70.53% I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^ / Chapter 225: New Order Recruitment (1)

章節 225: New Order Recruitment (1)

"There are about 5000 of you hmm, well I guess more than I expected but the ones to be selected in here are only 300

We don't have much time to test all of you with proper methods one by one so we will do it my way...

All of you... Come at me..."

As Marshall said that everyone present on ground sucked in cold breath and looked at Marshall with surprise

Each knight present there was at least Tier 6, and challenging them all alone was not a wise choice for even a Sword God

"Challenging more than 5000 knights all at once, that's some serious guts..."

Rin muttered with interested look, Klaus nodded with calm look over his face and said

"Just keep watching kiddo... That man standing there is really a man that even Gods admire, at least I do..."

As Klaus said that all attention gathered over Marshall, and suddenly Seraphim also appeared behind Klaus and Rin

"Having fun alone..."

Klaus and Rin turned back to look an Seraphim for a moment and Klaus gave a simple reply

"Not like we had stopped you from coming here"

Seraphim didn't replied to Klaus but just silently sat besides Rin with interested look over her face

"That man... Just how did you get him..."

Klaus also didn't replied to Seraphim's curiosity and just grinned while looking ahead

Marshall just took out his sword from the back and commanded the others

"Then begin ..."

As Marshall commanded none of knights showed any hesitation in their movements, they also knew who their opponent was

Just being a Tier 9 being holds a lot of authority and this man in front of them was clearly above average even among the men

All knights rushed at Marshall all at once some from left while some from right, there were many who decided to use sky as their stage and jumped directly on top of Marshall from the top

Marshall was completely surrounded by thousands of strong men but instead of getting much serious he just took his sword in casual manner and a grin appeared over his face

As if he was dealing with an attack on a bunch of toddlers while he himself was the veteran babysitter in this situation

His sword finally moved, and as soon as Marshall started the eyes of Klaus, Elena, Seraphim and Lilith immediately shone in surprise

The hands of Marshall seemed to be clearly visible to naked eyes which was quite abnormal behaviour for someone of his standards

But not a single man who was attacking Marshall managed to get even a glance of Marshall's sword

The golden dot in Klaus's eyes was shining brightly at that time, Klaus had also placed his hands over Rin's head

A golden dot was also shining inside her eyes too, both watched Marshall's sword in a little slowed motion

Rin observed Marshall's sword moving like an unpredictable flow of water

Marshall's sword touched the swords of other knights and immediately turned to another direction just like a wave

But the other swords that had been touched by Marshall no longer remained in same place again

Practically what Marshall was doing could only be called as defence or deflecting or even a possible fake move but

The men whose sword had been touched by Marshall immediately got tossed dozens of meters away as if they were balls of cotton thrown away just by a simple wave

Rin saw all that and only word that could come out of her mouth was

"Water wave..."

Klaus shook his head over Rin's comment, Klaus could even sense the force and pressure exerted at that tiny moment of contact between the swords

Marshall's sword aura was literally exploding after being in contact with other swords in just a moment

"Na kiddo... That's a whole tsunami..."

Rin heard Klaus and the golden dot in her eyes suddenly widened a little, next moment all four who could possibly see the movements of sword noticed Marshall's moves

The knights by now have noticed the situation and they knew the real situation here

It was not Marshall who was being prey of a bunch of wolves here, it was the wolves who were the prey of the lion in here

The knights who were thrown back stood back again and those who were rushing at Marshall changed their strategy

Now there was a sudden synergy and sync on their moves, all knights moved over certain directions

Some made fake moves to disturb Marshall's gaze from others

But there was one thing that was weird in here, normally while selecting the men the men will try to stand out and be the centre of attention

It was to show they are competent and deserving but this disrupted whole condition and strategy of the team itself

But what was going on in here was just an absolutely perfect team work, complete trust over each comrade

None of those knights were trying to stand out or make others look in dark for getting position in new knight order

It wasn't like they didn't want to be in that new order which will give them a lot of advantages and reputation

But it was just how they were from their basic fundamentals, what they concentrated was what their goal was

Their goal on current situation wasn't taking a place in new knight order, their goal was to defeat Marshall

And there was one more special condition here in the test, none out of 5000 knights knew even the basic conditions given by Marshall for them to be here

Marshall watched all knights forming position and next moment what everyone noticed was

Marshall was surrounded by all sides by knights and all knight were standing in shape of a snake with sharp eyes ready to reap the soul of Marshall right there

Seeing this Marshall suddenly started grinning with happiness

"Good! The 'Goal of Sword'!!! First condition fulfilled!!!"

Next all knights got even more fired up and using their strategies the knights from the sides attacked Marshall first

Marshall noticed it easily but as he was going to move this sword other knights from front and back also made their moves

But that's where they got fooled by experience of Marshall, what Marshall held was a giant sword that was almost as big and broad as his body itself

Marshall moved his wrist and placed his sword in front of his body like a shield and suddenly started making a curve with sword stabbed to ground

The ground started forming cracks and next moment whole ground shattered as Marshall dragged his sword which was stabbed in ground forming a round circle there

All knights in formation were tossed away because of exploded ground, Marshall took opportunity and dashed at the nearest knight in front of him

Marshall slashed his sword the knight in horizontal position, the tip of his sword reached the gap left for eyes in the helmet of that knight

The naked sword of Marshall passed only about 1 mm away from the eyes of a knight, he had eyes widened in shock and legs trembling but he didn't blinked

He had a deep trust over his comrade, next moment other three knights nearby slashed their blades towards Marshall's chest forcing him to retreat back

"Excellent! Second condition fulfilled! 'A trusted Sword!'!!!"

Rin was absolutely baffled in current condition after watching what just happened right in front of her

"Did those knight... Just denied their physical body reflex..."

Klaus was also more interested as he continued watching it, Lilith on the ground saw that and muttered

"This guy of going to snatch the good ones right in front of my eyes like this..."

The knights had suddenly turned into fury blades under a certain order and kept their moves in full offence while giving the others time to make better preparations

They kept making slashes and stabs towards Marshall forcing him you retreat

Marshall also didn't seemed to be in hurry, rather he was also curious over their next move and just then Marshall noticed there hidden card in here

Marshall suddenly noticed the presence of a female black haired female knight with sword rushing towards Marshall's waist from the back in stabbing position

'Got him!!!'

But that was just the thought of the female knight right there, Marshall easily flipped over in air and landed at ground right on her back

The girl looked back in shock but by then Marshall's cold heavy sword was already right on top of her head and few hairs of hers were slowly falling to ground

All knights stopped on their tracks as they noticed Marshall's blade and trembling girl under that blade

"That was actually quite good lady, it was really a great idea to come up with something so unexpected...

Hiding while knowing your shortcomings in frontal battle and waiting for timing to show your worth at right time

This fulfills my third and last basic condition... 'Creation of Sword'...

Well since we are done with warm up lets get the test officially started..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^


章節 226: New Order Recruitment (2)

"That was actually quite good... lady, it was really a great idea to come up with something so unexpected...

Hiding while knowing your shortcomings in frontal battle and waiting for timing to show your worth at right time

This fulfills my third and last basic condition... 'Creation of Sword'...

Well since we are done with warm up lets get the test officially started..."

As Marshall said that the air around him changed and the casual tone of his sword changed to fired up cold blade

Everyone there felt goosebumps from just a glance over Marshall, Marshall gestured the girl to stand up again and opened his mouth again

"If we go just like this then it might take a lot of time, we need to give some time to Lady Lili too you know"

Everyone heard this and for a moment Lilith became the centre of attention and Lilith herself didn't seem to like all the attention much

Marshall grabbed his sword tightly and took a deep breath and said

"Since we are knights, we should know manners too, let's get the show started..."

This time Marshall directly smashed his sword to ground and all the shadows of knights standing in ground seemed to have a little movement inside them

With a gesture of Marshall all the knights once again dashed at Marshall again, but this time Marshall didn't go in casually

This time both his sword and fist moved in sync and smashed directly to the bodies of knights sending them away crash with others approaching Marshall

Even when Marshall was fighting with 5000 knights at once, practically there were only about 10 knights who can attack him at a time

And that was enough for Marshall, the attacks of the knights came from all sides to Marshall but Marshall easily deflected their blades

And once any knight got even a touch from Marshall he didn't remain in condition to stand back again

It wasn't like they died but just the strength and force behind Marshall counter attacks were enough to send his opponents to a state of unconsciousness

Marshall was still only using the strength of just a Tier 9 being but the techniques and skills he used were clearly at the realm beyond the mortals

But even in the midst of such an intense fight there were a few who managed to show their worth there

Marshall just blocked the sword of a knight but the force behind that sword was quite outstanding

Marshall noticed the man behind the blade there looking back at Marshall with a roaring gaze


The knight just decided to push Marshall back with his strength alone

The other knights were also rushing towards Marshall seeing the opportunity but Marshall opposite to their expectations didn't even move an inch

Instead Marshall just bended and little towards ground and using the same force that the knight in front of him was using to push Marshall back

Marshall flipped that knight over his back crashing him to ground and took the opportunity to kick the same guy to crash the others approaching him

That battle continued and this time it was the pair of two knights, both had best synergy among the knights there

Their attacks had the best timing, just as Marshall wanted to attack the first one the second blocked or attacked Marshall at the same moment

But this time Marshall didn't try to dodge their attacks but just as the sword of the first guy touched Marshall

Marshall grabbed the hands of another guy and with wasting a moment his made a curve at ground to dodge other swords

And used the man he had grabbed as his human weapon to finish off others within a moment

After that there were few who managed to grab Marshall's attention and almost 6 hours had passed by now and merely few dozen knights were still on ground

In a few minutes Marshall was once slightly troubled by the same black haired girl

She suddenly just came out from the places where Marshall's gaze couldn't see and tried to attack Marshall which obviously never worked

But surely that was the most effective move any knight had used or had capability to use

But after the eighth time Marshall directly grabbed the blunt sword of that girl and crushed it with his raw hands and with an approaching fist to her face

Darkness covered her consciousness, and like that the selection of Order of Fallen Sword finished

The black haired girl woke up from her unconsciousness and noticed a orange haired guy standing in front of her

"Congratulations, you are officially the member of the Order of Fallen Swords, the commander seems to like your style too..."

Hearing the orange haired guy the girl opened her eyes to fullest and burst into wide smile

"Ahhhh! That's good! That's good!!!"

The orange haired guy smiled and passed a cup of cold drink to her and said

"Then it will be good working together from now on comrade"

"You too!"

The girl grabbed the drink with a grin and cheered with the other person

"That was amazing... He is fantastic isn't he?"

Rin asked Klaus with a bright smile on her face filled with excitement, Klaus nodded and said

"He is... He sure is in a way a gentleman, even though after selecting finished the whole place looked like bloody battlefield it was just that everyone was sleeping

He used their shadows to dim the extra pain and other uncertainties, but I don't think the others will have the same position..."

As Klaus said the gaze of Rin and Seraphim moved to Lilith who was about to take out her frustration to a bunch of people for making her wait for more than 5 hours there

"Sh-she knows how to bring the dead with their memories so I guess it won't be too-!"

"Shut up!"

Seraphim was about to give an excuse but Klaus silenced her with a sharp voice

Seraphim just sat back like a nervous rabbit and attention moved to Lilith, Lilith was clearly showing an overwhelming aura unlike Marshall who was being mysterious

She was exposing a little part of her strength and potential, she was standing in front of all the newly recruited beings there

She had specifically asked for the newly recruited member of duchy here

The people in front of her were knights, adventurers, archers, assassins, mages, elves, demons and even a few onis

There was no specific goal for her, there were only 100 people in front of her that had been chosen by her

She got her information through her skills and authorities, the origin of undeads at least had this much ability

Basically she got her information from ghosts and dead spirits or phantoms roaming wild around the world

"Ok then from now on you all are the members of the Dark Raven Order, and now the task is to defeat 'them'..."

Lilith said that and all of the people in front of her looked visibly confused, shocked and surprised

"That easy!?"

"Wha- but we didn't even do anything..."

"Selected but a task..."

"Is it also under the test?"

There was a moment of happiness for them but just then next moment suddenly the ground started vibrating

The air became heavy and dense, all 100 of them noticed the change in their surrounding

And noticed the dark aura slowly rising all around them, they were surrounded by that dark circular aura from all sides

And next moment all noticed the dead corpses rising from ground, within a moment they were surrounded by hundreds of dead skeletons with swords

"A necromancer!?"

"She was a necromancer?"

"I thought she was a swordsman, but this seems cool too..."

"Hey... There are more than hundreds of them, haha... I'm getting nervous but it's exciting somehow..."

Most of the people selected by Lilith seemed to be confused and a little nervous there, but even then the majority was calm they just tightened their grip over the weapons with a weird grin over their faces

"A battle... Finally a good battle after years"

After a few seconds suddenly that voice gathered all the attention, it was an excited tone, the thrill after seeing a strong opponent was quite strong there...

After hearing him out it felt like all of them had suddenly changed the gears and the mindset had suddenly changed

The prey suddenly became a predator, the air of surprise and nervousness changed to excitement and faces that were filled with little sweats suddenly got filled with excitement and grin


With Lilith's command next moment all the people there dashed at the undead risen from death like messengers of death itself

In a few seconds both sides clashed and the real chaos started there, each one of them weren't outstanding or overwhelmingly strong like the knights

But they had one thing in common, they weren't the one that can be called as sane beings

None of them even thought before clashing, they have suddenly turned into maniacs

As time passed their original nature started to become much clearer and clearer and the old instincts in their blood started showing its effect

"Ahhh~ ... She selected people just like her..."

"There goes my expectations..."

"Muscle heads..."

Rin, Klaus and Seraphim watched the smug face of Lilith with a blank look over their eyes

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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