If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[David Lance POV]
Two weeks and I still had nothing to clear Rachel's name, other than my word. The situation was getting a little frustrating, as there was no possible approach to resolving it.
"You shouldn't feel obligated to help me," Rachel said softly.
I smile at her. ~It's part of the job, helping those in need.~
Rachel smiled for the briefest of moments. "Heroes..."
I nodded, that was part of the job, just as the terrible hours, and the non-existent pay were. The healthcare though was superb, so not everything was bad.
Enough jokes though.
I was running out of ideas.
"Someone is trying to find us, my magic is stopping their attempts…" Rachel said, a frown dawning on her face.
I turned to her. ~Any idea who?~
Rachel nodded. "It was one of the heroes that came to rescue you in the forest, the one that looked like a stage magician…"
Giovanni Zatara.
What to do… this might be an opportunity to appeal to Rachel's case with him, but like every opportunity in this world, it was a double edge blade.
Damn it all.
I guess it's like they say, without risk, there's no reward.
~Let him find us,~ I signed, hoping I wasn't making a mistake.
Rachel nodded, closing her eyes before saying calmly. "Done…"
I nodded, walking towards her. Now it was time to see Giovanni's move and hope for the best.
"Latrop ot eht isles!" A voice echoed in the cave, as a portal opened in front of us, with Giovanni Zatara and Batman stepping through before the portal closed.
At this, I felt my body relax.
"Black Bolt," Batman was the first one to speak.
~Batman,~ I greeted in kind.
"We need to talk," replied Batman with a commanding tone.
~I'm all ears,~ I replied, gesturing for him to proceed.
"Alone," said Batman coldly.
I shook my head, giving Giovanni a look. What guarantee did I have that Zatara would not engage Rachel the moment I went with Batman? I had to keep my options open, and Rachel close in case a fight erupted.
Batman himself had taught me that, to never leave the one you seek to protect out of sight or reach.
"They know," said Rachel calmly. "Not everything, but they know…"
I see now.
That was probably what Batman wanted to talk about with me, in private.
Batman narrowed his eyes at her, before directing his trademark scowl at me. "Explain."
"I am the daughter of Trigon the Demon, and Angela Roth, the Azarathian," Rachel replied before I could even think of an answer. "I will answer all of your questions. I am not afraid to be judged."
"The daughter…" Zatara muttered in a barely audible tone.
"I am," Rachel nodded. "But that's merely a title without value."
~You don't have to do this, you haven't done anything wrong, they have no right to question you, or me for that matter,~ I signed, ready to help her out of this situation if she wanted to.
"I know, but if some of these heroes are truly your mentors, then I am certain they will understand the situation, just as you did," Rachel replied with just the hint of a smile dawning on her face.
I sighed, taking a seat on the ground.
[Harley Quinn POV]
I swung my bat from left to right, smashing the head of the security guard at the asylum against the wall with a loud and funny metallic bang.
"I told you, didn't I, Harley?" Mister J grinned, punching one of the guards coming his way. "That we would be out of this place, in no time!"
I smiled, knocking another guard up. "Yep siree!"
I was finally on my way to freedom to look for my man, or was it, teenager? Meh, another crime for the list, another stripe for the tiger… No, no, another stripe for the tigress! That's a better one!
"We have much to do!" Mister J chuckled, stabbing a guard on the ground to death. "After all, I must make sure Batman doesn't get too rusty, I mean if I don't do it? Who will? On that note, we could add Black Bolt to the party as well! The more, the merrier!"
I smiled, remembering Black Bolt's dreamy eyes, just for me, as Ivy trapped Mister J with her greeny friends binding him in place, doing me a solid.
"Ivy, my dear, you flatter me but I am a man of a single gal!" Mister J laughed, giving me a look that soon turned into realization. "HaHaHaHaHa, well ain't this funny?!"
"I have no idea how you tolerate him," Ivy sighed, rubbing her temples as her plants dealt with the guards around with ease.
"Thanks, Ivy!" I smiled, skipping towards her, giving her a hug, before turning to the Joker, bat ready. "I'm sorry Mister J, but your position has been filled by another, so… bye~bye goodnight~" with that said and done, I swung my bat at him, smashing his head on the ground with enough force for the floor to crack.
"I still think you should kill him," Ivy sighed, slamming Mister J with one of her plants against the wall of his cell, before closing the door.
I giggled, rolling my eyes at her. "I wouldn't do that to Batsy, I mean, now that my eyes are finally open, it's clear those two love each other like medical corporations love rich cancer patients, besides... I am no one to break that up."
"Well, if you ever feel like killing him, you know who to call," Ivy replied with a smile, before asking. "So, who's your new lover?"
I smiled, elated at the opportunity to have some girl talk with Ivy. "He's a hero, a bit younger than me. Strong, silent, has a bad boy vibe going, he's the best…" I replied dreamily.
"A bit younger? By how much… exactly?" Ivy asked, walking with me towards the exit of Arkham asylum.
"Hm, I don't know, he's a teenager, fourteen, fifteen maybe?" I shrugged, not that it mattered, Harley was a good girl, she was willing to wait.
"I…" Ivy paused, her mouth forming a thin dot. "You know what? It's an improvement, and that's all that matters… I think…"
I giggled. "Ivy, he's a teenager… you really think he will be able to resist, all this?" I wiggled my blood-stained eyebrows at her, suggestively shaking my hips a bit.
"That's a good point," Ivy chuckled, busting the exit doors open with a move of her hands. "I still don't know what to think of it to be fair, I mean, sure, we are criminals, but we have standards…"
"Do we? Do we really?" I replied in a deadpan.
"Hmm," Ivy hummed, index finger pressed upon her lips. "As I said before, it's an improvement, so fuck it, congratulations."
If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz
[David Lance POV]
For hours, Batman and Rachel talked under the shelter of the cave, with Batman making sure to ask every possible question, and more as Giovanni and I stayed on the corners, watching everything unfold without interrupting them.
I had faith that everything would be alright and that soon this little misunderstanding would be resolved, the fact that Batman had come here with the intention of talking was already saying a lot.
After all, Rachel was being completely honest with Batman, answering all his questions, doubts, and more without hesitation.
Going into detail about her relationship with Trigon, and how she came into existence because of him.
I could see with painful clarity that talking about these things was hurting her, but even so, despite the unmistakable anguish this brought her, Rachel kept on talking, as she was determined to set the record straight.
I wasn't the only one to realize that, her pain. Batman, as expected had noticed it as well, and in a subtle, almost undetectable way to the average person, he had slowly changed the way in which he spoke to Rachel, his voice and questions now carrying a sense of empathy most considered foreign to the Dark Knight of Gotham.
I had no idea how she felt. In many ways, it was true that our circumstances crossed the same spectrum in many aspects.
We both had powers that needed complete and absolute control, powers capable of destroying everything.
We both felt we were in a bottomless pit, dark, with no one who could understand us, we both grieved in hope of a sense of normality that we both knew would never come into our lives.
However, my situation, as opposed to hers, looked bright.
I had people who loved me, people I wanted to protect.
All she had was Trigon.
A constant reminder that haunted her thoughts, her dreams, and her moments of loneliness, reminding her of what would happen if she ever lost her grip.
I had my demons.
I knew that.
But mine, at the very least, were silent.
"Very well," said Batman with a small grunt, giving Giovanni a small nod before turning to Rachel. "Zatara will summon Wonder Woman, with her lasso, we will verify the information you gave us, is that clear?"
I frowned, walking towards Batman.
"It's okay," Rachel replied, stopping me in my tracks with a faint smile that faded almost instantly the moment I noticed it. "If the one you refer to as Wonder Woman will give you the clarity you seek, then I will not object."
I sighed, feeling conflicted about this. I knew Batman meant well, he was, after all, giving her the benefit of the doubt.
Be that as it may, all of Rachel's words had been nothing but the truth. In my limited knowledge about her from the comics and such, I knew her words carried nothing but honesty, and it was because of that, that the Lasso of Hestia felt like a violation for me, for someone who had been nothing but cooperative.
Then again, perhaps I was too involved in this situation to have an objective opinion.
In which case, I was still well within my right of disliking Batman's methods, even if I didn't have an objective opinion.
With Wonder Woman and the lasso of Hestia, Batman continued to question Rachel for a couple of minutes, before soon enough finishing his interrogation, by removing the lasso from Rachel's hand.
"She's telling the truth," confirmed Wonder Woman, once again. As Batman stayed still, without uttering a single word.
"She's still connected to Trigon, and could one day doom us all," said Zatara, his body tensing.
"By that logic, Superman could one day doom us all," replied Batman, turning around to face me. "This situation is unlike any other we have faced, therefore, we have no clear path ahead of us. Nevertheless, I have confirmed more than a few things today. She's free to go."
"Batman, this is most unwise…" hissed Zatara under his breath.
"Maybe," replied Batman with a short nod. "But so would it be the alternative."
"I apologize for all of this, Black Bolt," said Wonder Woman, her eyes gazing upon me softly.
I offered her a smile, a faint one. Out of all the possible outcomes this situation could've had, this had probably been the best one of them all, sure Rachel would be under constant surveillance from now on, but as Batman had said, it was better than the alternative.
"Let's go," said Batman, as Zatara reluctantly opened another portal that went back from whence they came. Leaving only Rachel and me, in the cave.
~Are you okay?~ I asked, approaching her.
Rachel nodded. "It's not something I enjoy talking about. But they had the right to know, after all, they might find themselves one day fighting Trigon, so it's best if they are prepared."
I nodded, that was a very good point.
~Don't worry, if that comes to happen, you won't be alone to face him,~ I signed, taking a deep breath. Was I strong enough to defeat Trigon? No, I wasn't, not even close, would I ever be? Who knows? Maybe? One thing was clear though, if he ever invaded earth, regardless of my power to stop him or not, he would hear me roar.
[Batman POV]
The moment the portal closed up, Giovanni growled at me in contempt. Angered by my decision to let the girl known as Rachel Roth remain as she is right now. Free.
"Do you have any idea how bad this could end?!" demanded Giovanni, as he passed around the room.
"Enough," I ordered, walking towards him.
"Enough?!" fumed Giovanni, his anger reaching new peaks with my order. "Everyone could die because of this!"
I nodded, after all, he was right. "I am aware of that risk. The thing is, we don't know if containing the girl will do us any favors, for all we know it could be the catalyst Trigon needs to cross to our realm."
Giovanni paused, biting his tongue. "I… so then what? Is inaction our best course of action!?"
I nodded, once again. "Acting against an unknown generates unknown consequences and effects. By letting her continue to be as she is, we have the opportunity to better assess the threat she represents, and plan accordingly should the necessity ever arise."
Giovanni tensed, struggling to find his words. "I…"
"I know you're scared. I know you want to protect your daughter. But acting in the heat of the situation will only result in undesirable outcomes," I added, knowing very well the cause behind his fear.
"Using my daughter against me…" snarled Giovanni, each word dripping with poison.
"I'm not," I replied calmly. Deciding to take a different approach to the situation. "I am simply stating the possible result of letting your impetuousness guide your actions on this particular occasion."
"He's right Giovanni, you know that…" said Diana, reaching for his shoulder.
"I know…" muttered Giovanni, before walking away, anger, fear, shame, and more mixing on his face. I didn't blame him, at times it was hard to keep the lines clear.
The line of a Father.
The line of a Hero.
More than not, when fear was involved those lines had no other choice but to collide, tormenting us with what we should do, and what we want to do.
Sadly, often enough, the correct path it's never aligned with the things we want. It's aligned with the things we dread.