While, Bernard and the girls were busy having a tour around league city someone was preparing himself and mustering the courage to go outside and face them, this person was none than Ryan, after spending time mulling about what Quzin told him over and over, Ryan realized the old man was correct and just holing himself inside his room crying and blaming himself would not fix anything, so at this moment he was building up his momentum.
Ryan stood before the mirror inside his room and was rehearsing his words and what he was going to say to them and when he finally sees them, due to he was still feeling guilty he didn't know if he should look them in the eyes or not, besides that he was afraid of how they would react he knew he had betrayed them and no one would take the act of betrayal likely, he realized no matter how much he rehearse his words and what to say he wasn't getting them right and would always make one mistake or the other when he got to the next line.