97.52% Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories / Chapter 236: Chapter 4: Island of War

章節 236: Chapter 4: Island of War


The Rookie 12, minus Sai, had all gathered at an Akimichi owned BBQ restaurant. What would normally be a happy gathering of friends was right now one of serious grim silence. It had only been a few days since Tsunade had revealed Naruto's parentage to them and they had all been sworn to keep it secret from the rest of the village. The consequences being death, no matter your status in the village. Needless to say the bit of information, along with other stuff they learned, left the young shinobis pretty confused and conflicted too.

"Damn I still can't believe it…" Kiba muttered quietly so no one else but his friends could hear him. "Who would've thought the dead last was the Yondaime Hokage's son?"

"You know, if you look at the Yondaime's portrait carefully, you can actually see the resemblance." Choji said before taking a bite of his stake.

"And if you think about it…it makes sense." Shikamaru commented. "Having someone who is related to the village's leader become the jinchuuriki is the best way to ensure their loyalty. And according to Jiraiya-sama, the Yondaime wasn't the kind of guy to ask anyone to make that kind of sacrifice."

"It didn't help Naruto-kun though." Hinata said, her voice surprisingly angry and no stuttering. "Some genius the Fourth was."

"Hinata!" Ino gasped, unable to believe what the Hyuuga heiress was saying. "How can you say that about the Yondaime Hokage?"

"And how can I not!" She yelled, though she kept her voice down. The others were a little taken aback by the usually shy heiress's sudden outburst. "The Yondaime foolishly asked for Naruto to be treated as a hero. As noble a wish that is he, a supposed prodigy, should've known how the villagers would react when so many lives were lost. The Sandaime was an even bigger fool for following it and not even trying to be there for Naruto-kun and worse keeping the truth of his parents away from him. He could've told Naruto-kun his mother's name if nothing else. And Jiraya and Kakashi-sensei did nothing! They are even worse than trash, one doing nothing but acting as a worthless pervert and the other wallowing in his past and guilt. Personally I would just drop out of the mission and just leave Naruto-kun be if…if he's happy outside the village." Hinata said, the last part she quivered a bit.

"But…we're going to have to bring him back." Tenten said. "Its for his own safety. With Akatsuki and other villages setting their eyes on him…he needs to be in Konoha so we can protect him."

"Indeed we cannot allow those unyouthful people to apprehend Naruto-kun." Lee said, backing Tenten up. "And I'm sure once we bring back Naruto-kun he'll become his youthful-self once more and all will be well again."

"Naruto won't see it that way, not one bit." Sasuke replied to Tenten and Lee's statement. "Nor will Gaara or the other friends Naruto has. They'll only see it as Konoha trying to get their 'property' back. Face it jinchuuriki get the bad end of the deal no matter how you look at it. No offense Lee but the world isn't in black and white." Sasuke said to the bushy brow chunin before letting out a sigh. "Sometimes I wonder what the Shodaime Hokage was thinking when he started handing out the bijuu to villages."

"Logically I'm not fully sure if this mission will even be a success." Shino said, adding his own two cents in. "After hearing how Naruto took down Sasori of the Red Sand, an S-rank shinobi and member of Akatsuki, our odds of defeating him look bleak. Combine he possess a bloodline greater then the Mokuton, wielded originally by someone stronger then Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha combine, along with his tenant, the odds do not look well for us."

"I'm surprise that in none of the rumors or information from Suna about Sasori's demise mention Naruto's real identity. Or that the village doesn't already know about him being Kodama." Sakura replied.

"Apparently Hokage-sama and Jiraya-sama are working overtime in making sure that Naruto's identity or the fact he's alive isn't revealed to the populace since the reaction the village would have is obvious. So far the only people who know are the ones on the retrieval team, Hokage-sama and the Council though the civilian side is being kept in the dark more or less about this, most likely under threat of severe punishment." Neji replied.

The group fell into silence for a moment before shifting too other topics unaware that their mission would soon begin in several hours.

(Underground ROOT Base)

"So you understand the details of your mission Sai?" Danzo asked the pale skin shinobi kneeling before him.

"Hai Danzo-sama. I am to retrieve the clone and if able to capture or kill Naruto Uzumaki." Replied Sai in his usual monotone voice.

"Good" Danzo commented. "While recovering the jinchuuriki would be a great boon for us, especially since he possess Sadahiko-sama's bloodline, you're nowhere near his strength to be able to capture him, let alone kill him. If the retrieval team can detain him then we'll use that opening. However retrieving the clone is more important, especially to ensure we have a back up container that we can mold into our own accord."

"Danzo-sama if I may ask…how did you came to learn of the girl? And for that matter why do you expect she is with the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, let alone still alive?" Sai asked with actual curiosity.

"I suppose since this is your assignment you should be made aware of such things." Danzo said nonchalantly. "Do you know the man named Hiruko?"

Sai blinked. "Hiruko? As in the close friend of the Sannin who fled the village several years ago you mean? Weren't you contact with him for sometime?" The artist shinobi replied.

"The very same." Danzo replied. "Four years ago I had received word from him that he had actually managed to capture the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. The reason he contacted me was that he wanted to make a deal with me, which was in return for keeping the boy's body for research to learn about the Uzumaki clan's bloodline, and to give him people with Kekkei Genaki, he would create a clone with Uzumaki DNA and give it to me to become to new Kyuubi Jinchuuriki after Uzumaki died. While I did not fully trust him to keep his end of the bargain, I knew I could not pass up such an opportunity. Half a year later I sent a contingency of ROOT agents to the Hiruko's hideout to pick up the clone, who by then should've have the Kyuubi sealed in it and maybe recover the boy's body too. But when they arrived the facility was deserted." Danzo explained.

"Hiruko escaped?" Sai asked, thinking that was the most likely outcome. But Danzo shook his head.

"No my agents actually found his body in their…along with the rest of his subordinates. None of the prisoners were there and neither were any of their bodies. From surviving cameras the agents had learned Naruto Uzumaki somehow managed to escape and what I assume was some kind state of rage he slaughtered Hiruko and his men, freed the prisoners and took the first and only born clone, a female clone to be exact." Danzo replied.

"But how can you be sure that the clone survived? Or that Naruto even took it with him?" Sai asked again.

"Hiruko's notes managed to survive Uzumaki's rampage and we learned that Hiruko was successful in creating a single clone that possessed a natural human lifespan, in Uzumaki standards that is. Plus Uzumaki is not the kind of person to abandon someone, even if their birth is unnatural. And since the clone is technically his 'child' Uzumaki would no doubt feel responsible and take care of it."

Sai just nodded, satisfied with those answers. "Very well, now head towards the Hokage Tower. You need to be ready for the mission. And remember your primary objective is retrieving the clone with Uzumaki being the secondary objective the rest of the team will handle that. While I have no doubt that Uzumaki will make them work for it, Jiraiya and Kakashi should be able to capture him but I want you to focus on recovering the clone so that way Konoha can have a spare container for the Kyuubi just in case Uzumaki is killed or is unable to be controlled." Danzo ordered.

"Hai Danzo-sama" Sai said and then vanished with a shunshin. Just a few seconds later another person appeared behind Danzo, a man with mid-long orange hair tied in a ponytail. "Fuu? What is it?" Danzo asked. (A/N: I gave him the extra 'U' so as to not confuse him with Fu the Nanabi Jinchuuriki)

Fuu bowed his head regretfully. "Danzo-sama we discovered that there was some kind of breach in our archives. Several documents have been taken apparently for several days or more." Fuu reported.

Danzo's lone eye widened in shock, something rare considering how skilled he was in hiding his emotions, as he looked at Fuu. "What? How is that possible? And why did no one noticed their disappearance?" Danzo demanded.

"My apologies Danzo-sama. The security cameras hadn't caught anything and whoever did it was so careful that we hadn't noticed any differences." Fuu replied.

Irritated that such a thing happened Danzo quickly asked. "What documents were stolen?"

"The documents taken were mostly those related to your dealings with Orochimaru as well as Hiruko and details of missions carried out against other villages without the Hokage's approval." Fuu said. "Torune and a team of some of our best trackers are trying to figure out and track down the thief."

"Tell Torune that he must hurry efforts and I want a report of anything he discovers right away!" Danzo ordered the ROOT agent.

"Hai Danzo-sama!" Fuu said and vanished, leaving an angry and concerned elder.

'How could someone sneak in here and steal so many documents without us noticing?' Danzo asked himself furiously. 'But the bigger question is who took them? Could've it have been Tsunade? No if it was her she would've acted by now. It couldn't have been Orochimaru I've changed the security when he was last in the village. Furthermore I see no reason for him to do it. But if those documents do reach Tsunade she would have enough proof to accuse me of treason for going against hers and Hiruzen's authority. And if those documents reach the other villages then they'll raze Konoha to the ground unless Tsunade declares me a traitor in order for them to focus their rage on me. Either way it might be wise for me to prepare to leave Konoha for a while.'

(The Next Day, Hokage Tower)

The retrieval team was gather on the roof of the Hokage Tower, with Tsunade and Jiraiya standing before them, serious look on their faces. Tsunade spoke first. "Yesterday, Jiraiya's network managed to get a positive sighting of Naruto. He was seen in a port town in Fire Country in the east, picking up supplies before taking a boat, which we believe he owns, and headed out towards the ocean." The Hokage said before Jiraiya took over.

"My contact actually owns a small fishing company and told me that one of his employees out at sea saw the kid taking the boat towards…the Island of the War Gods." Jiraiya finished with a slight twitch of the eye.

This did not go unnoticed by the others and the younger members saw, much to their confusion, that the older shinobi seemed to have gone pale a bit. Clearly there was something bad about this island. "T-that island actually exists?" Kakashi asked, hesitation in his voice, a rare thing to come from the usually lazy and carefree jonin.

"Apparently so" Jiraiya replied, not liking it either.

"Um, what's the deal with this Island of the War Gods?" Tenten asked the question going through the minds of the younger members of the retrieval team.

"It's a piece of land that was under the watch of the Uzumaki Clan before the fall of Uzushio." Jiraiya said before adding, "It's also like a larger version of the Valley of the End."

It took a moment for the last words and the significance behind them before the eyes of the Rookie 12 widened to the size of dinner plates and a few went so pale that it matched Sai's. It was Choji who finally said, "A-are y-y-you saying that…"

"Yes just like how the Valley of the End was formed from the battle between Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, the Island of the War Gods was formed due to a battle between Sadahiko Uzumaki and a person named Hachiro Kishin of the Kishin clan. That person was the only who could match Sadahiko in terms of power and skills." Jiraiya summarized. "The details of the battle itself are scarce besides Sadahiko winning, but the island used to be part of Fire Country before separating as a result of their fight."

"The Kishin Clan?" Shino asked, shivering slightly at the ominous feeling upon saying the name. "I never heard of that clan before. What-"

"We're getting off topic!" Tsunade interrupted the bug user, who voice sounding like she didn't want to discuss anything about that clan. "The fact is that we don't know much about the island, including the layout, environment and whatever or whoever occupies it. But it can be assumed that Naruto might know more about it since the Uzumaki clan only allowed their own members to enter it. I know I don't have to express the seriousness of the fact we don't know anything about the island." Tsunade finished.

The entire team understood what she meant by that. A major advantage of a battle was to know the environment you were fighting in. If a shinobi knew the field then they could fight better and maybe use it against their enemy because if they didn't then they were already dead. It was even more crucial when a shinobi was taking on a retrieval mission so that way the hunter wouldn't become the hunted.

"Beside being prepared for anything on the island we must also be prepared in the event Akatsuki shows." Jiraiya added.

"Either way we won't have a better chance than this so don't do anything half-assed." Tsunade said. "Jiraiya shall be put in charge of the mission as explained before with Kakashi acting as second-in-command. They along with Tenzo are the only three are the best chance of subduing Naruto without causing much damage. Also in the event that either or all of them are killed you are to disengage and fall back understood?"

"Hai!" Everyone said in return.

Half an hour later the retrieval mission took off towards the eastern cost of Fire Country. The plan was to make their way there before acquiring boats towards the island. Currently as they jumped through trees Shino approached Jiraiya, who was at the head of the group. "Pardon me Jiraiya-sama but I am curious as to why Tsunade-sama seemed so nervous about talking about the Kishin clan?"

Everyone, minus Jiraiya who was facing forward, gave Shino a look. But it was Jiraiya who asked. "Well why are you so curious Shino?"

"Naruto currently possess a bloodline that belonged to a man who was stronger then both the Shodaime Hokage and Madara Uchiha combined and he may very well be at their level. To hear that there was someone who could face someone as strong as Sadahiko Uzumaki is concerning." Shino answered.

Everyone looked at Jiraiya who still hadn't turn to face Shino. Finally after a minute the Toad Sage let out a sigh. "The Kishin clan…if there was ever a clan to be called evil it would be them. During the time before villages were form, a time when clans fought one another for land and power, the Kishin clan were partially responsible for those numerous conflicts as well various lords hiring clans. They had conquered many lands back then and in fact a lot of the minor countries of today were form due to the Kishin clan taking various pockets of land from the five larger countries." Jiraiya said.

"H-how could a single clan take so much land from other clans and lords?" Sakura asked, shocked to hear that a majority of minor countries were formed due a single clan conquering lands.

"From what sensei told me the Kishin clan was…different. Besides being one of the oldest clans in history they were also the numerous. I heard that they could absorb natural energy and use it for techniques. Along with that each member had an ability unique only to themselves." Jiraiya's voice suddenly turned grim. "The fact that they would openly conquer pockets of land is enough to say about them. They were cruel to anyone outside their clan and were merciless in battle, sparring almost no one whether they were shinobi or not and a lot of clans were also wiped out by them. As their names say you could almost call them actual demons. The Shodaime Hokage was killed by them too."

There was a moment of silence after hearing Jiraiya's explanation. To hear there was such a clan, both powerful and heartless, almost made Orochimaru sound like a saint. And to hear that they killed Hashirama Senju, a powerful shinobi, was not only scary but also explained why Tsunade didn't want to talk about them. "W-what happened to them?" Hinata asked nervously.

"They were wiped out." Jiraiya replied automatically. There were actually a few sighs of relief released unconsciously by the others. "Apparently they were wiped out sometime after the five major villagers were formed but before the First Shinobi War. Numerous clans, mostly ones that are now part of Konoha, allied together to wipe them out and the force was actually led by the Uzumaki clan, who were the first people to see how much of a threat the Kishin clan were to the world. I never seen a member for myself and sensei wasn't even in his twenties when he saw his first one and he openly said that he was glad they were wiped out." Jiraiya said, surprising the others, especially Asuma. His father had always been a pacifist by nature and it was the first time Asuma had ever heard that his father was glad that someone was dead, let alone an entire clan.

"Do you think they'll ever come back?" Choji asked.

"I hope not." Jiraiya replied. "While there is a good chance that a few survived the genocide in all honesties I really hope they never come back."

After that the Toad Sage went silent and the rest of the journey continued on as such.

(Unknown Location)

The lifeless form of Yugito Nii, kunoichi of Kumogakure and jinchuuriki of the Nibi, fell on the ground right beside the corpse of Roshi, a jonin of Iwagakure and the jinchuuriki of the Yonbi. Above them the last bits of the Nibi's chakra went into the mouth of the Gedou Mazo with the holographic images of the Akatsuki, minus Hidan and Kakuzu, stood on separate fingers.

Hidan cracked his neck. "Fuck that was tiring as shit." The Jashin worshipper commented.

"I have to agree with that, sealing two bijuu in a row is exhausting." Kisame's holograph added.

"Now we have sealed three bijuu, all that remains are the Ichibi, Gobi, Rokubi, Nanabi, Hachibi and Kyuubi." Pain said. Then he looked at Zetsu. "How goes locating the Kyuubi?"

"We got lucky." White Zetsu replied. "We spotted him stopping at a port in Fire Country before taking a boat and heading off towards one of the nearby islands."

"Where was he heading?" Pain asked.

"We couldn't tell for sure but it looks like he was heading towards one of the islands near the old Land of Whirlpools. The Island of War Gods." Black Zetsu answered.

"That island actually exists?" Itachi asked, his voice holding both shock and amazement in it. A few members even gave the Uchiha looks, surprised by the rare show of emotions from Itachi.

"Anyway…we tried but couldn't get on the island. Looks like the seals the Uzumaki Clan were interfering a bit." White Zetsu said having gotten out of his shock.

"Also it seems like Jiraiya's network spotted him too because the Sannin is heading there along with a large group of Konoha shinobi, some of them being Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi and Sasuke Uchiha." Black Zetsu said. There was a small movement from Itachi at the mention of his younger brother's name but this time no one saw it.

"Hmm Jiraiya, Kakashi, Asuma and the jinchuuriki both have high bounties in the black markets. I wouldn't mind coming to collect them." Kakuzu said.

"Hell yeah for once I agree with ya Kakuzu. Those people would be a great sacrifice to Jashin-sama!"

"Oi! I should go! I still have a bone to pick with that brat!" Deidara yelled, now complete with two arms, courtesy of Kakuzu.

"Yeah because of the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, we lost the Ichibi that Deidara-senpai worked hard to get!" Tobi, Deidara's new partner, said. "You almost got blown up by him too Deidara-senpai remember?"

"Shut it Tobi I don't need you to remind me!" Deidara yelled at his childish partner. The Iwa-bomber had not forgotten how close he was to death because of Naruto. He had barely managed to jump off his clay bird and used it to take most of the Katon technique that Naruto had used. Deidara had still been burned a bit, but managed to survive it and his crash landing afterwards. But now he was thinking he should've just gotten himself killed then deal with his new idiot partner.

"Hey the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki was originally are target." Kisame interjected while Itachi remained silent. "Besides according to Zetsu and his bingo book profile the kid's gotten pretty good with a sword. I bet he will be an interesting opponent to fight."

"Enough" The voice of Pain echoed through the cave, silencing the others. Once all focus was on him did he speak again, "Konan and I will go to capture the jinchuuriki. Itachi, Kisame, Deidara and Tobi will come as well to deal with the Konoha shinobi along with whatever else might be there. Zetsu will also come too since once we enter the island he can act a as link for communication."

"What the fuck!? I mean I get why Itachi and Kisame would go but why the fuck Deidara and Tobi!?" Hidan yelled in annoyance.

"Deidara's skill in long range attacks will be useful against numerous opponents. Besides Zetsu has also learned that the Hachibi has left Kumo to train the mountains. The jinchuuriki is known to be able to fully control his bijuu at a level equal to the Yondaime Mizukage. Yours and Kakuzu's 'unique skills' will be useful in capturing the jinchuuriki." Pain explained.

Knowing that once the leader's mind was set that nothing could change it, Hidan relented. "Fine but how the hell are you going to get on the fucking island? Didn't those Uzumaki people put a shitload of seals to protect it or some kind of crap?"

"I'll worry about that." Pain said right away. "You and Kakuzu prepare to head towards Lightning Country and the rest of you meet at our outpost in the eastern shore of Fire Country. We'll rendezvous there and then head towards the island." And with that the images of Akatsuki, minus Kakuzu and Hidan, vanished.

(With Orochimaru)

"The Uzumaki boy is on the Island of War Gods?" Orochimaru asked his right hand man.

"Yes Orochimaru-sama our spy confirmed it after seeing Naruto-kun take a boat out there." Kabuto replied to his master.

"I've always been curious to see what the island looked like. A mass of land formed from a battle by two gods amongst men has always intrigued me." Orochimaru mused.

"Another of our spies reported that they saw Jiraiya heading towards the port where Naruto-kun was at. And he had a large group of Konoha-nin with him, one of them Sasuke-kun." Kabuto mentioned. That piqued Orochimaru's interest even more.

"I believe I will go see it for myself. This is a good chance for me to acquire an Onmyoton user and the Sharingan. Plus we can eliminate that annoying former teammate of mine for good…and I can stretch my legs or hands in this case." Orochimaru chuckled as he flexed his now working fingers again.

"I doubt getting on the island will be as simple as it sounds." Kabuto mused.

"True, perhaps we should bring Karin with us. Her Uzumaki blood might be key for us to get on it." Orochimaru said. "Shame that Guren is no longer with us, she would've been of great assist to us. We could never find her or the Yukimaru boy after the whole fiasco with the Sanbi three years ago."

"Indeed her bloodline would be quite useful." Kabuto said with mock kindness. In truth he and the Crystal user had never gotten along and he was quite glad she was dead and Orochimaru knew it but found it amusing rather then annoying.

"Yes though I can always summon those four if the situation gets bad." Orochimaru said with a sinister grin since his hands weren't the only things he recovered when he used the Shinigami Mask. Forming several hand seals and then slamming both hands on the ground, four coffins popped out of the ground before Orochimaru and Kabuto. Each one had a number on them with them being 1 to 4 from left to right.

(The Island of the War Gods)

If there was one thing that the island wasn't it was being a vacation resort. The mass of land was the size of a small country with several jagged rocks sticking out from the water around it, going for about two or three miles. There were only a few sandy beaches but the outer layer of the island was more or less covered by large rock formations that stuck out from the island. And the interior wasn't the least bit comforting for it was filled with trees so high that it almost looked like they reached the heavens. Many of them were grouped together or overlapping with each other while those that were separated was because of large rock formations in between them. Combine with the animals that lived on it…the island's title was well deserved for it was an impressive and fearsome island to behold.

Currently the sound of a hammer hitting a nail could be heard throughout the island. Deep within the middle-eastern part of the island was Yujin on top of a large metal contraption using his had, which had morphed into hammer. He was working on something that couldn't be seen do to the large trees that blocked said items image. However whatever it was clearly frustrated Yujin since the one thousand year old being suddenly cried, hands flailing in the air, "Its so extensive!" He yelled dramatically.

"Of course it is you idiot! It's meant to be a freaking country that can fly!" Naruto shouted back from his spot on a tree branch. He had just returned with some supplies and put them in their mobile home's storage room before exiting it and had heard Yujin's cries. "Anyway didn't you say that you were almost done with the repairs?" Naruto asked as he shifted the large scroll he had strapped to his back. He also had his LOVELESS book in his rear waist bag.

"The repairs have been done for a while." Yujin replied. "But that's not the problem, it's the power source. Remember this thing was using an evil spirit as its power source before. So now I have to replace it with something that's more infinite, safe…and less alive and likely feed off our negative emotions."

"Good point." Naruto commented. "Anyway I'm leaving Kiko-chan in her room with Sayoku (Left Wing) and Uyoku (Right Wing). But you managed to get the security system you made up and working right?" Naruto asked.

"Well I managed to get up those cloaking seals you set up to work." Yujin commented as his left hand turned back into a hammer. "And those genjutsu seals you put inside to confuse any intruders until my clones take care of them. But the rest need the new power source I'm putting in. And I still got to fill the thing up after we tested it coming here and that will take about an hour for it to be done. We wouldn't have to charge it up for so long if you had just let us stop at Hot Water Country."

"I told you I didn't want to take any chances of that perverted toad's spy network spotting us! Also the last time we were there I had to deal with those Nadeshiko Kunoichis due to that toad's dumbass promise all those years ago." Naruto replied remembering how he, Yujin and a three month old Kiko ran into a kunoichi named Shizuka and her bodyguard Tokiwa one day at one of the country's hot springs. Some crazy idiotic puppeteer was chasing after Shizuka to marry her and acquire her village's fortune since she would become the leader of the Nadeshiko village. Naruto would've ignored it if the bastard hadn't nearly killed a woman and her daughter. That pissed the jinchuuriki off and with a swing of his Sekirei to the neck Naruto killed the bastard via beheading before he hurt anyone else.

However somehow it slipped that Naruto was an apprentice under Jiraiya (if you could call it that). It was then learned that several years ago Jiraiya had made a promise with Shizuka's mentor, a former Nadeshiko Kunoichi that their students would battle when they meet and according to the village's laws, if Naruto won he would have to marry Shizuka. Naruto had made a mental note to personally castrate the Toad Sage, slow and painful, if he ever saw him again. Of course Naruto had refused right away but Tokiwa was determined to have the fight.

"I still don't get why we didn't kill them as we originally planned when Tokiwa blackmailed you in informing Konoha of their run in with us?" Yujin commented as he got back to work.

"Heh I didn't see any need for it. The best we could've done is used a memory seal to wipe their memories of us. Besides I kind of pitied her and my little scolding seemed to have knocked sense into her." Naruto said before he had a mischievous smirk on his face. "Besides it was funny to see the looks on their face when we told them that."

"That and when you flared your chakra so much that they would've lost conscious, eventually winning the little fight without lifting a finger." Yujin replied with a deadpanned expression.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Naruto replied. "I'm just glad that we managed to land here safely before the fuel ran out. Thank goodness this place is huge." Naruto commented as he began to walk away. "Anyway I'm off to see Sadahiko-hijiji. Contact me if something happens." He said before heading off.

Yujin watched Naruto walked off before staring up at the sky. He stayed quiet for a moment before murmuring gratefully, "Arigato, Senso no Konoshima (Island of the War Gods)…"

Yujin quickly went back to work as he tried to adjust the fuel lines for the new power source. But just a few minutes of working he could begin he noticed that the sky had turned red briefly and then blinked red several more times and Yujin knew it meant one thing: someone had breached the secret alert seal Naruto had put up two years ago around the island. And each blink meant that several people had passed through and were about a mile or two away from the island. "Ah crap…" Yujin said, summarizing how he felt.

With Naruto said person was moving quickly through the forest towards his destination, being careful not to attract the attention of the local wildlife. It wasn't that he could beat them, he was capable of protecting himself the reason is that the animals on the island weren't exactly normal, a side result of the battle between Sadahiko and Hachiro over a hundred years ago. The amount of chakra and energy released from their battle, combined with the change environment when the giant land mass became the island it is today, the animals here changed considerably to adapt to their new home. The ones here today made the island like a high jonin-low kage level version of the Forest of Death. Definitely not fit to host a Chunin Exam that's for sure, especially the center of the island and what was held there though Naruto was not heading there.

After jumping for the trees for several minutes Naruto paused when he landed on a medium size hill since he arrived at his destination. In front of him was one of the few man made parts of the island and stood out like a sore thumb within the deep mountain forest island. It was a semi-large round moat with a smaller island within it. Built on the island was a drawbridge along with a decent size red and brown colored house that could fit a single person or a small family of three or five people. Painted on different areas of the house was the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan. "Well looks like Sadahiko-hijiji is home." Naruto commented when he saw lights on within the house before walking towards it.

(Outside the Island)

Moving towards the large island was a medium size boat, filled with Naruto's Retrieval Team members. Tenzo was currently steering the ship while the others were going over plans, equipment or gawking at the island they were approaching. "Holy crap! It's huge!" Kiba exclaimed with Akamaru barking in agreement.

"And this was formed by just two people fighting?" Sakura whispered. It was hard to believe two people, no matter how powerful, could create an island so huge from a fight.

"According to Tsunade-hime's grandparents, Sadahiko and Hachiro were in a league of their own, even above Hashirama and Madara. Just trying to understand their powers is difficult." Jiraiya commented.

"By the way Jiraiya-sama what was that piece of paper you had out a moment ago?" Choji asked between munching on his chips.

"It was a seal with Tsunade's blood on it." The Toad Sage replied.

Seeing the confused looks on many of the younger shinobi's faces Jiraya explained. "Even though they no longer guard, the Uzumaki Clan's seals are still very much active around the island. There is a barrier here that repels almost all attacks and anyone that doesn't have Uzumaki blood can't get pass the barrier. However Tsunade discovered some notes left by her grandmother in her clan compound and had me study them to see if we could find a way through the barrier and this seal is the result." Jiraiya held up said paper with a seal written in blood. It was a single kanji for "permission" with several smaller seals written around it in a circle. "This can allow us to bypass the barrier but only this one time so when we leave we won't be able to come back unless a living Uzumaki is accompanying us."

After that the rest of the ride was relatively quiet, save for the small bits and pieces of words going amongst the group. However all the chatter ended when Anko began hearing a noise that caused her to look to the right side of the boat. "Is something wrong Anko-chan?" Yugao asked the snake mistress.

"Yeah for a moment I thought I heard-" Anko's sentence was cut off when two projectiles at lightning speed struck the ship and created a massive explosion that completely destroyed the boat and everyone on board.

High above where the boat once was, Deidara was admiring his handy work. He, Zetsu and Tobi were on two separate clay birds while Pain's Deva Path, Animal Path and Konan were on one of Pain's personal summons and Itachi and Kisame were riding on a giant crow, Itachi's summons. Nagato's actual body, along with his four other paths and one of Konan's Kami Bunshin (Paper Clone) had arrived on the island a different method. That was by riding on another of Nagato's summons, a giant snaked-tailed chameleon that could blend with its surroundings. "Ha, I blew them all in one shot, yeah!" Deidara said proudly.

"As expected of Deidara-senpai!" Tobi said, congratulating the Iwa-bomber.

"No" Itachi said as he stared at the rising smoke. His sharingan was activated. "They're still alive."

The moment he finished that sentence several small ink birds shot out of the smoke towards the Akatsuki members, exploding tags attached to their tails. Without any signs of fear, Nagato's Deva Path raised its left hand towards the ink birds. "Shinrai Tensei" He said calmly. Suddenly an invisible gravitational force struck the ink birds, pushing them away from the Akatsuki members and exploding as well.

"Ink birds?" White Zetsu said.

Soon several more but larger figures flew out of the smoke's cover towards the island. Said figures were several of Sai's ink birds plus one large hawk, courtesy of Sasuke who was riding it along with Hinata and Iruka. The rest were riding on the ink birds, all of them in groups minus Jiraiya.

"Damn that was close…" Shikamaru muttered as he stood beside Tenten and Kakashi. Moments ago the group had just barely reacted in time towards the two clay birds flying towards them. The Katon users fired several fireballs to push back the clay birds and start the explosion a little further away from the boat. Tenzo also used Mokuton to create a barrier to deflect the worse of the explosion so Sai could release his stored ink birds for transport while Sasuke summoned one of his hawks.

"Heh should've figured something like that wouldn't be able to kill shinobi of that level." Kisame commented, ignoring the angry look in Deidara's face.

"Deidera-senpai messed up again." Tobi added.

"Shut up Tobi before I give you an extra tasting of my art, hm!" Deidara yelled back at his partner.

Itachi said nothing, noting with interest that his younger brother had his own summoning, and a bird type no less.

"It seems that they had a back up in case the boat got destroyed." Konan said to Deva Path.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a team led by Jiraya-sensei." Pain commented while debating of what to do next.

Back with the Konoha's group that was about a mile away from the Akatsuki's group, a similar discussion was going on. From his bird he shared with Asuma and Tenzo, Neji looked at Jiraiya. "Jiraya-sama, should we engage them?" The Hyuuga prodigy asked.

"These aren't made for frontal assaults." Sai commented. "We'd be better heading straight towards the island and regroup before attacking."

"Sai is right. Let's head down to the island and focus on finding Naruto. Hinata, Neji try and use your Byakugan to locate him if you can." Kakashi said beside Anko and Lee. Jiraiya nodded in agreement before turning to look at the Akatsuki members. His eyes widened in shock and disbelief when they landed on Konan and Pain's Deva Path. 'W-w-what!? Is that Konan and Yahiko? W-why are t-they here a-and how does Yahiko have Nagato's Rinnegan!?'

"Jiraya-sama! Up ahead!" Shizune yelled.

Her voice snapped Jiraiya out of his thoughts before he looked in front of him. A large shadow began to ascend upon the Konoha and the Akatsuki group. As the structure grew in size the clouds were pushed aside as it got larger. Both groups, Akatsuki and Konoha, had shocked, disbelief and a few terrified reactions towards this newcomer.

"H-h-holy crap…" Sasuke muttered.

"What the hell!?" Kiba yelled as he stared wide eye. Beside him Akamaru was whimpering.

"Oi, oi are you serious…?" Kisame murmured as he and Itachi looked at it with shock.

"Is that a human?" Ino asked terrified.

"It's even bigger then the Kyuubi!" Iruka said as he recalled the bijuu's size from nineteen years ago.

"Where the hell did that thing come from!?" Deidara yelled.

'T-that's…' Tobi/Obito thought to himself, his eyes widening behind his mask.

"My god…" Asuma murmured as his cigarette fell from his open mouth.

"That thing is bigger then any summons I've ever seen before!" Anko yelled in disbelief.

"Incredible…" Pain murmured in slight awe.

Before them, his back facing the island, feet in the water and wearing only blue pants was a titan-sized Yujin. The green skin being had grown to enormous proportions, so much that he was of equal height of the island itself. Yujin's new size made the Konoha and Akatsuki forces look like ants before him. His head also blocked out the sun as he stared down at the shinobi. The giant stood between the invaders and the island like a mighty wall with no intentions of letting them pass. With his fist clenched and a harden glare in his eyes, Yujin said one word in his now deep voice. "Vanish"

The battle of the Island of the War Gods had begun.

And there we go! The big battle is about to begin and Yujin is starting it off big time (literally)

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