After entering the room, Wang Wei pointed to the stone bed and said to Yard, "Please sit down, elder, I have a few questions to ask you."
Yade quickly bowed and said to Wang Wei, "No matter the questions, please let the envoy give me instructions, and I'll do it!"
Seeing this, Wang Wei didn't force it, and sat down on the stone bed. Not because Wang Wei lacked manners, but because Wang Wei just woke up from a daze. Just now, he spread his consciousness again, and his mind was still throbbing.
After Wang Wei sat down, he calmed down and said to Yade, "Elder Yade, I'm not the divine envoy you said, I'm just an ordinary human spiritual master. Are you not doing something wrong?"
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!