10: Academy and cheat

章節 10: Academy and cheat




Kumo's ninja academy

Created at the end of Kumo year 27

The second raikage founded the academy for the training of prospective ninjas its also the place where official ninja receive their assignments

When children first gain the ability to manipulate their chakra, they immediately join the no matter the age of course there is an age limit, if children are unable to unblock their chakra nodes by the age of 6 they are unable to attend the academy

At least 15% of the students die before graduating and about 60% of the graduates die before becoming a chunin

This isn't a kindergarten, its a jungle, survival of the fittest, only the strong stand on top while the weak are destined to become cannon fodder


Class 2-A

Sitting at the back of the class there is a 5-year-old boy with his hand under his chin looking through the window with an indifferent look

He had dark skin, blonde(white) hair, and blue eyes

Wearing a gray top and black shorts with a ninja pouch on his hip

By his physical features, one could determine that he was from the Narukami clan but they would still be a bit confused

The men of the Narukami clan all have a very manly face with a tall and swole bodies but this boy looked different

He was indeed taller than his age but his face wasn't as intimidating and manly as the Narukami clan men, he was handsome not overly handsome but was very easy on the eyes

Kazuto looked out the window listlessly

After the talk with his uncle he and A joined the ninja academy

Life in the academy wasn't easy for him

Because he is from the main line of the Narukami clan most kids avoided him because they were worried he might set his sights on them

That wasn't a huge problem for kazuto although he didn't mind making friends with kids less than half his actual age he didn't care if others didn't want to be friends with him

But the real problem was

"Kazuto Narukami, I challenge you to a 1 one 1 today at taijutsu training "


Kazuto looked at the idiot who challenged him

It was just a boy from one of the clans in Kumo

He sighed again wondering when these guys will learn their lesson

But he couldn't wrong them your ninja career starts at the academy what you do in the academy will determine the resources and perks you get when you officially become a ninja

The best way to do that is to get attention and show your worth

Kazuto is heir to the Narukami clan at the moment not only that he ranks 1st in every single curriculum and overall and broke many records in the academy

This led lots of students to challenge him even older kids

Beating Kazuto is a one-way ticket to guarantee a smoother road than others in your ninja career

Unfortunately, no one has ever defected him

Kazuto had to commend these guys even when he broke their bones they still come back for more

'I guess I underestimated how far people would go just to become a strong ninja in the future, looks like me and them aren't really different'

He ignore the idiot who kept rambling about how he was going to finally beat him and focus on Important matters

A couple of months ago the first shinobi world war kicked off

Every country and its hidden village scramble to get the best resources and to show off the strength of their military

Some countries that village wasn't strong decided to form alliances with countries with stronger villages, this allowed the big five major shinobi countries to enter and transport weapons in their country freely

Kazuto was more focused on his father and uncle

Just as he guessed they weren't really on the front lines but they weren't at the back commanding

After his uncle successfully brought back the chinoike clan he created the special unit which he turned into his personal force

Although Kazuto wasn't thinking about that he didn't see any harm at least now they have more protection

But since that day with his uncle something was bugging him even after 2 years he still couldn't put his finger on it

Because this war wasn't premeditated and all the villages just went to war to celebrate the fall of the Senju and Uchiha duo

The short time span wasn't enough for a lot of preparation and the stamina of this war was running out

Even in just a few months, the damage caused by the war was frightening

By Kazuto's prediction, the war should end sometime next year and its next year that the second raikage and Hokage die

Although the second raikage was a member of the Narukami clan, he wasn't close to him, even if the future is already fucked, he wasn't interested in stopping his death

Some things are just meant to be

But he was still thinking about what was bugging him before the war ended


The bell rang and all the students that were scattered went to their seats

'Where's A'

Kazuto looked at the empty space beside him


Just as he was about to go look for him A appeared at the window and jumped into his seat

"What was the hold-up, you have the goods"

A looked at kazuto with a smile and pulled out 2 sandwiches which he passed on over to him

Kazuto sniffed the goods and drooled a little

Moms sandwiches

The teacher ignore A and kazuto who were talking and eating in his class

Both were very promising ninjas and their family is very powerful

Kazuto also ignores the teacher he knew everything already, even though he rarely shows an expression that doesn't mean he will act like a cool guy that's emotionless, gets good grades, and acts like a model student to get the teacher's favor

He rarely shows his emotions but that doesn't mean he is emotionless he refuses to become an edgelord and besides for all he knew most of the people in this room right now will all be dead in 4 years

As such, they continued their boring life in the academy





"Mom I'm going out"

"Ok honey be back before dinner"

I head to the scary mountain everybody talks bout to go train

Ever since I came to this world I always trained

Not that training was the only thing I do

I spent my time at the academy, sometimes I skip class, hang out with A, and spend time with mom, but most of my time was training

I stopped at the usual spot and warmed up a little with some chakra control exercises after that I practice the modified version of the Narukami fighting style

After 2 years I got better but I wasn't progressing a lot with the modification

There is so much I can do with knowledge from books and inspiration

I was thinking about getting a Hyuga to tell me about their taijutsu

The modified version of the Narukami fighting style is very suitable for the Hyuga taijutsu with the direction it's going

But that will be impossible clan secrets especially one from a powerful clan like the Hyuga clan are very difficult to obtain

Sigh one could only dream

Well let's get back to the main focus here

I usually come to train to focus on myself so I clear my mind regarding matters about the war and my family

The main reason I am here is for a bit of experimentation

My true cheat

I didn't get a system or any wish so my benefits fall in my memories

My ability to know what would happen next is quite useless ever since A was born

This world isn't the naruto I know because of my existence the whole plot has gone to shit so I tend to not rely on my future knowledge a lot

But my true cheat are the techniques of other fictional worlds

I can recreate some abilities of characters I know and use them to my advantage, it's like creating a Jutsu

Of course, that's easier said than done

Other fictional worlds power scaling and world energy are different but in reality, they are very similar

The way different worlds use their energy is the problem

For example hand seals and magic spells

Hand seals are used to determine the amount of chakra one should extract to use Jutsu same goes for magic spells

Magic spells are used as a medium for spells and a way to extract the right amount of mana

But if you were to take away hand seals and magic spells you would have chakra and mana

All you need to do is substitute the energies and to do that one needs good control

Later in the series, it was shown that good chakra control and elemental control will eliminate the use of hand seals

Hand seals were just there to determine the right amount of chakra use but why use hand seals when you could just control how many chakra you want to use

So I focused on chakra training control tree-climbing exercise, leaf exercise, and water walking exercise, it was very difficult and it will take a couple more years to actually see the results

Although I'm still far away from eliminating the use of hand seals, this long-term goal is worth it

So now my plan

Most Jutsu in the ninja world is predictable, well it is expected

These Jutsus have existed for many years over time others have found a way to counter them

It's because of this that ninjas strive to create their personal Jutsu

Sadly this is a very hard task

Creating a Jutsu is hard like very hard

Even a weak E-rank Jutsu probably took the creator a couple of years before it was created

I have to admit Tobirama was genius

Creating Jutsus like the multi shadow clone Jutsu, flying thunder god, Edo Tensei

All before he even reaches 50, A true genius

If it wasn't for the fact that he was friends with Frieza and Zoro he would be one of my favorite characters

The reason why I planned to recreate moves and techniques from other fictional worlds is that it would make my deck of cards unpredictable and my arsenal will be full

My first plan

The real issue is how would I go about doing it

Because of the knowledge, I have gained from reading books

I have a good understanding of how the powers of other worlds work

So all I have to do is find a way and re-create the effects

For example, let's say I wanted to use Killua's God speed

Killua's God speed is a combination of Whirlwind, and Speed of Lightning

Whirlwind boosts his reaction time and the Speed of Lightning lets him control his movements to move at a very high speed which mostly depends on the terrain, adding the boost from the electricity you have God speed

All I have to do is use chakra to recreate the effects not actually go the same route

I can infuse my Lightning chakra nature in my nervous system to improve my reaction time and strengthen my body with chakra for speed

But at the moment Killua's God speed is useless, the Lightning release chakra mode not only produces the same effects but is better

Anyway I won't start the plan before I reach a satisfactory level with my chakra control this will reduce the work by a ton

Well let's start our daily training

Wonder what dad is doing now





"Hey, pick up the pace the Commander wants to see us in 2 days"

An Iwa ninja said to squad members

They were now traveling through a forest in the land of Iron

Just a moment ago they got a message from HQ telling them to return until further notice

"What with the sudden notice, do you think something went wrong?"

said one of the Iwa ninjas

"I don't know properly has to do with the disappearance of our comrades and intel getting leaked"

"Yeah I heard about that seems to be serious if a group can do this under our nose"

They stop talking and focus ahead

"Lets camp here for now"

After a couple of hours, the leader decided to camp since it was getting late

"*Yawn* Gey up it's my time on watch duty"

One of the Iwa ninjas took over watch duty from his squad member

After an hour or so the Iwa ninja was getting bored and sleepy when he saw a flash

Reacting quickly he Looked around and reached for his kunai and slowly walked to the tents so he could alert his teammates if things went south

Before he could react a hand covered his mouth and a kunai dug into his neck cutting his neck open in a flash

In his last seconds, the only thing he could see was a figure in a black suit

The black suit ninja motioned his hand forward and 5 other figures covered in black walked out of the shadow

Maybe because of instincts the captain of the Iwa squad woke up and went for his blade

He saw a figure walking past his tent and thrust his blade towards it through the tent

Thinking that he was injured he went outside to capture the intruder but all he saw were a pair of red eyes looking him dead in the eye before everything went dark

"Captain we found the 'package' and we hid our tracks"

The figure dressed in black looked at his subordinate who came to report to him

"What about the 'others'"

"Eliminated sir"

"Good always remember our purpose"

"We serve, protect, and most importantly we stay anonymous"

"Copy that Captain"

The six black dress figures left immediately

It looked like they weren't even there


How was your day?


Imma try to show two sides of the story

The war and the academy and the MC life

What do power stones do?


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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