"Miss, will you kindly take your seat and stop the commotion."
The judge's request came after seeing the multiple expressions that flashed on her face, and the judge's rules didn't make any sense to Andromeda.
"Listen, Miss Kai." Attorney Longwei chose to cut in as well, keeping a strict visage as she looked at the nonplussed Andromeda.
"If you have anything to say, you know where to stand and voice out your opinion, not cause an uproar in a courtroom."
"Funny you could say that. I indeed have a query to make," she began ignoring any warning signs from Lawyer Chang.
Sensing something was about to come up, the Judge shot Andromeda a warning glare, regardless she proceeded to talk.
"If Your Honour would kindly grant me the audience, I would like to prove to the court how this man," she pointed at Wu Bai, "is so far from being innocent. He is a scoundrel and a harasser."
Happy New Month, Guys!
Thanks for the love.