21.53% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Why does this keep happening?...

章節 14: Chapter 14 Why does this keep happening?...

As Issei teleported back to the temple a small figure instantly appeared on issei with a strong hug.

"Issei! thank you for saving me!" Cried out Kunou

"It's ok Kunou, everything is fine. I won't let anyone hurt you again" Said Issei as he hugged her.

When she got off Issei they both stood up.

Issei looked at Yasaka expecting her to yell at him, but instead of that, she talked to him calmly.

"I'm not mad at you Issei... Everything is fine, Kunou is safe, and that's what matters" Said Yasaka calmly with a smile.

"B-but it was my fault in the first place that she got kidnapped, I was supposed to look after her" Said Issei as he looked away in shame.

"It's not your fault. No one knew that would happen" Said Yasaka.

"It's fine Issei I'm just happy that you came for me. That shows just how much you care for me" Said Kunou as she hugged Issei again.

"Of course, I do care about you pumpkin" Said Issei with a smile.

"Now then Issei I want you to come with me, Sun Wukong is here" Said Yasaka.

"Alright" Replied Issei.

"Can I come too?" Asked Kunou.

Yasaka looked at Issei for approval but Issei answered Kunou himself.

"Sorry pumpkin, but not this time. We need to have a really serious talk" Said Issei as he patted her head.

Kunou pouted with her crossed arms, even her tails swayed in a none happy manner but complied nonetheless.

"Just wait for me in my room, I know that you want to sleep with me again" Said Issei as he and Yasaka left.

Kunou had happiness shining across her face as she sprinted towards issei's room. Issei had a powerful barrier in his room so that the only ones that can enter are the ones he lets in himself.

Issei and Yasaka entered another room where they saw Sun Wukong smoking his pipe.

"Ah, Sekiryuutei boy" Said Sun Wukong.

"That's me old monkey" Said Issei with a smirk.

Sun Wukong just laughed at his nickname before getting to business.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about boy?" Asked Sun Wukong.

"Chaos brigade plans on releasing the beast of the apocalypse. Rizevim Livan Lucifer a satan-class devil who was presumed dead is leading the chaos brigade" Said Issei.

"What do you mean issei!" Panicked Yasaka.

"What I mean is that we need to get stronger for the final fight" Said Issei.

"So you want me to train you or something?" Asked Sun Wukong.

"No, not this time I have plenty of trainers and I might get another one tonight" Said Issei.

"But how do you know that Rizevim is still alive?" Asked Yasaka.

"The ones that kidnapped Kunou today were from the chaos brigade. Before I killed them I asked who the leader was and they said Rizevim wasn't actually killed" Replied Issei.

"So what are you saying?" Asked Sun Wukong.

"Right now I and Tannin are building a faction which I'll be the leader of pretty soon" Said Issei.

"What kind of faction?" Asked Yasaka.

"Dragon of course" Replied Issei.

"That's interesting" Said Sun Wukong.

"So you want us to be your allies?" Asked Sun Wukong.

"That would be great but I wanted to talk to you about something more in private" Said Issei as he looked at Yasaka.

She understood what he meant and left them both alone.

"So what do you need?" Asked Sun Wukong again.

"I need Yu long's soul fragment" Replied issei.

"For what purpose exactly?" Asked Sun Wukong curiously.

"I'm collecting dragon king soul fragments. Right now I have Tiamat's, Tannin's, and Albion's soul fragments, Fafnir's, Vritra's and of course Ddraig's souls" Explained Issei.

"Alright, but what's the purpose of all this?" asked Sun Wukong.

"To kill Trihexa once and for all" Said Issei.

"You one crazy kid.... but considering that you already have this many souls you won't back down now" Said Sun Wukong with a smirk.

"That's right" Said Issei.

"Alright, you will return to Kuoh tomorrow right? So then, by tomorrow you will get the soul fragment" Said Sun Wukong as he teleported away.

Issei stood up and left the room. He walked towards his room.

As he entered his room he saw Kunou already sleeping in his bed.

But he saw another figure sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Came for more hugs?" Asked Issei amused.

Ophis only nodded as Issei walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her bringing her closer.

Ophis hugged Issei back with a small smile.

Soon she just fell asleep because she was too comfortable.

Issei just chuckled as he laid her down next to Kunou and he laid down and fell asleep.

In his mindscape, Issei talked with Ddraig for a bit before he started his training.

"So you still going with this plan, killing the beast?" Asked Ddraig.

"Of course... I have no other choice" Replied Issei.

"You might die and a lot of people will be devastated by your death including the little girl" Said Ddraig.

"I know.... but that's the price I'm willing to pay if they stay safe Ddraig" Replied Issei.

"Alright..... I just wanted to make sure that you won't chicken out" Said Ddraig with a smirk.

"Oi! I'm a dragon, not a fried chicken!" Shouted Issei.

"By the way, how are you feeling?" Asked Ddraig.

"Pretty good... Kunou brings me so much joy....and calms me down in a way" Said Issei as he smiled.

"That's good. You almost stopped using divine dividing to divide your emotions, it's the third day without it, even when you told what happened to Yasaka" Said Ddraig happy because Issei was getting over the dark past.

"Yea you're right... That's good... well I'm off to train" said Issei as he walked away to start his training.

Ddraig didn't want his best host, best friend, and brother to die, that's why he was questioning Issei all the time to see if he was serious or not, because if not he will surely die.

As Issei woke up the next morning he saw Kunou and Ophis staring at each other.

The scene was cute and amusing at the same time.

"What's happening here?" Asked Issei.

"Who is she Issei?" Asked Kunou.

"Ophis" Replied Issei.

"The Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis!?" Shouted Kunou from the pure shock she felt.

"Yep, she's my friend" Answered Issei as Ophis hugged him.

"But why is she hugging you?" Asked Kunou.

"She loves hugs" Replied Issei.

Kunou then suddenly hugged both Issei and Ophis.

"I love hugs too" Said Kunou with a smile as her fluffy tails wrapped around the two.

"Then how about you become a friend of Ophis too?" Asked Issei.

"Really!?" Shouted excited Kunou.

"Yea, how about it, Ophis?" Asked Issei.

"Sure" Replied Ophis.

"Can I call you Phis?" Asked Kunou.

Ophis nodded and hugged Kunou too.

Later Ophis left Issei and Kunou.

As this was the last day of issei's stay, Kunou wanted to spend as much time as she could with Issei. She even called the girls from the last time to play. The mothers knew that Issei is capable of protecting the girls from what Yasaka had told them.

They were surprised to hear that he was the same Red Dragon Emperor who protected Kyoto and won the rating game, his appearance and actions were completely different.

Issei and the girls played different games but mostly the game that Issei played with them last time. They called that game Hungry Red Dragon.

They went to a family restaurant where they ate together, they went to souvenir shops and Issei bought everything they desired.

'For some reason, I just love to spoil these girls' Thought Issei.

'I wonder why" Chuckled Ddraig.

Issei had a bunch of money from his show 'for kids' that he hates as much as Ddraig.

The girls were extremely happy to spend time with Issei and they didn't want it to end.

But sadly all things have to end eventually.

But until then, they just had fun with Issei.

The local Youkais saw Issei having fun with the girls and made them happy. They even saw how much Issei cared for the girls as one of the girls fell when some human scum pushed her and didn't even react, but before that human could walk off Issei grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Are you going to just walk off without apologizing?" Asked furious Issei.

"And what ya gonna do about it?" Mocked the guy, clearly a scumbag.

"This" Said Issei as he knocked the lights out of the guy.

The girls just hugged Issei as they stuck out their tongues.

Issei and the girls spend the whole day together having fun but Issei had to return because his train will leave soon.

So Issei came back to the temple and gave the happy girls back to their mothers. Issei said his goodbyes but what they said back to him he didn't expect at all nor did the mothers.

"Goodbye and we hope you'll return soon dad!" Shouted the girls as they hugged Issei.

Issei's eyes widened and looked at the mothers expecting to see some mad faces but instead, he saw the mothers crying tears of joy.

Issei and Kunou went back to issei's room for his bag.

"Ready to go?" Asked Yasaka standing at the doorway.

"Yep" Replied Issei as he walked towards her.

Yasaka, Kunou and Issei went to the train station, but before Issei could say his goodbyes and leave, Sun Wukong came with a small box.

"Sekiryuutei boy, take this box inside you'll find the thing you asked for" Said Sun Wukong as he handed out the box.

Issei took the box and put it into his bag.

"Well, I'll get going then" said Issei.

"Have a safe trip" Said Yasaka with a smile.

"And come back soon dad" Said Kunou.

Yasaka and Sun Wukong had their jaws dropped but Issei just smiled and hugged Kunou before giving a peck on her forehead.

Issei entered the train and after a couple of minutes, the train started to move.

They waved to him as he did the same and the train left into the distance.

"Dad?" Asked Yasaka curiously.

"Yes he's mine and my friend's dad" Said Kunou happily.

Yasaka only smiled the biggest smile and shed some tears of joy.

"Well, that boy is something else" Chuckled Sun Wukong.


Issei thought that it was time to absorb Yu long's soul fragment.

He took a box out of his bag and opened it. Inside he found a bright green orb on a small soft red pillow. He took it out and absorbed it while no one was looking.

Later he entered his mindscape to meet Yu long.

As he entered he was met with a green Asian dragon.

"So you are the one that will be my new partner?" Asked Yu long.

"Yep" Answered Issei.

"Alright, what do you need?" Asked Yu long.

"I want you to train me your powers" Said Issei.

"And what's it in for me?" Asked Yu long.

"You'll be able to watch TV here and eat any food you want. Because it's my mindscape I can do whatever I want here" Replied Issei with a smirk.

"Hmmmmmm. Sign me in" Replied Yu long.

"Alright, do you want to start right now or later tonight?" Asked Issei.

"Maybe later" Said Yu long.

"Alright" Replied Issei.

"Fafnir, come here" Said Issei.

As Fafnir came Issei asked him to train together some more because only two nights of training won't do the job.

"You can go to the others Yu long" Said Issei.

He only nodded as he flew away.

"Could I learn your curse and outrage abilities?" Asked Issei.

"You can learn my curse ability but I don't know about the outrage" Answered Fafnir.

"Alright then, we will find out sometime later now let's get started" Said Issei.

Issei started his training as he had a few hours to spare as he travelled back to Kouh.

As Issei ended his training he could now use curse ability but was way too weak to be of any use as of yet.

As he got out of the train he was met by Valerica and Ingvild waiting for him.

"Welcome back Issei" Said Ingvild as she hugged and kissed Issei.

"Yeah welcome back" Said Valerica as she did the same but her kiss lasted a bit longer.

"Hello girls, didn't know you were coming to get me" Said Issei as they parted from the kiss.

"Of course, we came, we didn't see you for three days" Pouted Ingvild.

Issei chuckled and patted her head before giving a peck on her forehead.

"Let's go home then?" Said Issei.

They got back home and had dinner together. After a long day for Issei, he went to sleep with his two mates.

At night Issei in his mindscape trained with Yu long. He learned how to use his powerful fire breath that can cause massive destruction.

The next morning when they woke up they got ready and left for school.

In the classroom, they met Murayama Katase and...Irina standing and talking together.

Issei didn't know what to do. He wanted to welcome her back.... but he didn't know if she knew what happened to him yet.

Irina turned her head towards the three and saw Issei with Ingvild's and Valerica's hands wrapped around his arms.

"Hey, Issei I've missed you" Said Irina cheerfully as she jumped at him and hugged him.

He hugged back.

"I-I missed you too Irina" Replied Issei.

"What are you doing with Valerica and this new girl here?" Asked Irina as she eyed Valerica suspiciously.

Irina didn't know that she was on their side now but her presence here alone made her think that she was an ally.

"Well, we-" Issei didn't get to finish as Valerica answered for him.

"We both are issei's mates" Replied Valerica.

"Wha?" Asked Irina.

"T-thats true Irina" Said Issei.

"What about the others?" Asked Irina.

"They betrayed Issei by sleeping with his friends" This time replied Ingvild with a hint of anger.

"Wha? This can't be true Issei..... right?" Asked Irina with a voice filled with utter disbelief.

"U-unfortunately it's true" Replied Issei.

"Those whores!" Shouted Irina as an intense holy aura spread throughout the whole building hurting the weaker devils and even shocking the students as they never thought of a moment hearing such words from someone like Irina.

"Wow, for an angel she has some nice words... I like her already, I think she will be great to your harem, I approve of her" Said Valerica amused.

Irina heard what Valeeica said and blushed immediately.

"I can't believe that Xenovia could do this.... my best friend cheated on my childhood friend and crush" Said Irina in utter disbelief until she realised what she said.

She immediately covered her mouth with her arms.

"Well that checks out, then welcome to Red Dragon's harem" Said Valerica while Ingvild giggled and Issei sighted and the males groaned in the back of the class.

The bell rang and they went to their seats starting their school day.

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