98.22% Naruto: The Strongest Senju / Chapter 218: Chapter 211: Clash of The Gods

章節 218: Chapter 211: Clash of The Gods

Tsunade moved so fast that it was akin teleportation, with her forming a massive Fuinjutsu Formula with a wave of her hand, one that rebounded the attack Madara had made while she arrived before Mito.

"Grandma." Tsunade choked out as she poured her vitality into her, with Tobirama also being healed by her shadow clone.

"Oh? Has the prodigal daughter finally arrived? Try not to disappoint me. Nothing disgust me more than a weak Senju." Madara said as he stood from the rubble atop his giant, with him looking down at Tsunade.

However, though he seemed to be looking at her with contempt, he was distinctly wary of her, as he saw that she moved at speeds that even he would barely be able to react to.

"Weak is not a word in my vocabulary, you pathetic scum. I hold no fondness over you in the same way that my Grandfather did, and I won't spare you the same way he did." Tsunade said as white flames began to morph around her body as if it was alive.

Tsunade blasted directly in front of Madara, with her sending a casual punch that destroyed the head of his Susanoo covered Wood Golem and knocked Madara off.

While in the air, Madara inhaled deeply before spewing a massive dragon made of fire at her, with Tsunade countering by creating a water dragon, with both attacks clashing in the air and creating a cloud of steam.

Using her Sensory skills, Tsunade blasted through the steam at Madara, with her creating a blade made of light and attempting to decapitate him directly.

Madara merely blocked the attack through the use of his Gunbai, with him then spinning and delivering a roundhouse kick towards Tsunade's side.

Tsunade caught the leg and threw Madara in the opposite direction, with him flipping before landing on his feet.

But, Tsunade continued the assault as she delivered an earth shattering punch to Madra's chest, with it sending the man into the ground and creating a crater.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Wrath!!" Tsunade said as she spat a massive amount of water, with it then taking the shape of ten dragons made of water than went towards Madara, with them all spinning at high speeds.

But, when the arrived near Madara, all of them froze, with Madara sending them all back as Ice Dragons.

Seeing this, Tsunade blasted each of them with light beams, with it destroying multiple dragons while she used her strength to destroy the majority of the others.

'Since when did Madara be able to use Ice Release? Is that the only one he can use or can he do it with others as well?' Tsunade thought in her head, though her momentary distraction led to her being grabbed by one of the dragon's jaws as it attempted to swallow her.

"You dare to be distracted while in the middle of a battle against me? What type of Shinobi doesn't place their full focus on the battle in front of them. Honestly, what did Hashirama teach you. Though, seeing that you became a Medical Shinobi rather than fully focus on battle, I'm not surprised by such weakness. As I said before, nothing disgusts me more than a weak Senju and a weak woman, and you happen to represent them both." Madara said as he began regaining his footing.

At that moment, Tsunade burst from the head of the dragon, with her being enveloped in a green aura while staring at Madara.

"Weak? You mean like the type of weakling that couldn't even control his own Clan? A man who could never best his rival and only lives due to the compassion that the man possessed for him? A weakling who couldn't even protect his own brother?" Tsunade said, with her last sentence enraging Madara as the man seemingly teleported before her, his eyes staring into hers with pure coldness.

"I'll make sure that your death isn't an easy one." Madara said as he threw a punch towards the face of Tsunade.

"Then that makes two of us." Tsunade responded, with her delivering powerful attacks that Madara redirected rather than blocked.

The two entered a close contest of Taijutsu, with Madara demonstrating his greater levels of experience and familiarity with the Senju Taijutsu style as he expertly redirected Tsunade's blows to the side so that he wouldn't face the powerful blows.

'So he knows my Taijutsu style that well? Looks like I'll have to switch it up then.' Tsunade thought as she shaped the Yang Chakra onto her hand and formed a Chakra Blade, with her then using the precision of a Medical Ninja to attack.

The change in attack pattern seemed to surprise Madara, as he was barely able to dodge the blade from nearly decapitating him, with him then placing his palm directly in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade was then blasted into the ice a great distance away, with Madara looking over at Mito's beaten form.

"Is there an issue?" Madara said to her, though he paid the price for losing focus as Tsunade jumped into the air, her fist becoming concentrated with Fire, Wind, and Lightning Chakra.

"Compound Ninjutsu: Ragnarok!!!

The powerful burst of Chakra combined with the Morning Peacock Technique to form miniature bombs that bombarded Madara, with him creating his Susanoo to block the attack while looking at him with his arms crossed.

"Let me introduce myself again, Madara. 

I am Tsunade Senju, Goddess of Shinobi and the woman who shall succeed where my Grandfather failed and put you down." Tsunade said as the aura surrounding her changed from green to blue as she entered the Seventh Gate.

Tsunade burst forward again, with her blasting into Madara's Susanoo with both fists, making it crack due to the force behind it.

"Fine. You want to be viewed on the same level as your grandfather? Then I'll treat you like him." Madara said as his eyes reverted to their Mangekyo state, with Madara then teleporting in front of Tsunade.

'What?!?' Tsunade thought as Madara kneed her in the stomach before giving her a spinning heel kick to her head.

Tsunade was unable to understand how Madara had just somehow teleported directly in front of her, especially since she was sure it was not simply a Genjutsu or a Rinnegan ability.

The white flames on Tsunade reappeared, yet this time they were joined by Green Lightning Chakra, Earth Chakra, Sharp Wind Chakra, and fast moving Water Chakra, with her entering the new variation of her Elemental Chakra Mode.

Tsunade then began converging the Elements into a sphere in her palm, with her then blasting towards Madara.

Madara attempted to block the attack with his Gunbai, yet in a moment that stunned him, the Gunbai was knocked away due to the immense power that was inside of the Singular Jutsu.

"Compound Ninjutsu: Rasengan!!" Tsunade said as the attack slammed into Madara's body, with it having the power to grievously injure him.

But, just as the attack seemed to be about to completely destroy the body of Madara, his EMS spun, with him suddenly reappearing a distance away while still holding his Gunbai in his hand.

'Time Manipulation.' Tsunade guessed as all of the pieces fell into place in her mind, with that being how he was able to appear in front of her instantly and how he just appeared unharmed from the attack.

"Looks like you figured it out. But even so, what will you do against eyes that can see through your past and your future?" Madara taunted as he created a massive Wooden Golem and covered it with a thick layer of ice before topping it with his Susanoo.

Seeing this, Tsunade performed her hang signs as she summoned her second strongest wooden construct.

"Wood Style: Obsidian."

The Wood began to morph into the shape of a giant woman, one made of the most durable and heat resistant Wood Tsunade could make as heat began to flow through the giants veins, making it seem even more intimidating.

Six arms appeared on the being, with Tsunade forming a massive blade of light for it to wield.

The two titanic beings swung their swords at each other, with the sheer force created by the clash of Ice and Light being enough to shatter the ice beneath their feet.

The Shinobi and White Zetsu both were somewhat displaced by the power behind the strikes, with them both merely looking at the power that the two wielded with absolute shock.

"They're like Gods." Someone mumbled, and both the Mist and Konoha Shinobi couldn't help but agree with them.

Tsunade created a splintered form of herself through a Wood Clone, with that Clone performing hand signs a slamming it onto the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!!"

At that moment, a gigantic Slug that surpassed the high of both giants appeared, with looking down at two giants that had stopped battling.

"I didn't think you could summon all of me, Tsunade. Good job. I'm sure you wish for me to help take down Kaguya's pawns and heal the people on the battlefield, right?" Katsuyu asked.

Tsunade nodded from atop the giant woman, with her then looking at Madara with a slight smile, as if she was about to do something she had wished to do for years.

"You know, Madara, even if you stole the Wood Release of my Grandfather, a mere imitation could never compare to the real thing. Allow me to give you a demonstration." Tsunade said.

Suddenly, four more giant constructs reminiscent of the first woman that Tsunade had formed joined the one she was standing atop of.

Then, without warning, the constructs each charged at Madara, with each holding different weapons made of light.

Madara formed an ice blade with his right arm and a Susanoo blade with his left.

The first Obsidian swung the blade overhead, with a second one firing arrows towards Madara.

Using the Ice blade, Madara blocked the overhead sword while swinging the second sword around the dissipate the arrows.

But, the Third Obsidian then swung a hammer into the back of Madara's Susanoo warrior while the other two tackled him into the ground.

The light blade in Tsunade's hand then began to glow with white flames, with Tsunade swinging it down towards Madara so that she could finish him once and for all.

Madara's eyes spun again, with him appearing a distance away from the attack while looking at Tsunade with a crazed grin.

"Come on Tsunade!! Continue to dance!! Show me that you are on the same level as your Grandfather." Madara yelled as he made a hang sign, with him manipulating his control over gravity to call forth meteorites from the sky, with them heading straight towards her.

Tsunade weaved hand signs of her own, with her then manipulating a large amount of Lightning into her hands, with it spreading into become massive dragon-like creatures.

"Lightning Style: Hydra!!"

The attack flew towards seven of the eight meteors, yet one of them was left alone as Tsunade jumped towards it.

Then, in a feat of monstrous strength, Tsunade grabbed part of the meteor and moved it's direction as if she was throwing it straight at Madara.

Madara then utilized his Chakra to form another Susanoo, with him using it's blade to spilt the meteor in half, though it still caused immense destruction in it's aftermath.

Tsunade then blasted towards Madara's Susanoo and punched it, completely destroying the Chakra construct once again.

Coating her body with light, Tsunade's speed reached an entirely new lever as she appeared beside Madara.

"Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" Tsunade taunted as her foot landed into Madara's shoulder, with it breaking his arm while sending him skipping on the ground.

Tsunade then continued her onslaught by delivering power blows to Madara, with each knocking the man back again and again.

Then, wood began to emerge from the ground as it bound him, with Tsunade staring at the Demon of the Shinobi World with contempt.

"This was the level that my Grandfather possessed. A level above you in nearly every regard. And this is why the only reason you live it due to his kindness. But that ends now." Tsunade said while she created a saber made of light.

But, Madara's eyes then changed into the Rinnegan once again, with him blasting Tsunade close range with the full might of his gravity manipulation, sending Tsunade flying as he absorbed the chakra out of the wooden construct binding him.

"If you dare to look down on me then you will not survive." Madara said as his Chakra spiked again, the cold and dark feeling of it seeping out as it cracked the ground around him.

However, Tsunade stood once more, yet this time she now possessed signs on her face, with that being the signal that she had entered into Sage Mode.

Tsunade appeared before Madara before he could even realize it, even with his Rinnegan, with her clotheslining him and spinning him into the air, witn her then pressing a palm on his chest, creating a power lightning blast that electrocuted him.

Then, Tsunade weaved her hand signs as she stared at Madara with a look of finality.

"Sage Art: Wood Style: Buddha's Thousands of Hands!!!"

The ice and ground beneath Madara and Tsunade shook, with a massive wooden object morphing from the ground.

Tsunade stood atop the vast statue as it continued to grow, with it reaching heights that rivalled even that of the true form of Katsuyu.

She stared down at Madara, with her imagining how her Grandfather might feel about her putting an end to his closest friend.

It may have been her mind attempting to comfort her, but she somehow felt a palm rest atop her head, with it somehow feeling similar to how her Grandfather did when she was younger.

Her family each flashed through her mind, with her resolving to end this so that she would no longer have to worry about any major threats for the time being, letting her get a proper rest.

"Falling Heaven!!!" 

Thousands of palms fell towards Madara, with each of them possessing the force that was on the same level of S Ranked Ninjutsu.


The aftermath of the Jutsu completely destroyed the area where Madara was, with Tsunade jumping off of the statue and down to the ground, with her feeling the location that Madara was.

She moved one part of the debris, with it revealing Madara with only the upper half of his body while he was breathing heavily.

"Looks... like you won, Tsunade." Madara breathed out heavily from the ground, with him accepting his defeat at the hands of Tsunade.

But, Tsunade chose not to let down her guard, as she knew that Izanagi or Izanami could be dangerous.

"This is the end of all of this, Madara." Tsunade said as she tapped her foot on the ground.

At the same time, a black goo like creature emerged from behind her and attempted to latch on to her, yet a chain emerged from her back and pinned it to the ground, with a Sealing Formation appearing from the tap on the ground that Tsunade did with her foot.

"I mean it. I hope that you find peace in the Pure Lands. Peace is an allusive concept, but it will be accomplished one day. I will become a beacon of it in the same way my Grandfather did. Go to your grave knowing that." Tsunade said, with Madara then succumbing to his injuries as he closed his eyes for the final time.

The Sealing Formation the bound Black Zetsu, with the creature attempting to escape.

"Their are fates worst than death for creatures like you. Be tortured eternally knowing that Kaguya will never be resurrected thanks to you." Tsunade said as she used a large portion of her Chakra to perform a Summoning Jutsu.

At that moment, an eerie and creepy figure appeared behind her, with the creature looking at Black Zetsu with a great deal of anger.

"Shiki Fuin!!" 

Zetsu was then sealed into the beings stomach, though instead of leaving afterwards, the being turned back to her.

"Clear our world of these creatures. Give it back to the mortals like it belongs." The eerie voice of the Shinigami sounded, with him leaving afterwards.

Tsunade sat down on a nearby boulder, a bit tired after how much Chakra she had expended.

"Just when I finish one problem, two more pop up." Tsunade said to herself.

"Well, you won't be dealing with the problems alone." Mito's voice sounded as she walked over to her Granddaughter.

"Yes. I assure you that as long as we live, we will make sure you face whatever problems you have with aid." Tobirama said as he limped over their with them.

The three sat in silence as they looked over the battlefield, with them seeing that most of the Zetsu had somehow withered away.

"Do you think he's proud of me?" Tsunade asked, with both Mito and Tobirama looking at her with a smile.

"Always." Mito said, making Tsunade smile as well.

At that moment, a large amount of noise came from multiple directions, with Jiraiya and his forces, Orochimaru and his, and Hiruzen all arriving at once.

But, upon seeing the completely devastated landscape, they all could only look at it in shock, especially at the Wooden statue that was bigger than most mountains.

"You're late." Was all Tsunade could say as she looked at them with a smile.

[AN: So, originally the story was suppose to end after a recap and four epilogue chapters. But, upon thinking, I figured 'Why not expand my story into when she becomes a Biological Mother, when she helps Naruto in his world, and her battles against Jigen and the Otsutsuki. So, rather than end, the novel will go on hiatus after the next few chapters. Thanks everyone for reading for so long.]

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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