"I was lucky. I got him with the Flying Beast Defense Technique."
Inside a tavern, several guards were talking to each other.
"So you were the reason why he managed to evade my spears!" another guard on the table grumbled.
The first guard only snickered. "Well, I was the first one. How did your fight go?"
"I think I was the fourth he fought," the other guard said. "Luckily, he didn't know the Earth Beast Cracker. I don't remember what his weapon was, but I remember that I managed to make him lose his weapon. The fight was over after that."
"Yeah, he probably wears one of these Haze Masks," the first guard said. "Of course, I can't remember."
At that point, another guard walked through the doors since his shift had just ended.
"Hey, Steve!" the second guard shouted. "Over here!"
The newest guard, Steve, walked over with a laugh and sat down. "What's up?" he asked.
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