40% The Second Coming of Gluttony, the First of Vainglory / Chapter 54: Administrative Work

章節 54: Administrative Work

After Bok Jungsik apologized, I left the White Rose headquarters with Maldong.

As we entered the carriage back, he looked to me and said, "You did well."

"Did I?" I glanced at him and said, "I thought you'd scold me for being 'uncompromising' and refusing to go on the expedition."

"That's your prerogative as the leader. I might have my own thoughts about the situation, but I won't go against your choice. Still..." He muttered. "You're sure about not making a difference if you go?"

"...I said it, didn't I?" I gazed in the distance, looking back towards the White Rose headquarters.

As if responding to my thoughts, the other buildings vanished, revealing only the White Rose building. And that building was completely wreathed in dark smoke. A Fated Demise.

"My 'eyes' haven't failed me." I tapped my temple and said, "And that place... When they mentioned it, I saw death."


I nodded. "I confirmed it once with the gods. What I can see... unless some divine intervention occurs, the result is absolute."

Maldong frowned. "And you saw this in them?"


Maldong's frown deepened. "...You understand that if this were anyone else, I would call you a fool."

"But I'm not anyone else."

Maldong let out a frustrated sigh. "If only that girl would be less unyielding..."

I blinked. "Unyielding... Is that what you meant when you said we were similar?"

"Mm." Maldong nodded. "Sora is... She's skilled and has great talent, but her personality is a bit..." He paused and said, "If she was a bit more like you, it would be better. At least you think more with your head and can set things aside. But her..." Maldong sighed. "Sora divides people into friend or foe. Black and white. And the moment she does, she refuses to go back on it."

"Hm..." I stared back at Scheherazade's shrinking form and I muttered, "She didn't seem that bad though."

Maldong snorted. "Don't get swept up by her beauty, Kid. That girl might look like a rose, but she's all thorns."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not talking about that, Coach. And I know even if you don't tell me. Still..." I frowned, rubbing my chin. "It's weird... She seems familiar for some reason."

Did I see her before? No, was she another person that Seol met? My memories of what was coming up ahead was growing faint, so I couldn't remember if she was. Even so, I didn't feel like I knew her from that. Instead, I was sure that I had seen her somewhere else...

"Well, whatever the case, it's better to not get involved now." Maldong sighed. "That girl goes all out against people who don't go her way, so unless you want to get wrapped up in trouble-" He paused. "Though if it's you, it should be fine...? No, even then, it'd be too much." He shook his head and pulled down his fedora. "Just get some rest, Kid. We've got a long way back and a lot to do."


I was still lost in thought when we arrived back at headquarters.

Maldong left, saying something about making other arrangements to find new members.

While he did that, I headed to my room, lost in thought. Opening the door, I started walking towards my bed to lay down and think. But when I did, I noticed someone was already there.

A beautiful young woman with silver hair, idly reading a book. She looked up at me with her clear blue eyes when I entered and smiled. "Back already, Jihu?"

I closed the door behind me and said, "You know, it's a bit rude to be in another person's room without their permission."

Flone shrugged. "But you don't mind, do you, Jihu?"


"More importantly," she said. "You seemed lost in thought. Did something happen?"

I sighed and explained the expedition request as well as the situation around Phi Sora. Mostly how she seemed familiar and I was hesitant about just leaving her to her fate.

"...So that lady is going to die if she goes?"

I nodded. "She is, without a doubt. And I'm sure that the others going along with her will as well. That place... The Emperor's Villa. It's a place that won't let any living person leave."

"Emperor's Villa... Ah!" Flone smacked her fist in her hand and said, "That's the Sacrificium, right?"

I blinked. "Sacrificium?"

"Yes. Remember what I told you about with my grandpa and the Emperor? That's the place where the Emperor called him." She picked up the book and said, "I didn't remember the details, so I wanted to confirm it. And now I'm sure."

"I see... Then I'm guessing you want to go check for signs of your grandfather?"

Flone nodded. "I know it's been a while, but... if there's even a chance for some clues, and maybe even the slim chance that his spirit is still lingering..."

"You want to find it."

Flone fiddled with her necklace and said, "Is it too much to ask?"

"Mm... I wouldn't say it's too much to ask but... Hm." I stared at Flone, thinking.

It didn't feel right to just leave Sora hanging like that while I still didn't know how we met beforehand... And even if she was being stubborn, it left a bad taste in my mouth to let someone I know who hadn't done me any wrong to die when I could save them.

I couldn't involve myself with the expedition... but if Flone wanted to go there anyway...

She stared back, but seeing my intense gaze flushed. "W-What is it?"

"Flone. You can still turn into a spirit, right?"

"Yep. But why are you asking?"

"If another spirit popped up, would they affect you?"

"They shouldn't." Flone spun and said, "While I might be alive right now, I'm also 'dead', you know? If anything happens, I can just turn back to a vengeful spirit."

"And are there any side effects? Have you tried it out?"

"Nope, and yep! I actually used it to go look around the city while you were gone." She laughed. "It's pretty funny to see what people do when they think no one's looking."

Disturbing implications aside, that was good. "Hm... If that's the case it should be fine, actually."

"We can go?!"

I nodded. "I was worried about you being in trouble, but if it's like that, there shouldn't be any problems. But I want to check a few things first."

"No problem!" Flone jumped and said, "Let me know when you want to go!" With that, she rushed off in a hurry, running back to her room.

When she did, I left to make some preparations.

If I did this... I'd have to make sure to handle the fallout. And the person to handle this sort of situation...

I wrote a quick note on my door saying that I was heading back to Earth for a bit and then warped away.


The first thing I did when I got back was call Jinhee and tell her I was fine. After that, I called my trusty partner and arranged to meet for a late breakfast at the café we met before.

"An expedition to an Imperial Villa, huh?" Hannah stirred her coffee and frowned. "And the White Rose organization's behind it?"

"Yes. Something's off though, and I wanted your help. If I save Phi Sora's life, could you handle the fallout to prevent her being a scapegoat?"

"Heh. Collecting beauties again?" Kim Hannah leaned on the table and said, "You aren't satisfied with the Princess, Daughter of Luxuria and your other two?"

"It's not like that." I shook my head and said, "I just can't help but feel like I've met her before... and I'm not one to go against that sort of karma. Besides, if I do help her, I think she'll be a great asset if she decides to join Carpe Diem."

"Mm... Putting your weird tastes aside." Hannah leaned back and said, "That's true. Phi Sora is a High Ranker personally raised by Jang Maldong that pioneered her own realm. It'd be a waste for someone like that to disappear."


"But even if you did help her, is it worth it?" Hannah narrowed her eyes. "You know, since the Banquet there have been a lot more eyes on you. Both here and in that place. I've been blocking the more overt attempts, but at this rate it won't be long until even I can't handle them."

I shook my head. "Even if it's not worth it, it's something I have to do. And besides... Who cares how many people are observing me?" I smirked and said, "I'm already a High Ranker, you know?"

Hannah blinked. "You? A High Ranker?"

"Not only that, but a 'real' one with his own personal enlightenment." I grinned and said, "It's almost time for me to bring you over, you know?"

"Mm..." Hannah leaned on the table and let out a sly smile. "What if I don't want to? My desk job at Sinyoung is pretty cozy, you know?"

"It might be, but isn't it tiresome having knives pointed at you all the time?"

"What, and you're saying that you can block them?"

I opened my mouth to say yes, but then thought about the situation with Roe Scheherazade and Yun Seohui. If I did something overt right now, some fish would slip through my net, so... "Well, not quite yet. But soon."

"Heh." Hannah shook her head. "Well, when you do... Or if I end up losing my place, I'll be counting on you, Partner Jihu."

"Of course."

"As for the fall out... I suppose I can pull a few strings. But you should be on your guard, alright?" She frowned and swirled around her coffee. "That person won't sit idly for much longer."

So Yun Seohui's starting to make her moves too, huh? In that case, I'd need to chat with Seora in the future soon to make the final plans...

I nodded. "Thanks for the heads up... Ah. And I almost forgot. Could you hold out your left hand?"

"Huh?" Hannah blinked, but did as I asked. "Sure...? But what-"

Without letting her escape, I quickly grabbed her hand so that she couldn't pull it back and then slipped a ring on her left ring finger.

"You-!" Hannah's eyes widened and she jerked her hand back. "What are you doing!?" At the same time, she turned a bright red.

I shook my head. "It's not what you think." I pointed at the ring and held up my left hand. "The left ring finger is directly connected to the heart. Since you can't use the same powers here as in 'that place', it's a bit of insurance. As long as you're wearing that, you'll recover from most non-lethal wounds in a few hours and completely block lethal wounds."

It was something I had been concerned about... No, something that came to mind after I decided on this.

Hannah was going to be the one blocking all the daggers headed towards me, and she had to stick her neck out for this event. Since we met, she'd already been doing a lot on my behalf... and now that I was so 'big' there were going to be people trying to pull me away from her.

By force if necessary.

So to prevent that, I had to make countermeasures. And the best one I could find that could work here on Earth without being too conspicuous... Well, it was awkward, but I'd rather be awkward and have her safe.

Hannah blinked. "That's... reasonable. But did it really have to be a ring? And on my left ring finger at that?!"

I nodded. "That's the only way that I can be certain you'll be safe. And besides, weren't your parents bugging you about being married? You can always say that you got engaged with that ring and shrug it off like that."

"...Pft." Hannah shook her head. "You know, I said this before, but women will get the wrong idea if you act like this all the time, you shameless flirt."

"As long as you're safe, I don't really care?"

"...Dense bastard." Hannah muttered.


"Nothing." She stood up and drank the rest of her coffee. "Don't stick around here too long. Call up your family and handle your business quick before heading back."

"Take care."


After heading back to Paradise, I decided to head to the workshop and work on Plans B-Z just in case things went sideways. But when I popped back into my room, there was a woman waiting there for me.

Except it wasn't Flone.

"Teresa?" I blinked and called out her name.

"Ah, great! I got the timing right!" She smiled and ran over, grabbing my hand. "How've you been, Darling?"

"Fine...? But what are you doing here?"

She smiled and said, "I wanted to talk with you about something, but Master Maldong and Flonnie said you stepped out for a bit. So, I came over here to wait!" She paused. "Though I didn't expect you to just warp in here... Do you do that often?"

"...That's a secret."

Teresa huffed. "Fine. Keep your secrets... I'll just get it from Flonnie later."

I sighed.

Of course. No secret of mine is too sacred when it comes to girl talk, huh...?

"Anyway!" Teresa looked at me and said, "Now I know that money isn't a real concern of yours, but what do you think about an expedition to get ancient treasure?"

"Ancient treasure?" I frowned.

"That's right! We're not the ones who came up with this plan, but an interesting proposition was made to us a few days ago..."

An instant flash of darkness erupted around Teresa.

I resisted the urge to flinch and instead put on a smile. "Hold on a sec. Why don't we take some time and relax? We haven't talked with each other for a while, right? Make yourself comfortable while I get some tea."

Teresa's eyes lit up and she blushed. "W-Well..." She looked at me and said, "If Hubby says so..."

...And now I definitely needed that tea to get rid of this headache.

I sighed and then walked into the corner of the room, rummaging around for some cups and teabags I made earlier. Afterwards, I conjured some water into a tea kettle and set it over a flame to boil.

Why didn't I just make the tea directly, you ask?

Because I was stalling to gather my thoughts, and because making tea was stress relieving. And considering that I got a headache dealing with Teresa's loveydovey affection every time, I rather appreciated the distraction.

But sadly, that soon came to an end.

I poured a cup of tea out and handed it to Teresa.

She smiled and took it from me. "Thanks, my love!"

I let out a wry smile and poured a cup for myself. "Trying out different greetings now?"

"A princess has to entertain herself somehow, right?"

"I guess, but..." My wry smile dimmed as I read the flurry of embarrassing aliases that were added to my status and sighed. "In any case, this expedition?"

"Right!" Teresa explained the gist of the plans. Plans that sounded suspiciously similar to one that I heard just the other day from White Rose.

And plans that made me frown the more I heard them.

Seeing that, Teresa stopped. "Is something wrong? Did I misspeak?"

"No. But... Did White Rose make this proposition?"

Teresa's eyes widened. "You already knew?"

"Did you accept? No, did they tell you to ask us?"

She shook her head. "No. White Rose made the proposition to collaborate and then asked to introduce them to a good team if we knew one... Is it no good?"

"Absolutely no good. Everyone that goes there below level six will die without a doubt." I paused, remembering Teresa's status after our last meeting and said, "Well, I guess you might be fine. But everyone else would absolutely die. The place isn't one that any random team can go in and walk out."

Teresa's expression turned serious and she placed her hand on her chin, seriously contemplating it.

I blinked and said, "Aren't you supposed to ask, 'How do you know that?'"

Teresa shook her head. "If hubby says that, then who am I to question it? But if that's the case... Eh... It's fine. We didn't give them a solid answer anyway."

"That's a relief." I let out a relaxed smile as the dark shadows surrounding Teresa faded away.

Teresa smiled. "But enough of that. I heard you became the new leader of Carpe Diem?"

"Yes. It's been... an experience."


The days sped by.

While Flone wanted to head out right away, there were a few things I had to put in order before we left.

Like make an alibi. After all, if things went wrong, there was clear evidence of me going to meet with White Rose. In order to not get wrapped up with them, I had to make sure things were laid down properly.

Fortunately... though I hated to refer to it as that, since Dylan's death was so sudden, there was an incomplete transition of duties and responsibilities that I had to take care of.

While Ian and Maldong helped, I still had a lot of legwork to do. Especially since I was a High Ranker now and most people wouldn't believe that from just messaging. As a result, my most recent duties consisted of meeting with the organizations Carpe Diem originally had a good relationship with.

And today was no different.

At the Sicilia family's office, I stood while facing a familiar woman with a scar across her face and wearing a coat.

She held a cigarette to her lips, taking a long puff from it, and then exhaled. Afterwards, she looked at me with her blood-colored eyes and said, "How intriguing. It feels like just yesterday that I saw you in the Neutral Zone, and suddenly you're a big shot High Ranker. I already knew you were something else back then, but to grow so quickly... You must be pretty happy about this, aren't you, Agnes?" Cinzia turned to address the blonde maid standing behind her.

Claire only gave a silent nod in return.

I shook my head and said, "I haven't done much yet. Compared to you, there's still a long way to go."

Cinzia laughed. "Well, well. Looks like you haven't gotten ahead of yourself. Always knew there was something I liked about you, kid. You're a genius, but you sure as hell don't act like those bastards do."

I nodded. "It's good to not make enemies when you don't have to, after all. Besides, I never liked placing too much pride in my abilities..." I frowned, remembering the past and muttered, "After all, it never seems to be enough."

"Mm." Cinzia gave an approving nod and said, "That's a good mindset. Don't forget that, kid. Now onto the business talk." She stared at me and said, "I heard Carpe Diem's new leader shared friendship with the Triads."

I nodded. "I do. Will that be a problem?"

"Heh. Pretty courageous to admit it straight up like that. But I appreciate the directness." Cinzia tapped her cigarette on a nearby ashtray and said, "And it's not a problem. We had a meeting with the Triads a few days ago and Hao Win personally came to visit us."

"Hao did?"

Cinzia chuckled. "'Hao', huh? Guess those rumors about you two being close aren't just rumors."

I nodded. "Yeah... Hao's... Something. But he's a good bro."

Better than Hugo at least. Not that I'd ever say that out loud. Wouldn't want to make the big warrior cry.

Cinzia shook her head. "Well your 'Bro' sure knew how to talk. Forgetting the past and deciding to see the future... At first, I couldn't believe my ears. It's one thing for the people who thrived on pride to personally visit an enemy, but to say something so groveling..." She shrugged and pulled out a cigar from her coat and held it out to the side.

Claire leaned forward and lit it with a practiced motion.

After that, Cinzia brought it to her mouth and took a puff. That done, she said, "In a way, we're looking forward to it. Choosing to reconcile must have been a big decision. I guess that the internal conflict they've been suffering from for years is gone too... But we'll have to wait and see." She took another puff and then shrugged. "Either way, if they really meant what they said, their method of making a profit shouldn't conflict with ours. If they don't go against us, Sicilia won't go against them. Understand all that?"

I nodded. "That's reasonable."

"Good. I like smart guys like you."

"Thank you for the compliment, Lady Cinzia."

"Heh. 'Lady' Cinzia... You really know how to lay it on, don't you?"


"...No. It's not flattery, so is it natural?" Cinzia muttered a bit and then shook her head. "Whatever." She leaned forward and said, "More importantly, I have a question for a guy like you. A very important one."

"Alright." I nodded and said, "Shoot."

Cinzia let out a satisfied smile and said, "Who do you like more?"

I blinked. "Pardon?"

"Like I said, do you like your bro 'Hao' or..." She glanced at the maid next to her and said, "Do you like Agnes?"

I blinked. "Isn't that obvious? It's Claire."

"Hoh!" Cinzia turned to Agnes and grinned. "See? I told you that's what he would say."

Claire blushed, averting her gaze.

Cinzia let out roaring laughter. "It's rare to see the Evil-Slaying Tarantula acting so coy. Are you sure you aren't sick, Agnes?"

I paused, suddenly realizing something. "I don't mean to be rude, Lady Cinzia-"

She waved her hand and said, "Cinzia's fine, Kid. I'm not picky with that sort of thing."

"Cinzia then." I glanced at Claire and said, "You keep calling Claire 'Agnes'. I thought it was just habit but... could it be that her first name is actually Agnes and her family name is Claire?"

Claire coughed, turning a deep red that spread down her neck.

Cinzia's eyes widened and then she slapped her desk. "Bwahahaha! Agnes! Don't tell me you let the kid think that your first name was Claire?! I didn't think you were that girly!"

Claire glared at Cinzia and then turned to look at me. Or she started to. As soon as she met my eyes, she averted her gaze and said, "Yes. Agnes is my first name. However, I don't mind if you call me Claire." She said that, but her voice trailed off at the end.

Cinzia guffawed.

Seeing Claire's... Agnes's? Reaction, I nodded and said, "Alright. Claire suits you better any way. Agnes is too stiff for a woman as pure and beautiful like you."


Cinzia stared at me with shocked eyes. "A-Agnes? Pure? Beautiful?"

"Boss." Claire cracked her neck and said, "It's been a while. Shall we spar?"

Cinzia chuckled and shook her head. "Alright, alright. I'll stop here. For making me have a good laugh, I'll leave you with a present." She brushed tears out of her eyes and then said, "Are you contracted with any information agency?"

I shook my head. "Not right now. I was thinking of setting one up or hunting one down, but-"

"Perfect." She opened her desk drawer and tossed something towards me, just like back in the Neutral Zone.

I grabbed it and glanced at the object.

A hexagonal badge with the letter 'S' on it.

"Your insignia?"

Cinzia nodded. "There's a shabby store in the southwest alley. If you show that to them, you should be able to meet the Indian Assassins. The one in Haramark is just a branch, but they should be good enough... At least, they won't try to pull anything funny with information."

I tucked the insignia away into my pocket and said, "Thank you, Lady- Ah, Cinzia."

"Heh." Cinzia shook her head. "And a last word of advice from this older sister... Keep a handle on that sword of yours. You might get wrapped up in more trouble than you can handle if you don't."

"My... sword?" Did she realize what it did? I guess someone as strong as Cinzia would be able to, but...

"Meh. Looks like it doesn't matter..." She waved me off and said, "Say hello to the old man and Ian for us. Ah, and tell him Agnes will return the visit soon."

"...Sure." I didn't quite know what she meant, but it was the least I could do.

With that, I waved and headed over to visit that shop she mentioned.


After Jihu left, Cinzia glanced at Agnes and grinned. "You really know how to play coy, don't you?"

Agnes was quiet, though her eyes narrowed. "I would politely ask you to refrain from meddling with my personal affairs, Boss."

"Heh." Cinzia shook her head. "Can't I worry about my precious daughter? She's involved with a scoundrel of a man and isn't even mad about it."

Agnes flushed, idly playing with the ring on her left ring finger.

Cinzia stared at the door and said, "To be honest, it's not a bad match. Even if you're not the 'first', a person that good is someone to cling onto. Not only that, but to even find the vicious woman like yourself 'pure' and 'beautiful'... It'll be hard to find another guy like that who isn't messed up in the head, you know?"

"...Would you like some tea, Boss?"

"Feh. And risk getting wiped out here and now? I'll pass." Cinzia grinned... and then she became serious. "But Agnes. You know as well, right? Hanging around a guy like that... He isn't the type to compromise. Instead, he's the one who will force others to follow his pace. He might go along if it doesn't bother him, but when push comes to shove, he isn't one who'll think twice about cutting things off. Even if it means that everyone is hurt in the process." She tapped her desk and said, "Are you certain?"

Agnes quietly fiddle with her ring, thinking. And then she nodded, her blue eyes filled with resolve. "I am."

Cinzia sighed and crushed her cigar in her ashtray. "...Well, I suppose I should start getting your dowry ready."


Cinzia laughed.


I sat down in my room and flipped through the parcel of information I got after making contact with the Indian Assassins.

Most of it was baseless speculation, like Yuhui moving to Haramark to quench her insatiable sexual desires day and night.

...Well, that wasn't completely baseless. If not for the fact that Yuhui herself was extremely cautious up to now and that I created a divine influence nullifier on her, it definitely would have been an issue.

As for the next piece of information, it was about Marcel Ghionea searching for the benefactor who saved him.


The words were written in gold, meaning that I had a karmic bond with the guy.

I paused, thinking, and then snapped my fingers. "Right... He must have been in that group."

I didn't know anything about the Tarneras monsters or whatever the report said that captured him, but the place seemed to be around where I had gone training with Flone after getting back from the Banquet. He was probably in that group of people I saved.

In that case, he was bound to show up sooner or later. I didn't really make a point to hide my face and Flone was pretty distinctive... Just asking around a bit would be enough to figure out it was me. "That solves the Archer issue then..."

I couldn't explain it to Maldong or anyone else right now, but that was definitely one problem solved.

Flipping the paper, I read the next piece of news and then froze.

Seeing the shimmering blue name that was swiftly being dyed black, I muttered, "Dammit. Looks like I really have to head out to save her, huh?"

As I thought, it had been a trap. Another organization popped out of the woodwork and claimed White Rose stole the information about the ruins from them.

Bok Jungsik said that it was a false accusation and then stated that while he had been making preparations, he cancelled the plan due to failing to find a group to work with.

And that Phi Sora arbitrarily decided to go on the expedition herself.

...And judging from how her name was emitting azure light that was quickly being dyed black, I had a choice to make. No, my time to make that choice was running out.

As I thought about that fact, a vision popped into my head.

Sora hanging from a noose with an eerie smile on her face.

Sora again, surviving from her suicide attempt, but eyes completely black and wreathed with resentment... No, instead of surviving, she had changed. She died, but forced herself to remain, turning into a vengeful spirit like Flone had been.

Sora, letting out a bright smile and laughing at me in a blurred background, idly twirling her crimson hair.

Three split destinies. Three branches that could occur... Depending on my degree of action.

I sighed and stood up, heading to get Flone.


Another private excursion. Under the context of getting some fresh air, I made a show of heading back towards the mountains with Flone at my side.

After making sure we weren't being observed though, I concealed our presences with Energy Domination and then turned to Flone.

From the report, it seemed that Sora and her team left the port of Nur on a ship.

That meant that it was somewhere around that area that we had to look.

Flone said she would recognize the area of the Sacrificium if she looked around, so that wasn't a problem. No, what was at issue was...

"Not much time, huh?"

I glanced at Sora's name again on the report and frowned.

The name was swiftly turning black. Although it had been slow at first, now it seemed like only a few hours were left before it turned black completely. At that time, it would mean that there was no way to change it. That the first 'Destiny' I saw would come to pass and the others would be cut off.


"Are you ready, Flone?"

She nodded. "Ready!"

"Then let's go."

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