The four Mages stood in a large hall in front of the gathered leaders of the northern offensive.
"So, to summarize," the blue-haired man, the Peak Mage, said, "the warrior managed to evade all your Spells, caught Esther due to an error in her judgment, and wanted to negotiate with us. But instead of accepting his offer, you followed the law and attacked him. Is that correct?"
There was currently a Truth Verification Spell active, and the Mages were forced to speak the truth.
They nodded.
The blue-haired man furrowed his brows and looked at the table with furrowed brows as he leaned back.
No one spoke anything for ten seconds.
"You followed the law. You may leave," he said.
The four Mages performed a respectful salute and left the hall.
After they left, no one in the hall spoke for a while.
Most of them were looking at the chair Esther had recently occupied.
Novel on hiatus until both broken arms are healed.
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