13.51% In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

章節 3: Chapter 3


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[Rank 436, Gojo Satoru, confirm access Y/N]

The helmet's display gradually illuminated, revealing rows upon rows of information. Taking a minute to adjust my mind to the sudden changes, I looked through the information and pressed Y.

Right now I am going to the virtual reality world where a small event took place.After some time found myself inside a white room. What I saw after that nearly made me question the humanity as i was in the same group as two of the main character Emma and Amanda.

Inside this virtual reality my chances of winning is not very high not that i will try to win.The reason for it is because this dimensions cannot replicate the six eyes. Well who would have guessed that someone can have thing like six eyes.

But my eyes are still far from average as even before six eyes was unlocked my eyes was very good it seems i can still sense 5 metre around me completely.

Since it was not sufficient i removed my blindfold and used a opaque glasses made especially for hiding one's eyes but this might give them the idea that i am not blind. Well it won't be a problem. while i was busy in my monologue other's finally finished checking out the sorrunding.

They started introducing each other other than Emma, Amanda and me there were three people who could be considered cannon fodders but as the luck would have it i was the lowest ranking student of this group.

After some chit chat with everyone introducing to each other and rules being explained.we were transferred to a forest.

[Since this is most likely the first time some of you have entered the virtual world, today's class will be on the lighter side]

[The people around you right now will be the group that you will work with for today's class.]

[Before you say anything, your group is balanced according to the computer and for the most part, each group will be evenly matched. Although there are some exceptions, which I really can't do anything about]

[You will each be dropped into a remote terrain which will be randomly generated by the computer.]

[Your goal for today is to survive 1 hour]

[There are extra points awarded for those who manage to complete certain hidden tasks]

[This will count as a pass as long as you manage to survive for 1 hour, extra points will be awarded for each teammate that survives alongside you]

[I will give you 2 minutes to let you discuss your plans with your group.]

[Best of luck!]

[Oh~ Before I leave I forgot to mention. The last group will automatically fail this class]

That was told to us by professor Thibaut who was supposedly a villain.

Looking around my surrounding i could spot that Amanda and Melissa nearby.So,i started moving toward them.

When I arrived near them more especially toward Amanda. Melissa unexpectedly started attacking with her spear going straight toward my head.

I dodged her attack by lowering my head if i hadn't dodged it i would have been must likely died in this VR.

"He-hey, stop attacking me"

Melissa didn't even stoped for a second and started striking me from all the direction.

Seeing the dangerous situation i took out my dagger from my dimensional bracelet i started to block her attacks while it was easy to do so but i could not let it look like i am not struggling so i was acting as if i was barely able to block her attack.

Amanda after watching the situation for a while finally cleared the misunderstanding of Melissa

She could have done so early but she must likely wanted to know my battle prowess.

Melissa just clicked her tounge and started moving away. I was staring at her back catching my breadth.

After that we both, Amanda and me started moving toward the middle of the map after taking a look at our sorrunding when I was checking around i saw some one who had climbed a tree. I jumped high in the air and started to use ice mana to create three ice spear which i threw toward the student. He could not react to the ice spear and died instantly his body started to disappear leaving behind some white particle.

Amanda noticed my action but didn't say anything as killing others was just eliminating our opponents. We reached the middle of the map. Where Amanda and Emma were reunited.

Everything went according to the novel i just killed a student that was all the change that was created due to me.

After this event was over the classes were happening as usual in the lock as a weekend was comming i decided to solo a dungeon of F- rank.

I went where the dungeon was available that was available.

The dungeon was not a significant as the dungeon had goblin as the monster.

When I entered the dungeon there were no goblin. After travelling for a while i finally had encountered goblins there total of tens of goblins.

I raised my hand and started gathering fire mana which i use to send a mid sized fireball while i was gathering mana some goblins rushed toward my position and some goblins retreated.

Before any goblins could reach near me they were devoured by the fireball and died while screeching. I took out my dagger and moved at my top speed behind then i slashed my dagger toward their head only two goblins were able to react and move away from me.

Without giving them any time to think i blitz passed them.


With a heavy sound all the body of the goblin fell to the ground. Watching the sight i unknowingly smirked knowing i was becoming stronger.

All the holding back in lock was making me slowly lose confidence in myself as when I was attached by Melissa i didn't even tried to attack her. Holding back was making my skill rusty.

After the first group of goblins i encountered six more groups with the number of goblins increasing by 5.

Finally after that massacre i reached the room of dungeon Boss where there were 30 goblin soldier and a goblin king.

The goblin were F rank while the boss was E rank monster.

I decided to make a quick work of the goblins i blitz five goblins with a loud noise five of them fell to the ground. It took goblins couple of seconds to react they were furious.

With a sly smirk i provoked them they started running toward me. After killing five goblins i have been gathering mana for a huge ice move it took nearly 15 seconds to make it even after sacrificing my perfect control to speed up the process.

I jumped from where i was standing and launched my hands toward the goblins right after i completed my motion huge pillar of ice crushed all the goblins.

Only goblin king was smart enough to retreat at the last moment. Looking toward him through my blindfold i threw away my dagger which seems to have confused him. Smirking toward him i spoke in an annoying tone of voice "don't worry I do not need weapon to defeat you after all you are weak~."

Goblin king seemed furious as he released his aura completely and rushed toward me. I actually wanted to test out my Limitless technique for the first time in an combat.

When the goblin king reached near me, he slashed his battle axe toward me at a incredible speed which started slowing down after getting as close as 15 cm from me. As he was suddenly slowing down his whole body was unprotected. So i slammed my hand in his guts he flew metres away from orginal position.

Goblin king remained down for some time before standing up while shaking his head. At that moment i relized my E+ rank aura which scared him. Goblin king started to run in opposite direction so lowering my blind fold i rushed at him in my full speed while speeding up more using the wind psyon. I arrived in front of him in couple of second the place where i was previously standing had cracked under pressure.

Arriving infront of him i pointed my one finger toward him in my finger a red ball of energy was created. With a slight crazy smile i launched the move.


After the move nearly the whole dungeon crashed due to the sheer power of the technique.After that moved i again covered my eyes with blind fold. I started to move outside the dungeon. After selling all the goblins body i returned toward the lock.

It had been a couple of days after the dungeon raid. Today there was going to selection of elective.

"Wow...there's a lot more people than I had originally thought"

"I'd have to agree with you on that one"

As Kevin and Emma arrived outside of section B, a crowd of students was swarming the entrance making it hard to see what was ahead.

Each student was sporting a different colored uniform which ranged from, azure blue, dark green, and blood-red, representing the year they were in.

A three-meter tall wall surrounded the whole of section B and on top of the wall, an invisible high voltage electrical line was installed preventing anyone from trying to sneak into the compound.

In order to enter the compound, four gates which were respectively allocated according to the cardinal points, North, South, East, West, were tightly guarded by the staff hired by the academy.

Because the academy was mainly a medium to nurture talented individuals which would later be the future pillars of humanity, the information regarding the students was tightly secured by the academy.

If the information were to be passed to the wrong hands, potentially talented heroes that have shown good promise during their academic stay might become the target of demons and villains, which could result in them prematurely dying before their talent could leave an impact on society.

...This was exactly what the academy didn't want, and hence why they invested heavily in security for section B. Excluding the professors who were all respectively strong heroes, the security alone comprised of B and C ranked Heroes.

Section B was practically one of the safest areas within the academy.

After 10 minutes, Emma and Kevin were finally able to arrive at the entrance of the compound.

The lines were split into three, and at the end of each line, a student with a red blazer was handing leaflets to every person who entered the compound.

"Welcome to the elective fair"

Approaching Kevin and Emma, a blonde individual elegantly handed them a leaflet with a gentle yet confident smile on his face.

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

Without thinking much, Emma and Kevin took the leaflet and left, resulting in the blonde individual's smile to momentarily falter.

"Ehm..ehm..excuse me, freshman"

Quickly regaining his composure, the blonde individual hastily moved in front of Kevin and Emma, obstructing their path. Suddenly being blocked out of nowhere, both Kevin and Emma couldn't help but frown as they scrutinized the person before them.

Although he wasn't as handsome as Kevin, he could've been regarded as a fairly handsome individual with his relatively well-proportioned features, blue eyes, and confident demeanor.

"What do you need?"

Annoyed, Emma didn't try to hide her displeasure as she lightly glared in his direction.

Smiling amiably, taking no notice of Emma's attitude, the blonde individual couldn't help but take a couple of glances at Emma evidently stunned by her beauty.

Without even acknowledging nor glancing in Kevin's direction, the blonde individual focused his whole attention on Emma almost as if he was enchanted by her beauty.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Fabian Parker third year ranked 14, may I have the honor of knowing this beautiful girl's name?"

As he introduced himself, the undisguised pride in his tone couldn't be concealed as his smile deepened and his back straightened.

His eyes which now fully focused on Emma, couldn't hide the desire masked within them as he took one step closer to her.

"That's enough"

Placing his hand in front of Emma blocking Fabian from approaching her, Kevin glared at him.

"Can't you see you're bothering her?"

"Who are you?"

Finally noticing Kevin's presence, Fabian couldn't hide his displeasure, as his head snapped in his direction.

"How dare you block this one's path?"

"You're being annoying"

"Quickly move out of my way or don't blame me for being impolite"

Frowning, just as Kevin was about to get angry, a mocking voice disrupted their confrontation as Emma walked in front of Kevin.

"If you don't fuck off from my sight, don't blame ME for being rude"

Imitating Fabian's tone, Emma arrived right in front of Fabian and lightly smiled.

Startled by Emma's outburst, Fabian couldn't find any words to say resulting in his face crumping up.

"Got nothing to say?"

Raising her brow, Emma looked at Fabian provocatively.


Trembling, Fabian pointed his finger in Emma's direction as he struggled to contain his anger.

Since coming to the academy, no, more precisely, his whole life, Fabian had never been this humiliated.

Being born from the prestigious Parker family which held a tremendous amount of wealth and influence, every girl who he had ever approached threw themselves at him.

Never in his 19 years of life did someone disrespect him so much.

Especially from a couple of first years.

Apart from those who were higher ranked than him, and had a similar amount of influence as his family, no one had the right to look down on him.

He, Fabian Parker, heir of the Parker conglomerate with a net worth of over a trillion U was actually being humiliated in front of everybody like this?

'Does this slut think that just because she's pretty she can mess with me?'

"It seems like you don't hold your seniors in regard, good...good"

Clapping his hands a couple of times, Fabian's face darkened and his previous gentlemanly demeanor completely vanished.


Covering her mouth, Emma exaggeratedly looked at Fabian and exclaimed "I am sorry! I didn't realize you were a senior! I mean..." Looking at Fabian up and down, Emma shook her head "The way you talked made me think you were a spoiled brat, so I instantly assumed you were the same year as me"

"She's definitely enjoying this..."

Watching Emma who acted like she was wronged, Kevin couldn't help but bitterly smile

"What a drama queen.."

She could've just ignored him and told him who she was, as her background was enough of a deterrence for 99% of the people attending the academy, but she chose not to, meaning that she was trying to humiliate him publicly.

Looking around, Kevin noticed a small crowd that had already started gathering around them due to Emma's loud voice.

Sighing, Kevin started doubting whether asking Emma to help him was the right decision.

Noticing the crowd that had started gathering around them, Fabian who was on the verge of exploding forcefully suppressed his anger and alternatively looked at Emma and Kevin.

"It seems like the new first years are in need of disciplining huh?"


As soon as he finished his sentence, massive pressure engulfed the surroundings while blue light started emanating from Fabian's body.



"Ahhh...what's going on?"

The crowd which had gathered due to the commotion suddenly felt an immense pressure bearing down on them, and because they were caught off guard due to the suddenness of the attack, most of the people found themselves sprawled on the floor struggling to move.

Kevin and Emma, who were the ones that were bearing the full grunt of the force, took a knee to the ground as their legs gave out due to the immense pressure they were facing.

Although both Kevin and Emma were extremely talented, they were in no way a match to a third-year student who had been vigorously training for three years under the care of the academy.

Even Kevin, who could've been regarded as one of the best even amongst the second years felt an unimaginable pressure bearing down on him.

[Detecting hostile force]

[Would you like to activate skill {Overdrive}? Y/N]


Dismissing the system message that appeared anytime a hostile force was detected, Kevin looked up at Fabian who was slowly walking towards Emma.

"Not so proud now huh?"

"pfftt, you don't know who you're messing with!"

"Oh? and how so?"

Raising his brow, Fabian knelt down at Emma's eye level and lightly held her chin up with his fingers.

Feeling Fabian's finger touching her chin, Emma monetarily froze before opening her eyes wide in disbelief.

"I give you three seconds to let go of me before things get really serious"


Tilting his head, Fabian couldn't help but lightly chuckle as his hand gripped Emma's cheeks.

"Do tell me what you're going to do to me..."

"How dare you!"

Feeling Fabian's hand gripping onto her face, Emma's final restraint disappeared and just when she was about to call her guards, a powerful voice reverberated across the surroundings.


Right after the shout, the pressure that was bearing down on everyone disappeared, and a tall individual whose skin was on the darker side appeared before the crowd.

He had braids that extended all the way to his shoulders, and his bulging muscles that were the size of a football made one wonder if he was a human.

"Stop this farce at once!"

Arriving in front of Fabian, the individual who seemed to be the instructor overlooking this area appeared before Fabian and loudly screamed at his face.


Feeling the spit that was being spewed on his face by the instructor as he shouted, Fabian who couldn't believe his eyes struggled to speak for a couple of seconds.

Actually, he knew this individual.

Hero Rank 459 Jerome Wilson a.k.a 'Diamond Destroyer', a rather well-known hero famed for his tremendous strength. His name 'Diamond Destroyer' stemmed from how he was able to crush diamonds with his bare hands. If not for his low agility, Jerome could've been ranked in the top 300.

Noticing that he was being scolded by instructor Jerome, Fabian was so shocked that he couldn't utter a single word. The reason he was shocked was not because he was being scolded, but rather by whom he was being scolded...

Diamond destroyer, who he had known since young, was actually supposed to be an individual planted by his family to secretly support him during his stay in the academy

Yet here he was berating him in front of everyone.

"Come to my office right now!"

Without leaving any time for Fabian to collect himself, Jerome grabbed him by the neck and immediately left without even looking at Kevin and Emma.

Looking at the instructor who hastily brought Fabian away, Kevin stood up. Had he been a split second slower Kevin would've been forced to take action.

"Are you alright?"

Extending his hand towards Emma to help her stand up, Kevin had a troubled look on his face as he looked at the people around him groaning in pain on the floor.

Without responding to Kevin, Emma emotionlessly walked towards the entrance.

Reading the mood, Kevin shut up and followed her.

It seems like a storm was brewing

While this was happening Gojo was standing far away from the crowd watching the drama with bored face.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C3
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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