7.54% Marked Bullet / Chapter 6: I have information about Kim Eun-ji (*REV)

章節 6: I have information about Kim Eun-ji (*REV)



Ahhhh the dawn of the day was always something beautiful and wonderful and Hye-jin was ready to start a day of killing. Didn't it look great!? Definitely.

Hyejin walked calmly down the street. She hummed some random song she had heard throughout the days.

Now with this wave of idols and viral singers, wherever you go, the songs play incessantly, everywhere. The bakery will be there, the pharmacy, the supermarket... Elevator. Anywhere! It's annoying!

It had been exactly 12 hours since she had met the drunk and miserable Dong-hae, that man was truly a miserable man, but time was money and she had to put her plan into action right away.

Find him, plot a route... Bang! End of story.

After the first rays of sun appeared, she was already smiling in the middle of the street for her morning walk and of course a special stop for coffee that was mandatory. She needed to warm up her stomach and body.

Three months wasn't much for what she had in mind, but she would make it happen.

In reality, killing was easy, but people were usually hired to kill other people so that something could be resolved almost imperceptibly, without leaving any signs that you desperately wanted someone dead and at the end of it all, go to the funeral as if that person's death made any difference in your life.

Shed a few tears, use eye drops or anything, just pretend. It's done.

That was it, just paid hypocrisy.

Wash your hands, it was someone else who killed, not me.

The rich and desperate would do this very easily.

Of course, we might think that this kind of thing is only done by people with money, but some use the money they don't have to get rid of something or someone.

Her job was actually simple, in theory, spend some time spying on the target and when you find the ideal moment, kill them.

The next three months would be based on getting to know Eunji like the back of her hand and then finally making her see God up close and have a good conversation with him.

Or with Lucifer, who knows.

Some targets have easy-to-understand routines and the job usually didn't take more than a few weeks, but the tighter the security, the harder it was to find loopholes and get the perfect moment to finalize the plan.

Just imagine how much security there would be around a person who had just taken over a huge real estate conglomerate.

Hyejin wasn't oblivious to the world's information... Maybe just a little, but she knew that the idiot who hired her last night was on the edge of everything and would probably be arrested at any moment.

She honestly didn't quite understand what it meant to kill that girl, so she was probably the one bothering Donghae with these matters, she must have proof of what he did... Or let's just put it more simply: it's a personal crime, he hates her and wants her gone. The end.

She pissed him off and he wants her dead. Sometimes we don't need very worthy reasons to kill someone, we just need to want them badly and have money and motivation.

It wasn't uncommon for rich people to eliminate their problems by killing them, just get them out of the way once and for all, it's less tiring and the death is one. The person goes to hell and that's the end of the story.

Well, in any case she couldn't waste a second on trivialities and was already preparing the grand finale.

"Good morning, my handsome, dear, wonderful and most handsome of all employees!" Hyejin said right after the light ring of the bell that rang with the door of the small diner opening.

The person who greeted her by cleaning one of the tables of the newly opened diner was Vano, or for those less familiar with him, Václav Novák.

A Czech who had fled his home country about twenty years ago and now lived well with his family in South Korea, taking care of a neighborhood diner.

Of course, Hyejin was a loyal customer.

Vano was married to a Korean woman, with whom he was madly in love, and the lucky woman who had managed to completely win the man's heart was Baek Jiwon, who had been married for 15 years and had 14-year-old twin sons.

In a way, he was living the best moment of his life, his children were getting older and he could enjoy his wife more without worrying about changing diapers.

"Hyejin! Come on in and tell me what you want, big things are coming, okay?!" Vano asked, smiling, and just threw the cloth he was using to clean the tables over his shoulder! Get down to business!

Hyejin smiled happily, she really wasn't good at hiding that she had work ahead of her. "Am I that predictable?!"

Well, she also only showed up at the diner when she had a big job and needed ammunition and artillery support that only Vano could get.

Ahhh... Stupid detail.

Vano fled the Czech Republic because he was being investigated for arms trafficking and since he wasn't an idiot and the police were slow, he left the country and with only the clothes on his back went to the first destination he could get with the little money he had in his pocket.

South Korea! Where he met the woman of his life and had beautiful children.

But the contacts were still there, he could still get quality products from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. A man with good connections will never be useless.

"Always. How can I help you?"

"A black coffee and an egg salad to go... Plus a bonus service."

Vano knew what that meant, it was done.

That little diner wasn't just concerned with buying coffee beans or sugar for its recipes, it also focused on money laundering and arms sales. Of course, that place belonged to Hyejin herself, but that was a secret, so not even the employees knew about it.

Not even Vano, who was so loyal to Hyejin, would dream that Mr. Park Haejin was just a hired actor who had faked everything, including his interest in opening a diner. Well, it was Hyejin from the beginning, but it was easier not to have her name in the middle of all that.

In fact, Mr. Park would soon die and his son would take over the partnership with Vano's family, but that was something for the future. Hyejin was still resolving other matters before finding new actors for that joke.

"Another big job? That's good." Vano took care of the counter and also the orders, his wife stayed in the kitchen preparing everything.

But during the busiest hours, the children would be back after school and would help take care of everything.

Vano received a good amount of money for each job he had with Hyejin and he even had his suspicions that the place belonged to her in part, but he preferred ignorance. Knowing too much was never very good in that business.

But he really couldn't dream about the depth of it all since Hyejin researched Václav's background and curiously his wife ran a small stall at the fair selling street snacks.

The food was really delicious, but they had difficulty taking care of the twins, so he thought it would be a great opportunity to work with him and with time she wanted him to settle down, it would be easier for her, so she made up the whole story about Mr. Park.

Vano had a great cafe, the freshly ground coffee was so good, regardless of whether it was for money laundering, the place had really good food!

Hyejin could only agree. "I won't complain if people are killing each other, as long as money comes in, it's okay."

The place was safe, Vano knew very well how to deal with espionage, so they could definitely talk about anything there, just keep the rest of his family out of it.

He doesn't want his wife and children involved in this. He's enough already.

"What's the name this time?"


Vano looked slightly thoughtful, he had heard that name… Where?!

"Eun-ji… That name sounds familiar." He said it more to himself than to Hye-jin, 'Eun-ji' really did sound more than familiar to him and that was no wonder, after all, the young Kim probably had one of the most mentioned names in the newspapers along with Dong-hae's.

In reality, the entire family was suffering from heavy media harassment, so no one was free from the growing exposure after the scandals.

"How many?"

"I want the standard: seven, all marked with her name... I'll use my beloved Stealth Hunter."

Hye-jin had a little habit of engraving the names of her targets on their ammunition. This was a simple warning that she had been the one who had done the job, this was her trademark.

For someone to die with their name engraved on the bullet that killed them was poetic to say the least for Hye-jin.

"This is one of the most beautiful in your collection, how did you get it?!" He said a little more excitedly than usual.

Hyejin had a beautiful Smith & Wesson 629 Stealth Hunter, 7.5" Lauflänge, .44 Magnum... He sighed just thinking about it.

That gun was all black, really beautiful.

She just smiled a little funny "You're not the only contact who can give me interesting things..."

Vano agreed, someone like Hyejin should have a lot of contacts, even for security... But for consistency either she trusted his work a lot or he was the only one who remained alive. Both options were great.

I have two children to raise.

"Okay, let's get to work... Right just Eun-ji?" He handed Hye-jin a small coffee to drink while she waited for her salad to be ready.

That coffee was simply wonderful. She smiled satisfied.

"Maybe it would be better to say 'K.Eunji'..." She was thoughtful. She took a quick sip of the coffee, while the hot steam warmed her face.

After thinking about it half a dozen times, she was satisfied with the name, and quickly seemed to decide which one to choose. "K. Eun-ji. That will be good."

The man agreed and quickly wrote it down on his order pad. "K. Eun-ji, right."

Anyone looking from afar would never think that Hye-jin was ordering ammunition for the future assassination of the largest living heiress of a wealthy family, and that could easily be mistaken for any order of cookies and hot chocolate. Or simply a sandwich with egg mayonnaise.

When the man finished writing, he seemed to understand the whole situation and he started to have a brief fit of nervous laughter... Hyejin is crazy, especially with what she was trying to do. "This isn't that heiress they're talking about on the news, right?!"

Hye-jin quickly looked at the face of the man in front of her and immediately ignored that terrified look and simply placed her empty cup on the counter. "Yes, it's her."

He had a worried look on his face. He knew very well that the Kim family was one of the richest and most influential in the country, and messing with any of them was probably a death sentence... There was also the Nam family, which was even richer and more dangerous. Hyejin was going crazy.

Vano spoke a little fearfully. "I hope she really dies. If she or anyone in that family finds out that you're after her neck, the whole city will be after you."

Hye-jin laughed disdainfully. "Isn't this happening every day already?! Just another ordinary day."

"Is the money really that good?"


Vano nodded. Hyejin always accepted impossible jobs that he considered crazy... All she needed was for them to pay really well. He never understood why, but she must have one. Respect.

"Well, they'll be ready in a week." He said, handing over a small package that had appeared behind them less than a minute ago and had the salad and a sealed cup with more coffee.

Hye-jin took her food and even turned to leave the place... But she turned back, thinking better... Vano was right about something... That family was a problem, but not the big ones, but the idiots.

She had one more thing she needed. "On second thought, make an extra unit, but with another name."

"Sure, what's the name?"

"Kim Dong-hae."

Jeon Hyejin calmly observed the landscape of Seoul through the bus window, she is a young woman who in her free time walks around tracking the targets that when it's time to work she will kill... For love, of course.

Well, it was being a beautiful morning, she had slept well, in addition to a great conversation with Vano and now she was able to take a walk in the park. Of course, she also had one of her favorite songs playing on her headphones, she might be old-fashioned, but not too much.

Limits. She uses technology and stuff, she just doesn't like it that much, but she uses it.

There was also the wonderful detail that her coffee was still hot and the delicious egg salad was about to be devoured. It was a good day.

She could see the urban landscape becoming more and more aggressive as she approached her destination, which was a little funny, there was a huge park full of greenery and trees in the middle of several skyscrapers and within the richest area of ​​the city.

It was basically a corporate neighborhood, there were people in suits and ties everywhere.

But today was only her first day observing Kim Eun-ji and she would do everything calmly.

No matter where the target goes, she will follow and if he tries to escape she will catch him with her own hands like in the old days.

Well, it wasn't long before she heard the stop sign ring and saw some people in formal clothes get out, they followed them at a slow pace. There was no reason to mix with them so early.

But they were going to work and she was going to walk in the park, she could be jealous.

In front of the Kim family's huge building, there was a large park full of children and old ladies.

The wide vegetation was the main attraction of the place and it was relatively full for a weekday, perhaps because it was still very early.

 She had woken up so early that she probably left the house right after the sun rose on the horizon.

When she got off the bus, she only noticed a small empty bench and that place seemed perfect for a first meal in that wonderful place and that she could perfectly see the building where the target worked.

 Hyejin took another sip of her hot coffee, which was still half full and opened the small container where her salad was. She would eat well.

She had asked Baek Jiwon many times what she put in the food she made and the woman never told him the recipe, there was something that made her food even more delicious. Hyejin could eat about three of those.

But she also needed to keep in shape, chasing people required some physical fitness.

But the answer was always: The love for my little Vano...

Honestly, Václav was almost two meters tall, little?!

The sunglasses she wore allowed her to look more shamelessly at the details of the building and it was not difficult to see that the place had great security and to enter it would be necessary to have an employee badge.

That was to be expected, companies work like that nowadays, it would be no different now.

But the company was probably the worst place to attack.

There would be cameras, trained people and many witnesses.

She didn't need to risk much when she deduced that the top floor was where the presidency was and in case of escape it would be difficult to escape unharmed passing through almost 50 floors.

Jump?! She is not crazy and not even a cat with a thousand lives would survive a fall like that.

But it was still necessary to know what was happening inside that place, she would need to infiltrate and blend in.

The Kim family officially established itself in the real estate market and then branched out into other areas, so it just got richer and richer over the years.

Kim Eun-ji is part of the second generation. The girl's father was the one who founded the business and made the city hostage to his services.

Hye-jin has an informant at her disposal everywhere you can imagine, the world is big so the list is long.

But the main one is Mark, maybe that's not his real name and she doesn't really care to know, he does the job according to her orders and that's enough. But she knows that he lives in some country in Europe and probably makes a living hacking organizations.

He works as her eyes when she's doing something for work.

It didn't take Hye-jin long to hear that someone was calling her. Well, at the agreed time, she smiled happily. "Hi dear..."

Mark just let out a sigh, he was in a bad mood. "I have information about Kim Eun-ji"



Read it! Moon say!

Be sure to read the auxiliary chapter: "Read it! Moon say!"

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    寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C6
    • 寫作品質
    • 更新的穩定性
    • 故事發展
    • 人物形象設計
    • 世界背景

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