Lunar introduced herself as an emissary of the sleeping giantess we were seeing, and while some asked if the giantess was a goddess, we were given a simple answer.
Even before Lunar's answer, some of us were ready to flare up at the question. That a creator allowed all that chaos and destruction, so Lunar's answer was unexpected.
Lunar's voice was something else especially. It had a tone that was both soothing and commanding.
Many were quiet, unable to speak. We all had questions. Where were we? What happened? Were we dreaming all along? Was it all a test?
I was going to ask Lunar a question since she was nearby but the moment my lips moved, I along with Junfeng and a few others I did not recognise were in a dark space.
I can't promise bonus chapters until my graduation, but I'll do all I can to post more than my regular update from time to time.