92.3% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 60: Chapter 59 Full of emotions...

章節 60: Chapter 59 Full of emotions...

Meanwhile, Issei is trying his best to survive and overcome hardships in the other world girls have been training and working hard back in the DXD world.

Ingvild has become a low ultimate class devil with the help of her intense training with her magic and sacred gear, she had decent control over the gear and was deemed worthy of her own set of chess pieces but she refused the evil pieces because she wasn't the leader type who can command other people unlike controlling dragons with her gear.

Murayama and Katase became excellent knight and pawn in Rossweisse's peerage.

They were able to wield a sword at a level that most couldn't with the help of Arthur and after becoming devils they received a major speed boost because of the knight pieces.

Rossweisse has become stronger after training in Asgard too.

After Seeing how Issei took down Trihexa, she wanted to become stronger and be by his side so she sweated and bled like others to become stronger and eventually became low ultimate class devil and rivaled her sister in strength but her sister was more skilled with weapons while Rossweisse learned new spells and grew her magic reserves, that doesn't mean that she didn't learn how to wield certain weapons from her sister like short swords, daggers, spears, and even magic gauntlets.

After returning to Kuoh to help Sona maintain the town she became a high-class devil and received her evil pieces after taking a practical and written exam like Ingvild and made Katase her knight and Murayama her pawn with three pawn pieces as they requested to become even stronger.

After Rias was stripped of her status and peerage Kiba had the choice to choose his new master who is Rossweisse and became her knight.

Irina on the other hand became heaven's strongest ace and obtained six more sets of wings.

Her light and holy magic improved and her aura was stronger and her magic much more potent.

Of course, it wasn't easy while Grayfia taught her well she couldn't learn much because well, she was an angel and couldn't learn demonic spells so her only option was Griselda who gladly helped her but always pushed the poor angel to her very limit.

Griselda showed no mercy during their training and was very strict, unlike Grayfia who always had a motherly aura.

But Griselda helped her grow stronger she was the main reason why she gained six sets of wings.

Irina's swordmen-ship improved too with Arthur's help and she sometimes sparred with Murayama and Katase on some days to see how strong they became.

But Valerie... after she fully recovered she found out that she had no magic left, despite all her tries she couldn't recover her lost magic, probably the side effect of her gear being overused and later stolen but after she became Rossweisse's pawn and took three pawn pieces she gained some demonic magic but it was the same when Issei became a devil.

She didn't know what to do and slowly started to get depressed but with a certain crow's help, she was able to become stronger despite her practically non-existent magic.

Azazel offered to train and become an assassin-type fighter.

Valerie decided to give it a try and she was trained by team slash-dog.

Her main weapon was a magic gun, it looked like a simple human gun but it actually had magic capabilities luckily it did not require a lot of magic to use it.

She just had to imbue the gun with some of her demonic magic and shoot magic bullets at her targets.

She could create Ice and fire bullets.

Much like her main weapon she had melee weapons which could be enhanced by a small amount of magic much like her gun.

Two daggers made from Fafnir's scales and two regular throwing knives.

Her body has become physically stronger and more flexible.

And the promotion of the pawn gave her a decent boost in magic or speed depending on which piece she chose to promote to.

After her training, she helped team slash-dog on some missions to gain some fighting experience.

Momo was traded and became Rossweisse's bishop.

Sona knew that Momo wanted to be closer to Issei so she let her go but Momo owed her some favors as a result which she didn't mind as long as she could stay closer to Issei.

With the help of Azazel, she almost mastered her sacred gear and was able to create unbelievably strong barriers.

Her magic control increased as well as her magic pools.

Momo learned new magic spells and barrier strengthing spells from Grayfia and was able to block Fafnir's normal breath attack with ease.

Tiamat and Valerica grew stronger together and spared together with all their might.

Valerica was able to hold her juggernaut drive way longer than before without losing her sanity and was able to grow stronger physically together with Tiamat with the help of Tannin but mostly Crom Cruach.

Crom Cruach agreed to help because he wanted them to grow stronger so he could fight them soon.

How excited he was especially for his fight with Issei.

Valerica was able to reach mid-ultimate class with Tiamat in strength but the two of them usually spent in the faction lands dealing with paperwork, they couldn't leave it all to Tannin alone even if he somehow enjoyed doing his job.

With the trio working they were able to start building towns and cities with the help of other factions with materials and workers.

They created a city that became a capital called the "Sahqo Dovah" Red Dragon in dragon language.

But Right this moment Issei's mates are having a meeting in the dragon territory where a castle was built over time.

A large gorgeous Blackstone castle with five towers connected by tall and sturdy walls around stood as a symbol of dragon's might.

Inside the castle's meeting room, all the girls were seated around a large table only one chair was empty where the leader of the faction was supposed to be.

Ingvild, Valerie, Irina, Murayama, Katase, and Momo, had worried expressions while Tiamat, Rossweisse, and Valerica had serious expressions.

Their main topic was Issei.

"Today, we gathered here to discuss some important business" Started Tiamat.

"As you all know our beloved sacrificed his remaining humanity and became a full-fledged dragon to defeat Trihexa"

"But for the last six months, we were unable to contact Ddraig at all.

Vritra told us that he left after Ophis helped them train Issei by creating a time barrier that allowed Issei to spend three years training inside.

There he was able to obtain his human form but..."

"That happened six months ago" Continued Rossweisse.

"Yes, and he still didn't even contact us, we have no clue where he went, he vanished without a trace together with Ddraig, and we can't overlook this anymore, tomorrow morning we will ask other faction leaders to send search parties to look for Issei and Ddraig and find out what is going on because our search parties are not enough to find them" Said Valerica.

"That is not necessary" Spoke an unknown voice from a dark corner of the room.

All of the girls turned around to see Ophis with a... Worried look?

"What do you mean Ophis?" Asked Valerica.

"I know where he is...no, I know where he should be" Answered Ophis.

"What? you know? tell us please" Said Ingvild as she stood up from her seat with tears of happiness.

Ophis just stood there silent for a moment before answering.

"I-... sent him and Ddraig for a vacation to another world" Answered Ophis.

The girls froze upon hearing Ophis's words.

What was she talking about? another world? what kind of nonsense is this?

"What do you mean Ophis!? bring them back this instant!" Shouted Valerica.

"I... Can't"


"I can't"

"why not? why send him if you can't bring him back!? What were you thinking!?" Shouted Valerica as she stood up.

Her rage was overwhelming and her aura started to manifest around her.

"I didn't know this would happen!?" Shouted Ophis as she momentarily released her aura by accident causing all of the girls to freeze, not out of fear but in complete and utter shock.

They were too shocked to do anything besides watch the calmest, quiet, and most emotionless dragon god shout and even shed tears right in front of them.

Ophis with trembling hands hugged herself as tears continued to roll done her face.

"I-I just wanted to help! I-I never wanted to cause him harm! I don't know what to do anymore! he helped me so much! because of him I was able to learn so much about a normal and fun life! I was able to eat sweets and have lots of hugs! all because of him! I can no longer imagine my life without him anymore!" Cried Ophis as she slumped done to her knees.

The girls didn't know how to react but shed some tears of their own at the thought of Issei never returning home.

"I sent them to another world where I was a few times, there was no danger no monster nothing just pure relaxation after all he did so much for everyone... for me...I just wanted him to take a break with his friend, I was going to bring them back after a month but.... when I sent them out... Something or someone tempered with the teleportation spell and they were sent somewhere elsewhere..." Said Ophis as she sobbed.

"But I haven't given up! I won't give up and find him no matter what! after all... he didn't give up on me...I will continue to search for him until I find him and bring him back" Said Ophis as she slightly calmed down.

Valerica couldn't feel rage any longer even if she wanted after hearing and seeing Ophis.

Valerica walked up to Ophis and got on her knees before hugging Ophis.

Ophis was shocked for a few seconds before she broke down crying again.

The rest of the girls came around Ophis and hugged her too.

"It's okay, What matters is that you haven't given up and are trying your best to find him" Said Valerica.

"I'm sure that you'll be able to find him sooner or later" Said Ingvild.

"But what if he was sent somewhere really dangerous?" Asked Ophis with a shaky voice.

"We know that he is more than capable of protecting himself and becoming even stronger, he is the one who keeps making the impossible possible plus he has Ddraig, they are the best duo there is so I'm sure they will be fine" Said Albion.

"That's true, our beloved will not give up so easily" Said Irina.

After a couple of minutes of hugging Valerica offered Ophis to stay at the Sahqo Dovah's castle.

Ophis agreed and she was assigned a room next to the king's room and slept together with Ingvild so she wouldn't be lonely.

Next day Hyoudou household.

Rias was stripped of her power, status, and peerage, she was depressed and stayed in Issei's former room locked.

She barely ate and left the room only on rare occasions.

Xenovia, Koneko, Akeno, and Asia were worried.

They tried talking with her but she just wouldn't listen, even her brother Sirzechs couldn't do anything about that but he didn't give up, he still loved her sister dearly and tried to help with whatever he could.

He usually visits three times a week sometimes four times if he's lucky.

Today was the day when he couldn't visit her because of the massive amount of paperwork he had to take care of.

Issei's parents helped Asia take care of her newborn however they could.

Xenovia rarely ever trained and lost her touch wielding a sword.

Even if their powers were sealed they still can train.

Koneko was eating a lot of sweets to distract herself but it was working less and less each day.

Akeno wasn't any good either but she had to take care of everyone, especially her best friend.

Today Akeno went to talk to Rias again with a plate of Asia's toast and a cup of coffee.

Upon reaching the door of the room Akeno knocked several times just to receive silence in return.

"Rias... Are you awake? I brought you breakfast" Said Akeno in a worried and tired voice.

Still no response.

"Rias please, I know it's hard but please pull yourself together, it's not healthy to stay in a room for so long without eating and showering, we and your brother are worried, so please open the door and eat breakfast please?" Asked Akeno calmly just to receive silence again.

Sighting to herself Akeno decided to end this, she was too tired to deal with all of this, she can't handle it anymore.

"Rias that's it I'm coming in" Said Akeno before kicking the door open.

As soon as the doors opened she saw a drake room with a single figure on the grown beside the bed sobbing while hugging her legs.

That was once prideful Rias Gremory, reduced to shell of her former self.

It hurt Akeno to see her friend like this but she wasn't alone who was regretting their choices.

She wasn't alone who was hurting from the inside.

"Rias..." Whispered Akeno before slowly walking up to her with the plate and cup of coffee towards Rias.

"Rias, please eat something, and get out of this room already, it stinks here, when was the last time you took a bath? it's not healthy" Said Akeno.

"It doesn't matter Akeno..." Whispered Rias.

Akeno remained silent.

"What's the point? I lost the love of my life, I was disowned by my parents after I erased 'him' from his parent's memories... I'm a horrible person u don't deserve to even be alive" Said Rias as she slowly looked up at Akeno.

Akeno saw Ria's lifeless dull eyes that held only regret and sadness.

Even if they were fine for a week after being banished from the underworld they realized how meaningless their lives became.

But Akeno didn't want to give up.

"Rias... I know what we did was wrong but... At least we have to apologize to Issei, We can't just run away for all of this" Said Akeno.

"No Akeno... I don't deserve to even face him anymore... I rather die now than make him suffer any longer..." Said Rias

Before Akeno could say anything a deep and creepy voice responded.

"If that's what you want then you shall join them" Said a voice from the doorway.

Akeno and Rias turned to look at the newcomers and saw three people enter the room.

What shocked Akeno the most was Koneko's, Xenovia's, and Issei parent's heads in their grasp.

"N-no..." Uttered Akeno as tears started to escape her eyes while Rias just stared with her lifeless eyes.

"Who are you!? what have you done you bastards!" Shouted Akeno as she stood up with overflowing anger.

"Oh nothing much just carrying out orders, we got information that the family's Rias Gremory was banished to the human world so we decided to kill you as payback" Said One of the men with a creepy smile.

"Don't worry though, now it's your turn" Said the man as he took out a dagger from his belt.

"Like I'll let you!" Shouted Akeno before charging the man with all she had but...


Blood started to drip down.

"Heh, I guess you can't do much without your magic kekeke" Said The Man as he chuckled.

He removed the dagger from Akeno's gut and let her fall to her knees.

"We are Qlippoth and we will make the current Lucifer out puppet kekekek" Said the man before swiftly slashing Akeno's head off.

Rias continued to watch with her lifeless eyes as her best friend was killed.

"Now it's your turn red-head kekeke" Said the man as he walked towards Rias just stared at Akeno's lifeless body and didn't even notice the man standing right in front of her with his weapon ready.

"A-akeno" Whispered Rias as tears escaped her eyes.

"Die for the sake of destruction" Said the man before doing the same and severing Rias head.

Blood splattered all over the place the two men laughed before dropping the heads of Koneko, Xenovia, and Issei's parent's on the ground.

"Time to go before Lucifer comes" Said the killer before putting a note on the bed and putting his hand on Rias's head.

A small black magic circle formed for a split second before disappearing.

The three men Teleported out of the mansion after they sensed a person walking inside the mansion.

As Asia walked inside the house with Kurėnai in her arms and a man with a nasty scar on his face beside her side.

"Thank you, Kiba for walking with me around the town "Thanked Asia with a small smile.

"No problem call me if you need help" Said Kiba.

Kiba was about to say his goodbyes but stopped as he smelled a metallic smell although faint but enough for his devil senses to pick up

He summoned his sword of betrayer.

"Kiba?" Asked Asia confused by the knight's actions.

But Kiba just put his finger on his lips.

Asia nodded and followed closely behind as he walked upstairs.

He was on guard and the more he walked the more he could smell the metallic smell... the smell of blood.

They were close to Issei's former room and the door was open.

Even Asia could smell the stench now.

Without a word, Kiba walked inside and to his and Asia's horror they saw their friends and Issei's parents... dead, killed in a gruesome way.

"N-no NO!" Shouted Asia as she slumped down to her knees while holding Kurenai firmly.

Kiba just watched the scene.

Unable to think of anything else Kiba formed a magic circle beside his right ear.

"Hello? Kiba? Is something the matter?" Asked Grayfia.

"Y-yes... Something horrible happened... Bring Sirzechs to Issei's former room immediately it's his sister" Answered the knight.

Hearing the knight's words Grayfia cut the communication while Kiba unsummoned his sword and walked inside the room.

He looked around and saw a note on the bed.

He walked up to the bed and picked up the note.

'Blame the Red Dragon Emperor for all of this, this is the first step for Qlippoth's ultimate goal'

That was all the note said.

Before he could do anything else a magic circle appeared in the middle of the room and out of it emerged Sirzechs and Grayfia.

"What happened to my sister where is sh-" Asked Sirzechs before spotting the blood puddles with two bodies and six heads on the ground.

"Rias?..." Whispered Sirzechs as he spotted his sister's head on the ground.

Grayfia covered her mouth from the shock while Sirzechs walked up to the bodies.

"W-what happened here?" Asked Sirzechs.

*I don't know my Lord I just got here but... this was left here" Said Kiba as he gave Sirzechs the note.

Sirzechs read the note before an overwhelming aura started to fill and destroy the room front eh power of destruction.

"Whoever did this won't stay alive for long!" Shouted Sirzechs as the paper disintegrated into nothingness.

But while no one noticed a black shadow-like creature jumped at Sirzechs out of Rias's head and entered his head.

"Grayfia, Inform my parents of this and... Call for the meeting with the factions that will happen in the next two days from today" Said Sirzechs.

Grayfia nodded before leaving to carry out his order

"Qlippoth I promise you will regret this" Said Sirzechs before disappearing with his magic circle.

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