Shang vanished.
The ghostly white figure that had just been standing in front of the door had vanished.
Of course, that didn't really matter since the Mages weren't able to perceive him with their Spirit Senses anyway.
At this moment, Shang was moving through the corridors at rapid speeds without making any noise and without being seen.
Over the many decades, Shang had comprehended all the different forms of Impose.
Yes, Shang was at the Peak True Path Stage right now.
After gaining access to all forms of Impose, Shang's power exploded more and more, and he also managed to combine several of his Elements.
For the past 40 years, Shang had been focusing on combining his four different Imposes into one.
Sadly, without any success.
This was the last step Shang needed to take in order to reach the Fifth Realm, and it definitely wasn't easy to take.
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