22.44% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 22: Beginning of the Alterations (R-18)

章節 22: Beginning of the Alterations (R-18)

"Hi" Regular Speech

'Hi' Thought

"(Hi)" Marcus's mechanically synthesised voice

[Hi] Quinella/Aurora talking


Latia's eyes slowly opened. By her estimation, it should be around daytime now.

Unless she slept through the whole day. But then again, this place is underground, telling time can be difficult.

Although, she shouldn't be worrying about time. Since her time of waking up is not decided by her anymore.

'I don't remember falling asleep on clouds…' Her eyes scanned the surroundings. It looked as if they were sleeping in the night sky itself. Everywhere she looked was an endless sky. Above the ceiling were seas of stars… 

'Even the bedrooms are packed full of holograms… Marcus is not holding back with anything. This kind of technology would completely and utterly change the current world. Most likely the Underworld as well. Our society is closely related to the current human one.' 

As Latia was thinking about the abundance of the holograms everywhere, she slowly felt Marcus waking up as she was partially sleeping on him. Behaving like a proper lover should.

Soon enough she felt his hand gently stroking her back.

"...how can you tell the time in this place?" She asked softly. The blonde realised that her mouth was quite dry as her voice was a bit dull.

The moment she asked that, one of the clouds transformed into a clock, showing the time.


~~~~~Smut right ahead! Skip to 'Kuoh' if you wish to skip the R18~~~~~

(A/N: Last one was to short. around 500 words... not enough! So decided to make another one!)

Her eyes widened as she realised, it was past afternoon already. This was the first time in her life that she overslept so much!

"It's only half past twelve…" Marcus yawned with a lazy tone. He started moving, the blonde devil quickly realised that he moved into a position to better hug her more. 

And… she felt his hard rod close to her special place.

'By the Satans, we fucked through most of the night and early morning… he still raring to go for more?' 

Latia knew somewhat because she remembered seeing the sun going up some time ago. Assuming it was some sort of direct sunlight mirroring…

"You're already raring to go for more?~~~" Latia asked with a slightly hot tone. She was positioned in a way that she could speak into his ear.

"...I got reminded that you are in my bed. So it was a natural reaction." He said while his rod started to sink into her folds. The beauty slightly moaned feeling that.

"I...see~~~ well then… I shall take care of it~~~" As she said that, the blonde moved, making Marcus lay on his back while she ended up on top of him.

The teen inventor could see the serious look the beauty had. Even though this was just what the people call a 'morning quickie'.

She was dead serious to satisfy him.

Before long she was moving on his pole in a slow, smooth motion. Latia was getting the hang of this with each movement of hers, which was very much satisfying to Marcus as the beauty was rapidly learning. He never knew that the devils could adapt so quickly. It was a very welcoming surprise.

Sure enough, she put both of her hands on his chest before raising her bum up and down while softly moaning, she made sure to look directly into his eyes while doing that.

A few moments later, she leaned forward more emphasising her large breasts up in Marcus' face, and sure enough, he started assaulting her nipples. She wasn't expecting that as a current of positive pleasure washed over her and she came hard around his pole.

The moment her movement stopped, Marcus used that as an oppournity to start hammering into her from below.

"Annhhh~~~ w-wait..." 

Before she could say anything more, she received her morning load and her body was once more, washed over with pleasure. The blonde almost passed out but she held onto herself. Instead, she wrapped her hands around his head and just rested there for a few minutes.

Eventually, she recovered somewhat and realised that… he was still hard…

She was about to return to her task of pleasuring him, but then remembered that this was the perfect chance to convince Marcus for something that she wants…

The blonde slightly changed her position. Nonetheless, she was still on top of him and they were still very much connected.

"Tomorrow...I will do some tasks for you, yes?~~~" Latia asked as she started moving her hips. Trying to focus on both thinking and sex… it was a very hard task…

"...Yeah… those companies… Aurora will set up some things… it will be easier for you…" Marcus said as he looked at her 'dancing' form.

"Wonderful… may...I… open more companies? Like... energy...and~~~ ohhh~~~ food?" Latia asked with glassy eyes. She nearly forgot what she wanted to say. Slowly her brain was only thinking about the cock moving in and out of her slippery cunt, but through sheer will, she remembers what she wanted to do.

"...Sure… since you want it…" Marcus grabbed both of her hips and started pumping into her from below. A loud smacking sound started to spread throughout the room.

Hearing the all-clear, she gives herself to the morning pleasure once more…


Serafall appeared in the living room of the Sitri Estate. She, with a huff, walked over and took a seat on a couch. She closed her eyes and started to think.

Some time has passed and her baby sister is finally here…


"So-tan. Sit." The Leviathan motioned for her baby sister to sit opposite to her.

The younger Sitri quickly ended up sitting. She was nervous as hell. She can't remember the last time she saw Serafall like this. The closest thing Sona could remember is, when she was acting all Leviathan to her and Rias…

But, it wasn't as bad as it is now…

"Marcus has been smitten by Latia Astaroth."


The younger black-haired beauty tried to process what she just heard.

How on Earth did Latia Astaroth end up meeting Marcus!?

"Honestly this was my idea to bring her into the fold, but the Astaroth's intellectual trait clicked far too well with him and combined with her upbringing, she fit like a glove to him," Serafall explained in a serious tone.

"So...um...what does this mean?" Sona is somewhat clueless about what to say. It was not like he is going to stop supporting them right?

"I do not wish to lose my spot in this!" Serafall exclaimed with a nearly insane crazed look.

Like hell! was a Satan going to lose to a mere 16-year-old devil girl! This is nuts!

"So...what does this...mean?" The younger Sitri asked cautiously, she didn't want her older sister to snap.

"We are going to double team him. Or you can kiss goodbye to your future support from him." Serafall said simply. Although she knew Sona could persuade him differently. He is always happy to accept more test subjects after all. But, it would ruin the older Sitri's chances to be his favourite! 

"...this… you think it can happen?" Sona asked with a nervous gulp.

"You might not lose anything and everything, but your chances of getting much more advanced items, gears, and knowledge will be extremely limited!

At the moment, you've only scraped the tip of the iceberg of what he could create for you!" Serafall said with an extremely serious tone.

"...So you want me to join you in this whole debauchery you are cooking up?" Sona asked with a tired sigh. there was a small blush on her cheeks.

"Not that you have a Fiance..." The Black-haired Satan said with an eye roll.

"I doubt I can escape from him after we cross that line. I am pretty sure I am signing away my future love life." The younger Sitri said that with another sigh.

While the older sibling instantly gained a dull look hearing that.

"Sona… do you even hear yourself? Future love life? You do realise that you are the Heiress of the Sitri family? Holding the rank of Prince in the Underworld? You are not some Human high school girl who thinks all day and night about boys, shoes and purses. 

The only reason you are not engaged to anyone is because you hide behind your ability in chess and me. Eventually, the council will get tired of one of the highest-ranking Pillar houses not doing what it is supposed to be doing." Serafall said with a tired sigh.

"...Are you telling me that they're going to force me to marry either way?" Sona asked with a slightly panicked look. She thought she got this covered with her chess skills!

"Sona… only if you have an exceptionally high power and an incredible record in Rating games, only then can you do whatever you want to do.

The Council only cares that the devil race continues to survive and produces powerful pureblood devils. They are not able to do anything if an exceptionally powerful devil opens a rating game school for everyone." Serafall explained with a casual shrug.

The younger Sitri eyes widened when she realised what this meant.

If she was very powerful then she can do whatever she wants! Her dream of opening a school can be easily achieved! She will be able to open schools like that all over the Underworld!

"You are right… I forgot the most fundamental part about our society…very well, I accept this… I will be part of your schemes…

Though, it's going to be difficult. Latia Astaroth… is the perfect model of a high-class Devil. This means that she is ambitious, cunning, and from the looks of it, she has already seduced him." Sona said with a thoughtful look. The younger Sitri, for a second, blushed imagining that Latia was most likely already sharing a bed with Marcus…

"Yes. All of it is true. The key point is that Latia is an intelligent person. Meaning that he is coming to her himself."

Sona nodded hearing that. Yes, the Astaroth clan is known for their intellectuals. Even that idiot Diodora has slightly above average acting ability and can pass off as an 'intellectual'. Not that it escaped her, she easily saw through it all…

"This only leaves the possibility of when Latia is not around him."

"Don't worry. All you need to do is be ready. I will do the rest."

Serafall got up from the couch, and moments later she disappeared and returned to her office.

Does the Satan Leviathan have any sort of feeling of guilt for manipulating her younger sister? Not at all. Especially when she manipulates her towards something which will make her more influential, and hopefully, away from the regular mundane human mindset. Those are only making her baby sister duller

~~~~~~Marcus Base~~~~~~

I looked at the beauty sitting opposite to me, enjoying our breakfast. Well, calling it breakfast is quite silly as it was already past 4 in the afternoon. It could be easily called dinner by this point.

Latia is quite the beauty, of which I tried to recall most of yesterday. Sadly I remembered nothing about her from whatever things I could recall from the books.

All I can say is that I am very much satisfied with her and that 'like' rating is going up in my books the more I talk with her, and of course, enjoy her silly seductions.

Silly for the simple reason that she will most likely end up getting fucked into sleepiness, which happened already.

"...I haven't seen any of your maids around. I thought that those two should be serving you as maids, no?" Latia asked me as she noticed my gaze.

"They don't work weekends. They choose that themselves." I said with a shrug.

"And you allow it?" The blonde asked with disbelief.

"It works the same everywhere else. If they work less they earn less. If there is a mess created somewhere over the weekend, they will need to work extra for the same amount of points." I explained to her how it worked.

"...I see. You indulge them in their desire to be lazy for those two days. But, they have to pay it back later." She explained how she saw it.

It's so fascinating listening to how she comes up with her correct answers. The blonde beauty of mine only missed her mark a few times.

Which was at the start, when I summoned her.

"In a way. Yes, I am making them work hard because they will be rewarded at the end of it." I explained to her as I took a sip of my morning tea.

"Right… you did tell me that they are getting paid by some sort of points and they are part of a system of sorts." She said, gaining a thoughtful look.

I was impressed, I only mentioned it of-handily and she remembered it!


"Honestly. It is difficult working here. The amount of… distractions… like the Entertainment Dome. It's no wonder they take two days off…" She said in an amused tone…

For a second I thought about it. And yes, it would seem that the girls became quite addicted to my stuff. It kind of annoys me. But, a larger part of me is satisfied that my stuff made them so addicted so quickly.

It shows that my things are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

"I suppose you are right. You can take them with you if you wish for assistants when you run the companies." 

One of her eyebrows went up for a second before she gained a thoughtful look, she took a sip from her morning coffee, it was extra strong. Because of the extra hard morning she'd just experienced. 

"Speaking of companies, you will allow me to open one for cheap energy, food, and medicine, yes?" She asked while fluttering her eyebrows at me.

"We agreed on energy and food. Nothing on medicine. My medical research is not complete yet." I answered with an amused smile. This vixen is amusing. I will have fun with her.

"I see. So, you do study medicine then?" She asked curiously while continuing to eat her extra protein full breakfast. The beauty wants to recover from her morning 'exercises'.

"Not medicine. Life and genetics in general." I casually explained as I finished off my sandwich.

"... And how much did you uncover? It's quite the broad spectrum of studies." Latia asked with an intrigued look.

" I have already fully decoded the DNA, found patterns on how to decode the genome even faster in new samples.

For example, I already know how to solve a lot of the human issues that come from inborn diseases and ageing problems. Like organ failures and other things. Tracing from that, I have also found how to heal other things like cancer, and other stuff. It's quite boring after you discover what makes things click.

I left the majority of the calculation to Aurora, I stopped bothering with it. Now however I am working on people's souls and Lifeforce." 

"Isn't that just what medicine does?" She asked after processing what I said.

"Nope. This is working directly with one's body. It can potentially hurt a lot. DNA alterations could kill a person if proper application is not introduced. While medicine is pellets, capsules or whatever else they use nowadays.

If you want me to open a company for this. We're gonna need to build facilities and whatever else there is. It's far more difficult than energy or food." I explained to her how big of a pain in the ass that is.

"I see… I am sorry for asking this." She properly apologised. Nonetheless, she had a look that says she won't be forgetting this.

Well, all she needs to do is properly persuade me and I might just waste some time on this issue.

"Don't mention it. For now, you have other things to do."

"Yes… how do you wish for me to proceed?" She asked seriously.

"Aurora will deal with the electronic side of things. You only need for the paperwork and manpower to be done." I explained simply.

"I can assume you will be dealing with the products and the rest for me? The shops and its management?" She asked with raised eyebrows. I can see she has been thinking about this.

"Indeed I will give you the products and you will be selling them. About energy and food. We will discuss that separately."

Her eyes widened for a bit as she blushed hard. I gave her a knowing smile. We will 'discuss' it properly…

"Yes… of course…" She said while her fingers played with her blue hair tips. I know that she does this whenever she is nervous.

"On manpower and shops, I don't care how you run it, Latia. Just know that my nation and it's takeover is a priority. I know that companies from overseas and other nations will want to take over or buy our companies off.

The profits don't matter, only the influence. By the end of this all, I want to be able to do whatever I want in the open without any worries."

Latia patiently listened to me. She had a satisfying look. It looks like the freedom she received is to her satisfaction.

"I see… so you don't mind who I will hire?" She asked after hearing all that.

"Nope. You can employ your whole extended family. It doesn't matter to me as long as they do what they are hired to do." 

"I understand. This task, I won't fail you. Your trust in me won't be wasted." She said in a very serious tone.

Honestly, she looks hot with that serious tone. Once again I have the urge to snog her…


After 'breakfast' we spend the rest of the day in each other's company. Honestly, it was very hard to keep my hands off her. 

Sadly Sunday was off and we had to return to a boring weekday schedule. Serafall took Latia away to start training in her office. If not for Ars Goetia I would be quite afraid for my dear blonde beauty. 

Since Serafall is quite annoyed and even pissed off with the blonde.

Thankfully, her jealousy is severely dulled off…

After that, I went to school, which gave me some time to think. Once the classes were done I returned to my mundane home and took a 10-minute ride on my new train to my workshop. Each time I use it, it only reinforces my idea to build tracks outside for the stretch from the space centre to the docks…


"Show me the genome upgrade progress," I told Aurora after getting comfortable in my posh chair.

[Certainly] Quinella appeared next to me as she took her position by my side.

She lifted her hand and above her hand, the DNA manifested.

The hologram next to it showed [97.64%] 

[Approximately 45 million simulations have been run. I used it in many, many, different scenarios. And even more exposure to your genome.] 

[By this point I have solved all the issues of the human part; hidden diseases which could manifest. And currently, I am simulating what could happen with those upgrades; possible positive side effects.]

I nodded at her, and with a hand swap, I made the image of the upgraded me appear next to my regular image. The outside changes are minimal. Slightly taller, sharper gaze, more developed muscles. Nothing too massive will be changed.

Except, Quinella thinks differently, she was looking at my future image with some drool. I can't believe she actually made her holographic form do that…

 "By this point, you are just doing a what-if scenario. Like an alternative history of Earth." I said with a sigh.

[Please. You know quite well that I can run those with two hands behind my back! Remember I did that. What if Darth Vader invades Earth simulation? You enjoyed it quite a bit!]

I massaged my temples for a bit after hearing her say that with such a straight face. Seeing a beauty like Quinella talking about my childhood delusion which now I can make into reality is quite embarrassing…

[I did love how you just stole that Imperial Star Destroyer. And tried to park it in your backyard… you should, however, have used my help to do the maths.] She said with a thoughtful look.

By this point, I just wanted to hide somewhere. That simulation was me doing whatever I wanted with the Empire's invasion force...

A simple maths revealed that the empire would only send a single Imperial Star Destroyer. Which I stole and tried to park. Well… it didn't end well. I didn't use any of my high tech gadgets. This simulation revealed how bad I was without them.

"Right… Can we drop this embarrassing moment?"

[But it was cute! Besides, it's thanks to that Sitri Bishop's idea of Darth Vader that you came up with the Entertainment Dome and Realitus technology. I am still quite shocked at how a simple mention can lead to a hyper-realistic Holographic technology.]

I rolled my eyes at her. But, yeah, Momo mentioned Darth Vader and I wanted to push my tech further. By that point, Aurora couldn't do what we can currently see in the Entertainment Dome. It didn't mess with perception. Thus a big amount of space was needed.

Realitus particle with Prism light technology. The two things which I've installed in the newest phones and pretty much everywhere in the span of a weekend. Allows for humans to experience reality warp. 

A simple room that is smaller than my original garage workshop can turn into a galaxy far far away. It's how Jeanne has been experiencing the ultimate self insert experience over her weekends without being removed from your reality by an omnipotent being.

"Yeah… show me Project Biological Assistant: Quinella." 

My question quickly shifted her and she, for a second, got nervous. Without saying anything, she opened a new window. Showing an image of herself and the complete percentage…


"I see… so we do need to get some more outside resources."

[I could… continue with the work… it's just that… those unknowns… they are annoying…]

I nodded at her. The window changed to show that, scientifically, I could easily make her biological body. But from the magical side of things, it will be nothing more than a flesh bot.

An organism machine, not an alive being. Not an alive superior being with access to my network.

Nope. It's not good enough…

"We need more data. A specific item is needed to shave millions of unnecessary calculations. Instead of using concept manifestation magic and blindly manifesting 'souls' and 'lifeforce' to study it, we are going to need the grail." 

Quinella quickly opened multiple tabs on 'Grail' cross-referencing it with what she found and the data that she has on the supernatural world.

Ending up with.

[Sephiroth Graal, one of top tier Longinus-Class Sacred Gears. The current possessor is unknown to me.] That moment her eyes widened and she looked at me 

[So you know! but you did not update my data!] She said with a pouty look.

"Yep. Start a new project for me. Name it Inventor's muscles."

[...You gotta be kidding me! It's lame!] She pouted once more more at me. But, a file with that name still appeared.

"Would you prefer bandits or Empire's finest? Or something in between." 

She eye-rolled at me.

[Just use Biological models. By this point, we are making what magicians call Homunculus. Except our's are purely science with some magical support.] She said with a sigh.

"Scientifically produced biological army? S.P.B.A forces? Sounds...serious? 

[You call anything with capital letters, serious. But it's much better than Inventor's muscles… ] She said while nodding at me. She changed the folder name into 'Scientifically Produced Biological Army'. I could add some more for seriousness sake. Like 'Armed Forces' instead of just 'army'…

Oh, well. Four letters are enough…

"Right then… let's return to designing. This will help when we will be creating your body." 

She nodded at me and opened the designer windows. Hard light holograms turned into drawing tools next to me. A full pallet of tools for drawing. It was time to design some biological chambers.

'Maybe some bacta tank-like thing for Latia? She will eventually remind me of Medicine… Hmm… let's see what I can do with it.' 


After a day of designing extended facilities for my biological wing. My base should expand by around 30% at the end of the week. I should also add some machinery for my S.P.B.A forces too.

'An aircraft carrier?' 

Yeah… I will need one to carry stuff as I go around the world collecting items - changing ownership of certain poorly protected items and things like that.

Eventually, I walked back to my quarters… my brain stopped for a second as I saw my bed being occupied by a pair of devils. Latia and Serafall were there.

"Long day? Thankfully you have your devil ladies to take care of you~~~" Serafall, quickly enough, walked behind me and pulled me into the bed. 

The blonde quickly joined after.

For a second, I smirked internally. I do wonder how they react when their plans end up in ruins?

As I wrapped my hands around the closest girl next to me and started snoozing…


Both Serafall and Latia looked at the sleeping form of their Master. Well, Latia tried to look from a different angle, she was the one who ended up as a hugging pillow to her Master.


"He does that when he feels like ruining our carefully crafted plans…" Serafall said with a sigh.

"Not the first time then?" Latia asked softly as she tried to position herself properly. By this point, she has this feeling that she will be spending quite a bit of time in this position.

"At least 4 times now." The black-haired Satan sighed as she too ended up close to her Master, preparing to sleep. Well, she wanted to drain him out for a bit and get a chance to mention about turning Sona into a Magical Girl…

Well, she can do it later…

"I see… then I need to rethink some of my ideas…" Latia said with a thoughtful look before snuggling herself into her Master's hair. Here she was wanting to enjoy his attention…

Turns out he likes messing with their plans…


It was the beginning of Summer and it was time for the genetic upgrades which Marcus was waiting for nearly half a year.

The first session out of at least 5…

The pillars and the maids were finally able to see the rumoured biological wing of the workshop.

None of them knew where it was. Or, how to get there. So they were quite shocked to realise that Marcus used one of the classic tricks, hiding 30% of the base behind a holographic wall.

One moment there was a wall, the next, it turned into a corridor… 

It was especially embarrassing for the devil ladies who forgot about such a commonly used trick… 

Still, after arriving at this wing they were slightly freaked out by how different it was. Marcus went the whole 'lab' play for this. Meaning white lab coat. Pressurised rooms, cleaning points. 

And by cleaning points, they were going through a barrier like field where magic will completely clean them off. So that no bacteria or any other things could get into… It was over the top. But, their Master is an over the top person.

While everyone was looking at the lab. The blonde bombshell devil girl, and the newest girlfriend of Marcus, was looking at the mysterious Head Maid which turns out to be the current Lucifer's Queen.

'No wonder she is barely around… I have been here for close to two months and this is the first time I am seeing her…' 

'But, how in Satan's name did Marcus bind an Extra Devil? They are not related…' That moment the Blonde realised that, he most likely used the concept of Lucifer himself. Thus binding the Servant houses of the Satan…

Then of course… the Bael Pillar… The current Lucifer's mother… Latia was quite a bit shaken seeing this woman here. Alongside Grayfia, Marcus had the means to cripple her whole race without even invading the Underworld. He could cripple Sirzechs quite a bit with just these two pieces. 

'Not that he needs much to end us in the first place…'

After taking a deep breath the blonde beauty looked at nervous-looking Quinella.

It is quite impressive how nervous the Artificial Intelligence was, even though said A.I was the one who did all the work, so it should actually be the most confident of them all.

"How dangerous is this? Genetic manipulation is something no race dares to touch. Just like how the United Nations got a law passed, so did the supernatural world. Even if someone did run experiments on this, it's a heavily guarded secret." Velenala said to the group, next to her Grayfia nodded. The silver-haired maid is quite nervous for her Master.

[There is less than 0.00000001% chance of anything bad happening. That percentage is akin to an alien invasion happening in the next 5 minutes. I spent close to 5.5 million simulations. From what my Master had eaten yesterday to what he could have eaten. Countless possible what-If…]

Venelana just got reminded that she was dealing with a fanatic of her Master. The most perfect artificial intelligence to have run things… and the scariest of them all.

[The process will be seamless. My Master doesn't like it when a test subject has to go through pain. It's a sign of failure as an Inventor. So, I developed a method, a chamber where specially prepared gases will flow through]

As Quinella said that everyone looked at the chamber in front of them. Venelana and Grayfia though, would look at this Holographic woman with some disbelief. They have not been here for a few months and Marcus is already working on creating life? Building space stations, taking over the nation? Why was everything happening so fast!?

The tamest of the group was the pair of Maids who were properly living with Marcus; they knew it would be okay. As they know the full capacity of Aurora. Still though, quite a bit of nervousness was still there.

The chemical chamber was nothing like anyone thought it to be. They expected a full metal like room with extremely thick doors. But it was nothing more than a glass room. They can see everything that is happening inside.

"Well, I am ready. Begin." Marcus said via comms. 

Quinella nodded at him as the room started to get flooded by blue gases… then green… followed by red…

It was a weird kind of show…  everyone carefully watched their Master vital signs… while the devils tapped on the connection they have with their Master. It's the best kind of way to know that he was alive and well…

In the end, the session was boring… something akin to a medical check-up…

Quinella sighed in relief… seeing that it was over and the changes were there…She then turned around and looked at Latia and Serafall.

"You two… I am watching you. No strenuous activities when these sessions are in place." The Artificial Intelligence motioned with her fingers that she was watching.

The blonde and the black-haired devils slowly nodded with a sweaty forehead… there goes all their plans…


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

Chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.

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