9.43% Marked Bullet / Chapter 8: Miss, I want a pineapple ice cream. (*REV)

章節 8: Miss, I want a pineapple ice cream. (*REV)



The day was passing calmly and the calmness that Hyejin felt... Well, she didn't expect it to end so easily when she went to work and came across an ice cream truck... An ice cream truck.

A fucking ice cream truck.

Mark was so excited that he had barely been able to sleep, that kid must have been drinking more energy drinks than water in the last two days, but it didn't matter, he was really happy.

Let the kid be happy for at least five minutes.

Hyejin just listened to Mark's frantic typing of keys... In Hyejin's imagination, Mark fit perfectly into that stereotype of a person who typed while eating Doritos and the keyboard got red and greasy... This kid is strange.

Well, he didn't hide the excitement that soon became even more present as everything he had planned was going according to what he had inside his evil mind... Which didn't necessarily mean something great for Hyejin herself.

"It's a great idea!"

She, on the other hand, had no animation, no emotion... Almost dead inside watching all that.

She just sighed and accepted that there was nothing more to be done. "Where's the good idea?!"

Hyejin silently just made a mental note, her mind was a huge whirlwind of reasons to deny, to not pay attention to Mark's ideas anymore... "Seriously?!"

She could only hear Mark's frantic laughter.

"Mark. Why the hell is the brilliant idea you had me with a blonde wig and an ice cream vendor uniform?"

Hyejin was great at disguises and Mark was great at achieving the unimaginable. They were great together, but he always made her go through every situation... Honestly.

Hyejin could feel her brain frying when she heard Mark's laughter that didn't stop for anything and he just tried to explain the situation a little in one breath. "An ice cream truck is a perfect disguise!"

Hyejin barely had time to tell him to go to hell, she didn't have time for that and now she needed to put on her clothes and that damn wig and go sell ice cream in the park.

At that moment she was at a meeting point arranged by Mark and the truck supplier, but it was a place very close to the park so the last thing she wanted was to draw attention... She was even wearing a cap and her hair completely tied up.

She just didn't think it would really be useful for her to look like that... Since she was now supposed to be a kind blonde who would sell ice cream to a park full of children.

Well... Ice cream trucks were a lure for children, right?!

She simply sighed defeated, what could she do about it?! What was done was done.

At least ten children surrounded the truck, excitedly shouting about the flavors they would like to order.


Meanwhile in the Kim's building, father and daughter were side by side smiling amicably, pretending as if they were on good terms.

Doyun was being forced to accept retirement and Eunji was using all the weapons she had to be able to make that place the small empire that in the future could be immense.

She smiled amiably.

Most of the people who used to own the company were no longer there, now they had sold everything they had regarding the company that was left in the past.

Some of those people must have already moved to other countries and others were just packing their bags.

But there was a small line of people who would now support the new president.

On a stage right at the entrance of the company, there were several employees anxiously waiting for what president Doyun had to say.

Many were full of doubts about the future of the company and now was the time to try to make things a little calmer.

Noticing that there probably wouldn't be many more people to attend, Doyun sighed and finally went close to the microphone.

Although it was natural, it wasn't as if he really wanted to say goodbye to what she had created, built, the beginning of everything.

But the day had arrived and it arrived in the worst way.

"... In such difficult times as the ones we are going through, amidst betrayal and insecurity, I place everything I have built in the hands of the last person I have left in the world besides my wife... All of you are people who are here because of merit, talent and vocation, you are here because you share the same principle that this company had when it was created, but because of some people it was lost... My daughter Kim Eun-ji is now the biggest owner of the company and not only that, but she will also sit in the highest chair... That of president and I hope that she can make this building and this place synonymous with transparency and quality again... I ask for a round of applause for my daughter, please."

Doyun gently pointed to her daughter, now she should introduce herself.

At that moment the man could only pray that she would be good at her speech and not do anything crazy.

Eunji just nodded and thanked her father. She knew she shouldn't show too much happiness, but some gratitude should be faked. Be restrained in everything. People must think her shoulders aren't broad and that the weight is much greater than what she can bear. Make them support her. "Hello, I'm Kim Eun-ji... Honestly, when they asked me if I was ready to take on the job, I said yes. I think I may have been a little proud. Now that I see the scale of everything, I see that my legs are shaking at the thought of failing. But at the same time, I know that when I look at each of your faces, we'll do a good job together. Even if it may be difficult at first, and it certainly will be. We'll work hard, but we'll do it together by holding hands and walking on a single path." She smiled and bowed. Everyone in front of her started to applaud. They should trust the girl. She was young, but she would be doing her best. They should trust Doyun and Eunji.

Hyejin had the truck parked in a very good position, at least Mark had found something that worked in the middle of all that.

She could see the commotion inside.

People applauding and hugging a young girl.

It looked more like... A graduation party or whatever. Anyway.

Hyejin just thought that Donghae was a bit of an idiot, anyone with half the amount he was paying her would kill Eunji right there in the middle of all that mess and he would still have a good chance of escaping.

It was hard to tell who was who or where the people she wanted to find were.

But her thoughts were interrupted by the velvety and childish voice... A child.

Of course, she sold ice cream.

"Girl! What do you have to do?"

Hyejin wore a sea green uniform and to hide her facial features she wore thick glasses frames along with heavy makeup. The blonde wig, of course, was indispensable. It was pathetic.

"Sure, honey, I'll have whatever you want, my angel."

Mark laughed desperately on the other end of the line.

So annoying. "Be careful not to get arrested for enticing children..."

 Hyejin just whispered in disgust,

"Shut up..." Only continued selling the sweets as if there wasn't some stupid idiot talking nonsense in her ear.

"Do you like strawberry? I have strawberry, chocolate..."

The child seemed really happy to hear that it had chocolate flavor and she was really euphoric.

"I like chocolate."

Hyejin put on her face the best smile she could muster, even though she didn't like children very much, and kindly looked at the hungry children who started to appear like vampires after blood.

They looked like real starving animals. "Today we're on sale, only 1 dollar."

Hye-jin didn't particularly like children, but if the job required her to have little best friends for a day, then she would do it and that was it.

The child took her ice cream and just smiled gratefully... "Thank you, miss."

"You're welcome, kid."

Look ahead, there's still a line with half a dozen other children.

Sigh and smile, that was today's mantra.

After the stressful torture of countless screaming children, she could calmly observe the building. Mark was really amazing to the point that he had gotten a legal permit to park near Kim's building. Really impressive.

"See anything interesting?"

Hye-jin was starting to feel bored, besides the hunger that seemed to eat away at her stomach, she hadn't had time to eat.

She took a scoop of strawberry ice cream and filled it with sprinkles and sweets. That truck had to be good for something, even if the purpose was to satisfy her hunger.

"Nothing special. I see the security guards staring at me, apparently they are very well trained, but I don't see anyone interesting moving around."

Mark was also getting hungry and Hye-jin could hear the soft chewing sound. How could she get along so well with someone so annoying?

"I checked a few more things and Eun-ji's secretary is called Lee Jun-seo, he's 32 years old and worked for a few months in the marketing department."

"Why did he become secretary?"

Mark chatted between bites. "There are no reasons in the reports, the only thing there are are the procedures for the internal transfer of the department change. There are at least 5 sheets of protocols."

"I see. Get pictures of him and read all five pages..."

"No!... Okay."

Hyejin was silent, of course you're going to read it.

In the meantime, she was selling ice cream and she really wanted to know what she was going to do with that truck next... Sell ice cream and give up her life of crime?! Kids are actually cute... Sometimes.

Hyejin felt her phone vibrate and quickly glanced at the screen, a little disinterested. A picture.

"This is Eunji's new secretary and he started working with her... He has no history in this position or anywhere else."

Junseo was a relatively handsome man. Some people say he's handsome and others think he's cute, some like Hyejin will just think he's ugly who seems to comb his hair and maintain some posture to look better.

Hyejin was getting sick of the ice cream, she grabbed some lemon to cut the sweetness. "Yeah... But doesn't he look like he cries at night?!"

Mark let out a loud laugh, Junseo seemed cute and kind... That didn't mean the boy was suffering in the corners of the city.

"Really? I thought it was cute."

Jeon Hyejin continued eating her ice cream while watching the time pass. The afternoon would be really tiring.

 Time was long, but suddenly 24 hours could turn into 100 hours.

Meanwhile, on top of the huge Kim building. Eunji was reading some papers, but her attention was slightly taken by that ice cream truck.

The music that the ice cream truck played from time to time, but it seemed that not even the seller liked it and the clown symbol of the ice cream barely had time to say what flavors they had. Funny.

Well, it doesn't matter, that company is the one that makes the best lemon ice cream, she really liked it a lot, it was like you mixed the sweetness of the cream with the sourness of the Sicilian lemon, it was a unique recipe.

Eunji ate a lot of lemon ice cream in her life, but nothing came close to that ice cream.

Now I want to eat some of the flavor of my childhood.

Eun-ji calmly watched the movement on the street and smiled when she saw her secretary's soft entrance... "Do you want some ice cream, Jun-seo?"

The man who was more scared than a heron almost jumped when he heard his name. Of course Eunji would know his name, he was the idiot to think she didn't, but anyway.

Eun-ji knew that having an ice cream truck in front of the park was not uncommon to be seen in the neighborhood, but it was really curious that the brand of ice cream she liked the most was parked in front of her building. Curious. Very curious.

Jun-seo didn't know if he was more surprised that Eunji wanted ice cream or that she knew his name. How did she know?!

"Ice cream? Do you know my name?"

Young Kim laughed amusingly. "Do you think I would hire a stranger... Lee Junseo, 32 years old, single for 32 years and has a gambling problem... Worked for loan sharks to pay off his debt until Donghae bought you as a slave... Do I need to say more?"

Junseo just lowered his head and nodded, he wanted to know something. "Could you answer me something, miss?"

Eunji made a gesture, go ahead, ask whatever you want.

"Am I still a slave?"

Eunji finally burst out laughing, that was funny to her, very funny in fact.

"Slaves don't eat ice cream... I just want people who do their job and who I can trust not to be betrayed in the end... Your debt was paid by me, that idiot Donghae didn't have the ability to do even that, so just work, it might be exhausting, but we'll get better with time... It shouldn't be long before there's a wave of layoffs and hirings, so it should be chaos here... For now, just think about the flavor of ice cream you want to eat... Go."

Jun-seo didn't know! He was personally interviewed by the former president, but he didn't know that it was Eunji's own choice... He turned towards the door and almost ran, he smiled to himself.

He was happy.

Maybe the devil can have mercy on someone every now and then.

He whispered to himself.

"Miss Eun-ji is really very good!" But he came back at the same pace, flustered as only he could be, he didn't know what flavor Eunji might want.


Eunji simply answered. "I want a lemon ice cream... Buy whatever you want for yourself."

"Okay, miss."

Just wait for Junseo to leave the room and let out a quick sigh, he was smart, but the secretary's job was a bit heavy for him... It shouldn't be long before she needed to find someone to help him with all that.

But let's take one thing at a time.

Take the cell phone in hand and dial a few numbers and just listen to the brief ring and the male voice answering her call. "Take pictures of the ice cream truck and whoever's inside... You don't need to do anything other than observe, leave it as it is for now."

Hyejin, who was still trying to fool her hunger with her little ice cream, was in a huge mix of boredom and irritation.

She wasn't far from acting like those hungry children who cried desperately to go home or eat ice cream.

But in her case, ice cream didn't satisfy her hunger.

What kind of disguise is this that I need to wear this wig that is making me itch the most?!

Well, while she had her internal complaints, that still didn't stop her from calmly observing the photos that Mark had sent. He sent a lot of Junseo.

Maybe they should have some people surround Junseo... She has a strange feeling about this nerd. Well... Maybe it was just the fact that he looked like he cried at night.

How could he look like a poor guy?!

Well, she had a lot of free time and looking at the amount of photos he had gotten of Junseo... There were photos of how much of a child he was. Strange.

She started a conversation and touched the elephant in the middle of that ice cream truck, which fortunately wasn't Hyejin. "Weren't you dating, Mark?"

Hyejin didn't know much about Mark's life, or at least she pretended not to, but talking to pass the time wasn't a sin.

She always felt funny when asking him these things, his reaction was always shy and awkward.

He's a grown man who probably has a lot of money saved in one of those tax havens and pretends to live a quiet life in a small apartment that he affectionately calls home.

Well, if she wasn't a murderer and he wasn't a hacker, they would probably be good friends... Friends of the kind who would drink every weekend after work to talk about their ex-boyfriend or how shitty their job is.

But what they did required some secrecy, sometimes it was a pain... But there's nothing to be done about it.

When Mark heard the question, he started to have a coughing fit, he had choked on the water he was drinking. Really hilarious. Luckily it was water, he had run out of cold energy drinks in the fridge.

Hyejin made an internal bet about who would have problems first: their heart, liver or kidneys.

That boy drank more of that than water.

But it didn't matter. Hyejin laughed uncontrollably, following her pseudo friend, after all he really was cute.

"Me? Who said? I threw water all over the computer, Hyejin you owe me a new keyboard."

Hyejin laughed, he should worry about not spitting on his stuff next time. "I'm not going to do anything, go get a cloth and dry it while it still works... You're too shy, you almost choked to death just because of a question about dating..."

Now he had a sullen tone in his voice. "Now it's my fault?"

Hyejin agreed, even though Mark couldn't see her displeasure, she would blame him even if a meteor fell in the middle of the country. "Since you made me wear that hideous disguise... Yes, it's all your fault."

Honestly, she didn't have a problem with disguises, she had a problem with hideous disguises! The wig she was wearing was definitely an attack on fashion and it must have had mites, her head was itching like crazy.

Mark coughed a few more times and spoke softly. "How can someone date while spying on other people's lives at night? And during the day too?"

Hyejin agreed, Mark might even be at least a little bit right... But..."Junseo seems to be the next thing your cupid will try to reach... They say that long-distance love makes people suffer, be careful, my dear Mark."

Well, in the middle of the area that some might call a conversation, a child with a red and swollen face from crying appeared on the horizon.

Hyejin put on her best smile, she no longer had that smile, but she kept pretending. "... Hi kid."

The girl stamped her foot on the ground and said she wanted a pineapple ice cream. "Miss, I want a pineapple ice cream."

Hyejin looked at the menu... Well, there was no pineapple.

She briefly looked at the menu again, hoping for a miracle perhaps and it still wasn't there. "We don't have pineapple..."

"But I only want pineapple."

Hyejin frowned. What was she supposed to do? "Well, we don't have..."

What she saw right after that was a free sample of hell. The child started crying and screaming hysterically.

Oh my...

Mark laughed frantically in her ear and she could already notice a strange movement of the park guards around the truck.

Hyejin waved her arms in despair, no one said that this disguise needed a manual to care for and calm children... She learned how to kill, not how to change diapers.

She rummaged through the freezer for something that looked in any way like pineapple and well, there was lemon.

That should do the trick, right?!

"How about some lemon ice cream?"



Hye-jin followed the child's growing excitement and the two smiled at each other.

Lemon was good too.

Hyejin just thanked God that lemon was created by nature... Heavens. Lemon was now her favorite fruit.

The tear-stained face gave way to a smiling child eager for ice cream.

"I want the lemon one."

Hye-jin smiled in satisfaction, she tamed the beast. "Great, an extra scoop for being such a cute child."

The child took her small tub of ice cream and ate a big spoonful. She smiled in satisfaction. So sweet and tasty.

"Thank you, auntie." The older woman watched the child walk away and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mark, who had been watching everything that was happening, smiled with satisfaction. "You say you have no way with children, but in reality you understand them very well... Aunt Hyejin."

"Shut up."

 Mark wouldn't miss the joke, he knew that the pompous wig was really hideous and the glasses frame could be even worse.

"Do you look so old to be called auntie? I chose the best disguise possible."

 Hyejin just sighed in irritation, whoever believed you should buy you. "That hideous wig must make me look 500 years old."



Read it! Moon say!

Be sure to read the auxiliary chapter: "Read it! Moon say!"

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