27.27% Spring rain [Brothers Conflict Fanfic] [BoyxBoy] / Chapter 6: Chapter 3: Ema's older brother is a crossdresser?!

章節 6: Chapter 3: Ema's older brother is a crossdresser?!

After sitting in silence for a little while, Haruame sighed and got up from the couch. He guessed the coffee was for him but since it had gone cold, He dumped it out and made a new cup. He didn't care how hot it was, He chugged it until nothing was left in the cup before he proceeded to put an ice cube in his burning mouth. {A/N: Thats what you get for chugging hot coffee!! Who does that anyway?!} 

Haruame then washed the cup and went upstairs to his room. He looked around for his phone and finally found it under his bed. He doesn't even know how it got under there but oh well. He turned on his phone and checked the time, It was 3:08 which means that Ema, Yuusuke, most likely Subaru, Iori and Wataru would be coming home soon. Haruame decided to clean up his room and tidy it up before he would put any of his belongings away. 

By the time Haruame noticed, It was 4:58 am. His room was clean and tidy, All his things were put away nicely and his bed was made. With the only exception being Haruame focusing too much and spending 1 hour and 60 minutes cleaning up an already quite clean room. 

Haruame groaned and rubbed his head in irritation, He grabbed his satchel and put his phone, a notebook, some pens, a book on animals some gum and some other small things. He changed his clothes in casual clothes, He was wearing a peach sweater that went down to his knees, black leggings, he put on some light makeup and grabbed a brown wig from his closet. He adjusted the wig and put it into a low ponytail, He changed his glasses into brown rimmed circular glasses. He checked the time again before he opened the door and headed downstairs. 

He saw most of the brothers on the sofa, a few were in the dining room but no one seemed to notice him as they were all busy with their own things. Haruame then quickly ran up to Masaomi and tapped him on the shoulder. 

Masaomi looked up and was shocked to see a brown haired girl next to him. He was about to ask who she was when the girl spoke to him. " It's me, Haruame. I'm going out for a bit and might be back by dinner time, If I'm not then don't be worried. I'll be back the next day or late at night. " Haruame informed Masaomi, who was stunned speechless. The other brothers had looked over too and were surprised to say the least. 

[ Haruame's POV ] 

" Haruame!! " Ema yelled at me, I looked up at her and tiled my head to the side. 

" What Ema? Is something the matter? " I asked her. She was flustered and couldn't form a single stance while I was over here very utterly confused as to what she wanted. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at Masaomi, Who was in the same state as Ema was. 

I sighed, " I simply came down here to tell you that. I don't have anyone's phone number so I couldn't just text you. " I clarified for him, Masaomi just nodded his head before asking me a question that made me chuckle. 

" Um . . . Haruame  . . . Are you  . . . a girl? " 

I began chuckling before giving him an answer that didn't clarify anything, " What do you think? I prefer my gender to be a secret, But its not like I care of anyone finds out. Well, I'll be going now. Chao~ " I smiled at him and the rest sitting on the couch. I turned around and was about to leave before Ema quickly ran up to me and grabbed my arm, She was glaring at me again. 

" What Ema? " I asked with disinterest filling my voice. If she had no plan to fix our relationship then why should I try? 

" You aren't going to a club again, Are you? " She asked me, I was surprised because to be honest I didn't know that she even knew that I used to go to clubs.  She was quite distant when that phase started, Well maybe she does want to fix this after all but she's too shy or a Tsundere? No, Ema isn't a Tsundere. Its probably just shyness and the fact that she grew distant from me. 

Ema asked me the question again but louder and snapped me out of my daze, I chuckled and removed my arm from her grasp. She was the one who started this game, I'm simply playing it. 

" What If I am? Ema, What can you do to stop me? " I smirk at her, I saw her begin tearing up before she quickly ran up to her room and slammed the door. A few of the brothers started glaring at me but I Ignored them and began walking up the stairs as I heard a voice coming from the couches that were the stairs. 

" That wasn't very nice towards Ema, Why didn't answer her question? You've made her cry now " The voice was gentle and almost mysterious but Also firm and determined. I finish walking up the stairs and look towards the voice, Only to see a young male adult with shoulder length wavy Light ash brown hair that slightly covered one of the males eyes, He had Mauve colored eyes and was wearing a white undershirt, a low cut-v black shirt, A light blue polka dotted jacket and dark red trousers. He was wearing a long necklace with colorful beads. I didn't realize I was staring until I heard the male clear his throat while looking at me. I snapped out of my daze and turned my head away from him, Shit! Shit! This guy is exactly my type!! Fuck!! Why god!! 

I sighed and simply ignored him before walking towards the elevator, I didn't give any of the brothers a chance to speak as I walked into the elevator and quickly closed the door before pushing the ground floor button. I really need to get out of here, Like now. 

[ Author's POV ] 

Once the doors had closed, Haruame realized something and that was that he hated Elevators. He cursed himself in his head as he started feeling light headed, He held onto the bar and crouched to the floor. He tried to steady his breathing as he hoped the doors would open soon, He squeezed his eyes shut and began counting up to 100. He got to 90 when the doors finally opened up. 

Haruame stood up shakily and wobbled out of the Elevator, He held onto the walls to keep himself steady as he wobbled over to a bench that was close to the Elevator. It was worse this time than it was when he was with Masaomi, Since he was with someone, It wasn't nearly as bad as it usually is. However, because he was too focused on getting out of that house, He forgot about his thing for Elevators. 

Haruame let a shaky sigh out and covered his eyes with his sleeve, He stayed like that for a bit before he heard the Elevator ding and opened again. He turned his head to the side and saw the young man from before. He cursed his luck and covered his face again, praying to god that he didn't recognize him. 

Unfortunately for him, Louis easily recognized him since he was still in drag. Louis walked over to him and sat down next to him. Louis stayed quiet and just stared at the doors of the complex. He heard a small sigh come from Haruame and looked next to him. Haruame forced himself to not blush, It had been a while since he had seen a guy that was his exact type. He sat up properly and rubbed his legs to stop them from shaking so much, He then realized that Louis was watching him. 

" Is there something I can help you with? Did Ema ask you to come after me? " Haruame inquired as he continued to rub his legs. Louis tilted his head with slight confusion, " Are you alright? Your legs are shaking quite badly " He asked, he didn't even try to hide the concern in his voice. However. He still ignored Haruame's question. 

It surprised Haruame, He wasn't used to this kindness as he was usually alone or around clients. He felt his face heat up again but he desperately fought it off. He glanced up at Louis before looking back at his lap, " Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy from the elevator, I'll be fine in a second. Besides that, can you answer my question. Why are you here? " 

" I came to see if you were alright, Also to see if you were willing to apologize to Ema. She was worried about you and Although she didn't go about it the right way, She was only concerned about you. I don't know what your relationship with her is like but I still don't think that It's alright to make your little sister cry like that. " Louis voiced his opinion as he looked up at the ceiling with a dazed look. 

Haruame fell into concentration as he thought about Louis's words. What he said was true. He might have been a bit too harsh towards her. She knew that he used to go Clubs and would stay out for more than a week without contacting her or dad, So she was probably worried that he was going to disappear again without any warning. 

Haruame sighed once again, Gaining Louis's attention. 

" I guess I was kinda harsh on her just then, It's just  . . .  She was the one who started this whole distance thing and told me to break all contact with her So I simply played her game. But that was just me being childish, I was just upset that she didn't want to be around me. We were so close then one day she just got all distant with me and It hurt me. 

I'll apologize to her  . . . when I'm finished with my work. " Haruame straightened up again, He almost forgot what he got dressed for. He stood up and got his phone out, He checked the time before grabbing his satchel and searching something up on his phone. 

" Work? Whats your job? Masaomi only told me your name and that you were staying with us. Why don't we properly introduce ourselves first? " Louis suggested, holding his hand out to me. I gulped and shook his hand, " I'm Haruame, I work as a freelance writer. Its nice to meet you "  Haruame introduced himself with a small smile gracing his face. 

" I'm Louis, I work as a hairdresser. It's nice to meet you too " Louis was also smiling as the two shook hands. Once they finished introducing themselves, Haruame's phone rang. Haruame got it out and felt his eye twitch when he saw the caller ID: Julia. 

He accepted the call and quickly distanced it from his ear, He saw Louis look at him curiously. He sighed and covered the speaker in his phone just as Julia yelled a jumble of words. 

" ** Julia! Calm down before you speak!! I can't understand you!! " Haruame yelled in English, {A/N: When Haru-chan speaks in English there will be two ** of those next to the words.} and heard Julia clear her throat before she began speaking again. 

" ** Sorry, I was too excited. What are you doing right now? Have you moved in with your sister and your new brothers? " Julia inquired, She had a very clear and pretty voice that would be perfect for singing, If not for the fact she was the worst when it came to singing. 

Haruame glanced back at Louis, to see Louis sitting down and watching the ceiling. He wasn't sure if Louis could understand English but he hoped he couldn't. 

" ** Yeah, I've moved in. I've already met 9 of my new brothers, Showed them my sleep-deprived state, Showed them me in drag, made Ema cry and basically suggested that I was going to go to a club. So how's your day going? " Haruame told Julia, who went silent. She was one of the few people who knew about his state when he didn't sleep and was the one who always went with him to clubs So she knows him pretty well. 

" ** Well Shit, I'd move out now. Just move away. You can't recover from that, Like no. I've seen you when you lack sleep, You're creepy as hell dude. But anyway, Have you gathered anything new on the project? Anything that could help? " Julia prayed silently for Haruame, Before she got back to the point of the call. 

" **  Yeah. I'm going to go visit an animal clinic right now, I'm going to interview some vets about your clinic and see what they say about it. Then I'm going to look up their clinic at home and compile a folder of the bad things vets say about your clinic and the good things vet's say about your clinic. Then I'll add some pro's and con's to the article before sending it to you so you can look over it and see if anything needs to be changed. " Haruame explained, He quickly switched into his business mood as he slipped his satchel over his shoulder and headed towards the doors to leave the complex. 

He continued to talk to Julia as he walked down the street. He noticed that Louis was walking with him but he didn't really care as he wasn't bothering him and was just watching the clouds. Haruame thought he looked really attractive when he was dazed but he kept that bit to himself as he conversed with Julia. 

{Louis's POV} 

I heard a commotion from downstairs so I sat up from my spot on the couch and looked down, I saw a young male(?) with long brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing womans clothing. Could he be like Hikaru? I heard him say something to Ema that made her upset and run upstairs and take the elevator to her room that was on the fourth floor. I don't like seeing Ema cry, So I was going to go after her but I saw the young male start walking up the stairs. 

I found that I couldn't hold myself back from speaking my mind towards him, However he just stared at me before Proceeding to Ignore me and head to the Elevator. I didn't feel upset that he ignored me, No I found that I didn't really care. I asked Masaomi who he was, " That's our new brother " Masaomi informed me, I thought that my rivals have increased by one. I was already competing against my brothers and now i have to compete against someone who has lived with Ema for most of her life. I didn't get as jealous as I thought though, He seemed interesting so maybe we can be friends. Perhaps I could style his hair. 

I saw Iori and Subaru head to Elevator, probably to go and comfort Ema. I entered with them but didn't get off at the 4th floor, Instead I went to the ground floor.

When I exited the elevator, I saw the young male, Masaomi told his name before I left so I wouldn't have to call him that, Haruame sitting on a bench close to the elevator with his arm covering his eyes. His legs were shaking a tiny bit and so were his arms. 

He looked like a scared bunny, He looked kinda cute trying to hide his face so I wouldn't recognize him. I walked over to him and saw him slightly tense up, he didn't move so neither did I. I just stared up at the ceiling, Until I heard him sigh. I looked over at him and saw him rubbing his legs to stop them from shaking. 

He soon realized I was watching and asked me If i needed anything from him. However, I chose to ignore his question as my mysterious concern got the best of me. I asked him If he was alright, to which he said that the elevator just made him a bit dizzy and that he would be fine soon. He asked me again what I was doing here. I didn't Ignore the question this time and told him I wanted to check to see if he was alright and consider apologizing to Ema. I told Haruame that Ema was just worried about him and thankfully that seemed to have gotten to him. 

He understood that he made her worried but he told me something surprising, He said that Ema was the one who distanced herself first and told him to not contact her again. He said he was being childish, to which I chuckled to in my head. He said that he was just upset and hurt because they used to be so close before and then she suddenly distanced herself from him and it really hurt him. I felt like I could understand, If one of my brothers suddenly became distant towards me and told me to never contact or see him again, That would really hurt me. That must have been one reason why he came here, to fix his relationship with his sister. 

He told me that he would apologize to Ema after he finished his work. I was a bit surprised because the way he was dressed didn't seem like a work uniform. After I said we should properly introduce ourselves, We also told each other our professions. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Haruame was a freelance writer. He also seemed a bit surprised to hear that I was a hairdresser. 

Soon after we introduced ourselves, He got a phone call. I noticed that his eye slightly twitch when he pulled his phone out. I took a seat again and looked back up at the ceiling, I didn't want to seem noisy or like I was an eavesdropper. However, It was quite hard to not hear their conversation because they were speaking english, I happen to know english. Though I'm self-taught I can still understand some words and form sentences so I couldn't help but pick up some key-words from their conversation. 

I could make out a name, Julia. That was probably the caller. She must be American judging from her name and the fact that she was speaking English. I think she asked Haruame about his new brothers and Ema. I'm pretty sure Haruame was being sarcastic when he answered her, He had quite the blank expression on his face that also made me chuckle out loud. They then proceeded to talk about work, An animal clinic and An article. 

I stopped listening to them as I began gazing at the ceiling, It was a pretty white color. 

As I was staring at the ceiling, I heard footsteps coming closer to the bench. I watched Haruame pick up his satchel and put it over his shoulder before he started to walk out the complex. I don't know why but I followed him, He didn't seem to mind as all he did was give me a side glance before he continued to talk on the phone. I just looked up and began watching the clouds as I followed him to wherever he was going to. 

[A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter. What do you guys think about Louis's personality. I'm not sure that I portrayed it correctly since hes more the mysterious, beautiful young Male that is very mellow and calm.]

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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