34.82% The Otome Game’s Extra / Chapter 35: Demon King

章節 35: Demon King

It was much harder to fight an animal than it did a man. The body and instincts were wholly different.

However, Simon didn't seem to be having a hard time. It looked like he was used to fighting animals.

In inhumanity of his opponent wasn't the problem.

What was ACTUALLY hard to deal with was the unending physical transformations and evolutions.

At times, his sense of distance and measuring would be ruined by Adam's turning from a gigantic guerrilla to a smaller wolf. Even sometimes going from two legged to eight armed to throw him off.

This kind of unpredictability couldn't be adapted against. It was the perfect counter to all fighters.

Though that didn't mean he was losing…

It just meant Adam could get some hits in.

Such a thing was useless when on his fifth Black Cigar, the 'devil' realised he could enhance the dark energy stabilising his body with Life Force. It was like reinforcing the glue sticking him together.

This lengthened the duration of the cigar to an everlasting effect. Allowing him to put the suitcase down and focus on fighting. The 'Red Bull' power flowing through him giving him great hostility.

"Assassin, you-" Just as he was about to ask the shapeshifter to 'reveal his true identity' again, the world started to slow down in his eyes when he noticed a foreign figure perch herself next to him.

She poked at the shadowy chimera, and waited for a reaction. When she saw it didn't even seem to notice her presence, Simon stopped attacking to look at the bunny girl and dark creature silently.

Even when time resumed to the normal speed, it didn't look like the chimera was going to react.

When his killing intent vanished, the formless opponent even turned into a mass of shadows.

A silent silhouette resembling that of a human.

Just lacking any features or characteristics.

"Long ears, are you with the Rabbit Clan? Are they the traitors?" The 'devil' was still in his own world.

His delusion becoming more vivid.

He seemed more certain that he was in his throne room. The new girl being here for assassination.

His senses focused entirely on her.

Straightening his sword-like back, he put on a majestic air unlike the one she'd seen in Nyuara.

This was the dominating pressure of a tyrant…

Regardless, she wasn't phased by his threats whatsoever. Even being able to give him a smile.

She mouthed something while pointing to him:

{Behind you.}

As if by reflex, he turned his head slightly. Only to see that there were no one there to be worried of.

The face titled to the side then quickly reacted to a tiny glint going past from the corner of his vision.

He looked down in front of his chest to see the two transparent figures covered in magic camouflage.

"Hello~" Hyuk waved at him from up close, causing him to instantly react to attack the reckless duo.

His fist about to cut through air to puncture them.

It was at that moment the Martial King came forward to block the two arms before they could even move. With a hugging motion, the handsome man walked out of the magical camouflage and restricted his enemy through 'not cooperating'.

His arms and legs getting in the way of the motions Simon needed to do before throwing out a strike.

It was at that moment Sebas had circled around.

"This is for before." The Magician clenched his fist and chanted: "Blacken, enhance, become the fist of the enforcer— Dark Reinforcement!" Dark Mana was focused from the surroundings into his fist.

He used the basic 'Bone Crusher' signature attack he was known for to bash Simon's ribs heavily.

A creaking noise resounded…

"Sorry~" When the 'devil' tensed up, Hyuk used this opportunity to step back and leap forward.

Qi infused into his fist. The basic Martial Art that could be learnt on the streets was preformed.

Except on the level of a Martial King!

The moment his fist connected, the Qi infused into his hand 'exploded' out at a 0.1 second duration.

This double attack nearly knocked out the 'devil'.

His consciousness waned when he slammed onto the ground with full force, but he tried to retaliate.

Only to be welcomed by Velma's foot.


There was no cracked concrete because of the nature of this dimension, but his entire body shook.

The strength of a Beastkin was beyond that of a normal human. Their muscles were much denser.

Simon's deformed face stuck to her heel as she lifted it up. It was truly a brutal ambush they did.

However, all of them were clear this was necessary.

Though for Velma specifically, she was already used to curb-stomping opponents into the dirt.

However, before they could let out a sigh of relief, a hand grabbed her by the ankle lifted her up high.

"Urgh…!" She fell into Sebastian.

This left Hyuk alone to fight by himself when the red-eyed figure approached with a swollen face.

"All assassins must die…!" The 'devil' roared while attacking. His fist crashing into the man's weapon.

Although the Martial King was able to use his sword to block the attack, the clasped fingers opened up into a deadly claw. It grabbed the swordsman's blade and bypassed his guard.

The result was clear for all to see.

Although they managed a successful ambush, it would be years before they could win against him.

Several attacks bruised up his attackers similarly.

The only one uninjured being the bunny girl, who was sensitive enough to escape when he attacked.

Her eyes composed while exchanging glances to the duo. They had discussed a few strategies.

And now was the time to use them.

As someone who knew Shane and his 'other disciples' personally, she had a way of reminding him of their existence. She might not've seen him before ascending, but she knew their familiarity.

There was no way he could be hostile against his disciples. They were like a joint family unit.

With that in mind, her hand reached out and took put the makeup box holstered from her waist.

The Mystic Tool 'Superstar Secret' was revealed in all its glory. Her body injecting a type of Qi into it.

Sebas sensed this energy to be like a mixture between Mana and the type of energy Hyuk used.

However, it was still indeed a type of 'Qi'.

Patterns glowed a deep cyan hue on the Mystic Tool. Then it opened up to release a DUST cluster.

Dissolved Unified Train Texture of any nature always appeared in the form of sand-like 'clusters'.

Each grain resonating and keeping close to each other… Which allowed them to be infused with Qi.

The opened box was returned to the back of her waist as she grabbed thick cloister of cyan DUST.

It was then the 'Hard-Light DUST' transformed into the weapon of her choice, one she had studied the most under the help of an ally. A rifle sheath and chokutō appeared in her hand based on her image.

Each transformative magic inscribed and engineered into the weapon was reapplied.

The nature of her weapon was revealed…

…as a Mystic Tool that projected Mystic Tools!

'High Fell' and 'Low Fell' were perfectly copied into her hands. Besides the cyan colour, it looked like exactly the same device Simon had daringly helped his disciple develop, but he couldn't remember…

The memories seemed too vague and insignificant compared to his time as a monarch above all.

On top of that, her animal features were too similar to a Beast's human form when outside of battle.

At least, that's how this Demon King saw it.

To him, the blade was only slightly familiar.

"Nice weapon, did your mom make it?" He was unaware how amusing his response was to hear.

She cracked up at this absurd question.

The muscles on her legs weaved and tensed up before she lunged upwards him with super speed.

The 'Red Velveteen Hoofed Among Hare' still was active. Making her seem like a blurry sight to most.

With a rapid pull of a trigger, several sheath propelled quick draws slashed into his body…

…or at the very least, they should've struck him.

Instead, Simon instantly shifted his body to avoid them despite the unnatural speed of her attacks.

"They're even…?" Sebastian blurted out while watching Simon retreat, but Hyuk corrected him:

"Velma is still much weaker than him." When the Martial King saw his inquiring look, he continued:

"She's definitely faster than him, but he's able to dodge. It means he's dodging before her attack even begins. Do you know what that means?" His question was with the sound of a weapon cracking.

Perhaps he considered the technical knowledge to dismantle the 'Low Hell' as just part of his talents.

The strategy seemed like a two-sided sword.

If Simon remembers things without internalising them properly, her attacks would have no meaning.

She held the chokutō with both hands and fought using her own style of Iaido. Much different than what Shane had taught her. By internalising the style as her own, it altered to fit her disposition.

Her eyes were cold as she gently altered the route of his attacks with pinpoint precision and flexibility.

There was no inherent 'aggression' in her style.

Only planned and calculated coldness. The exact opposite of what Simon was able to remember.

Moreover, her speed was much faster than him…!

Sebastian and Hyuk couldn't interfere while the duo traded blows and parries without stopping.

They were at the brink of trying to intervene.

However, a hand grabbed onto their shoulders and stopped them. Nyaura had moved from her post.

"What are you doing here?" They couldn't believe she came all this way, but she didn't answer Sebas.

Her eyes stared at the two before stating:

"Just watch."

"We have to help. Look…!" Hyuk pointed at the figures. The tides started to favour Simon more.

The Harem King knew enough to see who was going to lose. He was a Martial Artist, after all.

That's why he could confidently assert:

"She might be fast and really talented, but she can't do anything against experience. Their 'tempo' is different. When she uses her speed to do one task, he's already multitasked several techniques."

His words were proven when Velma was being pushed back. Her great speed was meaningless.

As someone who had fought countless battles, it was easy to pick apart the bunny's weaknesses.

Even if she fought smart and patiently, her lack of foundation caused his basic combat sense to overwhelm her. This was an ultimate yet secret technique that couldn't be 'imitated' by anyone.

It was a technique that even Shane couldn't fully master despite having been taught it years ago.

The mastered secret technique unique to Simon.

It was aptly named as… 'Sleuth Sleight'!

'Sleuth' meaning to carefully investigate a crime or mystery. To determine the enemy's weakness.

'Sleight' meaning to use dexterity and cunning to deceive the opponent. Hiding your real intentions.

A mere copycat who stole techniques couldn't possibly know every application his martial arts.

That was just the strength gained by experience.

Regardless of how she may seem talented, there was an insurmountable gap that was unattainable.

Only those who'd suffered through the same battles and wars as Simon could understand it.

So why was Nyaura uselessly stopping them?

Did she want her friend to die?

"Don't look down on her. I'm scary by myself, but the reason my people don't even think of rebelling against me… is because of her. Even Shane isn't as scary as her." Her words felt too enigmatic to them.

They couldn't understand what she possibly meant, and Hyuk saw it as baseless confidence.

Let's say Velma really was 'scarier' than Shane.

But still, was he Simon's disciple?

There was a vast gap between the strength of a mentor and student, so her words were futile.

At least, that's what they initially believed…


The sound of electricity surged, and they watched as she exploded out to crush Simon's rhythm.

Her style completely changed…

Cyan flames appeared when the blade slashed. A streak of lightning had etched itself onto the edge.

"She can use the Magic Style…?" Sebastian's words made Hyuk turn, which gave reason to pay him back for the explanation earlier. He managed to straighten his creaky back proudly, while saying:

"It's what I use. Magic and Martial Arts are used together to create a synchronised resonances. The only difference between mine and hers is that she's using her 'Qi' like you would… but I'm sure of it: It's a style that can probably turn the tides again."

"Not quite…" The Martial King poured cold water on his proud statement. Things weren't that simple.

"…Why not?" He genuinely felt confused, and wanted to talk about how amazing the style was.

However, his friend just lifted his hand to stop him.

"Just watch." Hyuk pointed at the battle.

Truthfully, Velma's use of 'Lightning Qi' had caught him off guard. He even dodged some electric bolts.

The forcible and variable Magic Style helped a lot.

Unfortunately, it was still a 'style' of fighting.

As long as it had any unsaid 'rules' within those myriad variables, it had an exploitable weakness.

The tides were still in his favour.

Although she could seamlessly switch between styles, he was getting used to her martial arts.


One of her sleeves tore…

"Stay." Nyaura still insisted while looking at the two separate after an explosive retaliation of lightning.

She continued while smiling:

"My people nicknamed her 'Fang Breaker' for a reason." And her words were soon proven right.

Looking at her torn sleeve, Velma lifted her hand and erotically posed while covering her vitals.

Then whispered: "You wouldn't hit a girl, right?"

It was truly a nonsensical thing to say between two genuine fighters. However, her beauty struck him.

The bewitchment of a Seduction Technique taught to her by Hyuk caught the Demon King off-guard.

Normally, this wouldn't have worked…

It didn't matter if she was a beauty in a well-crafted dress. He'd seen it all before and had many wives.

Except… the heart-shaped Qi wave affected him.

With the 'holes' that'd usually leak out his magical energy shut and his magical abilities healed, his biggest strength became the weakness that once again slipped him up. He looked at her intently…

The way she twirled her hip to the way she bit her lip. It erupted a fire within his heart momentarily.

But could pure girl like her seduce depravity…?

As Simon had experienced as much sex as he did battles, such temptations only made him shiver.

His composure was quickly regained…

The two of them stopped fighting for a moment. It looked like Velma realised that her seduction failed.

Not that it mattered.

Her true intent was to get a breather.

She watched as the 'devil' approached. His big strides fast enough that he immediately stood in front of her. Their physiques and sizes were miles apart. She was practically a head shorter than him.

The Martial King gulped from the side….

Simon seemed so small when he was messing around them… Was he always such a giant?

The 'devil' looked down on the puny creature.

How did it dare stand before its master?

All under the heavens were his property. To cause him harm was to besmirch the honour of a ruler.

Did she have no fear…?

No… That wasn't quite right.

He could notice the small but constant shivers that ran through her body. Her high natural instinct.

How could a rabbit fight against an angry bull?

Utter nonsense… He started to wonder why she allowed him to approach so close in the first place.

His heavy gaze fell on her smiling figure.

She started to fidget around cutely- In fact, literally everything she did could be summed up as 'cute'.

"Wanna play?" She put her hands behind her back and turned up to look directly at those red eyes.

His silence was her answer.

Simon was far too 'rational' to dance with danger. A mere rabbit assassin was worth nothing in his eyes.

"Do you want to die?" He leaned forward to look back menacingly. Their faces almost touched.

This time, it was Velma's turn not to answer.

The bunny chuckled and opened her arms with a shrugging motion. The blade still held in her hand.

He wondered if she was taunting him.

What puzzled the 'Devil' even more was her next action. The chokutō in her hand turned into DUST.

Being retrieved right back into Superstar Secret.

"What is she doing?!" Sebastian was the one who was about to run to her aid, but thing had changed.

This time, it was both Hyuk and Nyuara that held him back. Their eyes holding a tiny glint in them.

There was no need for words anymore.

All they needed to do was to give her trust.

They watched as Simon watched the foolish girl in a daze. Her arrogance far surpassed his own.

Did she really think she could resist him?

Was she planning to cross counter at the last second? Bring him down with his own momentum?

'What a silly girl…' He lifted his arms up high with an atmosphere that demanded a show of respect.

For he would execute her with the move that made his name known as tyrant that judged all 'criminals'.

His arms descended on her tiny figure…

The 'Double Hammer Mongolian Chop' fell!


She managed to catch his arms before they raptured her spine, but not the 'Dark Energy'.

Velma could do nothing as the raging power that had coursed through him flooded into her body.

It fell in like a waterfall trying to fill a small cup.

"Aaaargh…" Simon's eyes widened when he heard not a cry of death, but an unenthusiastic moan.

As if she was trying to act like she was in pain.

He had not thought far enough or remembered a key detail. Which was that he had FIVE disciples.

Each of them learning a different secret technique.

The raging power of the Demon King circulated through her body rather than causing any damage.

Her hair turned red after making it her own…

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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