"Rhoda there would be a party tonight in James house. His younger sister would be turning 18 and would find her mate."I would like us to go" Rose said pleading with her eyes as she knew I was about to reject.
Parties are not my thing and I don't go to any. But since it's a birthday party, there's nothing wrong if I go.
I looked at Rose who was still giving me her puppy pout. "Fine I'll go" I surrendered and she grinned.
"Yaaaay!!!!" I can't wait to watch someone find her mate. I haven't seen mate collision before and I'm so happy I'll get to see one tonight" she giggled childishly making me roll my eyes.
"Common Rose there's nothing special about that. Stop making it feel like it's something different from what you felt during yours" I rolled my eyes and she grinned.
"Trust me Rhoda, it is something special when you turn 18, you would experience one of the amazing moment of your life with Luca" she grinned trickling me.