26.74% Anime is an Outer God's Playground / Chapter 43: CH. 43: Impulses and Decisions

章節 43: CH. 43: Impulses and Decisions

[[ The Disastrous Walpurgis — Velzard POV ]]

H-How can I be so scared?? I'm a true dragon damn it! And yet, these three pathetic demons are making me feel very uncomfortable... Seeing how they the white-haired named Testarossa just effortlessly knocked Milim unconscious— It's too surreal !

Even Guy, who's sitting right next to me is starting to emit killing intent because of the three demoness's behaviors, Roy was killed by the purple-haired girl named Ultima.

Clayman is the next on the list. His arrogance cost him his life. The blondie Carrera shot him with multiple bullets using a... spectral kind of weapon ?

Doesn't matter. Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima have taken over this Walpurgis. Mizary and Rhein want to attack but Guy doesn't give the order, it'll be a certain death for them.

I want to defend my friends as well... I look at my hands— They're paralyzed. Maybe I should sacrifice myself this once and kill one or two permanently?... But Carrera's weapon... I can feel the power of her bullets.

It's not just a physical attack, but a spiritual invasion. If I get hit multiple times by that gun it's my soul that's gonna die, I doubt I'll be able to reincarnate after that... I think Clayman is dead for good now.

"We have official taken over this demon lord reunion. Anyone who protests against our existences as demon lords— Is to walk forward, so Carrera can blow his head off" Testarossa announces with an elegant smile that shows her long feminine demon canines.

Carrera walks up-front with a confident smile. She spins her dangerous revolver using her index then shoots three bullets to the roof.


Ramiris crouches on the table and holds her face in fear. Dagruel is sweating a little. Guy is waiting for a chance to strike and Luminous is in a confused state.

"Alright now who's ready to taste some fucking steel?" She asks, she looks at every figure for any reaction. No one dares to respond. She sighs then repels back.

"If that's all, then this Walpurgis is officially dismissed. Everyone may return to their rat holes until we find use for them." Testarossa says.

I wanted to protest but as she snapped her fingers they were all gone. My senses kick back in and I realize how foolish my action was going to be.

The atmosphere stops being so cold and solemn after the departure of those sadistic monsters embodying beautiful girls. I look beside me to see Guy, his eyes are dead. I bet he would kill himself if he could right now.

Ramiris starts crying. Dino puts both hands on his face and Dagruel has an air of hopelessness surrounding him.

"Wh-What was that all about?! GUY!! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY GOING TO LET THEM DO AS THEY WANT?!" It's Leon who shoots this. Guy does not respond.

Leon clicks his tongue in frustration, "This is useless. I'm leaving." He makes a portal and leave the discussion.

The silence continues for a few seconds until another figure stands out. This time it's Luminous.

"Everyone. For those who are unaware of, I'm the true Luminous Valentine, Roy was serving as a decoy to conceal my identity..." Luminous looks down at the deceased vampire.

A tear forms on her eye, "And now i realize... How my selfishness costed him his life. Maybe if I didn't hide myself, the situation would have being much different. Maybe if I used my Ultimate skill [Asmodeus] I could have—" Guy speaks with a rusty voice, interrupting her in the middle of her sentence.

"It would have being a free ticket to joining heavens I fear... I did not feel a drop of magical power coming from them... It's like they were reborn as divinities, I know that from my time spent with the Dragon God Veldanava" Everyone 's attention shifts towards Guy after his mentioning of Velda.

"A god does not leak any trace of aura, making the others unable to read him... This was the same case with those three... I couldn't 'sense' their skills and abilities, nothing to read, nothing to copy..." He ends.

Wow, the information Guy was throwing at us was very interesting. Everyone starts thinking of what Guy just said.

Luminous intervenes once again, "I-I can resurrect Roy given that I'm a progenitor or all vampires... But I'm not sure if it can work on mortals like Carrion... Clayman is out of the question."

"Please, try." Dagruel speaks.

And thus, Luminous resurrected Roy and brought back Carrion's soul using [Secret Art of Resurrection]. The fact that this Walpurgis hall was part of Guy's imaginary space prevented the Beast King:s soul from going anywhere, hence a successful resurrection. Though he was in a comatose state for now.

I look at everyone once again. Who knows what'll happen from now on? With these three dictators in the lead we may not be there for a future.


[[ Current Day ]]

We meet at last primordials. My best bet for mentally torturing you three is by stealing your partner. I jump at the beautiful white-haired boy and give him my first kiss. I try my best to make it unforgettable but he still dominates me despite my best efforts.

Wh—What's he doing?! His tongue is invading my entire mouth from all angles. I-I try pulling back but his kisses are to melt away. My hands stiffen and my expression become a blushing mess.

If I'm not careful, it'll be me who falls for him !

But we finally separate as we dodge Carrera's attack. I lick Akira's saliva from my mouth and anger them even more. Kufufu~ It's gonna be a fun experience.

"You'll regret that, lizard" Testarossa says in provocation.

I shrug that off, I move to the next level and invite Akira to my place in the Ice Palace. He abruptly accepts.

The three demoness summon colorful wings on their back while Akira's crimson wings emerge from his back and spread across the air. I don't know why but I find that very hot.

Finding such a handsome male dragon who's way more powerful than I— turns me on ; I keep feeling those impulses that push me to mate with him but I hold myself back, that kiss from earlier turned my mind upside down.

I summon my dragon wings and we set off. For three minutes we've being travelling now, I'd occasionally increase my speed to see if he keeps up.

Needless to say he does not break a sweat even when I'm at my speed limit, it makes me eager to see what he's like in be— i-i mean in a fight.

I can see the palace from above. We descend slowly at the ground then stop at the entrance. The door opens automatically because of my presence and here we are.

[[ Akira POV ]]

Before we enter, Ultima descended on the ground while lifting Esdeath. The Ice General was a bit embarrassed because she couldn't keep up with Ultima's speed so she just accompanied her in the air.

Velzard opens the gigantic icy portal leading to the frozen's continent's castle. Upon entry, the demons guarding the place notice Velzard's arrival ; They bow down to salute her but they also catch a glimpse of her guests.

Among those, three women each either white, yellow or purple. The demons get alarmed because they remember Guy's warnings about the other primordial demons.

The demons brave enough to face the extremely powerful women in front of them started attacking, some by casting spells, and other by using sharp claws or blades.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO OUR MASTER!!" One demon screamed, aiming for the nonchalant Testarossa that didn't even care about his presence.

Ultima then appears in front of the demon. He gets surprised by her sudden apparition. Nevertheless, he still continues to run at her... But as he tries swinging his weapon, he falls down on the cold ground— And the floor was... Closer than usual ?

"???" He tries looking around but as he turns his head, he sees his body, decapitated, in front of him. Rivers of blood dripping from the neck and his members twitching before it falls on the ground and starts fading.

Same thing with every other demon that attacked. All of them were butchered by Ultima and her long sharp claws that drip with demon blood, and that irritating smile of hers... That killer smile.

Esdeath is surprised by Ultima's assassination methods. Her speed and accuracy were spectacular.

The group continue their trip inside the ice castle, and it also meant more powerful enemies, they'd all get killed by the blood thirsty Ultima anyway. Also, Esdeath is fascinated by the frozen castle's architecture.

This wasn't something you'd see everyday. A perfect ice castle built in the outmost detail within a frozen domain was very intriguing, "This place of yours is very fascinating. I salute the architects and their ambitions" Esdeath compliments.

Velzard turns and makes eye contact with Esdeath while smiling, "Ara~ The architect is right in front of you~" Velzard smiles bitterly.

"Do you, perhaps, think they'd be generous enough to make me a replica of this historical monument?" Esdeath asks elegantly.

The two slightly chuckle. Testarossa is amused, Carrera does not understand what's funny and Ultima is trying her best to process the joke. Akira just shrugs this off.

"We're finally here. The throne room." Velzard says. We stop in front of a big portal leading to the main hall of this palace. On top of the big portals in a red banner that has Guy's symbol on it.

Akira does a simple hand gesture and the banner burns in a scorching fire.

The doors to the main hall open and it reveals two lines of powerful arch-demons in opposite sides to the royal carpet walk. At the end of the hall, is a big ice throne with the two last remaining primordial demons guarding it.

Mizary and Rhein both look at Velzard but immediately at the three primordials behind her, "I'm back! And I brought with me guests!~" Velzard shouts enthusiastically.

All the demons who saw the newcomers stood in a fighting stance, with Mizary and Rhein being no exceptions. The green-haired and blue-haired primordials in the costume of maids are waiting for a single movement to engage.


"Tch... Great, they're three primordials and we're hundreds of experienced demons..." Rhein comments.

Mizary agrees with Rhein, "ATTACK!!" Mizary yells, and immediately all demons launch towards the three primordials.

Testarossa stops Esdeath, "Don't bother yourself dear Esdeath. I'll personally dispose of them quickly"

Testarossa creates a very small crimson orb that floated on her index finger. It looked like a beautiful blooming rose, and likewise everyone thought.

But then, the rose shot out a single thin white string of light that pierced through everyone's torso. Semblable to a chain reaction, the string would travel at the speed of light and explode the demon's heart before moving on to the next.

In the next second. All the arch-demons exploded and a trail of crimson cherry blossoms flew in the environment instead of demonic blood. The cherry blossoms were supposed to represent the souls of these demons, all being dragged down back to Hell.

Testarossa liked her work to be beautiful and clean, philosophic if possible.

Mizary and Rhein are shocked by the outcome. In the mere second where everyone attacked, all the demons were killed simultaneously by unknown sorcellerie !

"I-IMPOSSIBLE!!" Mizary shouts in shock. The two almost trip back, but still manage to ask the ice dragon about this nonsense.

"L-Lady Velzard! D-Don't tell us you've joined the enemy's ranks?!" Rhein asks.

Velzard steps forward and replies, "They're not our enemies. I think we should give them a chance~" She says.

The blue and green primordials are shocked by her response.

"B-But what about the demon lords?! Didn't they kill your friends??" Rhein asks once again.

The three primordials look at Velzard, intrigued by her reaction, "Friends? Huhu~ A weird choice of words— Let me remind you that the prideful blood of dragon flows inside my veins. I simply cannot befriend people weaker than me, it'll hurt my principals."

The three are fascinated by her answer, they smirk and the two primordials start feeling despair, "What about protecting the world?? Wasn't that the wish of your fallen brother??"

Velzard takes a little bit of time before responding, "As long as it's us who control the world, it won't be endangered by anything—"

"—You cannot trust those people!! They're the devil incarnate!" Rhein interrupts.

Velzard's expression darkens, "I simply found better to do my life then training and sitting around for thousands of years. That is all." She says.

That was the last response. Rhein looks at Mizary in confusion, 'What should we do??' Rhein sends a telepathic message to Mizary.

'We stand up and fight for our world.' Mizary responds, stopping the telepathic call.

The two primordials disappear from everyone's sight. They reappear once again in front of Velzard and try slaying her in a coordinated attack.

But just as they were preparing the attack. They both get emprisonned in a small transparent force field. They are confused by this defensive technic, Velzard never used it !

But unexpectedly, it's Akira who steps forward. They understood that it's him, the mastermind behind all of this.


2'256 words

World exploring will go faster now, and there will be more action and fights.

Chapter 69 is out with a new ARC! Check it out on:


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