94.77% Bleach: Threads of Fate / Chapter 127: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 127: Bount Hunt

章節 127: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 127: Bount Hunt

Yato and Ichigo were soaring through the sky, scanning for any traces of reiatsu that might lead them to the Bounts, but their efforts were in vain. The urgency of their departure from the hospital had left them without the mod-souls, which could have helped detect the Bounts' presence.

"Damn it! How are we supposed to find them?!" Ichigo shouted in frustration.

Yato was slow to respond, his mind still occupied with worry for Rukia. She was alone, facing the shinigami Maki Ichinose. Although Yato couldn't recall Ichinose's abilities precisely, he remembered that Zaraki had originally defeated him. The unease and frustration within Yato grew with each passing minute, and the significant alterations to the events were starting to unravel his calm, making him increasingly agitated.

'This time, I won't even give the Bounts a chance to reach Soul Society…' he thought angrily before turning to Ichigo. "Ichigo, do you mind keeping an eye on me?"

Ichigo looked at him, puzzled. "What are you going to do?"

"Find the Bounts," Yato replied seriously, gripping his zanpakutō. "Sing, Ōkagetsu." He released his shikai, which immediately began to emanate blue flames. "Ni no Uta, Aoitori." •Second Song, Blue Bird•

The blue flames dispersed into small birds made entirely of fire. Initially, they hovered dangerously close to Yato, their fiery wings flapping intensely as if agitated. Soon, they began to fly off in different directions, searching for their targets.

Ichigo noticed that Yato was deeply focused, blue flames now encircling his eyes, the same hue as the fiery birds. He recalled Yato using this ability back in Soul Society, explaining that it was for surveillance and communication.

In Ichigo's mind, this ability seemed only useful for covering more ground in the search for the Bounts, but Yato had spoken with such certainty that Ichigo decided to set aside his doubts.

# Meanwhile #

Near the mansion that the Bounts had previously used as a hideout, the clash of blades rang through the air.

Rukia and Ichinose exchanged rapid, precise blows with their zanpakutōs, their movements a blur as they darted around the area.

Ichinose lunged at the petite shinigami once more, aiming a diagonal slash, but Rukia deftly blocked his blade with her own. The two shinigami pressed their zanpakutōs against each other, both gripping their swords with both hands, trying to overpower the other. In a swift motion, Rukia extended her left hand toward Ichinose.

"Hainawa!" From her left hand, a crackling yellow energy rope formed and shot towards Ichinose. Due to their close proximity, the rope ensnared him, but his expression remained calm and unfazed.

Taking advantage of her immobilized opponent, Rukia swung her zanpakutō towards him. However, just as her blade was about to make contact, Ichinose's zanpakutō began to emit a blinding light, momentarily obscuring Rukia's vision. She heard his voice, clear and steady.

"Flicker with Splendor, Nijigasumi."

The dazzling light intensified, forcing Rukia to shield her eyes. The brilliance of Nijigasumi was overwhelming, and for a moment, she lost sight of her opponent. The energy rope around Ichinose dissolved in the radiant glow.

When the light dimmed slightly, Ichinose stood before her, free from her Kidō. His zanpakutō glowed with a myriad of colors, like a shimmering rainbow.

"Your reflexes are impressive, Rukia Kuchiki," Ichinose remarked, his tone a mixture of admiration and resolve. "But do not underestimate the power of my Nijigasumi."

Rukia steadied herself, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponent. The brilliance of Nijigasumi made it difficult to focus, but she knew she had to adapt quickly. She took a deep breath, her grip on her zanpakutō tightening as she prepared for the next exchange.

With a swift motion, Ichinose attacked again, his blade leaving a trail of light as it moved. Rukia met his strike with her own, the force of their clash sending sparks flying. The light from Nijigasumi was blinding, but Rukia relied on her instincts, her training guiding her movements as she countered and parried Ichinose's attacks.

Rukia shifted her stance, her eyes flickering with determination. "Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!" she called out, slamming her palm forward. Six beams of light erupted from her hand, aiming to pin Ichinose in place.

Ichinose's eyes widened slightly, but he reacted swiftly. "Not this time." With a swift motion, he swung Nijigasumi, the blade's light splitting the beams before they could reach him.

Rukia anticipated his counter and was already moving. She darted to the side, closing the distance between them. "Dance, Sode no Shirayuki." Her blade shimmered with frost as she unleashed her attack but Ichinose countered with a powerful swing of Nijigasumi. The clash of ice and rainbow light sent sparks flying, the air crackling with their combined reiatsu.

"You seem agitated, Rukia Kuchiki. Could it be concern for your friends?" Ichinose asked suddenly, his voice cutting through the noise of battle.

Rukia remained silent, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Or perhaps... it's the fact that your friends don't trust you?" Ichinose continued. "After all, that boy even suggested you all fight together against me, and I must admit, despite being cowardly, he was right. Your chances of defeating me would be greater."

"Don't speak nonsense." Rukia responded in a serious voice, her grip tightening on Sode no Shirayuki.

"I'm not saying this to provoke you. To me, it's quite dishonorable for that boy not to trust you... almost as if he expected you to lose if you fought alone."

Rukia maintained her silence, but internally she struggled to control her emotions. She trusted Yato, but now she felt the unsettling doubt that he didn't fully trust her.

The battlefield was a stark contrast of ice and rainbow light, each swing of their blades creating an explosive collision. The ground beneath them was scarred from their intense duel, fragments of frost and light scattering with each clash. Rukia's breath came in controlled, steady rhythms, her eyes never leaving Ichinose's.

Ichinose's words gnawed at her, threatening to break her concentration. The idea that Yato, someone she considered a precious tô her, might not believe in her abilities stung deeply. She fought to keep those thoughts at bay, focusing instead on the immediate threat before her.

Ichinose pressed his advantage, his movements precise and relentless. "I can see it in your eyes, Rukia Kuchiki....the Doubt."

Rukia parried another strike, the force of the blow reverberating through her arms. "Enough!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the cold air. She pushed back with a burst of strength, forcing Ichinose to retreat a few steps. "I won't let your words distract me. I know that my friends believe in me...I know that Yato believe in me... and that's enough."

She spun gracefully, her zanpakutō slicing through the air with a fluidity that belied its lethal edge. "Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" •First Dance, White Moon•

Rukia declared, and a circle of frost formed beneath Ichinose's feet.

Ichinose's eyes widened as the frost began to rise, threatening to encase him in ice. He leaped back, barely escaping the attack, but Rukia was relentless. She pursued him with unwavering determination, each strike more ferocious than the last.

"You speak of honor and trust," Rukia said, her voice steady. "But you're the one who abandoned your comrades, who turned your back on the Gotei 13. Don't lecture me on trust."

Ichinose's expression darkened, and he parried her next attack with a forceful swing. "You know nothing of my reasons, Kuchiki. I fight for a cause greater than any of you can understand."

With a swift motion, Ichinose flicked his zanpakutō, sending blades of light flying toward Rukia. She quickly dodged using Shunpō, her form blurring as she moved out of the path of his attacks. The courtyard around them seemed to shimmer with the aftereffects of their intense battle, the air crackling with residual energy.

Ichinose repeated his attack, launching more blades of light and keeping Rukia on the defensive. She darted from one spot to another, her eyes keenly observing his movements, searching for an opening.

Timing her movement perfectly, Rukia used Shunpō to appear behind Ichinose, her blade poised to strike. However, in a swift and unexpected maneuver, Ichinose vanished, leaving her blade to slice through empty air.

A momentary confusion clouded Rukia's mind. Her senses strained, trying to detect any sign of her opponent. Suddenly, a searing pain cut across her back. She winced, spinning around to counter, but again, there was no one there. Her heart pounded, frustration mingling with the sting of the unseen attack.

Another slash came, this time grazing her arm. Rukia gritted her teeth, forcing herself to stay calm despite the pain.

Invisible and relentless, Ichinose's attacks continued. Rukia's mind raced as she tried to anticipate his movements. 'Where is he?' she thought, her senses straining to detect his presence.

Ichinose's voice echoed around her, disembodied. "You cannot hope to defeat what you cannot see."

Rukia took a deep breath, looking in all directions in a desperate attempt to detect Ichinose's reiatsu, but even his spiritual energy seemed elusive. She closed her eyes, raising her left hand in a symbolic gesture, and began to use Shunpō, appearing in various locations while reciting something under her breath.

"Your Kidō won't be enough to find me, Rukia Kuchiki," Ichinose's voice echoed around her again.

As she moved, Rukia was continually hit by the invisible slashes, each cut searing with pain. She persisted, whispering her incantation and maintaining her rapid movement. A sharp cut on her thigh brought her to one knee, and she finally stopped moving, her breath ragged and eyes narrowing in determination.

"Time to end this..." Ichinose's voice came once more, but it was abruptly cut off by a gasp, his camouflage breaking as he became visible again.

When Ichinose reappeared, he seemed to be paralyzed by an unseen force. "What is this?!"

Rukia quickly turned, ignoring her wounds, and pointed her zanpakutō at Ichinose. "Tsugi no Mai, Hakuren!" •Next Dance, White Ripple•

A wave of ice and snow surged from Sode no Shirayuki, striking Ichinose directly and hurling him against the nearby mansion. The impact was fierce, and the surrounding area trembled with the force of the collision.

'His reiatsu surged, breaking the ice around him, but the damage was evident. Blood trickled from various wounds, his breathing labored. 'She used a Kidō to bind me... but why wasn't my reiatsu enough to break free before her attack?' he wondered. 'Why didn't I sense the Kidō?'

Ichinose recalled fragments of the incantation he had heard. It had been unusually long. His expression darkened as he realized what she had done. "I see... That was a Nijū Eishō," he said, his voice filled with both frustration and grudging respect. "A dual incantation, where the Shinigami weaves two different Kidō spells together, enhancing both. You used a Bakudō to bind me and another Kidō to conceal it... likely Kyokkō, the bending light spell. Clever trick."

Rukia smirked at Ichinose. The trick she had used, combining two Kidō, was inspired by Yato's ability to conceal the red threads he generated to confuse his opponents. However, remembering Yato brought Ichinose's words back to her mind. Words about Yato not trusting her.

Her expression subtly shifted, and Ichinose noticed. It was clear she was still troubled by the situation with her friend.

Ichinose took a deep breath, attempting to ignore his wounds. He decided it was time to end this battle so he could reunite with the Bounts' leader, Jin Kariya. "You shouldn't let these thoughts distract you, Rukia Kuchiki. As a shinigami, you should prioritize your duties over the opinions of a mere human who is about to die."

"What did you say?" Rukia's tone was severe, her eyes narrowing.

"Those two won't find Kariya-sama. And even if they do, they don't stand a chance against him alone." He raised his zanpakutō, which began to glow intensely. "So that you won't die with such ridiculous human doubts, I will honor you by ending this fight with my most powerful technique. It has been a pleasure facing someone like you, Rukia Kuchiki."

A multitude of twinkling lights appeared around Rukia, leaving her perplexed. The air grew thick with spiritual pressure, and the lights shimmered ominously.

After a brief moment of silence, Ichinose's voice cut through the tension like a blade. He declared, his tone filled with a mix of pride and finality. "Saigyoku Nijigasumi." •Colorful Gem of Rainbow Mist•

The twinkling lights began to expand and coalesce, forming a sphere of light around Rukia. The sphere grew larger, its radius expanding outward and flattening anything in its path. The sheer power of the attack was overwhelming, and Rukia felt the weight of the energy pressing down on her, making her muscles ache and her movements sluggish.

Rukia found herself trapped within the dome of light, but that wasn't her primary concern. The spiritual pressure exerted by the light restricted her movements, making her feel heavier with each passing second. Her breaths came in shallow gasps, her body straining under the oppressive force. She tried to attack with her zanpakutō, but her reiatsu wasn't enough to penetrate the relentless sphere of light. Her Kidō spells, too, were rendered useless in this situation.

"Dammit," she muttered through gritted teeth, frustration mounting with every failed attempt. She swung Sode no Shirayuki again and again, but her efforts were in vain. The energy sphere remained unbroken, and Rukia felt her strength waning. Sweat trickled down her forehead, her grip on her zanpakutō tightening as she fought against the despair threatening to overwhelm her.

'I can't die here...' she thought, determination burning within her despite the dire circumstances.

Memories of her life in Rukongai before becoming a shinigami flashed before her eyes. She recalled her adoption into the Kuchiki clan and the conflicted emotions she felt at the time. The tragic event involving Lieutenant Kaien Shiba weighed heavily on her mind. It was as if her entire life was replaying before her, every significant moment leading to this point. Ichinose's words echoed in her mind, taunting her with doubts about Yato's trust in her.

"Yato..." she whispered, doubting whether he truly believed in her despite the connection between their souls. This thought suddenly led Rukia to a realization.

When she was taken to the Soul Society, every action Yato planned to help her, the way he spoke about what had happened, how he trusted their friends and even Lieutenant Kurotsuchi whom he had just met, how they kept Aizen occupied until Rukia was safe. All these actions were not those of someone who doubted his friends.

Rukia adopted a contemplative expression, recalling the previous confrontation against the twin Bounts. Yato had acted impulsively, using Ishida to lure the Bounts, but he did so because he knew Rukia could easily defeat the twins. He trusted her without needing to say a word. What puzzled Rukia was Yato's recent insistence that she shouldn't fight alone. Then it hit her. Since their return from the Soul Society, Yato had been constantly worried. He never opened up to anyone, always seemed on edge at home, and appeared perpetually distracted in battles.

'The conversation he had with Ishida... that seemed like just one of the problems he's been keeping to himself...' she whispered. 'He thinks he has to handle everything alone...'

With this newfound understanding, Rukia's determination flared brighter. She gripped Sode no Shirayuki tighter, feeling a surge of strength and clarity.

"I won't let you carry this burden alone, Yato," she murmured, her voice steady and resolute.

Rukia closed her eyes, shutting out the oppressive light and the overwhelming spiritual pressure. She centered herself, focusing deeply on her inner strength. She visualized the faces of her friends, the ones she fought to protect, and drew on their collective willpower. Her reiatsu flared, but it still seemed insufficient against the crushing dome of light.

In her heart, Rukia made a solemn promise. She would confront Yato after this battle, not to accuse or doubt, but to apologize. Apologize for ever entertaining the notion that he didn't trust her completely. She understood now that his actions, his concerns, even his occasional overprotectiveness, all stemmed from a deep-seated fear of losing those he cared about, including her. She vowed to stand by him, to be a pillar of support and understanding, even if it meant being more assertive when necessary.

As she contemplated these thoughts, Rukia felt a strange sensation coursing through her body, an unfamiliar yet comforting warmth. She opened her eyes and glanced down at her left hand, where the ring she wore shimmered with a faint, ethereal glow. This ring, once a mere prop to pretend she was engaged to Yato while she resided in a Gigai, now held a deeper significance. After her Gigai had been destroyed and she was taken to Soul Society, the ring had inexplicably reappeared on her finger, visible only to her.

"I won't let your fears consume you, Yato." she whispered to the air around her, her words carried by the resonance of her resolve. She envisioned Yato's troubled expression, his silent struggles that he bore alone. No longer would she allow him to shoulder such burdens in solitude.

The pulsing of the ring and her zanpakutō created a rhythmic beat, syncing with her heartbeat. Rukia felt a surge of power unlike anything she had felt before. Her connection to Yato, symbolized by the ring, and her bond with her zanpakutō merged, amplifying her reiatsu. She focused this newfound energy, feeling it radiate through her entire being. A cold, determined light sparked in her eyes as she faced the overwhelming force surrounding her.

# Elsewhere #

In a hidden city built inside a cave on the outskirts of Karakura Town, illuminated by the glow of brilliant blue crystal stalagmites and towering pillars, Jin Kariya addressed Gō Koga and the remaining Bounts. The city itself was a marvel, a subterranean sanctuary that echoed with the memories of their fallen comrades.

"Gentlemen, centuries ago we lost many of our friends in this very underground," Kariya's voice resonated through the chamber as he stood before a two-tiered platform, his presence commanding and magnetic. "It moves me deeply that we are now entering the final phase of our ambitious plans. The malevolence of our deceased allies will grant us unlimited power."

The Bounts remained silent, their gazes fixed on Kariya, absorbing his every word with unwavering attention.

"Despite Utagawa's betrayal, Soul Society has decided to act alongside the substitute shinigamis," Kariya continued, his tone calm despite the gravity of the situation. "But there is no cause for concern. The minerals in this place eliminate all reiatsu. Moreover, our newly born Dolls contain much of this same mineral." A faint, confident smile played on his lips. "And thanks to Ichinose, the substitute shinigamis will be occupied for some time. Let us use this time to replenish our strength."

As Kariya's words hung in the air, the Bounts nodded in agreement, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew the battles ahead would be fierce, but with Kariya's leadership and their collective resolve, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

"Finally, gentlemen." Kariya's voice sliced through the thick, tense air. "There are some among you who are still unaware of the results of my research. Allow me to demonstrate." He extended his left hand, the motion deliberate, before snapping his fingers. "Bitto." he called.

In response to his command, several Dolls resembling peculiar mosquitoes emerged from the shadows and flew towards him with an eerie synchronicity. Their metallic wings hummed, creating an unsettling, droning sound that filled the room.

"These Dolls steal the souls of living humans and deliver them to us. They are a creation born from my technology combined with that of Ugaki's." Kariya's piercing red eyes shifted towards a tall, slim man standing at the edge of the room.

Ugaki had a narrow jaw and thin, angular features that gave him a predatory look. His raven-black hair was slicked to the right, save for a lone strand that rebelliously fell over his forehead. He wore large, round glasses that obscured his eyes, adding an air of mystery. His wears white dress shirt paired with a long red tie, gray pants, and polished brown shoes. When Kariya mentioned him, Ugaki's lips curled into a satisfied smile, the only acknowledgment of his involvement.

A soft, mocking laugh broke the silence, drawing everyone's attention. The sound came from the only woman among the Bounts, who stood with a grace that belied her formidable nature.

"So, that's what you two have been plotting?" she said, her voice smooth and laced with sarcasm. Her slightly dark skin contrasted beautifully with her dark green-teal hair, which cascaded down to the middle of her back. A stomach-length bang fell over the far left side of her face, giving her an enigmatic allure. Her pale green eyes were sharp and assessing, framed by thin, furrowed eyebrows. She wore a sleeveless purple qipao, the slit running up to her thigh hinting at her lithe form, and it was fastened at the front with several thin braids. Beige pants completed her ensemble, providing both elegance and practicality.

"Correct, Yoshi." Kariya replied, his tone composed. "Though, in the end, we had to sacrifice one of our own to achieve this." His voice softened, and for a brief moment, his red eyes closed as if he were absorbing the weight of his own words. There was a fleeting expression of introspection on his face, suggesting that he was still coming to terms with the necessity of Yoshino's death.

"And what difference is there between this and us absorbing souls directly? This can't be just about safety," questioned an elderly, light-skinned man, his voice gravelly yet laced with curiosity. He had heavily wrinkled skin and prominent cheekbones, his short, swept-back gray-brown hair framing a large forehead. His narrow brown eyes, tapering eyebrows, and prominent jaw gave him a stern appearance. He wore a black suit with metallic buttons, a white handkerchief tucked into its left breast pocket over a crisp white dress shirt, and a violet ascot around his neck fastened with a large red brooch. A ring with a black stone adorned his right middle finger, and rectangular metallic cufflinks glinted on his sleeves. Black pants and polished black dress shoes completed his ensemble. His body was significantly hunched, necessitating support from a hooked wooden cane.

"The souls brought by the Bitto are highly purified, Sawatari," Kariya responded to the elderly Bount. "These souls are concentrated." His tone was confident, each word measured and purposeful. "We will begin absorbing these souls, a practice previously considered taboo for our tribe. This energy will be stored gradually in our bodies, and with it, our abilities will increase more than tenfold from their current scale."

"Tenfold? Is that for real?" Yoshi asked, her interest piqued further. Her voice carried a mix of skepticism and fascination.

"But of course. It's the purest truth," Ugaki interjected, his voice filled with pride. He began distributing glasses to each of the Bounts present, as if preparing for a celebration. His movements were precise, almost ceremonial.

"With this, we will realize our long-cherished desire." Kariya concluded, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and resolve.

"And what are the risks of this thing?" came a question from a slender, fair-skinned man of medium height. His orange hair was styled asymmetricall. The left side cut short with two triangles shaved into it to expose his scalp, while the right side was grown out extensively, with dozens of shaggy bangs of various lengths falling over his face, reaching his chin, and obscuring his right eye.

"What's the matter, Mabashi? Are you scared?" Yoshi mocked, her tone dripping with derision.

Mabashi wore a red choker with a metal buckle at the front, a sleeveless light blue-gray shirt with dark gray shoulders that was zipped up completely at the front, and a collar that covered his neck. A gray armband encircled his left bicep. He had two red belts with golden buckles spaced a few inches apart around his waist, light blue-gray shorts with dark gray outer portions and two black stripes encircling each leg, and a downward-pointing red line at the front of the crotch segmented into arrows.

"It's not fear!" Mabashi snapped, his voice raised in agitation. His orange hair, styled asymmetrically, seemed to quiver with the intensity of his outburst. "Or have you all conveniently forgotten the side effects of absorbing the souls of living people?" He redirected his attention to Sawatari, his eyes blazing with accusation. "I know the history, Sawatari."

"What are you talking about, Mabashi?" the elderly man asked, his voice carrying a mix of confusion and irritation. His grip tightened on his hooked wooden cane, the lines on his face deepening as he frowned.

"You've been absorbing the souls of living beings for centuries, long before any of us here," Mabashi continued, his tone accusatory and filled with disdain.

"That's ancient history," Sawatari replied vaguely, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his voice.

"I'm talking about the side effects!" Mabashi's agitation grew, his voice rising. "It's because of absorbing living souls that you've become so old."

"Shut your mouth, you're such a pain, Mabashi," Yoshi interrupted, her irritation palpable. Her dark green-teal hair swayed as she moved closer to Mabashi, her pale green eyes narrowing. "If we're going to get stronger, who cares about getting old? It's not like we're going to die of old age, you idiot."

Mabashi stood his ground, his body tense, the unusual arrangement of his hair casting long shadows over his face. "You're all being shortsighted," he hissed. "Power isn't everything if it comes at the cost of our vitality."

Sawatari, leaning heavily on his cane, glanced at Mabashi with a mixture of disdain and resignation. "There is truth to what you say," he admitted slowly, his voice gravelly. "But times have changed. Our needs have changed. This is a calculated risk."

"Calculated risk?" Mabashi echoed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Look at yourself, Sawatari. You're a living example of the dangers we face."

Yoshi, her patience fraying, took a step closer to Mabashi, her eyes flashing with anger. "And what's your solution, then? Sit back and let ourselves weaken? Wait for death to come for us?"

Kariya, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally intervened, his voice calm yet commanding. "Enough," he said, his red eyes sweeping across the room, silencing the bickering. "Mabashi raises valid concerns, but Yoshi is also correct. We cannot allow fear to dictate our actions. We must be willing to embrace the risks for the sake of our future."

The Bitto hovering near Kariya responded to his presence, and with a soft, mechanical whir, it opened to reveal a small vial stored inside the Doll. The vial glowed faintly, containing a liquid that shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence.

"According to our research, we have concluded that all the Reiatsu stored in the Bitto is so pure that the increase in our powers would be far greater than absorbing hundreds of souls," Kariya explained calmly as he took the small vial. His voice was steady, authoritative. "In other words, a single sip of this elixir would be enough to age me as much as our elderly companion here… but I am willing to take the risk for the sake of our tribe. Therefore, I will be the first…"

As he spoke, Kariya poured the contents of the small vial into a glass. The liquid, a vibrant orange, glowed softly, illuminating his face in the dim light. The room fell silent, every eye fixed on Kariya as he raised the glass.

With deliberate calm, Kariya drank the glowing liquid. Almost immediately, his veins stood out starkly against his skin, pulsing with an intense energy. His spiritual power surged, filling the place with a palpable force that caused the very air to vibrate.

The Bounts watched in astonishment as Kariya's spiritual energy expanded explosively. It was like watching a storm contained within a human form, his aura flaring brilliantly before gradually stabilizing. The place was bathed in the intense, fluctuating light of his power, casting long, eerie shadows on the walls.

Kariya's veins, which had been engorged and throbbing, slowly returned to normal as he began to master and contain the tremendous power he had absorbed. His eyes, now glowing with an inner light, swept across the room once more, taking in the stunned expressions of his companions.

"Observe, gentlemen," Kariya said, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "I feel no pain or regret. All I feel is ecstasy and power."

The silence that followed was heavy with awe and trepidation. The other Bounts exchanged glances, their initial skepticism now mingled with a growing sense of possibility. 

Yoshi, usually the most skeptical, stepped forward, her eyes fixed on Kariya. "Incredible," she murmured, her voice barely audible. She licked her lips, a smile spreading across her face. "If this is the result of one sip, imagine what we could achieve." She made no effort to hide her desire for the same increase in power. "Not bad." she said, the hunger in her eyes evident.

Mabashi, though still wary, couldn't hide the spark of curiosity in his eyes. "Perhaps… perhaps there is more to this than I thought."

Ugaki, his face alight with pride, raised his glass, now filled with the same elixir from the Bitto. "To our leader, Kariya. And to the future of the Bounts!" His voice rang out with conviction, the pride in his leader unmistakable.

The others raised their glasses in unison, the crystal clinking together in a symbolic gesture of unity and shared purpose. "To the future of the Bounts," they echoed, their voices a resonant chorus of determination and hope.

Without hesitation, Yoshi, Sawatari, Mabashi, Ugaki, and Gō Koga drank from the same elixir, each experiencing the transformative power Kariya had demonstrated. As the vibrant orange liquid coursed through their bodies, their veins pulsed with newfound energy. Their spiritual power surged, filling the room with a palpable force that caused the air to shimmer with potential.

Yoshi's eyes widened in amazement as she felt the power flood her senses. "This… this is incredible." she whispered, her voice filled with awe. She clenched her fists, feeling the raw energy coursing through her veins.

Sawatari, his old eyes gleaming with a mix of nostalgia and joy, straightened slightly, feeling the years fall away. "So much power… it's like being reborn." he murmured, his voice filled with wonder.

Mabashi, still cautious but now undeniably intrigued, marveled at the sensation of strength enveloping him. "I can't believe it… this is real." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gō Koga, the silent observer, now felt the rush of energy filling him, his usually stoic expression breaking into a rare smile. 

The Bounts were still reeling from the surge of power they had received, their minds buzzing with the possibilities this newfound strength presented. Mabashi, however, found his attention drifting to the Bitto flitting among the crystal stalagmites that decorated the place. The crystals themselves were a deep azure, casting a mystical glow that added to the room's ethereal atmosphere.

"Huh…?" Mabashi muttered, narrowing his eyes as he noticed something unusual.

"Something wrong, Mabashi?" Kariya inquired, his sharp gaze catching Mabashi's distracted demeanor.

"Kariya-san… are all Bitto identical?" Mabashi asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Certainly." Kariya replied, a hint of perplexity in his voice.

"Then what is that thing flying among them?" Mabashi pointed out, his eyes following an erratic, flickering movement.

Kariya and the other Bounts turned their attention to the Bitto, which were nearly camouflaged against the blue-hued crystal stalagmites. At first, it was difficult to discern anything unusual, but as they focused, they noticed a small, peculiar creature darting among the Bitto.

The creature resembled a tiny blue bird, yet its body moved with an unnatural fluidity, as if composed of flames. Its form shimmered and danced, blending almost seamlessly with the ambient light of the crystals.

Kariya's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the strange being. Before he could issue a command or make an observation, the small fiery bird swooped overhead and addressed them in a sing-song voice.

"Found you~~"

In an instant, a massive blast of red reiatsu struck the top of the cavern, shattering the ceiling with a deafening explosion. The impact sounded like a giant firework, the force of it echoing throughout the cave.

"What the hell was that?!" Yoshi screamed, her voice a mix of anger and alarm.

The Bounts moved swiftly to the corners of the cavern, their enhanced speed thanks to the power boost from the Bitto allowing them to dodge the falling debris. As the smoke from the explosion cleared, a large hole in the cave ceiling allowed sunlight to pour in, illuminating the cavern in a harsh, golden light. Through the hole, silhouettes began to descend slowly, coming down to confront the Bounts.

Descending from the sky were Yato, Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Nemu, each using their own abilities to hover in the air. Above them, a large, triangular orange shield served as a platform, supporting Inoue, Chad, the mod-souls Ririn, Kurōdo, and Noba, now using their normal bodies and Kon, still inside Ichigo's human body. They Inoue's shield to safely descend.

Yato carried his zanpakutō casually over his shoulder, his expression surprisingly calm as he spoke. "I've probably told this to someone before, but I've always been good at hide-and-seek… both hiding and seeking."

The Bounts immediately recognized Yato's voice as the same one that had emanated from the fiery bird. The realization set in, and their expressions hardened.

Kariya stepped forward, his red eyes locking onto Yato. "So, you've found us," he said, his voice steady but laced with underlying menace. The power he had recently absorbed seemed to crackle in the air around him.

Yoshi, her skepticism now replaced by a fierce determination, clenched her fists, her aura flaring slightly with the residual energy from the elixir. "It doesn't matter how strong you think you are." she snarled. "We've just received a power you can't even imagine."

Mabashi, his earlier caution now overshadowed by curiosity and a hint of trepidation, glanced at the descending figures, his eyes narrowing. "This should be interesting." he muttered, his fingers twitching as if eager to test his new strength.

Ugaki adjusted his glasses, the lenses reflecting the light from the cavern's opening. "Do not underestimate us," he warned, his voice cold and precise. "You've just walked into your doom."

Gō Koga crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the newcomers. Despite the tension radiating from his companions, he strove to keep his voice calm. "It's impressive that you found us and managed to bypass Ugaki's surveillance… how did you do it?"

"Simple," Yato began with a mocking tone. "You saw that fiery bird, right? I just had it follow one of those mosquitoes back here after I saw them absorbing a person's soul… And sorry for the delay in revealing myself," Yato said, scratching the back of his neck with feigned nonchalance. "I needed some time to inform everyone where you were hiding."

"I see. So you've been observing us for a while," Kariya responded, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and irritation. "Which means you witnessed our power. Do you really think you have enough power… or people to challenge us?" Kariya asked, slipping his hands into the pockets of his long coat, his demeanor confident and imposing.

Yato shrugged casually, but his eyes were sharp and focused. "Yeah, pretty much."

"We have plenty of that," Tatsuki interjected, her eyes turning a luminous gold reminiscent of a dragon's.

"And we also outnumber you." Ichigo added, resting his zanpakutō on his shoulder. Inspired by Ichigo's stance, Chad activated his powers, his right arm transforming into a black armor with red patterns.

"But if you think we lack power…" Yato said casually. That brief comment prompted Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi to draw her own zanpakutō.

"Or if you think we lack numbers…" Yato continued, this time with a smile that hinted at deeper plans.

A woman with long black hair and extravagant black and red attire, reminiscent of a bird, suddenly appeared and embraced Yato from behind, wrapping her arms around his neck while she cast a malicious smile at the Bounts. "I'm sure we can increase our numbers even more." Ōkagetsu said with a wicked grin.

Red threads began to weave around Yato, forming into a red cat that perched on his shoulder. The feline, with a playful smile, spoke in a teasing tone, "All to finally put an end to this Filler~~"

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