55.07% The Storms monarch is an extra / Chapter 76: Araceli and the Inquisitor

章節 76: Araceli and the Inquisitor


\\Araceli's POV//

"Celi, are you done?"

I turned to the direction of the voice, only to see my father walking towards me lazily while holding 2 glasses of water in his hand.

Stabbing my shovel in the ground and wiping the sweat off my forehead, I received the glass with a frown. "Father, why do I have to do this?"

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean", I pouted. "Why do I have to waste my energy burying dead people that I don't even know? No, that's not what's important. Why are you taking your precious 18-year-old daughter with you to the frontlines just to do this?"

Sighing, my father patted my head. However, as he was about to make contact with my head, his hand was suddenly stopped mid-air, as if he was separated from me by an invisible barrier.

"Right, I forgot about your Skill", he muttered.

With his hand now patting the air above me instead of my head, he spoke. "Celi, it's because I pity these people. The Empire won't spend any of their precious manpower to bury mere foot soldiers that died on the frontlines. If it wasn't for people like us, their corpses would have been left for the crows to feed on"

I looked at him skeptically, not really believing him. After all, unlike me, who had a somewhat strong sense of justice, my father wasn't exactly who you'd call a 'good person'. So when he said that he pitied the dead soldiers, I obviously knew that he was lying.

Seeing that I wasn't convinced, he sighed. "Fine, you got me. I can't care less about whether or not they're buried... I just don't want any Necromancers to sully the corpses of these people here just like they did with your mother…"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but to soften my expression.

My mother was killed by the <Darkest night> a few years ago, and they used her corpse to make a Revenant. They then sent it to try and abduct me for whatever reasons, but father found out in time and saved me.

Despite knowing the reason why my father went to the frontlines to bury dead bodies, however, my face couldn't help but to contort back into a frown.

After all, he knew full well that I loathed everything to do with death. Whether it was people dying in front or my eyes or just… plainly seeing corpses lying all over the place.

"But why do I have to be here though?"

"You said you wanted to know the meaning of life or whatever your mother used to tell you, correct? Well… this is the first step to attain your enlightenment!"


"Now that I think about it... your mother probably only married me, an undertaker, to achieve that stupid goal of hers"

"Her pursuit of the meaning of life is not stupid", I crossed my arms as I frowned at him. "And I think you're just fooling me into doing your job for you"

"Maybe I am", he smiled mysteriously.

My frown deepened at his vague words.

Chuckling, he drank his glass of water before continuing.

"Come on, don't be like that! It's not like anyone can harm you when you have your Skill, [SS - Absolute distance]"

"I guess you're right…"

"Besides, you're a <D-> rank! It's on par with the average second-year student in Avaron or Kirion!"


Seeing that I was still keeping silent, he sighed. "Fine… maybe you're a bit worse than the average Great Academies' student… but you're still a genius compared to practically every commoners out there"

Not wanting to deal with him any further, I turned my back on him and started walking away. "I'll go back to our camp to prepare dinner"

Hearing this, his body suddenly shudder in fright. "Araceli! Don't you dare make the meal! Y- You still remember what happened to me the last time I ate your food, r- right?"

In response, I merely turned around, gave him a mysterious smile, and then rushed back to the camp.

"DAMMIT! I don't want to have food poisoning in this kind of place!", I could hear him shouting at me from behind.

However, I promptly ignored his pleads and kept running with a grin on my face.

'This is my revenge!'

As soon as I got back to our camp, I took out the broken piece of glass that I always kept with me to check my face.

Now, I weren't a narcissist, but I had to admit that I was beautiful… well, at least more beautiful than your average commoner girl.

"I'd have looked much prettier if my eyes weren't like that though…"

In fact, when I was little, I had red hair that fluttered in the air like flames. This is due to the fact that I was a Phoenix just like my mother. However, after my mother's death, my hair and irises slowly turned black like the night sky.

If it was just that, then I wouldn't have had much of a problem with it. However, my sclerae were somehow also turning black.

Hence, my current appearance: Black hair reaching my waist, black irises, with the sclera of my left eye fully turned black, and the corner of my right sclera also having a faint trace of black in it.

Pausing my thoughts there, I put the piece of glass away and began preparing dinner like I told my father I would.


The campfire crackled as it emitted a warm yellow light.

Being absolutely bored, I rested my head on my left hand and used my right hand to pick up a stick and poke the fire with it.

"Why is he taking so long?", I muttered.

'Does he hate my cooking that much?'

As soon as I thought that, however, I heard rustling sounds coming from behind me.

"Wh- Who's there?", I jumped back in fright as I readied the crossbow that I strapped to my back and stared intensely at the bushes where the sound came from.

Although no attacks or person could touch me as long as I had [SS – Absolute distance] active, I was still absolutely terrified of engaging in combat.

After a while, the rustling sound stopped, before a shadowy figure flew from the bushes.

"KYAHHHHH!", I screamed as I covered my face defensively.


As if colliding with an invisible barrier, the figure stopped just mere inches away from my and fell to the ground with a thud.

Slowly looking down, I widened my eyes in surprise when I saw that the figure was… my father.

"F- Father?"

However, he didn't response to my question and just laid there on the ground.

Upon closer inspection, however, I noticed that his face was pale and… half-decomposed.

"Wh- What!?"

It wasn't long before I realized what was happening.

"F- Father, y- you're dead? P- Please tell me that this is just one of your sick prank!"

It was then that I heard a voice answering my question. However, that voice wasn't my father's.

"This is not a joke"

The bushes then rustled again, before a burly man with brown hair, gruff beard, and a black eyepatch came out of it.

My face contorted into an expression of pure rage as soon as I recognized the man.


"To carry out my orders, obviously", Erals replied nonchalantly.


Before I could finish my sentence, Erals suddenly disappeared from his spot and reappeared right in front of me.

He then raised his big fist up and punched me with all of his power.


A thick cloud of dust was raised up as a shockwave was created by Erals' fist colliding with the barrier that had always protected me.

—Araceli, wake up!

Frowning at his bloodied fist, Erals sighed. "Huuuuuu… It seems that my <C> rank strength isn't enough…"

—She's sweating all over… is she having her nightmares again?

"Wh- Why are you doing this?", I cried as I glared at him with absolute hatred. "WHAT DID WE EVER DO TO YOU?"

In response, Erals merely stared at me with a cold gaze.

"Etch this into your heart. We, the <Darkest night>, will definitely capture you, oh future V—"


Startled by the loud voice, I shot my eyes open as I frantically looked around the room.

Upon seeing the familiar ceiling of the inn that I had booked last night, I sighed in relief.

Calming down my ragged breathing, I turned towards the source of the loud voice, Sera, with a confused gaze.

"B- Big sis Sera, what happened?"

Sera, the tanned woman with brown hair, hugged me as she patted my head. "You were having a nightmare…"

"I- I see…"

'Dammit… not this again…'

Somehow, the memories of that painful day a year ago manifested itself as my nightmare once every few days. The worst thing is… I couldn't even tell that it was a dream until I've woken up.

Thus, I had to constantly relive that horrible memory of my father dying right in front of my eyes.

Pausing my thoughts there, I looked at Sera with a grateful gaze. "Thank you for waking me up and comforting me..."

"Don't mention it. We're party members are we not?"

"I guess you're right…"

"Well, now that you're awake, prepare yourself and go downstairs. Ronald's waiting for us"

"R- Right!"

Watching Sera's reliable back, I couldn't help but to reminisce back to the past.

'I'm glad that I met her…'

After my father died, I brooded for weeks on end. However, I soon recovered from my depression and thought about my future path.

Considering Erals' threat, I came to the conclusion that my only option was to become an Adventurer, increase my power, and end the <Darkest night> once and for all to avenge my father and… get my normal life back.

My first year was… tough. I was scammed of my entire belongings on the first day, and I'd have been begging on the streets right now if it wasn't for Sera and Ronald.

'Well... maybe only Sera though... Ronald was pretty against her picking me up back then...'

In fact, I trusted Sera so much that I had recently learnt how to deactivate [SS – Absolute distance] just to be closer to her.

Stopping my thoughts there, I quickly stood up and prepared myself. Putting on my leather armor and strapping my crossbow to my back, I rushed downstairs.

'I can't keep them waiting for me!'

"You're late!", a lean swordsman with blonde hair shouted as soon as I arrived at the first floor of the inn.

"Sorry Ronald! I… overslept!", I bowed my head apologetically.

"Whatever", Ronald, the swordsman, snorted as he turned around. "Let's just go quickly now. We got a new quest and the deadline is today"

As Ronald walked through the door, I could feel Sera's hand on my shoulder.

"Don't mind him too much. He's just a bit pressured since he'll finally get the money to save his sister after completing this quest"

"Huh?", I turned around to look at Sera in confusion. "Didn't he need 2 more Platinums for the cure?"

Sera's face stiffened for a bit before she smiled at me again. "Right? I'm also amazed that there's such a high-paying quest in the guild today!"

"Oh, alright. I'll do my best to also help save his sister then! Let's go!"

"Are you sure we are in the right place", I asked skeptically as we were now traversing through a dark forest.

Ignoring my question, Ronald whispered in a low voice. "Keep your voice down and ready your weapons, we're surrounded"

Nodding, I took the crossbow from my back and aimed it at the direction Ronald was facing.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, a black-robed figure walked out from behind the tree.

"He has been following us for quite a while now. Araceli, Sera, get into positio—"

"Stop it with the acting already", the robed figure sighed. "The Phoenix's defenseless right now, just get it over with"

'Phoenix? Me? But I'm not defenseless though'

After all, even though [SS – Absolute distance] was deactivated, I was sure that Ronald and Sera would protect me, the only ranged damage dealer of the party.

'And… he's not that strong. We can probably beat him with our combined power'

As such, I looked at the man defiantly. "Defenseless? Hah, you're fairly stupid for a suspicious-looking robed figure. Right, Sera?"

I glanced around to look at Sera, only to let out a confused sound as I couldn't find her anywhere I looked.

"Sera? Where did you g—"

It was then that I felt something prickling my neck, almost as if someone stabbed it with a needle.

Instantly, all the energy was sapped away from me. I felt lethargic, and my body started becoming heavy.

Unable to support myself anymore, I fell to the ground.


With blurry eyes, I could vaguely saw the figure of Sera walking from behind me to face the robed man.

"Se-ra, Ro-nald", I struggled to raise my voice. "B- Be careful! Th- The man have some kind of paralysis Skill!"

"Damn... you're more stupid than I thought", Sera said as she slowly crouched down and faced me.

"Wh- What are you sayin—"

"Isn't it obvious? We're betraying you"

I stared at her in disbelief.

'N- No! That can't be! I refuse to believe it!'

"S- Sera, y- you're not acting like yourself right now. Th- That's right! The man must have some kind of mind control Skil—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Sera suddenly used her hand to grab my throat and choke me.

"Listen carefully", she growled. "I don't care what you thought of me before, but you have to die for the sake of Ronald's sister"

"Kurgh! Wh- What are you talking about?", I struggled to speak as I desperately tried to gasp for air.

Ignoring my words, Sera continued. "You really think that Ronald and I would help a useless girl like you be an Adventurer without anything in return? How naive. I sincerely hope that brain of yours get smarter in your next life"

"Oi, make sure that you don't kill her", the robed man suddenly interjected. "The <Darkest night> need her alive since she the 58th V—"

The rest of his sentence became a jumbled mess in my ears as my vision slowly turned black.

'Wh- Why...? Just when I thought that I've found someone to rely on...'

And with that thought, my consciousness slowly drifted away.

But not before I managed to catch a glimpse of a translucent black screen.


Congratulation! Your innate skill has unlocked a new function!

[SS - Absolute distance]: Passive ---> [SS - Absolute distance]: Active



"Urrghhh! My head…", I groaned in pain as I slowly sat up from the ground.

Opening my eyes, I was surprise to see that—

"Huh? It's night already?"

—My surrounding would have been totally dark if it wasn't for the faint moonlight seeping through the leaves.

"Let's see...", I muttered as I tried to remember what happened before I blacked out. "We went to this shady forest to carry out a quest and...!"

I widened my eyes in realization. "S- Sera, d- did she really betray me?"

Panicking, I quickly lighted up the surroundings.


An orange flame danced on the tip of my finger, illuminating the area around me.

"Wh- What!?", I stared at the scenery before me in disbelief as my eyes quickly got used to the light.

There they were, Sera and Ronald, along with the robed man. However, their conditions were far from what I'd call 'healthy'.

After all, they were lying on the ground, with their... head separated from their bodies.


I puked. Everything I've eaten for the past 3 days came out of my mouth as disgusting puke.

I felt so nauseating that I wanted to faint right now to get rid of this disgusting feeling. However, the rational part of my mind didn't allow me to do so since hungry monsters would definitely be drawn to the scent of blood sooner or later.

Thus, with shaky steps, and a bit of puke still in my mouth, I slowly approached Sera.

"Wh- Who could have done such a horrible thing?"

Apart from the obvious lack of head, her body was perfectly normal. The fact that there were no signs of trauma proved that whoever or whatever killed them, they did it before anyone could even react.

"A- And her head too..."

The cut on her neck was... clean, too clean even. It was almost as if Space itself was expanded right where her neck was, dismantling her.

"What am I thinking...? That's not possible...", I rebutted myself for having had such insane thoughts.

And with that thought, I sat on the ground and buried my face in my knees.

"Everything is going to be fine!"

"Y- Yes, it's going to be all okay"

"Wh- Who needs Sera, r- right? Sh- She betrayed me after... all..."

However, I couldn't deceive myself for long.

"Hic...", I sobbed as tears flowed down my cheeks. "Wh- Why...? Why can't I bring myself to hate you?"

After all, during the one year I was with her, she was always like a reliable older sister to me. And even if it was all acting on Sera's part, and even if she ultimately betrayed my trust, it simply couldn't erase my gratitude and the fact that I... enjoyed my time with her.

As such, I slowly stood up, wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to think more positively... like I always did whenever I felt down.

"Th- That's right, m- maybe Sera wanted to teach me an important lesson before she died"

I closed my eyes to remember her words.

"Y- Yes... she said that I was too naive... th- that's right, I was too trusting up until now..."

<[SS - Absolute distance]: Passive>

"I get it, Sera. I won't ever deactivate my Skill again"

With my emotions and mind now sorted out, I looked towards Sera and Ronald with a regretful gaze.

"Sera... Ronald... I'm sorry"

For not being strong enough to be able to earn the money needed to cure Ronald's sister.


"For being the only one alive"

<[Flame pillar]>


With a snap of my finger, a pillar of bright orange fire manifested in front of me, melting the ground while making violent sizzling sounds.

"What did father teach me again...? Ah, that's right. The hole should be at least 6 feet"

As soon as I thought that, the ground before me was melted down to exactly 6 feet.

Slowly picking up Sera and Ronald's body and head, I jumped down into the hole and gently placed them down.

"This is goodbye... I hope you guys can find happiness in your next life..."



It had been 2 weeks since Sera and Ronald died.

Not being in the mood to do anything, I stayed insde the inn all day, only occasionally going outside to eat in order to not starve to death.

"This is not good... I only have 5 Silvers left...", I muttered as I checked my remaining funds.

After a bit of thinking, I sighed. "Guess I'll have to start taking on quests again..."

But before that, I wanted to go to the tavern me and Sera often frequented at before I left this small town for good.


"Welcome, Araceli!", the tavern owner exclaimed as soon as he saw me.

Lightly smiling, I sat down at the counter and ordered. "Water, please"

"Tch", the owner clicked his tongue. "Ya'ah always awrderin' wader. Were's the bloody othah girl, eh? She's always awrderin' fahkin' strong wine. I can't make any profits if ya don't brin' that girl with ya. Fahkin' fair dinkum cobber"

Although the tavern owner's accent made no sense to me at first, I could somewhat make out what he was saying now thanks to me forcing him to talk to me almost every other day.

"You're talking about Sera? Well... she's dead..."

"Carked it in a quest, huh? That's nawrmal fawr adventurers"

His eyes turned sad for a moment as he said that. Before long, they regained their lively light again.

"Anyways, I take that ya'ah lookin' fawr new teammates?"

"Mhm", I nodded my head.

I've somewhat gotten through Sera and Ronald's death. And I knew that the guild wouldn't let me take on subjugation quests alone. As such, I wasn't that opposed to the idea of getting a new party member.

'As long as I don't deactivate my Skill, I'm going to be fine!'

Hearing my answer, the owner fell into thoughts for a moment before nodding his head in satisfaction, as if remembering something.

"Well, ya'ah in luck. Theah ahah rumawrs of a fahkin' famous adventurah garn ahround slayin' Void fiends 'n cultists"

"Cultists?", I widened my eyes in surprise.

"Bloody oath, ya heahrd me right, the adventurah that hunts Cultists. That coincides with yah goal, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does..."

"Anyways, listen closely, lassie—"

He then looked at me straight in the eyes.

"—Let me tell ya about the bloody Ash-smeared cleanser"

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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