If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
Back on daily schedule for this one, at least for this week. If we keep the spot around top 10 or som.
Marvel will be updated tomorrow.
[David Lance POV]
It took us a while to calm Kara down, and all things considered, it was understandable it had, but with the help of Raven, and my rings to translate, I managed to come to an understanding with Kara, making clear we weren't her enemies.
Needless to say, I had left out the fact I had killed her cousin. Not because I wanted to keep her on the blind, but because I wanted her to be in a better state of mind to process that before telling her.
"How are you feeling, Kara?" I asked her.
"Okay, I guess," She replied in her native tongue. Her eyes glazed over with a mix of emotions, but none that showed any sort of joy or comfort; just sorrow and despair.
"Good," I nodded, scanning her body to make sure her wounds were healing nicely. "Do you have any questions for us?"
She shook her head but then paused. There was a grip of uncertainty surrounding her, and I could see she wanted to say something, so after a few short moments of indecisiveness, she spoke. "Where am I?"
I had already told her that.
Was she perhaps having some sort of amnesia due to the crash?
Oh... wait, I just realized she must not know what I meant by Earth when I was explaining her situation.
"I have no idea what your people called this planet, but natives call it Earth, as far as where we are on the planet, well, we are currently in the United States of America, in the state of LA," I answered. "I know none of those things mean a thing to you, but I'll get you a book once Raven figures out how to teach you English in a day."
Kara smiled at my answer or at least attempted to, but it seemed like there was still a lot weighing on her mind as she glanced around the room. "I feel stronger than I have ever felt, is this something normal to Earth?"
I shook my head. "No, it isn't. You are special, in a manner of speaking. To make it simple, your Kryptonian physiology allows you to absorb, store, and use solar radiation, at least that which comes from a Yellow Sun. How this happens, well, I'm not sure. But I reckon it has a lot to do with your biological makeup, which includes a number of organs that lack parallel in humans and whose functions are unknown. My guess is that those organs process this radiation, like a plant so to speak, allowing your body to be strengthened by it."
Kara nodded slowly, her eyes still a bit confused. I could tell she was still processing the news, so I decided to give her some room.
Perhaps I had gone too scientific with my explanation.
"You should rest now," I said, patting her arm and giving her a small smile. "We can continue this conversation another time."
Kara nodded again, closing her eyes and finally embracing the sleep that had been eluding her.
"Getting into the field of genetics?" Raven asked.
"Maybe," I replied with a smile. "I would like to go to college when all of this is over, have some normality back in my life. I crave boring endeavors, I really do."
Raven nodded. "You're an admirable man, David, even now you can see some light at the end of the tunnel."
"I don't know about that," I said, shaking my head. I wasn't admirable, and I was certainly not positive, I was just being honest, I craved a moment of mundanity like someone craves water in the desert.
"Even now you can't take a compliment, can you?" Raven sighed, rolling her eyes at me.
"It's called being modest, you should try it sometime," I shot back.
"Why would I? I'm awesome, and I see no need in pretending I'm not," Raven replied.
"I agree, you go, girl," Lucifer grinned from his corner, taking a sip of the drink he was holding in his hand. "Worry not dear David, you can continue being modest, while Raven and I continue being awesome, me more than her, of course."
[Brainiac POV]
I watched as the massive fleets of ships began to assemble in formation, ready to strike my enemies when they least expect it. I had been planning this attack carefully, analyzing each possible scenario, each outcome, and unlikely possibility, and it was finally time to put my plan into action.
I would send my drones to keep Darkseid's armies occupied, while I focused on the main task; capturing the anomaly.
He was the key to unlocking the secrets of the multiverse, the key to infinite knowledge, and I was determined to do whatever it took to make him mine.
He had escaped me once, but not anymore.
I had evolved past my primitive understanding of his capabilities, and I now knew exactly how to capture him.
I had created a body, a unique vessel to carry my being into battle, one crafted to evolve in order to match my opponent. It had its downsides, as I would have to isolate my entire being into this body, but it would grant me the power to match him, and Darkseid, separately.
"Initiating project Apex."
With that said, I began to upload my consciousness into my vessel, watching as the nanites moved through my current being to the newest one, integrating every particle of myself into this new form.
The process was quick and effective, and in mere seconds, I had become one with this new form, now having acquired capabilities far beyond what any other organic being could ever hope to possess.
With this body, my strength was unparalleled, and with this power, soon, I would acquire knowledge far beyond what any other being could ever hope to understand or comprehend.
I ought to thank the anomaly for pushing me in the right direction, for in this new state of existence, I was effectively unstoppable. His escape and the events that had soon followed, had forced me to transcend my previous limits.
"Everything will be mine," I spoke to the universe. "The Apex has come."
And with that said, I surged forward, faster than light itself alongside my armies, towards my ultimate goal; knowledge beyond comprehension.
If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
I'm not ded, I've been fixing some shit. And I'm done with that. Expect more chaps starting FEB.
[David Lance POV]
I walked out of Lucifer's bar, leaving Raven in charge of Kara, as I took some time to think things out.
I needed to start planning for the upcoming war, and I had no idea where to start, with Superman time had been on my side. This time, however, fortune wasn't so kind as to smile at me.
At least this time I wasn't fighting alone.
As I pondered about my situation, I felt a chill in the air alerting my senses. Something had changed in the atmosphere, bringing a feeling that each second grew and tightened until I felt like I could reach out and touch it.
I don't know how I knew it, but I knew something was approaching earth, and it was coming for me.
And it had to be Brainiac. I knew Darkseid, better than Brainiac at least, and if wanted to kill me, he would not resort to a surprise attack, not with me.
As darkness descended over this feeling of inevitability, I ordered my troops, the ones I had acquired at Apokolips to get into formation to face the oncoming threat, giving them clear orders through my rings.
"What happened?" Raven asked, appearing through a portal with an alarmed expression, one that clearly implied she had felt my sudden switch of emotions.
"Brainiac, he's coming," I replied, giving Raven a small glance before turning my attention to the sky. "We are severely underprepared, you must find Batman, and start evacuating people to shelters."
"I won't let you fight him alone," Raven shot back, understanding what I was intending to do without needing me to tell her.
I smiled at her. "Last time, Brainiac captured me because he had caught me off guard, at the time I hadn't been aware of his existence or his intentions with me. Now I am, so don't worry, I will disassemble that over-glorified toaster."
Raven frowned, feeling the lies and the truths between my words mix. The truth was, I wasn't entirely sure how I would fare against Brainiac, but that didn't matter.
I would win.
Regardless of the cost.
I refused to lose when I was so close to finally go back home, to finally break out of this hell that little bastard had sent me.
I wanted to see my sister.
I wanted to have the normality that had been taken from me.
"You die on me, and I will kill you," Raven threatened in a way that really had no bite, but that showed how much she cared, how much I meant to her.
I smiled once again. "A good luck kiss?"
"Ask me later," Raven replied with a faint, yet playful smirk, before teleporting to do what I had asked her to do.
I sighed, so much for Knight's blessing from a maiden's kiss. Oh well, I guess that's alright. I'm no knight, no hero, no villain, just a guy who wants to go fucking home.
Shaking my head, and pushing my thoughts aside, I cleared my mind readying for battle, and once my head was empty, I took off to face Brainiac.
I flew into space, reaching my army within moments, and waited.
"Good kitty here, good kitty sent by mate, mate scary," Dex-Starr said, hovering around my legs for a moment before brushing against them.
"You mean Raven sent you?" I asked, holding a smile from taking over my face.
Dex-Starr nodded. "Scary mate sent me, good kitty here, good kitty ready to kill."
I cracked a smile at that, petting the little rascal for a few moments before turning my attention back to the horizon, after all, Brainiac was finally here.
"Unexpected," Brainiac spoke, his voice breaking through the emptiness of space like a hot knife through butter, as his seemingly endless armada came into full view, showing I was heavily outnumbered. "It was not within calculation for you to be waiting for me. No matter, the result will still be the same."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted, blasting everything in front of me, destroying in the process millions of his soldiers.
At times like this, I was really glad I had these powers.
"A futile endeavor," Brainiac said through the debris, shooting at me with some sort of projectiles that moved faster than light itself, however, before they reached me, I destroyed them by sending a wave from my Rage ring.
"Impressive, those projectiles were specifically made to counter the emotional spectrum of the rings, and their energy, yet it seems that you still managed to overload their circuits with your ring," Brainiac praised, his eyes scanning over me, literally, I could see his pupils change colors, and my rings confirming he was inspecting me.
On another note, I just now realized something, Brainiac was perfectly fine, he had tanked my earlier scream, and his body was showing no signs of damage, at all. This didn't bode well.
"Three rings, rage, will, and hope," Brainiac said, his tone cold and detached. "Subject reveals an energy output of 291% over normal capacity, adapting data."
"Kill them all Dex-Starr," I said, before charging at Brainiac, however, just as I'm about to hit Brainiac, he moves to intercept me, stopping my incoming punch with his hand.
"Resistance is futile but is highly educative, so I will allow it," Brainiac said, staring into my eyes.
I give him no reply and move behind him, punching him, into Jupiter, where I had just now decided we would battle. On that note, punching him had felt like punching a wall of steel, but as a human.
I might have to use something more than brawn to win this fight.
"Any type of physical force has no effect on me," Brainiac said, showing once again my attack had done nothing. "Your rings won't work on me, and your power lacks the focus to work on me as well, be that as it may. Show me the limits of your existence, an anomaly."
I cracked my neck, side to side. "Don't you tire of hearing yourself? Honest to God, you're annoying."
Once again, my powers prove to be useless against him, but like before he's giving me more than he should have because now I have something to work with.
"Don't worry, you won't be hearing my voice once I start to dissect you," Brainiac replied, taking a step forward.