37.96% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 238: Game of the Insane Demigod by KyKyuKai (Percy Jackson)

章節 238: Game of the Insane Demigod by KyKyuKai (Percy Jackson)

Summary: So I just sort of appeared in Percy Jackson's world with game powers and literally no direction on what to do past that really... Eh, I'll figure it out on the way, games are suppose to be fun after all! I think... I don't really know considering I have no idea who I am, but I can figure that out later as well! Gamer!OC Honestly, borderline crack. Pulls from a lot of mythologies.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14136815/1/

Word count:140k


Chapter 1


This decidedly doesn't look like my bedroom...

In fact, I'd dare say this is a void of nothingness that most would go insane through trying to grasp the infinite nothingness in which spans before my eyes that no mortal man should ever dare try to comprehend...

Yeah, no, it wasn't that deep, it was just boring and dark, I felt more like I was just in a room without lights on than I felt like I was in some space between realities. Though, last time I checked, which wasn't that long ago, I couldn't feel my body, or blink, so... probably didn't have a body to be honest, which was weird, can't say why though, since the last time I checked I have no fucking clue who I am.

So maybe not having a body was normal?

Probably not, not having a body should be impossible, and yet here I am. Maybe I'm dead? That'd suck, I'd prefer to have lived first, or at least remember it before hand.

Welcome User to the land of Percy Jackson! You have been chosen to be granted the power of a Gamer System!

Ah, something new, and it's even in words I can understand somehow, that's nice. Though, have to say, this looks pretty familiar, which is weird considering I have no idea what something as simple as what my own gender is, and yet I have a strong idea about just what was happening to me was. I was being reincarnated, or at least something similar, into a new words with video game powers. In this case a world of demi-gods, since it said Percy Jackson...


Why the hell do I know that but not what my own name is? Kind of weird.

That is because I have removed all your personal memories to make this as streamlined and less confusing as possible!

But isn't that also getting rid of all my personal characterizations, traits, and past history, making me a more boring character by default since I have nothing to base my actions off of in any relatable way to the common person, instantly alienating myself from the largest audience, making it harder to sympathize and connect with my future hardships?

...Shut up! Anyways! Time to get to character creation! Pick a pantheon!













Ah, that was a lot of options, and most of them don't show up in the Percy Jackson books, like, ever, so that means that it just won't be the basics from that world that I'll have to deal with in the future, good to know. But still, that is a bunch of options, like, a lot of them, I didn't know to next anything about the last eight on the list of twelve, so, by default, those options were out by just not wanting to die from not knowing what the hell I was doing.

Past that, Biblical mythology is simple but also... no. I wasn't exactly looking to get myself caught up between angels and demon's have a cock fight or something, that sounded horrible. Roman... didn't really know much about to be honest, everything I knew there was because it was ripped straight from Greek mythology, and for Egyptian, I knew a small bit, but nothing to make note of. Which of course lead with my only real option.

Greek for five hundred please...

I can make pop culture jokes, but I don't know if I like mayonnaise or not.

Life's weird.

Don't worry about it! If you don't think about your problems, then they don't exist.

I was basically born yesterday, and even I know that's terrible advice.

Shut up time two! Now then, onto the god selection! Lucky you, you get to pick which god(dess) is your parent! I recommend choosing a real strong one!

Random (You will not know until an event triggers!)

Uh, why there was only one option? Shouldn't I be getting another big list?

...Hello? Nothing to add? Really? Is this revenge for being rude? If so then this has taught me nothing, and I will not learn a single thing from this experience.

Random God for one hundred please! Because you don't deserve any more points than the bare minimum!

Hmph, fine. Here.

[Choosing God...

God selected!]

[Choose Name: ?]

Ah, I'm picking a name now... hmm, I know! Percy Jackson!

Are you fucking kidding me?

Yeah, but you have to admit, it would be pretty funny. Anyways, nah, let's go with... Hmm, am I a boy or girl?

What the hell does that matter?

I don't remember what I was before or what I'm about to be, so how can I pick a name! I've already mentioned I don't know my gender damn it, and I am not about to give myself identity issues by naming myself Alice only to show up looking like a Bill!

Ugh, I'm never doing this again, I thought this was going to be fun! Fine, whatever, you're going to be a guy, I guess, happy now?

Not particularly, but annoying you is definitely helping my mood... A guy huh? Hmm... Nicholas! I want a name that is kind of just to long, but I can shorten, like a certain sea green eyed demi-god. And for a last name... I feel like Deicide would be a bit to on the nose, and I really can't think of anything to be honest, hmm. What about... Hell, I don't know, so I'll just go with something cool sounding. King!

This is the worst.

[Choose Name: Nicholas King



[Name Accepted, generating Player System...

Stat Sheet complete!

Perk Sheet complete!

Skill Sheet complete!

Status Effect Sheet complete!

Loading... Presenting information!

First, Stat Sheet! Please say when you are done looking over the information to move to the next sheet]

Ah, isn't that just handy, look at it all!

Name: Nicholas King

Heritage: Demi-God

Age: 12

Level: 1

Mana Points: 50/50

Stamina Points: 100/100


Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 5


Power: 5

Control: 5

Luck: 5


Perception: 5

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Points: 0

Cash: 0$

Ah, isn't that very interesting, and not to mention incredibly informative. I don't have a health bar, which means that I take actual damage and it's up to my body to just be able to deal with it, which isn't exactly my favorite thing to know. Another thing is, damn, did I have a freaking lot of stats, nine in total which was insane for a thing like this! That was so many options to spread out my stats between.

Then there was the cash icon, and considering that the system notification thing didn't mention anything about an inventory, I probably don't have one, but I am now a possible walking bank, which is probably good enough for the time being.

Finally was what the stats themselves were, as well as the two bars I did have. The physical and mental stats, as they were broken up, were expected and simple, it would take an idiot to not be able to understand just what they did, but Spiritual? That was something else. Power was no doubt my demi-god powers, which is probably the stat used on my mana bar, like Constitution is no doubt the thing determining Stamina.

It probably both determines the amount of mana I have and the amount of raw power I can output, while Control is something else related, probably the stat that is required to be able to pull off the powers in the first place. For an example, it's one thing for Percy to be able to burst water pipes without knowing because he was angry, but it was a completely other thing for him to knowingly control the flow of a river. Meaning both were incredibly important to my demi-god powers as a whole.

While Luck was just self explanatory.

All in all, there were three subcategories for my stats, and all three were incredibly important. Being super strong doesn't mean anything if I can get attacked behind because my Perception is low, or my brain wasn't moving fast enough to me able to make decisions on the fly. This was very important information to my continued survival!

[Notice! Through extensive thought and comprehending: +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom!]

Ah! And that proves another wonder of mine, about if I can level my stats up without having to use points, thank you System for letting me know now, mind letting me see the next one now?

There we are!


[Gamer's Body]

Your body has similar properties of a videogame character.

You can recover from all minor Status Effects and minor damage taken from a full nights rest.

You are immune to any Status Effect that would render control of your mind or body from you.


You are half-God half-human, and as such your body and soul are naturally different from the normal people around you.

You have gained the permanent Status Effects of: [Minor Dyslexia] and [Minor ADHD]

[Son of [?]]

As the son of the ? of ?, your abilities are greatly increased compared to that of a normal human.

You gain a +150% increase in leveling skills when you use them well enough to win in someway.

When you are in any task or event in which you are competing with another, your stats are increased by 20% until the task/event is complete.

You gain 10 Points to Strength and Dexterity every ten levels.

You gain 5 Points to all stats every ten levels]

Hmm, interesting... let's go about this in order, first, Gamer's Body, it's incredibly good to have, but I don't have Gamer's Mind to back it up, which is unfortunate to be honest, but past that, this version of the ability is nerfed pretty heavily, it's not a perfect restorer, anything past a minor injury isn't going to be healed in just one night, and status effects are the same way, which kind of lowkey sucks, but it's certainly better than nothing, plus I still get a perfect immunity to all attempts at mind control which is pretty sick.

Next, Demi-God, it was just a place holder perk from the looks of things, just a thing to have a place where it discussed the downsides of being a demi-god. Though thankfully it seemed that the screens themselves, while in English didn't seem to be affected by the newly acquired Dyslexia. Though I did notice that it mentioned that both Status Effects were minor, which either means I got lucky, like how Frank didn't really get to affected by those two traits, or my parent isn't in fact a major god.

Which finally lead's me to the last Perk, and... I have absolutely no fucking idea just who my parent is. I didn't really know the minor gods all that well to be honest, and there was nothing there on the screen that let me know which god they could be, it wasn't like it said you get Hydrokensis or the ability to fly or anything, which would have just spelled it out to me. Instead I get... stronger from competing against people? I had no idea what that could mean to be honest.

But it gave me a massive increase to skill leveling at least, even if it was under certain conditions, and a twenty percent increase to my stats themselves was nothing to sneeze at once those numbers start getting bigger, in fact a flat twenty percent increase for something so easy to activate was practically the strongest ability I had at the moment, and realistically would be for a while, unless I got some other busted power at some point soon, so that's something I guess.

Anyways, next please!



Ah, well, that's boring but not exactly unexpected. So, next!

[Status Effects:

[Minor Dyslexia]

Because you have god-blood running through your veins, you have a harder time understanding modern language, while having a much greater comprehension of Ancient Greek.

+25% decrease in speed to read in any language that isn't Greek.

+100% increase in learning Ancient Greek.

+25% chance of comprehending an Ancient Greek word or phrase without knowing it beforehand.

[Minor ADHD]

Because you have god-blood running through your veins, you have a harder time staying still and inactive, making you much more attentive and battle ready.

+10% increase in leveling Combat based skills.

+3 to Perception every five levels.

Huh, that's... not bad at all to be honest, sure the reading thing sucked a bit, but like... whatever, it wasn't that bad, the ADHD thing was actually pretty good, which made sense since it was an actual benefit to demi-gods unlike normal humans, the increase in Perception meant it would be getting a free eight points ever ten levels, meaning as long as I was leveling it up through training, I'd probably never have to worry about needing to use stat points on it.

Plus the increase to fighting skills and such was handy, added onto my Son Of Blank bonus, I should learn to fight pretty damn quickly all thing considered, which I'll probably need.

All in all, not bad for being the starting bare bones.

Finally we're done with all this shit! You've sucked all the fun out of this I hope you know! So I'm going to fuck you up for it, have fun!

[Notice: You're luck stat has been altered by [Game Dev]]

Luck: -15

Ah come on, that's just mean!

Before I could make an argument for my case, everything vanished in a flash of blinding white light.

Waking up in a shitty apartment wasn't exactly the most stunning thing ever for most people, actually, they'd probably find it pretty depressing, I just smiled, it was nice, to feel the way my body existed. It was a very new feeling, and got to be honest, I liked it, made me all warm and fuzzy, but then again, that might be the blood and magic rolling around my newly acquired veins.

Anyways, pulling myself up, I looked around at everything with my eyes, and it was pretty awesome, like, I knew colors existed of course, but this was the first time I could remember seeing them, and as such, they were awesome. I kind of got caught up with looking around at every interesting color around me, that when I finally looked over myself, in a mirror I was a bit hyper in looking myself over.

I blamed the new ADHD and the fact this was my first day alive, that I could remember. Anyways, I had near raven black hair, though against the poor lighting, I could see some faint strains of dark brown hidden in the locks, it was pretty long to, longer than I'd thought it would be for a boy. Maybe old me didn't like hair cuts? The idea of sitting still that long sounded horrible.

Past that, my face was pretty soft and round and weird, with two cameral brown eyes, I was pretty short as well, but that was expecting, I was twelve after all. My skin wasn't anything special, a light olive in a way that probably came from my god parent, since, well, I'm at least half Greek. God or not, I get their traits, and Greek gods lived up to their names apparently. It wouldn't really make since if they were pasty white or something, without reason.

Like Hades! He was all pasty because he's been underground for a few thousand years, not like it was his fault, I mean, really, the whole thing with his brothers and dad is all kinds of fucked up when you think about it, I mean-

Something's wrong, something is very wrong, as I had been walking, exploring and loving existence existing for me, I had noticed something very important, I couldn't feel anything between my legs as I was walking...

It took less than a minute to confirm my worse fear.

That damn game dev lied to me! He did the thing I told him I didn't want to happen! My name and body don't match up!

God, this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my less than half hour of existing!

Fucking great! Now I have to find a way to shapeshift or something so I can get a dick.

Because like hell was I going to change my name! I don't even think I can, the game system seemed pretty sure of itself when I chose Nicholas the first time. Besides, I don't want to change it, I put a lot of thought into that name, and like hell was something as stupid like biology going to stop me from being a guy.

Besides, even if I did find a way to switch my name, then I'd have to switch my last name to, and Nicole Queen isn't as fun sounding.

So, now the question becomes how to manage that...

Hmm, didn't Olympus say they'd give Percy a wish for stopping Chronos?

That's an idea, I can just go beat up some titans or something of equivalent to force literal Gods to give me a sex change.

Yes, that's the rational thing to do!

[Notice: +1 Intelligence For... planning I guess?]

See, even my system is on board!

[Notice: I want to be able to give negatives to take away from for Wisdom]

See, my system can't do anything to stop my decisions!

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14136815/1/

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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