The wheel slowed down and eventually stopped on Shang's next opponent.
It was the image of a smug, silver, cyborg-tiger. Its outer casing was shining brightly.
A moment later, Shang's opponent appeared in the distance.
It was a silver tiger, nearly two meters high.
That was about it.
There was nothing fancy or special about its appearance.
However, this didn't mean that it was weak. After all, the trial had obviously judged this tiger to be quite powerful.
'Tigers have devastating offensive powers, and they are quite fast. Usually, their defense would be their weak point. However…'
The jester slowly lifted his hammer and hit the bell.
At that moment, the tiger noticed Shang.
The tiger looked at Shang for three seconds.
Shang wasn't sure what the tiger was thinking, but he could swear he could feel some disdain building inside the tiger.
Then, the tiger's lips parted as it showed its teeth.
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