Suddenly, Akash felt two hands tickling her sides causing her to turn back in agitation. "Bele, can't you be more like the rest of the Grimbold family? Imagine coming from a family of warriors and still being a dainty little girl."
Bele giggled at Akash's words her red hair bobbing. She had long since become used to this.
"There's nothing wrong with acting like a woman," Bele cupped her small chest proudly.
Akash scoffed. "Woman, or little boy?"
Bele pouted in agitation, stomping her feet. "Hubby, Akash is bullying me again!"
A gold haired young man sitting nearby with a group of friends looked up but could only shake his head. Bele knew fully well that he was no match for Akash, so why get him involved? In fact, he wasn't even really Bele's husband! Marriages between major families were never the norm… but when Bele found out that Mithrandir and Zaltarish were betrothed to each other, she pounced on him… claiming 'dibs' as she called it.