11.26% A Certain Magical Index / Chapter 8: Chapter 1: The Magician Lands on the Tower. Part 7

章節 8: Chapter 1: The Magician Lands on the Tower. Part 7

When the flames and smoke cleared, the entire area looked like hell.

The metal railings had warped like sugar sculptures and even the floor tiles had melted into something glue-like. The paint on the walls had peeled such that the concrete was visible.

The boy was nowhere to be seen.

However, Stiyl heard the footsteps of someone running along the passageway downstairs.

"…Innocentius," he whispered and the flames spread out across the area returned to human form, went over the railing, and followed the footsteps.

Internally, Stiyl was astonished. Nothing all that amazing had happened. Just before the explosion, in the instant Stiyl had sliced through the giant flame god with the two flame swords, Kamijou had let go with his right hand and jumped over the railing.

As he fell, Kamijou had grabbed the railing one floor below and pulled himself up onto the passageway. He had no lifeline and had pulled it off with pure guts and courage, making the recklessness rather apparent.


Stiyl gave a gentle smile. Kamijou now knew the weakness of the runes thanks to the knowledge of Index's 103,000 grimoires. As she had said, the rune magic Stiyl used was activated by carved engravings. That also meant that getting rid of the engravings would negate even the most powerful magic.

"So what?" Stiyl's expression showed no sign of concern. "You can't do it. It is utterly impossible for you to completely get rid of the runes carved into this building."

"I…! I really thought…! I really thought I was going to die back there!!"

After jumping over the railing on the 7th floor with no lifeline, Kamijou's heart was still pounding in his chest.

As he ran along the straight passageway, he looked around. In some way, he doubted Index's words. He had merely been trying to get away from Innocentius so that he could get some time to prepare himself.

"Damn it! What the hell is this!?"

But, Kamijou could not help but shout out when he saw what lay before him.

He did not need to wonder where the runes were carved into the large dorm building. In fact, he had already found them. They were on the floor, on the doors, and on the fire extinguisher. Scraps of paper about the size of telephone cards were stuck all over the building like Hoichi the Earless.

Based on Index's advice (he did not like having to recall that doll-like face), he had guessed that the magic was something like a jamming signal called a barrier and the runes were like the antennae sending the signal. But could he even tear off every single one of the tens of thousands of "antennae"?

With the roar of oxygen being absorbed, a human-shaped inferno dropped down onto the opposite side of the metal railing.


If he were to be caught again, tearing off the runes would have been impossible. Kamijou immediately made a dash for the emergency staircase to his side. As he jumped further and further down, he could see scraps of paper taped to the corners of the staircase and ceiling with strange symbols that must have been runes written on them.

They had clearly been mass produced with a copy machine.

Kamijou almost shouted out "How's a crappy copy like that supposed to work!?" but he then recalled that the appendix of shoujo manga could be used for tarot divination and even the bible was mass produced at a print shop.

Y'know… the occult just isn't fair. He digressed.

He felt like crying. Tens of thousands of those "rune engravings" were probably taped up all over the building. Could he find every single one of them? And, for all he knew, Stiyl was taping up new pieces of copy paper at that very moment.

As if to cut off his train of thought, Innocentius dropped down from farther up the staircase.


Kamijou gave up on heading further down the staircase and ran out into the passageway to the side. When the giant flame god struck the floor, flames scattered about the area and it charged into the passageway even as it bounced up from hitting the ground.

The passageway was straight and Kamijou had no way to escape Innocentius when it came down to pure speed.


Kamijou looked over to the entrance of the emergency staircase. According to the display, he was on the 2nd floor. With a roar, Innocentius charged straight forward in order to arrest Kamijou's right hand.


Instead of using his right hand or running away along the passageway, Kamijou jumped over the second floor railing.

It was only after he jumped that he realized that the ground below was asphalt and that a number of bicycles were stopped there.


He just barely managed to land between two bicycles, but he still landed on hard asphalt. He tried to bend his knees to absorb the shock of impact, but he still heard an unpleasant noise come from his ankle. He had only jumped from the second story and it did not feel broken, but he had hurt his ankle a bit all the same.

He heard the roar of flames absorbing oxygen coming from above.


Kamijou scrambled along the ground, kicking bicycles over as he did so, but nothing more happened.


Kamijou looked up with a puzzled look.

Still making the roaring noise, Innocentius was clinging to the second story railing and staring at Kamijou, who was on the ground. It was almost like there was an invisible wall preventing it from following Kamijou.

Apparently, the runes had only been placed on the dorm building. Kamijou had managed to escape Stiyl's flames by leaving the building.

Seeing that aspect of the runes made him feel like he now knew a bit about the invisible system of magic. He was not against a ridiculous opponent like the magicians in RPGs who could do anything by chanting a spell. Instead, his opponent acted based on set rules similar to the psychics that Kamijou knew.

He sighed.

Having been freed from any immediate threat to his life, strength left Kamijou's body. He sat down on the ground without even thinking. He was not afraid. Instead, he was assaulted with a different feeling that was more like a languid exhaustion. He started to wonder if he could escape all danger if he just ran away.

"I know. The police," Kamijou muttered.

Why had he not thought of it before? Academy City's police were something like an anti-esper special unit. Kamijou could just notify them rather than risk his own life.

Kamijou checked his pants pocket, but his cell phone had been crushed under his very own foot that morning.

Kamijou looked out toward the road and searched for a pay phone.

He was not doing it to run away.

He was not doing it to run away.

"…Then will you follow me to the depths of hell?"

And yet, those words still seemed to stab his chest.

He was doing nothing wrong. He was doing nothing wrong, but…

In that very same situation, Index had gone back for Kamijou Touma. Kamijou could not fathom going down to hell with a stranger that he had known for less than half an hour.

"Damn it. That's right. If I don't want to follow you to the depths of hell," Kamijou smiled, "Then I'll just have to drag you back out."

He thought it was about time he understood it.

He knew not how magic worked, but he did not need to know the workings of what he could not see. He could, for example, send an email without knowing the circuit diagram of his cell phone.

"…Huh. Once you understand that, it's really not that big of a deal."

He knew what he had to do, so now, he just needed to try it.

Even if he failed, it was still much better than doing nothing.

A metal railing warped and glowing orange fell down and Kamijou frantically rolled out of the way.

He may have made up his mind, but he still had to do something about that Innocentius before he could save Index. The real problem was the tens of thousands of runes. But could he really tear off all of those scraps of paper taped to the building?

"…Y'know, I'm surprised the fire alarm hasn't gone off with all of this going on."

It had just been an offhand comment, but Kamijou Touma froze in place once he said it. The fire alarm?

The fire alarms installed around the building all went off at once.


Amid that storm of roaring noise that sounded as loud as a bombing raid, Stiyl looked up at the ceiling.

Without a second's delay, the attached sprinklers sent out a typhoon-like manmade rain. Since having the firefighters called in would be a pain, Stiyl had written his orders for Innocentius such that it would not trigger the security sensors. This meant that Kamijou Touma had hit the fire alarm.

Did he think doing so would put out Innocentius's flames?


The notion was almost laughably ridiculous, but the magician believed the blood vessels in his head would burst when he considered that he was getting soaked for such a foolish reason.

Stiyl stared at the red fire alarm on the wall in annoyance.

It was easy enough to set the alarm off, but he could not stop it himself. As it was summer break, most of the residents of the dorm were out, but the situation could turn bothersome should firefighters arrive.


Stiyl looked around the area and then quickly picked up Index to leave. His goal was simply to recover Index, so there was no reason to get caught up in killing Kamijou. Given how long it would take for the firefighters to arrive, he could leave Innocentius on auto-chase and the boy would get a nice flaming embrace that would turn him into black charcoal or white ash.

This doesn't mean the elevator is stopped, does it? Stiyl thought with irritation.

He had heard that elevators were made to stop during emergencies. That would be quite depressing for Stiyl. He was on the 7th floor. Even if she were a girl, carrying an unconscious person down stairs was tiring.

That was why Stiyl was initially relieved to hear the microwave oven-like "ding" come from behind him.

Then he came to his senses.

Who was it? Who was on the elevator?

It was the evening of summer break and he had already checked to make sure all of the students had left the dorm, leaving it deserted. So who was it and why did they need the elevator?

The doors of the elevator clanked as they opened up. A single footstep on the floor wet from the sprinklers reverberated through the passageway.

Stiyl slowly turned around.

He had no idea why his body was trembling on the inside.

Kamijou Touma stood there.

What? What happened to Innocentius? Stiyl questioned.

Thoughts whirled around chaotically in Stiyl's head. Innocentius was like a cutting edge missile loaded in a fighter. After it locked on, it could never be escaped. No matter where you ran or hid, it would use its 3000 degree flames to melt through walls or obstacles, even if they were made of steel, and continue its chase. It was not something that could be escaped just by running around a building.

Yet he stood there.

He stood there unfazed, unstoppable, unassailable, and most of all, an unequivocal natural enemy.

"Come to think of it, runes are supposed to be carved into the walls and the floor, right?" said Kamijou as the cold manmade rain poured down on him. "Really, you're damn amazing. To be honest, I would've had no way to win if you had carved them with a knife. Feel free to brag about this all you want."

As he spoke, Kamijou Touma raised his right arm and pointed at above his head.

He pointed at the ceiling… at the sprinkler.

"…You can't mean! Those 3000 degree flames couldn't be put out by this!"

"Don't be stupid. Not the flames. How can you put those things all over people's homes?"

Stiyl then recalled the tens of thousands of rune papers he had set up on the dorm.

Paper was weak to water. Even kindergartners knew that.

By spraying water all over the building with the sprinklers, it did not matter if there were tens of thousands of the runes. He did not need to run around the building. Instead, he could press a single button and destroy all of the scraps of paper.

The muscles of the magician's face spasmed.


The instant he shouted that, the elevator door behind Kamijou melted like a sugar sculpture and the giant flame god crawled out into the passageway.

Each time the raindrops hit its body of flames, they evaporated with the sound of a beast's breathing.

"Ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha ha! Amazing! You have the battle sense of a genius! But you lack experience. Copy paper is not the same as toilet paper. Just getting it a bit wet isn't going to completely dissolve it!" The magician spread his arms while laughter exploded from his mouth and he shouted, "Kill him!"

Innocentius swung its arm like a hammer.

"Out of the way."

Kamijou Touma made that one statement. He did not turn around.

His right hand touched the giant flame god with a backhand blow and Innocentius exploded into all directions with a laughably pathetic noise.


Stiyl Magnus's heart truly did stop for an instant out of shock.

After being blown away, Innocentius did not revive. Black, fuel oil-like chunks of flesh were splattered about the area and all the chunks could do were feeble squirms.

"Im…possible… How… How! My runes haven't been destroyed yet!"

"What about the ink?" It seemed to take 5 years for Kamijou Touma's voice to reach Stiyl's ears. "Even if the copy paper hasn't been destroyed, the water will make the ink come off." Kamijou spoke in a leisurely manner. "Although, the water didn't seem to take out every last one."

The squirming pieces of Innocentius disappeared into thin air one at a time as the manmade rain continued to flow from the sprinklers. It was as if the ink on the copy paper taped all over the building was coming off in the rain one by one, causing Innocentius to lose power bit by bit.

The chunks of flesh disappeared one by one until finally the last one dissolved and disappeared.

"Innocentius… Innocentius!"

The magician's words were like those of a man shouting into a phone receiver after being hung up on.

"Now then."

That one statement was enough to make the magician's entire body flinch.

Kamijou Touma took a step toward Stiyl Magnus.

"Inno…centius…" the magician said… but not a single thing in the world responded.

Kamijou Touma took another step toward Stiyl Magnus.

"Innocentius… Innocentius, Innocentius!" the magician shouted… but not a single thing in the world changed.

Kamijou Touma finally started charging toward Stiyl Magnus like a bullet.

"A-Ash to ash, dust to dust, Squeamish Bloody Rood!" the magician finally roared, but not even a sword of flames appeared, much less the giant flame god.

Kamijou Touma drew near Stiyl Magnus and then continued even closer.

He clenched his fist.

He clenched his utterly normal right hand. He clenched his right hand that would be of no use unless in contact with the supernatural. He clenched his right hand that would not defeat even a single delinquent, not raise his test scores, and not make him popular with girls.

However, his right hand could also be quite useful.

After all, he could use it to punch out the bastard standing before him.

Kamijou Touma's fist slammed into the magician's face.

The magician's body rotated like a bamboo copter and the back of his head struck the metal railing.

OmnipresenceBeing OmnipresenceBeing

Chapter 1: Notes:

1. "Blue-haired pierced-eared" is "Aogami Pierce" in Japanese. That sounds like a name, so it is used as if it is his name from here on out.

2. Biri Biri is Japanese onomatopoeia for an electric shock.

3. Only notable due to the dragon imagery commonly associated with Imagine Breaker, but the Japanese word for tornado literally means "winding dragon".

4. Magic god is Majin(魔神) which could also mean demon god

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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