Kairos closed his eyes. Or at the very least he thought he was closing his eyes with how dark everything was. And when he did eventually feel like he was opening them...
He was greeted with his room.
Or perhaps more accurately, his mental space. Azami was just idly petting the wolf, which was also noticeably bigger. Now, it looked almost the same as the new transformation that Kairos had unlocked, just much smaller in scale.
Not much seemed to happen, prompting Kairos to speak up.
"Hey, apparently there's supposed to be a mental attack on me right now or something like that."
Azami turned to look at him strangely.
"Is it? Well, at least it doesn't involve me. Good luck."
Kairos' eyelid twitched, but he didn't say anything in the end. However, before he could rebut, he suddenly lost his footing amid the sounds of a loud crash. The room itself didn't change, but Kairos found himself seemingly falling.
What? That's it? At least give me a Cliff bar to go with it!