The Elena materialised some simple chairs and a table and gestured Klaus to sit, Klaus sat at the chair in front of the Elena and she started talking about the Ancients
" First of all I will tell you about Ancients! The Ancients are totally different races as well as title, there are only 12 of them at same time in the world,
The Ancient evolve from their races because of different conditions and they hold most powerful authority of their races they evolved from and are top of hierarchy of these races,
The Ancients are twice as strong as person of same tier, and most of them become Ancient when they reach Tier 9 and they can master magic and any technique 5 times faster than normal person,
The Ancient have duty of protecting the lower races from catastrophes and from unbalanced existences,
The Ancients also have emotions but when one becomes Ancient they completely lost their previous way of thinking and get a glimpse of truth and gain new information about their duties,
They also get 'authority' over 12 different things, they don't need mana to use authority and it's like just thoughts, you can manipulate those 'things' with that 'authority'
Humans_ Authority of Life and Death
Elves_ Authority of Growth and Forest
Beastmen_ Authority of Beast Monarch
Demons_ Authority of Blood
Dwarves_ Authority of Creation
Devils_ Authority of Evil
Dragons_ Authority of Heaven
Fairies_ Authority of Mana
Giants_ Authority of Knowledge
Dryads_ Authority of Earth
Spirits_ Authority of Spirituality & Summon
Undeads_ Authority of Illusions & Corrosion
About 24 million years ago we all Ancients were facing just one person, he had broken the rules of world, it's our duty to maintain order of world,
That being had used his power to summon 72 Devils in the world, each of the 72 Devils were Tier 9 beings far stronger than ordinary Tier 9 beings almost as strong as us
We Ancients teamed up and defeated all the 72 Devils one by one secretly and used our authorities to show that they are still alive,
But just as we finished our battle with last Devil, he showed up, he was very angry and started cursing at us, just his pressure and presence alone made us the strongest existences on world puke blood on the ground
We weren't even able to hear what he was saying, we turned deaf, blind and then I lost consciousness and then now I'm awakening
He didn't used a single attack or even seriously putted any kind of pressure on us but we have lost the battle
Last thing I remember is 7 angry figure descending from sky and panicked face of that Being, honestly it was funny face he had"
Klaus and fairies shivered on the thought of that being and Klaus thought ' Just what the hell was he, I can clearly feel that she is stronger than any being I have faced till now, even stronger than those Devils,
What can possibly make her like that?' Klaus mustered up his strength and asked "Who was that being you talked about, he has a name or title right?"
"Well I don't remember name but he is called 'Evil God', clearly a being above Tier 9 he has uncountable followers and is always surrounded by Dark, Red and violet coloured energy and origin of all evil!"
Klaus's mind was absolutely blank and he thought 'Those fucking Gods want me to fight this being and kill him, now it looks like my Race and extra advantages aren't enough to kill him, it looks like I'm getting scammed, it's clear that those 7 figures descending from sky were Gods and they did some thing
But what about me, I'm so dead, I will definitely get compensation next time I will meet them!'
Fairies were also shocked along with Klaus they had dark clouds over their faces and Klaus looked at them "You said there were other Ancients of Dragon and Fairy right? What did you hear from them?"
"Well we also heard almost same story but Ancient fairy and dragon said that when evil God came 10 Ancients lost consciousness and Ancient Dragon tried to teleport them but he was only able to teleport fairy who was nearest to him and rest were not able to teleport because of evil God's presence had interrupted normal flow of mana in surrounding and since then Dragons and Fairies became neighbours!"
"Yeah! Both Ancient still live in seclusion!"
"But it's amazing how she survived after than, because of those 7 beings fought the surrounding would definitely have perished or did they went to another place?"
Klaus hearing this made rough conclusion and said "Maybe they went to another pocket dimension to fight, like the world of Devils?"
Klaus has said it in slow voice but it was heard by everyone clearly, Klaus knew about identity of those beings and had read many such plot so it was easy guess for him but it was one of biggest mystery for Fairies and Dragons
" ooh that's also possible!"
" yeah this theory fits perfectly!"
" It's perfect, how can fight of such beings be possible in mortal world!"
The fairies flew in joy while Elena also agreed "Yeah, that also a possibility, but how did I came here?"
Suddenly a light flashed through Elena's eyes and she shouted in panick "My head
.. what's happe...Klaus run away! It's a curse, I'm about to lose control run!"
Klaus hearing this stood up and retreated few steps back and readied his swords and looked at Elena who was suddenly covered in Black, silvery and red aura
' System! What's happening so suddenly, what is the curse?'
[ Host Elena is cursed by Evil God, it is like sealing curse that makes the cursed persons body to lose control and try to kill the person she's even slightly close to, according to traces in room it feels like she was here for millions of years
and was brought here by one of 7 Gods for weakening the curse, but unfortunately the curse is still here]
Klaus got the information and he immediately shouted " Get ready! She has lost control of body, there is no place to run, we will go with original plan! Rays of sun!"
"3rd divine artifact!"
" just got many does he have??"
" Focus she coming!"
Klaus summoned another divine artifact and a ring appered on Klaus's fingure and he directly suppressed Elena's combat strength to about peak Tier 8 being
Rays of sun_ Divine Rays!
Tears of stars_ Divinity of God!
Staff of Saint_ Saints Preyer!
Klaus activated all three cards at once his divine and holy aura rosed dramatically and next second a wave of divinity covered whole room, it was clear that Elena was taking some damage and next moment Elena who was now covered in that hideous aura rushed towards Klaus with expression less face and red eyes
Klaus knew dodging wasn't possible so he directly took whole damage but it was completely absorbed by his armour,
Klaus focused on Elena and shouted "Fly higher, don't let her attack you! conceal yourself and don't try to attack, your magic is strong but body isn't!"
Fairies heard this without arguing they went directly to the cieling and corner of the room, they knew that Klaus would be able to defeat her at current state so they didn't bother arguing
Klaus on the other hand was continuously behind attacked by Elena physically and magically both,
Elena was firing blood magic like machine gun from all sides while also punching and kicking Klaus from all side with about 50 attacks per seconds,
Klaus glanced at fairies and when he saw that all of them were now at safe place his worried face calmed and with a deep breath he released a massive holy mana towards Elena
but she also noticed that it was dangerous so she dodged it and retreated few steps back and stopped the blood at its place
Klaus stood straight and relaxed his muscles and closed his eyes while putting his both swords in front of him and just as Elena was once again about to rush towards Klaus a grin appered on Klaus's face
Tier 9 Holy Magic Swordsmanship Technique... Twilight of Life and Death!
Klaus's both swords were now giving different colours while Nandaka had red, silvery and pitch black aura on the other hand Uriel had blue, gold and white aura
It was new technique Klaus made after getting new elements of Life and Death and it was his first time using,
Just as those new auras appered the room was filled with strange feeling where there was feeling Joy of life and sorrow of death at same time,
Elena had completely lost her body and she didn't hesitated and rushed towards Klaus, Klaus opened his eyes, his eyes were completely mixed in gold and silver colour and he also rushed towards Elena
And next second Elena once again started using same moves but this time all her attacks were deflected by Klaus with Uriel and his another sword was directly inside Elena's throat
Now the evil aura that was surrounding Elena disappeared but she also died and fell on ground,
Klaus was very angry and helpless as he stared at Ellen's body but next second a system notification rang!
Klaus was staring at lifeless body of Elena, he was able to kill her easily because her body was moving on instincts and same moves were being used without any proper techniques and her instincts greatly underestimated Klaus's abilities
Battle ended in seconds, it was clear that if it was another person of same tier he would have taken years to defeat her but Klaus was able to learn things many times faster than others with system and new race
If he did anything just doing it one time will make him as experienced as doing it 100 times normally, so with just training 6 or 7 years he had skills is same level as War Lord with experience of several 100s of years
But now he was not thinking about his strength or anything but just the Lifeless body Elena helplessly
'Just met her an hour ago, and she got attached to me, she just suffered her whole life, and died helplessly without even control of her own body or will
Where is justice in this damn world, but I swear I will kill that fucker at any cost!'
But then suddenly a notification rang from his system, Klaus opened it because system usually didn't reacted and whenever it reacted there was something special
Klaus saw that there was a mail that was just sent to him, he opened it
[ Noxus _ Klaus! Don't delay any more time, immediately store Ellena's body into system's storage, there is still a way!]
Klaus who just read the message his dull eyes immediately shined brightly and he immediately touched Elena's body 'System store it'
Her body immediately disappeared and Klaus sighed in relief 'but what can revive her? Will the Gods resurrected her?'
Suddenly another email came Klaus immediately opened it
[Noxus_ I just awakened after recovering my strength, just where are you? Oh yeah I made one function like that, you already found that, well done!!!
And yeah! I sent this message to tell you that we Gods have just made a new job especially for you, you just have to reach 50th floor of the tower you are right now, after defeating the boss there you will get the job, and that job is also a way to revive Elena, you need her body to revive her]
Klaus's face brightened again and sat on the ground fully relaxed and laughed with relief " Hahahaha!! finally a way, but if this job isn't good then compensation will be doubled!"
Fairies seeing Klaus like that came near him and asked
"What happened Klaus?"
"She suddenly attacked, I saw a curse inside her!"
" Yeah it was same like the Devils!"
Klaus smiled at them and said "Don't worry we still have a way! It was just small curse of a Devil, she isn't dead yet, I have stored her at Life Dimension!"
Life Dimension was a Tier 8 magic that lets you store living things inside it but the time there keeps moving, Klaus lied to them because he would look like a fool if he told them that he is going to resurrect her
"Really!? That's good then!"
"Yeah tell us when she gets well!"
"ok let's go to inn and eat!"
Klaus's stood up and then suddenly said with face of realisation " Oh but what about level up, I'm sure I was just one step away from leveling up at 19th floor, was it.... !!!"
Just as Klaus was about to say some thing series of voice sounded in his ears
{Congratulations on killing Tier 9 Ancient of Blood Elena Luminous Valentine}
{ You have levelled up}
{ Currently you are Tier 5, level 51}
{ You have made legendary achievement by killing enemy 6 tiers above you}
{ You made Epic achievement meeting with Ancient}
{ You have met with 4th Ancient , Elena Luminous Valentine}
{ Congratulations you are first person to use Life and Death element together}
{ You are first person to have element of Life and Death together}
{ You have made Divine achievement}
{ Congratulations!!! You have made first ever Divine Achievement}
{ As a reward for epic achievement Tier 5 Magic book 'Blood Manipulation ' had been provided}
{ As a reward legendary achievement legendary artifact '9 daggers of Monarch' is provided}
{ As a reward of Divine achievement divine artifact 'Library of Holy Beings' is provided}
{ Because of your deeds the title 'Annihilator of Slimes', 'Annihilator of Undeads', 'The one who met Ancients', and 'Ruler of life and death', 'Achiever of Unachievable' is given}
A large amount of notification rang in voice of world, Klaus was in daze and he said in mind 'Great powers comes with Great responsibilities and Great achievements comes with Great rewards, system show me options and titles'
[Command recieved]
[ Tier 5 Magic Blood Manipulation_ A magic that was used at Ancient times to manipulate blood of beings lower than you within range of 20 meters, it is much lower version of Authority of blood, it let's you use blood like weapon or manipulate blood of weaker enemies]
[ Legendary Artifact 9 daggers of Monarch
Type_ Daggers
Grade_ Legendary artifact
1. Indestructible
2. Can be manipulated in air with the thoughts of host
3. Each dagger has 9 different elements of Fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, thunder, poison and space
4. These daggers can be summoned from any place according to mana provided
Description_ It is artifact which was used by an Monarch of ancient times, it is said that he was best Assassin of his era]
[ Library of Holy Beings
Type_ Book collection
Grade_ Divine Artifact
1. Indestructible
2. It is a library in seperate space where only host can go to, it's doors can be summoned in real world or host can directly teleport there
3. This library contains all kinds of magic books and techniques if all elements below tier 9 and all kinds of knowledge about different world and subjects
4. The flow of time in library is different, 1 hour in this world is 1 year in library
5. Library will return to same as before after host has used it
6. Library can be upgraded after the requirements are met
7. The 6th Divine Artifact]
[ Titles _
Annihilator of Slimes_ Given to the person who slayed 1,000,000 normal slimes and all grades of slimes available in World
Effect_ Slimes will fear you when you want to and their stats will decrease 50% when facing you]
[Annihilator of Undeads_Given to the person who slayed 1,000,000 normal undeads and all grades of undeads available in World
Effect_ Undeads will fear you when you want to and their stats will decrease 50% when facing you]
(Note _ ghosts, wraths, zombies, mummies, Skeleton, vampire are also Undead species)
[The one who met Ancients_ This title is given to person who has met one of 12 Ancients and talked with them and raised some favorabilily or hostility
Effect_ The Ancients will see you favourably or hostility according to your relation with the Ancient you met ]
[Ruler of life and death_ One who can use element of Life and Death at same time
Effects_ Proficiency over Life and Death element increases exponentially]
[Achiever of Unachievable_ The title given to person who has made achievement which wasn't possible till now, and done things deemed as impossible even by Gods
Effect_ Chances of making difficult achievement increases exponentially and all living beings see you with respect by instincts]
Klaus looked at the effects with amazed expression and thought 'Damn did I just got another Divine artifact, but it doesn't have supression effect, I can't fight two Tier 8 beings at same time, but to get all kinds of magic and techniques below tier 9
just amazing, I can't even count how many magic and techniques I can make after this, and problem of Holy element and these elements like Life, Death, Creation, Time, Space and null is also solved
And with 9 daggers in air won't I look like certain Shadow monarch so cool!
But this time titles are more amazing undead and slimes will always be at half strength when fighting me, it's massacre now'
" Alright guys let's go! We got the goal, now let's eat!" Klaus closed his system panels and with fairies he returned outside the tower and went directly to inn he was staying at.