
章節 2: Chapter 2

Clark pov

I was standing on the rooftop with Billy butcher, he looked at me suspiciously and said, "mate, you've got about 5 minutes to drop your act, I know you Vought type, so let me know what you want in return.

I hold my hands up in a placating matter and say, "you misunderstood me, Mr. Butcher, I am not affiliated with Vought in any way, in fact, that is why I approached you in the first place."

He sneers and says, "bullshit! You lot are all the same, there isn't a supe in the world that isn't affiliated with those bastards! Now stop playing around-"

"Mr. Butcher!" I raise my voice, after he quiets down for a moment I then say, "If you please let me explain I am sure you could come to understand me."

He gestures with his head, and I continue, "well first off, I am not a supe, I am actually an alien."

"Bah! Like Homelander?"

"No, while he might be presented as such, Homelander is just a human, but I'm sure you already know it, anyway I really am one, I am the last surviving member of my species known as Kryptonians, but that's not important right now."

"I'll say," Butcher says unimpressed.

"my point is, I need you, and you need me because believe it or not, we actually have the same goal in mind."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

At that, I get closer to him and say to his ear, "to take down Homelander, and the rest of Vought." At that he looks at me dumbfounded, he then says, "you're pulling me leg mate, no way any of what you just said was true." Right, the guy's hard to convince with anything supe related. I am about to try and say something else to convince him otherwise, when he says, "now, what was it that you had to tell me about my wife?"

I look at him, I sigh and say, "I have it on a very good intel that she is still alive and under the watch of Vought."

"why would Vought watch her so intently?"

"because, when Homelander had raped her," I see hive cringe at those words that come out of my mouth, "he had gotten her pregnant with his child." I see he is about to speak and I say, "before you scream anything, you should know that Homelander has no knowledge of this, only Dr. Vogelbaum and Madelyn Stilwell has any knowledge of it."

His eyes are now both hopeful and resentful at the same time, but for two different reasons if I had to guess.

Then he asked a little more calmly, "H-how do you know that? Why tell me this?"

I look at him and say, "I can't really say at the moment where I had gotten the information from, as for the why? Simple, it is the right thing to do, and I was raised to believe that real heroes always do what's right."

He gave a quizzical look, I could tell he was not yet convinced in my story, but at least now he did not think of me as an immediate threat.

He looked at me and said, "all right, mate if you are serious about taking down Vought…" he took out a calling card and wrote something on the back of it and said, "if you are serious mate, meet me here tonight, but, if I so much as smell a trap, I am gone, and you will never so much as hear from me again until it's too late that is…"

Yeah, good luck… I thought to myself, but all I did was nod my head, then taking a few steps back I flew off to the sky, while both my hands were stretched out Infront of me.

I had to admit, I could easily get used to the feeling of flying, it was freeing like something I never experienced before in my life.

Then I had set my sight to the sky, so I kept going up, and up, and up until finally, I had broken through the clouds just enjoying the feeling of the sun on my face and skin, taking all that solar energy into my cells.

While closing my eyes, I start to listen to everything using my super hearing, I wasn't looking for anything specific but after then I had heard a scream, two guys by the sounds of it were trying to rape a girl in Afghanistan. "well why not, might as well do some good while I wait." I say as I rotate myself and start to fly at Mach 2 towards the area, barely noticing the sonic boom I had left behind me.

Much later, at the scheduled time

The place butcher had chosen to meet was an abandoned factory of Vought by the looks of it, I was expecting this sort of thing when it came to Butcher's style.

I was wearing my civilian attire when I walked in there slowly and was greeted by the sight of Butcher, of course, he was alone, he did not yet recruit M.M and Frenchie, it is too early in the timeline, but I digress.

Butcher looked me up and down and said, "wasn't aware you needed glasses."

"I don't, they help to conceal my identity."

He gave me a skeptical look and said, "I highly doubt that mate."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "you'd be surprised what works on people these days."

He did not comment on it, instead choosing to say, "well enough chit chat, you told me you wanted to bring down Vought, now… I can't trust you mate, not yet I don't know you, and I especially don't like the fact you are a fucking supe, this is all diabolical if you ask me, but... you came to me… which means you are the freak I can work with. But I need to have some… reassurance that you won't double-cross me, and your word is worthless than shit to me, so how can I count on you?"

On the one hand, I couldn't blame him for being suspicious of me, that is what had kept him alive all this time when dealing with supes, on the other, it was getting tired some, but then an idea came to mind.

"Have you heard of the three dead grad schoolers from Colombia that were found next to the police station, half-naked and frozen to death?"

"Yeah, I heard, supposedly the police had received a tip saying to investigate the great wide wonder, Vought, of course, had pulled their P.R and lawyers on this and, he's denying everything. What does this have to do with him?"

"Well, who do you think had put them back to earth from orbit and left that tip?"

At this, his eyes widen, and he looks at me and he asks, "you?" I nod my head, "why would you do this? To get ahead on the competition-"

"But if that was the case, I could've just declared him a drug addict, which wouldn't be wrong, then he would go to Vought's rehab center and later go back to his way of partying, it would not make a real change in the way of Vought, maybe in the pulls for me, if I was a part of Vought, which I can't stress enough I am not."

He looked at me, raised his arms, and said, "all right all right, fair enough."

He stretched his hand and said, "Superman, if you can, I could use your help to take down Vought, but don't mistake this for me trusting you fully mate."

I took the offered hand and shook it, and I said, "the thought never crossed my mind, oh and when I am dressed like this it's Clark, Clark Kent."

He looked a bit shocked that I would reveal myself to him like that, then he gave a small smile and said, "well mate, I guess it's you and me now." After I let go of his hand, he massages it saying, "damn grip of yours, nearly crushed me hand."

I scratched the back of my head saying, "sorry."

Then he turned his back on me and said, "oh and by the way, meet me here in two days, I have a plan in motion and if you are as serious about this as you claim to be, I will need your help."

I nod my head and say, "no problem." Then I turn around and walk away.

Butcher pov

This Supe cunt calling himself Superman is really something else, I'll have Rayner do our due diligence with him, to make sure he is actually not affiliated with Vought, or just looks for an opportunity to get ahead in the game of the supes. Either way, he seems to be the lesser evil, although I do get some feeling from him as if he is really what Homelander only pretends to be, not to mention the stupid cunt shared his secret identity with me, why? Was it done as a sign of trust? Can't think too deeply about this now, he may seem more genuine than the lot of them but like all supes in my book, he is guilty until proven otherwise, and he hasn't proven otherwise yet.

Either way, I'd have to have little chats with M.M and Frenchie soon enough, but I must not tell them a supe is involved just yet, that would derail the whole plan, not that Frenchie ever really stick to it, to begin with…

All of this goes through my head after that supe had left the factory, I was there contemplating what to do until… "Fuck me, working with a supe." I finally say out loud as I exhale a breath.

At this point I honestly am at a loss for words, when he landed Infront of me earlier, I thought I was about to die, I know how to keep my cool but he reminded me so much of Homelander, I nearly shite me pants.

I eventually start to make my way out of the factory, I look up to the sky and see something fly really fast past me, two guesses who could that be…

Now all I can think about is my Becca, and what the supe had told me about her, how the fuck did he know that if he is not affiliated with Vought? All of them are… right?

I walked towards Raynor's place to tell her what I needed from her about this new supe… if she did not know already that is.

Clark pov *** fortress of solitude***

After I had left the factory where I met Butcher, I had quickly made my way back to the fortress to check up on the progress made by the A. I of Jor-El.

As soon as I entered, I went to the console and started to punch some keys on it.

"Status report."

A mechanical female voice answered, it was kelex that said, "Kroll had been found near what used to be krypton."

"And Galaxious?"

"there doesn't seem to be any evidence of his existence as of yet, however, a different revelation was made, the scout discovered a giant vessel that has seemed to be called a 'Battelite' of a species named Marith'rai, and it seems to make its way to earth.

According to my calculations, it will arrive here in three months' time."

"Have the scout attempted to make contact?"

"So far it is unclear sir, reports should come tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Well Kelex, keep me updated as soon as you got it. Anyway, I want you to start a new project if you are not too busy."

"Never too busy for you sir."

"Good to hear. I want you to start the development of power dampening cuffs, I'm afraid that if we won't have them, I'd have no choice but to kill every supe I'd try and stop."

"on it sir, but I'm afraid that without intimate knowledge of the catalyst that gave them their powers in the first place, it will not work as well as we want it, if at all."

"so, in conclusion, you need a sample of compound v to achieve this."

"Correct sir."

At hearing that, I started to scratch my chin in deep thought, then I said, "Kelex, start hacking anything related to Vought, see where they store their Compound V, and let me know what you find."

"Yes sir." She says before she starts to work.

In the meantime, I look at the polar sky, the aurora borealis is pretty beautiful tonight, then I remember something and quickly add.


"Yes sir."

"While you are in Vought's systems, see if you can find any information you got regarding Rebeca Butcher, send me anything you find about them to my personal laptop, and make sure to not leave behind any trace of your presence."

"Understood sir."

I smile, then I remind myself of something I need to do in a few days, it is tremendous if I am going to build a case against Homelander, and the rest of Vought.

"Hay Kelex?"

***two days later***

I was hovering down towards the factory, obviously, I scanned the area with my X-ray vision. I find butcher easy enough, with two other people.

I immediately recognize Frenchie and M.M. I guess my involvement had sped up certain events in the timeline. I think to myself as I start my descent to the ground, and I enter the factory.

As soon as I enter, M.M and Frenchie take one look at me, and then M.M starts to yell at Butcher. "Butcher WHAT THE FUCK!? Is this your plan to take down Vought? To involve the fucking newest supe in this shit?! He will report us to Vought and then they will send fucking Homelander to kill us all!"

I sigh and say, "believe me, If I wanted you all dead, I would not bother to call Homelander. And besides, I am not affiliated with them in any way shape, or form."

I noticed Frenchie scoff at that and say, "yeah right, and I am queen Maeve."

Then butcher decides to step in and say, "he's telling the truth, at least about the part of him not being affiliated with Vought."

Now I see M.M and Frenchie stare at him wide-eyed, then M.M asks, "and how do you know that exactly?"

He changes his posture to stand straighter and says, "I had Rayner check up on him, according to her he is not affiliated with them what so ever, In fact, from what information she was able to gather, they are not super happy with him right now, since he seems to be doing hero work, and stops a lot of collateral casualties from Vought supes, to make a long story short, he is not with Vought, which is why he is perfect for our next plan."

I raise a brow at that, and I turn to Butcher and ask, "And what, praytell, is that?"

He walks to me at his usual Butcher pace, points a finger to my face, and says, "you, my dear superman, are going to sign a contract with Vought."

Now both my eyebrows are raised, and I ask, "I'm sorry? I don't believe I had heard you right."

He smirks and turns his back on me while he walks away and walks towards Frenchie and says, "Frenchie here, deals in more than just weapons and drugs, he happens to be really good with tiny electronics. So what you going to do, is call Vought, schedule an appointment tomorrow morning to negotiate a possible contract for you in Vought."

"Again, why?"

"That way they will let you into the seven's tower through security, and it will let you plant a bug."

"A bug?"

"A bug, a little one that will let us listen. And then we'll see what's really going on."

Now I understood his plan, it was basically the same one he gave Hughie on the pilot episode of the boys, but I still had a part to play, so I go with it.

I scratched my chin as if I was contemplating for a minute and said, "oh I see, and… Frenchie? Was it? Will provide with the bug, while…" I fake not knowing who M.M is, and Butcher seeing how M.M was reluctant to tell me his name said, "you can call him M.M."

"Right… M.M… will be my handler in the field, but just to be clear, I do not have to actually sign with Vought, right?"

"correct mate."

I nod my head and say "ok then, I'm in." I then go to Frenchie and M.M and I extend my hand towards them and say, "a pleasure to meet you two, hope we can work together well."

M.M and Frenchie are both hesitant to take my hand, but then M.M is the one to take it and say, "yeah… let's hope so."

Frenchie follows and says, "Oui… let us hope it is."

I nod my head and smile, then I turn around towards Billy and say, "oh and Billy, before I forget, this is for you." While I pull out a hard drive, I come closer to him and whisper, "this was everything I was able to get on your wife from what Vought has."

His eyes go wide, and he asks, "H-how…?"

I give a small smile and tell him and say, "I'd tell you but you wouldn't believe me." Then I take out my phone and ask, "shall we?"


After setting up the appointment, I had gotten an alert from Kelex letting me know, that Baltimore's mayor and his son had boarded the plane back, so I had to shadow them and bide my time.

I held my breath and flew under the waves, I was still able to track them, until I saw two beams of laser cutting the plane in half, as soon as Homelander didn't look, I caught everyone that was still alive and not too injured and flew them off to my fortress.

Unfortunately, some of the bodyguards were dead, cut in half by Homelander's heat vision.

As soon as I got to the fortress, I called out loud, "Kelex! Prepper several beds in the medical wing! And send some drones to take care of their wounds.

Now I had to make a call since they very well couldn't stay here in my fortress. Just because I needed them doesn't mean I trusted them to let them stay there.

After I let the last man out of my hands to one of the medical drones, I have Kelex call Butcher. After a few rings, he picks up, "hello?"

"Butcher, it's me, listen I need a favor, I need you to set me up with a safe house that is zinc lined-"

"How the hell did you get my number?"

"You gave me your card, remember? Anyway, as I said, I need you to set me up with a safe house that is zinc lined, can't tell you why right now, but I promise that I will tell you when I see you."

The line is quiet for a minute, then I ask, "Butcher are you there?"

"I'm here son, look, I'll have Frenchie set up a place, but after that, you and me? We are going to have a long arse conversation."

"No problem, and thanks Butcher."

"Don't mention it."

Butcher pov ***right after superman left***

After Superman had left and left a gust of wind behind him, M.M and Frenchie had both turned towards me, and

M.M said, "what were you thinking?! You of all people!? Contact a supe and involve him? And after what happened last time?"

"Oy! For your information, I did not reach out to him, fucking hell! I did not even know the guy before two days ago, he reached out to me, said he wanted to take down Vought and Homelander, what was I supposed to say? No? piss off?"

But Frenchie did not buy that and started to say, "no no no no no, there is something else you're not telling us, I saw him hand you something then whisper in your ear, tell us what is it, or we leave. NOW."

I sigh in defeat, I realize there is no way of getting out of this without telling them, so I share everything that happened from the moment Superman came to me, until this evening.

"And this." I say as I show them the drive, "is supposed to have all the information he gathered about Becca and her and Homelander's son, my Becca!" I say with tears threatening to pour out of me eyes, I don't look at them until I feel a hand on me shoulder, so I turn around, and see it is M.M, and he says, "ok ok, we get it, if it was Monique i would have done the same."

"But you need to be careful to trust him mon amie, for all we know he could be worse than the Fucking Homelander himself."

"Well maybe, but he's different from the rest of them, maybe it's because he's new but something is different with him, he even told me his secret identity for fuck's sake!"

Now I see both Frenchie and M.M's brows raise, and that starts a whole different conversation, but I didn't tell them in the end what it was.

Two hours later, I got the call from Superman or rather Clark, that said he needed a safe house, I muted the conversation and turned towards Frenchie and told him what needed to be done.

"Do you know how much this will cost me?"

"Add it to the tab," I said back.

Then when he asked, I let him know what was going on, all the while thinking to myself. The bloody fuck did get ourselves into?

A.N hey everybody! I'm back with another chapter.

Now to tackle some questions before they arise, Butcher, I feel that even though he hates all supes to the depth of his soul, when superman shows his this kind of kindness and he did nothing wrong he would try to work with him, even though he does not fully trust him yet, and as for superman telling him his secret identity well.. he has some meta-knowledge about Billy so he knows he won't turn on him long enough to prove to him that he is different from the rest of them.

also, I am thinking of maybe doing a little harem and just adding starlight to it, what do you think?

Now let me know what you guys thought of this in the comments below, and as always you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

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  • 世界背景

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